
What should I do?

Vivian,I think I forgot my purse in the car"Angela said as she searched her hand bag.

After work, Angela and Vivian went to a store to get some provisions as they ran out of it.

"Have you seen it?"Vivian asked

"No....you know what, just go inside,I'll go back and check for it"

"Are you sure?"Vivian asked

"Yes I'll be fine,go in "Angela told her as she went back to her car.Because she was still searching through her bag,she didn't see someone coming in front of her.She bumped into this person and her bag fell.

"I'm sorry"He said as he picked up her bag and gave it to her.Angela did not respond because she was already admiring this very handsome man.He was tall,had a broad chest, a full kissable lips,a pointed nose,a beautiful dimple found a way to his face when he smiled.He wore a short pant and a shirt but he left the first two buttons opened, exposing his chest.

"Ahhhhmmmm....."He cleared his throat so as to get her attention and that worked because she immediately looked away from his chest and looked at his face.

"I'm really sorry for this" he apologized once again.

"Oh no.... it's my fault,I'm so sorry,so so sorry" Angela said totally embarrassed 'what was I thinking'she thought to herself.The man just gave her a nod.

"Excuse me"She said as she quickly left.

The man smiled as he looked at her.He was about to go inside the store when a small paper caught his attention,he picked it up and saw that it was a business card.

"Angela Williams"He said as a beautiful smile etched on his face.

"No wonder she looks like an angel "he said as he put the card in his pocket and walked inside the store.

Angela saw her purse in the car,took it and went inside the store.She and her friend bought what they wanted and left.Vivian drove this time while Angela sat on the passengers seat.Angela told her friend what happened earlier.

"Hahahahaha..."Viv laughed.

"Viv,this is not a laughing matter.You need to have seen me.A lot of negative thoughts ran through my head when I saw this guy,I mean for the first time in a long while I admired someone and you won't believe I imagine seeing him naked and ..."Angela trailed off because she could not believe she had thought about this.She covered her face with both her hands, embarrassed by her own thoughts.

"Hahahahaha..."Vivian's laughter roared louder in the car."Gela, honestly this is very funny"Vivian said as she tried to control her laugh."You should have collected his number you know,ask him to go on a date with you ,you know"Vivian said teasing her friend.Angela gave Vivian the 'are you serious look.

"Have you forgotten that I have a boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?, please remind me,is it the one you have not seen for a year or is there someone else I do not know of? "Vivian asked sarcastically.

"Gela,I know you're trying to be this faithful girlfriend"Viv said seriously"but have you ever thought,is James also faithful?"

"What do you mean "Angela asked

"James is in the states and you will agree with me that the are lot of beautiful girls there.There's no way a man in his right senses will resist beautiful ladies and you know you guys are not yet married so you can't expect him to be faithful.Listen,I'm not telling you to stop your relationship with him but all I'm saying is that you loosen up a little.You still have six months until James comes back,make the most of it"Vivian said.Angela just looked at her friend,she could not say anything because she was really confused.She was having an internal battle within her.'what if her friend is right?what if he was not faithful?'All those thoughts ran through her head.

"Now your dad is telling you to bring someone or else you'll get married to Mr Richard,do you want to get married to that old man and be his sixth wife?"Vivian asked.

"What should I do, Viv?"Angela asked helplessly.It suddenly realized that it was already Thursday and her dad had given her until Friday to bring someone.

"Get yourself a man"Viv replied.