
The Conquerors bloodline

Autor: Lasarus
Anime e Quadrinhos
Contínuo · 6M Modos de exibição
  • 307 Chs
  • 4.5
    112 Avaliações
  • NO.200+

Be warned, this story heavily revolves around sexual content. You have been warned. While there is plot, it is not the focus. *** Parc Evans was taken from his home world and thrust into another. Tasked with the chance of becoming a king of conquerors he travels through dimensions. Taking on and conquering all who stand before him. *** I make no claim to owning any characters or settings except those of my own making. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/t2usr5e4qh Patron: https://www.patreo*n.com/Lasarus Remove the * from the Patron link.

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Chapter 1The Lion*

Things could go so wrong, so fast. Couldn't they? Eris could only think in the strange calmness that had ȧssailed her after the torture those Empire pigs had put her through. She had struggled, kicked and screamed as they tore her clothing from her body.

Their cruel, ŀust ridden eyes still sending shivers down her spine as she recalled everything that had just happened. The loss of her most important aspect, the lose of her heart, she knew she'd never be the same. Such was the fate of victims of this godforsaken Empire.

But they can't hurt me, can they? Maya? A deranged laughter escaped her lips as she pushed herself to her feet. Toes digging into the blood soaked soil as she stepped over the mangled bodies of those detestable swine. Grinding what little remained of the bodies deeper into the mud until she stood before the familiar form of her sister, laying on the dirty floor, surprisingly untainted by the carnage that had occurred just a few minutes prior.

Collapsing to her knee, Eris lifted Maya's body into her arms, feeling the light, almost non-existent breath coming from her lips. "It's okay, they can't hurt us," Eris hummed while gently stroking her hand through Maya's hair to comfort her in her final moments. The numerous bruises and cuts that laced her body now taking their toll along with the degradation that was losing her first to the swine who lay mixed among the mud to feed the earth—a fate much too kind for them.

"She doesn't have to die, y'know?" A voice called from behind her.

She had bȧrėly heard the first word before she released Maya and burst to her feet. Spinning on spot and suċkɨnġ in a deep breath. A bulbous red sack growing from the centre of her ċhėst to under her chin. Filling with air that she released in an earth shattering scream directly at where a boy was standing at the centre of the gore. Impassively staring at her with a raised brow.

"That is not a very kind thing to do to someone who just wishes to help," she could bȧrėly hear him over the sound of her own scream. Watching in cruel delight as the shockwave it caused travelled along the ground, kicking up dirt, rock and viscera until it clashed with the black haired boy, sending him staggering back, almost falling to his knees as his clothing trembled from the air pressure engulfing him. Himself raising his hand to his head, attempting to resist the awful vibrations ȧssailing his body.

Eris's eyes widened slightly, 'he survived? How? Just die.' She thought, suċkɨnġ in another breath and firing another ear piercing screech towards the boy as he found his footing, digging his feet into the ground while raising his arms to block the debris from his face.

Eris was groing more panicked with ever step he took towards her, each one slower than the last due to how close he was getting. Only really able to make ample distance when Eris had to breathe to prepare for another. Which in and of itself was growing much harder as her throat began to hurt and the taste of iron started to filling her mouth.

"I can help," she couldn't care less. She wasn't going to let him near her, even if she had to kill herself to protect Maya in her last moments.

Nmj, vu jfl mriw f duj lounl fjfw. Ezal jfl guearrare om duui f vfxu ȧllfai vuz qart, lvu jfl ukvfplout. Svu eflnut dmz faz, mriw om hmpev mpo f eimgpiu md gimmt. Tufzl lozufqare tmjr ovu latul md vuz hvuuc fl lvu jfohvut ovu gmw ofcu oval mnnmzopraow om hvfzeu vuz.

His hand slamming into her mouth and throwing her to the ground, shutting her mouth as she stared blankly up into his strangely warm red eyes. 'Why do they feel so… comforting?' she questioned herself. Her previous rage giving way to tired ness, her eyes slowly drifting shut while her hands feebly clawed at the boys own for freedom. But freedom would only come in the form of darkness as she finally lost herself to exhaustion.

