
The Crimson Light Serenade

Elias perched proudly atop his prized Griffin, a magnificent creature he'd personally tamed.  Behind him, hundreds of loyal knights mounted on mighty Griffins soared through the sky, their unwavering loyalty a testament to their devotion to king and country. Below, stretching out like a sea of steel, the Faelorian Royal Army stood in perfect formation.  Their thunderous roars echoed across the plains, a sound that sent shivers down any spine. Elias guided his loyal Griffin to the forefront, then gracefully dismounted and landed amidst the bustling soldiers. A tense silence descended. Elias and his troops fixed their gazes on the distant horizon, towards the sloping expanse of hills beyond. Dust clouds swirled in the valley and grasslands below, accompanied by a low, ominous rumble and the chilling echo of monstrous roars. Emerging from behind the hills, the enemy revealed itself in stages. Led by a contingent of Death Knights, clad in heavy armor and wielding wicked swords and shields. The enemy force seemed endless. From the distant mountains beyond, new waves of ghastly creatures poured forth, their numbers seemingly limitless. Undeterred, Elias raised his mighty axe and let out a thunderous war cry.  Mounted on his Griffin, he charged towards the enemy lines.  The Faelorian army erupted in a deafening roar, echoing across the battlefield. With their king leading the charge, they surged forward, a wave of steel and determination against the encroaching tide of darkness.

484H · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Argus - The Watcher

"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" Elias asked, suspicion coloring his voice.

While a part of him acknowledged the possibility that the old man was his savior, his past experiences made him wary.

"Let's save the introductions for later," the old man said placatingly. 

"Let's make things comfortable first." He handed Elias a plate of grilled meat and a steaming bowl of porridge soup.

Elias hesitated for a moment longer, the spoon hovering precariously in his trembling hand. The food looked real, smelled real, but the situation was so surreal he couldn't shake the suspicion that it was all a cruel trick of a fading mind.

With a final, desperate shake of his head, he plunged the spoon into the steaming porridge.

The first bite exploded on his tongue, a symphony of forgotten flavors. Hunger, a gnawing beast that had been clawing at his insides for days, roared to life.

He devoured the porridge in a frenzy, each swallow a desperate attempt to satiate the emptiness.

The grilled meat, once a suspicious offering, became his next target, the savory juices washing away the last remnants of doubt.

He tore into the food with a primal urgency, the polished table becoming a battlefield where he fought against starvation.

The old man watched, his smile widening as Elias devoured each bite with increasing fervor.

Fruits, once a distant memory, found their way to his lips, providing a burst of sweetness that momentarily eclipsed the urgency of his hunger.

Finally, with a satisfied groan, Elias slumped back in the chair, his stomach pleasantly full for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

The frenzy had passed, leaving behind a pleasant exhaustion. He looked at the empty plate, the remnants of the feast a testament to his ravenous appetite.

The old man's smile seemed genuine now, a crinkled map of past experiences.

A sigh of contentment escaped Elias's lips as he rubbed his now-rounded stomach. The gnawing hunger that had been his constant companion for days had finally been subdued. He looked at the old man, a flicker of gratitude battling with lingering suspicion. 

The old man, as if sensing his internal conflict, simply pushed a large glass of steaming water towards him. "Drink first," he said gently. 

Elias didn't hesitate. He grasped the glass, the warmth seeping into his chilled hands, and took a long, grateful gulp.

"How are you feeling now, Elias? Are you feeling any better?"

The old man's voice startled Elias. He racked his brain, trying to remember. Perhaps he had met this man before.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Argus." Argus Smiling at Elias's confusion.

Elias's brow furrowed. "Maybe you can explain why you know my name?"

Argus Smiling wider. "I don't just know your name, Elias. I know everything about you – who you are, where you came from, and why you're here in this world."

Elias Eyes wide with surprise. "Wait, you know everything? But... how?"

"There's no need to be surprised. Everything in this world, even newfound existences like yourself, falls under my watch. I can sense a presence, but to truly understand something, I need to see or interact with it directly. Once I do, all its information becomes clear."

Elias Mouth agape. "Wow... So you can see and know everything... like a god?"

"No, not quite that powerful. I can't see everything, just sense presences. But by seeing something, approaching it, or even touching it, I can access all its details." Argus Chuckles.

"Lord Argus, then… are you some kind of god in this world?"

"Please, call me Argus. Without 'Lord'." He smiles.

"Perhaps, to the people here, we might seem like gods. But for you, Elias, it's something more... something you'll understand later."

Elias Frustration rising. "What do you mean…?"

Argus Patting Elias's shoulder. "Patience, young one. All your questions will be answered in due time. But first, let me explain why you're in this room. It's a special welcome prepared by my… well, let's just say a very important person who wants to meet you." His smile widens as Elias's confusion deepens.

Elias Eyes widening further. "Your father…? Do I know your father?" Elias's confusion intensified with each revelation.

"Well, according to him, you two are not just acquaintances, Elias. You're apparently very close." Argus Standing up and walking towards the exit.

Elias Jumping to his feet and following Argus. "Wait a minute, Argus! Please… don't leave me hanging here. This is all too much!"

Argus Laughing heartily. "Haha, I apologize, Elias. But for now, my lips are sealed. We'll chat again soon." He winks at Elias as he reaches the exit.

Elias "But… what about my questions?" Elias pleaded.

Argus Smiling gently. "For now, you should rest and let your body recover from the meal. Get some sleep, alright? Oh, and I left a note for you on the bedside table. Take a look when you wake up."

With a flourish, Argus opened the door without a sound, stepped out, and then closed it silently behind him. Elias stood there, speechless and utterly bewildered.

Elias Muttering under his breath. "What a strange old man..."

Elias walked towards the door, a sliver of hope sparking within him. He reached out to open it, but immediately slammed it shut again. The stifling heat and oppressive atmosphere from outside remained unchanged.