
Good friends - Part 2

Abou and Lenard were about to leave the workshop they were working at to fix three buckets. Before they will be able to do another step on their hallway, five inmates dressed in East Block prisoner clothes are blocking their way, all of them are wearing a bandana tied at their head, the color is green and as to these inmates from east Block. They are looking angrily at Lenard and one of these inmates, makes a few steps, and he looks at Lenard.

"Let's get over with this, Criminal."

"Criminal?" tries to say Lenard to these inmates. "I am no criminal."

"Don't bullshit me." says the same inmate angrily. "You are going to die now, and you know why we are calling you a criminal, huh?"

"I am telling you, I was not killing your Boss!"

"Boss? You mean the King... Nobody gives a shit about our king. We mean that you have killed five people from our side."

"We have all evidence on you!" says another inmate from that group to Lenard.

"I was forced to do these crimes, by Mr. Boss."

"So you are confirming that you have done these murders. Boys! Let's beat this man."

Lenard did not say anything later, and before one of these inmates from East Block were about to go at Lenard throat, he is looking at them, he begins to smile, he takes a nail from his pocket, and he jumps on the inmate who said is the guilty one, He stabs the head man with that nail until it got very deep in there, then, Lenard second personality it is taking that guy bat as soon as he could and smash it on the man junk. When the inmate fall on the ground, two more of them are jumping on Lenard second personality, while the other two are jumping on Abou, who is able to defend himself in combat.


After a few minutes of intense fighting, the people from East Block were down, on the concrete floor, with a lot of blood dripping from their heads and other injuries they were having all around their bodies. Lenard shifts back to the first personality and is looking in shock at those five inmates who are hurt in a bad way. He looks at Abou, and he seems him breathing heavily while he is holding his right arm which seems it is broken.

"Are you alright, Abou?" asks Lenard going at Abou.

"Yeah. Just a broken arm." he says at Lenard. "You are the same Lenard I know, right?"



"We should be going before the guards appear."

"Too late." says three guards coming at them with their fire arms and police baston ready, he smiles and look at these two inmates who are already feeling tired. "You two are going to spend some quality time at the Dark Cell."

These three guards are taking Abou and Lenard, and they are escorting them to the dark Cell where they are going to spend twenty-four hours in the dark with little food they will be given to them. If we have to compare this punishment to the one Lenard got when he killed those five inmates, this is acceptable since he now has someone he can talk with.

A few moments later, on the Dark Cell, the guards are locking the door after Lenard and Abou were thrown in it. These two see that the light here is little and the bed it is on the same shape Lenard had it last time, but when Abou saw the bad state of the bed, he told to Lenard.

"I'd rather sleep on the concrete."

"Same here." replies Lenard to Abou. "And don't worry about the rats. I killed - well, maybe the other personality did it - but we are at least not exposed to being eaten by rats."

"What is the name of your personality?" asks Abou at Lenard.

"I didn't gave him a name. I prefer to tell him second personality."

"I see... And he was the one who was doing that beating earlier?"


"He did very well." says Abou looking at the light. "I don't know how you were able to endure three days here."

"It was hard. But at least, we are staying one day here."

"Yeah... So. What we can do here?"

"Sleep or think about anything else. There is no way you can either play cards, read a book or do anything else besides sleep and going into your own thoughts."

Later, all these two people were staying on the concrete, trying to sleep some more time to make the time fly.