
The Cross Chronicles

Cross returns back in time to save his family! His dao heart full of regrets and he strive to make it up to them. "Age is just a number, It is my sword that rules the cosmos!" "You destroy, I create!" "If you got the skill make it flourish, if you got an opportunity. what have you done about it?"

SunnySunUp · Urbano
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20 Chs

Chapter 18 Mother Salute

Ray was still astonished and happy as Terrence's body accepted the mana. Like a hungry pit, his son's body was so deep that he did not trace any of his injected mana!

He did went to evangeline who was four years old and playes with her as well. It was almost Ten in the morning and he can sense that his wife is clearly agitatid. Might be the money he said to himself.

So with the two kids with him, he took out almost Twenty thousand of cold cash and brought them to his wife!

"Hey where did this come from? and what were you doing all night?" Teresa asked.

"just like I told you,I came to visit jack and he paid me with interest!" Ray said proudly.

Teresa looked at ray with suspicion. " You know if these came from other things I wouldn't accept this. Are you sure this money is clean?"

"As clean as it can get, it came from jack ans I have great news!" Ray said excitingly.

"What news?"

"Jack has his business so big because of my ideas in the past, so he kinda used all of my advices before, he's so rich right nkw that he plans to make me as his manager!"

"Manager?" Teresa then arched her eyebrow and was suspicous from the start.

"Ahem." Ray thought this foolish lie would not go unnoticed by his wife, This wife of his knows me inside and out! "Yes not the manager-manager but at least a supervisor role, he intends for me to relocate in one of his houses and even insisted that I take all of you in!"

"Daddy is it true?!" Evangeline asked excitingly!

Terrence also giggled and laughed as if he understood the news his father delivered.

"Of course, from now on who will not have to eat any potatoes or instant noodles! Every day would be different!" Ray said gently to his two youngest kids.

Gabriel and gwyneth had just returned from playing outdoors when they heard the news! Gabriel felt lonely as he bade goodbye to his playmates while gwyneth was busy preparing her clothes and back pack.

Ray then took his wife and the four little kids to the local mall and bought 2 huge roasted chicken and also bought 3 kilos of the most fragrant rice! He also made sure to buy his wife a lovely pair of shoes and sandals, he persisted to buy more but his wifie would'nt allow him to.

"I dont need these kinds of things ray, I just need you and our family together." Teresa said as she held ray's hand.

Ray was carrying terrence on his right arm and holding teresa by the left. "Right,I promise you , we will be together forever "

"D-daddy will you buy me a new colorpen and p-paper?" Evangeline asked shyly while she peeked from her mother's side.

Terrence didn't seem to mind as he stayed cuddled to his father's arms.

"Anything you say my little one." Ray approached his little daughter and gently pinched her cheeks.

"Dad I want eat now, lets go home and eat already!" Gabriel shouted while gwyneth also added "Yes It'll be the first time since we have a dinner like this!"

"Slow down kids,first we need to ensure that we dress properly. Our lovely mom will pick for us." Ray said.

"You kids behave yourselves, we don't want people meddling with us." Teresa scolded the kids.

"Just let them be, it's been a long time since we got out." Ray answered lazily.

"Okay then you hold the kids!" Teresa said with anger then she left Ray to go towards the chidren section.

Ray just scratched his head while smiling as the kids stood by. "Well I guess that we should follow commander teresa hehehe." Ray jokingly saluted.

"Aye aye sir!" The three kids mimicked their father and saluted as they followed their mother.