
Interesting Developments


Once Yang was gone it was business as usual for the next few more months, in that time I'd see Yang visit the club whenever the weekends came around, she would talk about her time in Beacon, how her sister became team leader and how proud she was, who her team mates where and how her training and studies were going.

It seemed that she was flourishing in that academy, and I couldn't help but smile at how well she was doing.

Then on one regular old evening I see Yang come in with a much more worried look on her face and a certain heiress of a certain dust company walk's in; I knew immediately that she was coming here for a favour.

Though thankfully it was nothing serious as her partner had run away from her school after accidentally revealing some personal information which prompted her actions, she asked for my help, and with one look sent Juniors way he only asked it to be 'quick'. I nodded and told Yang I be out back in a few minutes.

Walking out the back door I had Yang explain what she needed, and her request was simple and that was to help find her friend.

[Advanced Hacking – 300 Points]

So, with my recent purchase I did what I could to 'track' the runaway and that pointed us towards the docks district and wasting no time we headed out on Yang's motor bike Bumblebee which was tight fit as we had the Schnee sandwich between us much to her loud embarrassment.

As we approached the docks I could hear the distant sounds of fighting thanks to my augmentations.

Upon arrival we found ourselves seeing a lot of White Fang faunas terrorists and a ginger haired human male garbed in a posh white suite with a black bowler hat, I recognised the man as Roman Torchwick, the cane wielding Master Thief fighting a black-haired cat girl and blond monkey boy.

From the looks of it they needed back up and Yang likewise accelerated before then skidding sideways coming to a quick stop allowing us to quickly jump off the bike and right into the action.

Seeing the two teens bolt into action I followed suit charging at the nearest enemy fighter and giving them a good punch to the head that sent them flying and crashing into another one of their comrades, moving to the next opponent I quickly made short work of them as I ping ponged from fighter to fighter delivering devastating knock out blows which sent these fighters flying, it got to a point where most of the White Fang members were out for the count.

Seeing no one near me I turn my sights to the only human enemy who seemed to raise his cane up towards something off in the distance, I didn't want him to successfully hit whatever got he has his sights set on, so I brought out my Sniper Rifer from my inventory and took aim and fired two rounds.

The first bullet hit the cane destroying it and knocking it out of the man's hands.

And the second hit him square in the side at his middle section, the man had some sort of field shatter around him as the kinetic force of the bullet threw him off his feet and onto the concrete road, he clutched his side in pain but he managed to force himself up if only briefly to find who shot him and thus his eyes met my own and I could see the spark of recognition.

The last remaining White Fang fighter started falling back to Roman and I would of opened fired on them if not for the sound of roaring engines.

Three dropships appeared flying over the industrial buildings, one flew quickly down to land while the other two flew into a gun run unleashing a torrent of high Caliber bullets, seeing this the teens and myself rushed off to find cover.

As they began firing into us we did our best to evade the heavy rounds punching holes into the road around us, however another figure appeared, a young female teen in some sort of dark green uniform and ginger bushy hair, they deployed several swords from their back and moved them in front of themselves, the swords spun quickly and were somehow deflecting the bullets coming at her and once the barrage stopped she positioned the swords towards one of the aircraft.

They then again spun and built up a bright green energy ball before it discharged a directed laser beam at one of the dropships bisecting it down the middle.

I briefly stood their dumbfounded at what I had just witnessed.

I came back into focus after the two halves of the aircraft crashed into the ground, I looked for the rest of the White Fang and their human ally, but they had already boarded the dropship that landed and were taking off and flying out of the area with the other dropship following close behind heading west.

Seeing that there was nothing we could do about the fleeing criminals we made sure the ones we had beaten into the ground would not be go anywhere.

Soon the police arrived to handle the arrests of the faunas while Yang and her team reunited with each other while the ginger and monkey boy decided to make themselves scares.

I would have left as well after giving a statement to the police officers, but Yang came up to me with her sister Ruby, the Schnee heiress plus the cat girl.

