
The Cost of Immortality.

What would you do if you where grated Immortality? Some may think of it is a blessing and others a curse. This all depends on perspective, if you were granted a choice to be immortal but at a great cost, what would you do? Well, meet Rob, just your average nerd who fantasizes about immortality and was actually granted it! But in exchange, he has to destroy the worlds of his Masters Rival. */I don't want to spoil too much, but this Is basically a story about an average guy being sent to another world(Magic based) and only granted a unique type of immortality, in exchange he has to destroy the world. The novel is about how he goes about this and how he overcomes various challenges in order to do so.*/ /*It will be a slow start as I want this to be as realistic as possible (It's obviously difficult to destroy a world without being OP), he starts with nothing and has to overcome many different challenges in order to achieve his goal. */ *All suggestions and ideas about the book are welcome!! If you spot any issues in a chapter please let me know so I can update it I will try release more than 1 chapter a week from Monday to Friday, this can change depending on how busy I am at work.* *The cover image is not mine, all credit goes to the creator, If you would like me to remove it, please let me know*

JustGo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Ch3.New World and a Rob freak-out.

First thing I see when I open my eyes is that I seem to be in a huge forest with the biggest trees I have ever seen! Then it hits me. 'Wait didn't I just die? Was it a dream? Then why am I in a forest?' I try to get up, just to realize something bushy is in the way and my movement seems weird. I try to look down only to find that I am no longer Human.

'Wait what!!' I quickly jump up out of fright 'what the hell is happening, what am I?' I am freaking out properly right now! 'Ok calm down Rob, think about what could be happening, maybe this is just another dream….' I forcefully calm myself down and try to think. 'Ok so assuming I am not dreaming right now, that means my last nights dream was real!! And if it wasn't then I will just eventually wake up from this. In the meantime let's act as if this was real!'.

'So assuming this isn't a dream, then, THen, THEN I am IMMORTAL!! Yess!!' I shout in my head as I try to do an exciting little jump dance, but I just end up falling around in this new body of mine. Then it hits me 'wait so what am I' I think as I look around to examine my body.

I have a body covered in bright green fur, A huge fluffy tail that is just as big as my body, two small hands and I seem to have a very different center of gravity. 'Wait.. wait .. wait am I am Fucking GREEN Squirrel!!' I come to a sudden realisation that I seem to be a squirrel. 'Why? I thought my mission is to destroy the world? Mister universe dude, are you there? How the fuck am I supposed to destroy anything if I am a squirrel!' I try to ask that entity that seems to have sent me here but I get no response.

'Well maybe I just look like a squirrel but am actually a super powerful monster of destruction!! Yeah that makes sense, I mean I am green so maybe that means I'm a rare monster or something. I just need to figure out my powers!!' This this must be the case, that or at least I should have some kind of cheat.

I start to think about all the Anime and novels I have read about what my cheat could be 'Well maybe I have a system!! Lets try some activation words!!'. ' 'System!', nope 'Status!', nope 'Open!' 'etc..' ' After trying to think about all the different words, nothing seems to work. 'Well maybe I have to speak the words to activate it or something! Yeah that will work!' So as I prepare to try speaking some words but…

"Squeek" is all that comes out of my mouth, 'Now this is frustrating, I can't speak!' So after a few tries at talking, I have given up, It seems that I don't have a system, 'So that must mean that I am a powerful monster! Yes!! Being a powerful Immortal Monster, it seems it won't be hard to take over this world.'

'So I first have to figure out my powers and how strong I really am.' So I ran off to try and explore a bit. What is weird is that I have become able to adapt and efficiently move in this body as if it were normal, it seems as if my body instinctively knows how to maneuver itself. I just needed to get the hang of it and listen to my body. After that everything came natural.

So I have been moving around and testing out the performance of my body and all I can say is that it is very disappointing! I tried jumping up a tree and barely made it a meter up, I tried sprinting a bit, and I am quite fast but it is only a bit above the average squirrel. I tried lifting up a rock but that also failed as I am miserably weak. It has become apparent that there is nothing physically special about my body besides my colour…

'So since I am not physically strong, I must have some kind of power!! Like breathing fire or something! Yeah that must be it!!'. I then tried various things like breathing out really hard, trying to sense a mystical energy or something in my body like those cultivation novels, running up a tree and jumping down to fly and nothing seems to be working!! I scream to myself 'Everything I do is the same as a normal Squirrel!! I have no powers! How am I supposed to bring death and destruction when I am a normal fucking Squirrel!???'

After freaking out for what seems like forever, I have calmed myself down again and started to seriously think about my problem, 'So I don't have any powers at the moment, but that is probably because I haven't figured out how to use them. There must be something special I can do, I will just need to figure it out.' I mean there is no way a normal squirrel can destroy a world! I mean I doubt I can even kill a rabbit at the moment.

As I am thinking of what to do, I first have to ensure my living essentials. Even though I am immortal, I still have to eat and drink as I am currently feeling quite hungry. I also have to find somewhere to sleep as getting attacked when I sleep will be annoying. So let my adventure in this new world start!!

So i'm sure you have noticed, I am trying to get the whole thoughts and actions correct, I have been thinking that adding thoughts into ' ' and then write spoken words in " ", but figureing out how to seperate thought, actions, random encounters and things are actually quite difficult.. who knew?? anyway I will practice perfecting this in the next few chapters and then come back to edit these..

JustGocreators' thoughts