
The Contract Bride of Mr. Reid

“Help me, please,” Bella pleaded, grasping his hands. His dark eyes, devoid of warmth, pierced through hers with an unsettling coldness. "Why should I mess with those goons to help you?" he asked callously. “I’ll do anything you say,” she said without thinking, desperate. “Just save me from them.” He demanded something that Bella had never anticipated even in her dreams. A contract marriage! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bella Dawn was already in distress to pay her step father’s debts. To add her misery, her mother was diagnosed with liver disease and needed immediate transplant. Where would she get that much money? Then, like a cruel twist of fate, she accidentally encountered a handsome man, Theodore Reid, the enigmatic CEO of Ace Group. Rumors said that he was a ruthless businessman with a heart as cold as ice. Yet, to Bella, he was kind, rescuing her from the clutches of those who sought to exploit her. She was grateful to him until he demanded something weird, shattering her pervious assumptions. He wanted to marry her. No He wanted a contract marriage. In exchange, he would take care of her mother's treatment and compensate her generously at the end of their arrangement. For Theodore, it was a solution born out of necessity, a means to appease his grandfather's demands for an heir while he searched for the one who had once saved him, his angel. Bella’s appearance reminded him of his savior. So, he offered her a contract marriage. It was a temporary solution to his grandfather’s demand to get an heir until he found his angel. With no other options left, Bella reluctantly agreed to the terms of the contract. But little did she know it would test her resolve and resilience like never before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Remember one thing, never fall in love with me,” he said, cold and dangerous. Bella gulped, nervous. “What if I do?” A sliver of defiance, a foolish question escaped her lips. She was already attracted to his handsome appearance. He squeezed her jaw and hissed, “You will regret it.” “What if you started liking me?” she dared to ask. He leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear. "No chance," he scoffed. "You're not my type." Bella’s heart sank. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can check my other books. Accidentally Married to Mr. Billionaire - Completed The Billionaire's Sick Wife - Completed Temptation of Billionaire's Secret Lover: A tale of love and revenge - Ongoing, daily updated.

Angelica2511 · Urbano
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68 Chs

The hostility

Everyone gathered for dinner. Claudia, who had earlier bristled with hostility towards Bella, surprised everyone with a radiant smile. She even apologized to her.

The atmosphere was tense despite Claudia's attempts to smooth things over. Bella sat at the table, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on her, especially Gina's, who still harbored obvious resentment.

"Sorry for what happened earlier," Claudia began. "Gina got a little emotional. Don't take her words to heart. I talked some sense into her, she is quite ashamed of herself."

Gina, beside her, offered a weak apology. "Yes, I am truly sorry for my outburst," she mumbled, although her tone betrayed no sincerity. "Theo, please don't be upset with me. You know how much I love you. Seeing you with her was heartbreaking. I was devastated."

Theodore arched an eyebrow, unconvinced. "And you're alright now?" he questioned. "No more hard feelings towards Bella?"

Gina hesitated, then mumbled, "I... I don't have any hard feelings against her." But the defiance that lingered in her tone spoke volumes.

Theodore fought the urge to scoff at Gina's attempt to placate him. "Well," he drawled, "that's a relief. Hopefully, you'll both extend the same courtesy and treat my wife with respect."

Bella remained composed outwardly, but inwardly, she felt uncomfortable under Gina's resentful gaze. She understood that her presence was causing tension within the family, despite Malcolm's earlier acceptance.

Gina sat rigidly at the dinner table, her fists clenched tightly under the cover of the tablecloth. Her eyes flickered with jealousy and anger every time they glanced at Bella. The sight of another woman occupying Theodore's side ignited a primal possessiveness within her. Every rational thought evaporated, replaced by the childish urge to fling the water glass at the intruder.

Sensing the storm brewing within Gina, Claudia reached across and squeezed her fist. "Bella is now a family," she said with a smile. "Of course, we'll treat her well. Right, Gina?" She gave her a meaningful look.

Gina gritted her teeth and nodded curtly, the memory of Claudia's stern advice to play nice flashing through her mind. "Absolutely," she forced out, the words scraping harshly against her throat.

Theodore fought back the urge to roll his eyes. He could clearly see how hard they were trying to appear normal, which was ridiculous. While a part of him reveled in Gina's obvious discomfort, a sliver of unease gnawed at him. He was worried about Bella.

Leaning laterally over her, he warned in a hushed tone, "Be careful. Sometimes, the prettiest smiles can hide the sharpest fangs."

"That's great," Malcolm chimed in. "Let's start eating." Raising his hand, he motioned for the maid. "Serve the food, Agnes."

Claudia interjected with a practiced smile. "Forgive the interruption, Father, but since Bella is gracing us with her presence for the first time, wouldn't it be a lovely gesture to allow her the honor of serving first?"

