
Angela from North Block

A few days later, Lenard has got another call from the North Block King, and that call is most likely another mission to help him in "Riot". He got to the Throne Room, and there, the King is sitting on the throne, with only one prisoner protecting him in case some crazy prisoner is going to start a dick move and try to attack the King.

"Hello, your Majesty!" says Lenard to his King. "Why did you call me?"

"Greetings, Lenard." says the King with a smile to Lenard. "On this beautiful day, I would like to require your help. Last time it worked so well, that I have decided to give this mission only to you."

"What is it?" asks Lenard nervously.

"No, no." says the King, who sees Lenard feeling nervous. "It isn't something where you will have to fight, or to defend me. No. Your mission, it, is to escort one of the girls to a man who paid for her services."

"That?" asks Lenard curios. "It, isn't this called prostitution?"

"Yes. And in this prison it is normal to sell your Women inmates as a sex toys in order to gain what you need it. This thing is happening even on this world. The big fella is selling hookers to the old men's who wanted to get their dick sucked, and they do have t pay money for that. And if they do not pay the price, the woman would call the big fella to come to their house and bust that man until he will pay the woman." he said the King to Lenard, and then he proceeds to get out of the throne and go to a door from his Throne Cell. "Here it is a secret tunnel to the Women Prison. Whoever uses this, must get my access and my respect. And you, got both."


"Really. You have showed your fighting spirit to your block, you have done a good thing for your blood, and you are also a good man. I sense that to the first day I saw you, Lenard Szecaks."

"It is Szacaks." says Lenard, but the King just shake his head because he was close enough to say the full name of Lenard right.

"So... Do you have a love outside?"

"Yes. I do." says Lenard.

"Great for you. You know, some prisoner would be able to kill someone in order to get a woman here who will listen to their crap and treat them like normal human beings." he opens the door and goes with Lenard to the Women North Block via that hidden tunnel.


After almost four minutes of walking into a dark hallway with no windows nor no lights, Lenard and the King of North Block have successfully arrived to the Women of North Block section, and there, they are greeted by a few women who are gathering around the North King Block who was not even paying attention to them showing up their breasts, vaginas and ass. He and with Lenard were just walking forward, completely ignoring those horny hoes.

"Where is Angela?" asks King of North Block to a female with muscles.

"Right in her cell, sir." says the inmate frightened by North Block King.


They got to the cell where Angela is supposed to be, and they found her, in a bra and an orange prison pants. She is a blonde woman, tall, and she has a one piercing on her belly, and one on her down lip. She is looking at the North King who entered her cell, and is feeling curious about it.

"Hello! What is bringing you up today?"

"You have a customer." says the King, handing a piece of paper he had into his pocket. "The customer it is the East King Block. I would like to go to him and pay a visit. A quick one, if you know what I mean."

"For sure." says Angela, putting the piece of paper on her bed and getting up from it. She looks at Lenard, and she asks him. "Who are you?"

"I am Lenard."

"Angela." she says, and then she shook Lenard hands. "Nice to meet you. I heard you have done a brawl in order to capture one pack of cocaine."

"Does anyone else knew about this?"

"Almost the entire prison." he says the King to Lenard. "But don't worry, some fellas from our Block are already respecting you. But let these things for later. Your mission it is to escort Angela to the East Block. And for this, take this." he hands to Lenard two gold knuckle pairs. "Have you ever use these?"


"Don't worry. There is a first in anything. Now, go and do your job." he says before he was heading back to his Throne by taking the same secret tunnel.

"So... Shall we go?" she asks when she leaves her cell while Lenard is putting these things on.

"Yes." he says before these two were heading to the Exit door and left North Block.


A few minutes later, they do arrive peacefully in East block because inmates were really afraid of Lenard, and also the fact that Angel it is has a nickname as a Silent Killer, who is only known by the lower prisoners class. But Lenard and the King of East Block doesn't know this thing, so it was making Lenard feel weird, but for East King of Block it will make him feel surprised.

"You stay here." she says to Lenard before she is heading to the Throne. "And prepare for the fire."

"What fire?" he asks Angela.

"You will see... Go and rescue me when the things get heated up."

Angela goes into the Throne Room of East Block where the king is staying, but surrounded by two weak looking inmates armed with metal forks. Angela is hugging the East Block King, she kisses hi, and they are making out for about one minute, until the Kings kicks Angela and proceed to cough blood. The other guards were about to jump on Angela, but Lenard is coming at the great time to rescue Angela by punching someone with the gadget he got, and Angela stabbing the neck of the other person who was close to kill her with the help of a sterilized syringe she had hidden in her belt for any measures. This made the inmate fall down, and the needle going deep into the neck, almost killing the inmate.

"Good! Now let's run from here!" she says, going into the secret tunnel of this Throne King, which is the same door as the one from the North Block, but this one will lead into the storage of the Cafeteria. "We will take this one route, and we will be able to arrive to the storage, there we will take the trap door to the North Block."

"What if we will get spotted?" ask Lenard after a few seconds when these two were taking the secret passage to the Storage of the Cafeteria.

"Don't worry about this. King got us covered." she says to Lenard.

They got after a while into the Storage section, and there they got greeted by a guard who is protecting the storage. He was close to use the teaser on Lenard, but Angela is kicking the poor guard testicles, and Lenard applies the final hit to the Guard into the head and who leaves him unconscious on the floor.

"I hope this didn't kill him." says Lenard, frightened by the thought of killing someone.

"In this prison, anyone has to kill at least someone or themselves." she says to Lenard while she unlocks the trap door which leads to a path to the North Block. She managed to do it, and she opens it. "Quick! Get in here!"

Lenard goes to the trap door. He enters first, then Angela who closes the trap door behind him, and these two are taking a glowing stick let by the inmates who are using the doors to take food, but some don't managed to do it cause of guards who are even protecting the Storage room. Lenard is leading the path, even though this is the first time he is going to this secret tunnel. He got to two ways, and Angela told him to take right, and so he did.

"Where was the other tunnel leading?"

"To an escape, but that thing, it is blocked by a lot of rocks and metal." says Angela. "It was an attempt to escape from there, and the guards used explosive to block the way. This trying has killed nine prisoners from different blocks, and it has injured four inmates."

"I understand...". He goes a few meters, and later on he sees a light. "There is a light."

"Good. That means we are almost there." says Angela.

After a while, a door opens on the empty cell at the Women's North Block. There are Lenard and Angela who are leaving the door. When they left from the passage, Angela closes the door, and she leaves the cell.

"You did a good job, newbie." says Angela. "We both saved our lives there, and for this. I am even able to award you my body for a discount."

"Sorry... But I have a lover."

"Oh... Well... You are a man who keep their partner. I do respect that." says Angela before leaving, but she got stopped by Lenard.

"Wait! What have you done to the East Block King?"

"I killed him."

"I can see that, but why?"

"This is the North King Block Plan. Follow it, and you might be able to leave this Hell." And she leaves, letting Lenard by himself into this cell.

"What have I got myself into?" asks Lenard while he leaves the cell, and he is heading to the North King throne to gave him the report.


A few moments later, after Lenard gave the report to the King, he got rewarded with an amount of twenty dollars. With these moneys, he might even be able to his own cell. But he will not do that. What he wanted to do with these moneys will be his business.

While he walks to his cell, he got stopped by a guard who is looking angry, and he is yelling at him.

"I have searched you everywhere!"

"Y-You did?" he asks Lenard, feeling nervous that he might get into trouble.

"Yes!... You have to clean the court yard! Go and do it before I break your filthy bones!"