"Hey Miss Orion, thanks for helping me tonight in finding my teammate Blake here" patted the cat girl on the shoulder, I nodded to her as I appraised her teammate and she in turn stared at me warily.

"You're welcome, and for those who don't know me aside from Yang and Ruby, my name is Calliope Orion, you may call me Cal or Miss Orion" I finished as I allowed the other two to properly introduce themselves.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Orion, my is Wiess Schnee member of team RWBY, I like to thank you for assisting my team in apprehending these criminals today" the girl in white bowed slightly as she responded politely showing her high-class upbringing.

"I'm Blake Belladonna, I likewise thank you" the cat girl said with few cautious words.

"Nice to meet you two" I said to the W and B of team RWBY, I could already see who the leader of this bunch was and that was just made Ruby all the more interesting.

"So, if you don't mind how did you and Yang know each other" Wiess asked questioningly all while Yang froze up.

"hm I don't mind" I said but Yang quickly responded.

"Actually we really need to get going you know its late and we need to get back to our dorms and-" a small glare at Yang got her to Freeze and let out an small 'ep'.

"It all started when she nearly crushed the balls of my boss".

[Task Complete: assist Yang in finding her lost teammate – 100 points]

[Task Complete: defeat 20 White Fang fighters without killing them – 300 points]


In a well-kept living room of an apartment complex was the Counter Guardian whom was using her off day to practice her magic, and it she was making progress in understanding how bounded fields worked after purchasing a beginner book for Magecraft at 100 points.

She was curious in how magic really worked and so far it just seemed like flashy science work which in a sense she was not wrong.

The more she understood the process the more effective the result would be.

Just the other day she practiced the difference in the reinforcement of a bullet compared to one not, and the results was very informative, by filling a bullet with her manna she could make it stronger and carry a greater impact on target but if she overloaded the bullet then it would create what is essentially an explosive tipped round on a standardised bullet.

And alteration combined with, structural analysis, reinforcement and projection allowed for temporary items but said items would quickly dissipate if not continuously fed mana. So, she could in theory create anything and everything she would need if she found herself with no equipment of any kind on her. It was no doubt a massive boon for someone like her who would never be without a weapon as long as she had the mana for the constructs.

And as a Spartan she's had a lifetime to memories the internals of every weapon she's ever wielded.

In the days following her new routine consisted of work, training the henchmen, twins and boss and in her off time magic training she could be more proficient in her combat craft.

On another workday the night was quiet, few patrons were mingling about inside the club as with the coming of the Vytal festival many citizens and tourist alike were looking at the more festive stalls in the streets, so this left the Spartan with very little to do.

She was currently polishing a clean wine glass when in through the doors a very familiar figure appeared followed by a rather small partner.

"Junior it's your great pal Roman here" it was none other than the Master Thief Roman Torchwick walking down the stairs into the club followed by a young short girl with brown and pink hair and eyes with a playful smirk on her face while twirling a pink umbrella.

"What do you want Roman, if you you're asking for my men then forget it" Junior made snappy reply while pointing accusingly at the thief who held up his hands in a placating manner.

"Woah, nothing of the sort Junior, I was merely here to hire a higher quality type of body" he said while eyeing me as I did him and his partner whom also found my sight amusing apparently, she walked up seductively and took a seat before leaning right into my face with that little smirk, the size difference between us was from the outside perspective, comical.

"And why would I allow you to hire Orion's services after what happened to my men the last time you hired from me hmm" and Romans response was quick.

"Well, you still owe me a favour till were even, and two you and her would be handsomely rewarded for the trouble" as he said that a large briefcase was placed on the bar table by the small lady whom seemed to be hiding the case somehow, she then clicked off the locks before opening the lid to reveal a lot of money inside.

Junior had a small frown form on his lips as he was contemplating something, he eyed me for a moment before speaking.

"It's your call Orion" her said finally.

To be honest I'd rather not be hired by this criminal and do his dirty work whatever that might entail, but on the other hand.

[Chain Task: Accept Romans request and find out the true meaning behind it. Reward – 100, Final Reward – 10,000]

In the end my choice was clear.