Malcolm, a man who reveled in tradition, considered the suggestion. It did hold a certain merit. "Indeed, why not? Bella, my dear, I trust you wouldn't mind serving this evening?"

"I'd love to do that." Bella readily agreed, unaware of the underlying conspiracy brewing between Claudia and Gina. 

Theodore, however, felt a prickle of unease crawls up his spine. Claudia's seemingly innocent request raised doubts in his mind. His gaze flickered between Claudia and Gina.

Intrigued by the unspoken agenda brewing beneath the surface, he decided to play along. There was no point in stopping Bella now. He was curious to see what game they were about to play.

Bella rose from her chair, a spring in her step, and marched over to Malcolm. She selected a few meatballs and some crisp vegetables, placing them on his plate with a flourish. Then, she pivoted towards Claudia.

"Salad, to start," Claudia declared in a demanding tone.

"Of course," Bella replied, promptly filling Claudia's plate with a generous helping of salad.

"Thank you, dear," Claudia said, her smile sugary and insincere.

Bella mirrored the smile politely before moving on to Gina.

"Soup for me," Gina said haughtily as if she were ordering a maid.

Bella didn't like her tone, but she held her tongue. With a curt nod, she retrieved a bowl of soup and carried it carefully towards Gina.

Just as Bella reached out to place it on the table, Gina made a clumsy swipe at the bowl, knocking it over with an inelegant clatter. Hot soup splashed across the tablecloth, a wave of scalding liquid erupting towards Bella's hands.

Bella instinctively retracted her hand, a wince escaping her lips as pain shot up her arm. Alarmed, Theodore rushed over to her. Concern etched on his face, he grabbed a napkin and began dabbing at the reddening skin on her hand.

Claudia's smile faltered briefly before she composed herself, watching the scene unfold with a mix of curiosity and concealed satisfaction. Malcolm, observing the incident from his seat, frowned slightly, his eyes flickering between Bella and Gina.

A few stray drops of soup peppered Gina's lap. "Can't you be careful?" she shouted. "How clumsy are you? You burned me. Aunty!" She tugged at Claudia's arm, pleading with her tearful eyes. "Look at what she did to me. She ruined my dress and burned me."

"Stop pretending, Gina!" Theodore barked, his patience dying. "You did it deliberately."

"I did it intentionally!" Gina was stunned by his outburst. "She spilled the soup on me, and you accused me. Are you blind or something?"

"No, I am not," Theodore retorted. "I saw it clearly. You stretched your hand right when Bella served you the soup and purposefully knocked the bowl down."

"That's enough, Theo!" It was Claudia who spoke. "It was an accident. Don't blame her."

"And that accident burned her hand." Theodore showed them Bella's reddened hand.

"It's because of her clumsiness," Gina muttered. "She should be more careful."

"Gina, I am warning you." Theodore's eyes blazed with fury. "If you do such nasty things to hurt her, I won't spare you."

"Silence!" Malcolm roared, slapping the table. "I wanted a peaceful dinner, not an argument. All of you... Go back to your rooms. The dinner is over."

He got to his feet, holding his walking stick; then he turned around and strode away, asking the maid to bring his food to his room.

Theodore glared at Claudia and Gina before leading Bella into the bedroom.

Gina muttered a vicious curse under her breath as she watched their retreating forms.

"I told you not to be impulsive," Claudia hissed, tugging at her arm. "Why did you do that?"

"I don't have patience," Gina snarled. "It's infuriating to see her with Theo. I want her out of his life."

"Easy, Gina!" Claudia gritted her teeth. "Everything will happen as planned. Just give me some time."

Gina, however, was past listening. With a huff of defiance, she spun on her heel and stormed off toward her room, leaving Claudia sighing in utter dismay. "Gina! When will you ever understand?"

Inside Theodore's room...

Tears welled up in Bella's eyes as she replayed the scene. Their hostility was evident. They didn't even hesitate to hurt her and humiliate her, a stinging reminder of how unwelcome she felt. Every fiber of her being yearned to escape.

Theodore returned to her with a first-aid box in his hands. Sitting down on the bed beside her, he cleaned her wound and applied a soothing lotion with a gentle touch.

"This should help," he murmured.

"Take me home," she choked out.

Theodore's eyes met hers. He saw the unshed tears shimmering there, and a pang of sympathy shot through him. He couldn't bear to see her cry. In a tender gesture, his hand reached up, his thumb brushing away a stray tear that escaped.

"Don't cry," he whispered, his fingers lingering on her face.

The warmth and softness of her skin against his callous fingers send a jolt through him, his gaze dropping to her lips. A sudden urge to kiss her overwhelmed him. In a moment of impulsive tenderness, he leaned closer, bridging the gap between them with a gentle, hesitant kiss.