The boy, Parc as his name went, knelt besides the two unconscious girls, his mind a dull haze from the vibrations still attacking his inner ears. Hand still latched around the now unconscious Eris, though he himself knew not her name.

"Should have dodged," he held his forehead trying to calm the dizziness.

Slowly, after finally seeing her black out, her removed his hand, gently wiping it down on his shirt, ridding it of the spittle and blood that had coated nearly every inch of her face and nȧkėd body.

Raising his eyes to the other girl he could only frown, she was in dire straights, he could tell just from the single large gash in her side. Bringing about an untold rage with nowhere to release it. Those who had done this had already gotten what they deserved.

Sighing, he lifted Eris's body, bringing her closer to what he thought was her sister before gently lowering her onto the ground besides her. Turning his gaze to the heavily injured body with a sorrowfull scowl, she was young, maybe a year or two younger than himself.

Shaking his head he berated himself, 'focus on keeping her alive.' He could do a basic field treatment with bandages, but he'd need to get her somewhere safe with a clean source of water and stitches for her to even have a chance of even surviving this.

"Quite the hero, I must say."

Parc froze for but a moment before continuing to bandage the girl. A small grin forming on his face which the new guest couldn't see, 'finally found you,' he thought. After nearly a full year in this godforsaken world searching for them, and yet they found him themselves.

"But, I will ask you to release the girl. And come with me, okay." The womanly voice said. One all too familiar to Parc.

"And why should I do that?" he chuckled, slightly tilting his head back to look at the figure lightly stepping over cracked earth. Hand interlocked behind her head with a bright, toothy smile.

She had short, blonde hair with two bangs either side her face hanging to her amble bosom. Hidden just bȧrėly behind a black crop top. A white scraf ran around her neck and detachable sleeves on her arms with golden bracelets at the top of her arms. She also wore a poor excuse for pants as they resembled more that of a black bikini with white fabric mimicking that of actual pants but leaving most of her inner, upper thɨġhs exposed.

"Well, for one. Those there," she pointed to the two, "are members of the revolutionary army, and I can't really be letting just anyone play with them." She purred slightly as she approached him, "no matter how handsome they are."

Parc snorted and shook his head, "as much as two beautiful, nȧkėd girls are to me. I'm not about to play with them while their bleeding all over me. My drycleaning bills would skyrocket."

The woman's grin grew larger as she threw her head back, holding her belly as she laughed, "oh, that was good. Didn't even take a second for that one, hey?"

"What can I say, I've always got comebacks on mind at every moment," he said, tucking the final part of the bandage beneath the others to tighten it until he could find some way to actually keep it from coming undone. "She'll be fine, I hope," he muttered to himself more than the buxom blond behind him.

"Good, good," she hummed, "would have to punish you if they weren't." she whispered into his ear, her hands on his shoulder. Somehow having arrived just behind him before he could react. "You're coming with me," she lightly bit on the lobe of his ear, sending a tingle down his spine.

"Of course, miss. Leone, wouldn't have it any other way." He said, turning to look the woman in golden eyes. Her smile only growing brighter with every second. Though a hint of surprise hidden within.

"Ho. So you know who I am," she said in what could only amount to appreciation. Her eyes wandering over Parc's form as he stood straight and turned to her. Admiration filling her at his lithe, but muscular form hidden behind a thick and ragged clothing that looked to have not been mended in years from how many holes there were in it. "Not many have that privilege and get to live," she leaned forward coming just a few inches short of his face.

Yet before he could respond, she tilted her head to the side, eyes dilating as her nostrils flared, ears twitching every few seconds, "seems we've got guests. Pick the girl up and lets go."

As if he had a choice, he thought. Shrugging as he lowered himself, hooking his arms under Maya's legs and back, Leone ungraciously throwing Eris over her shoulder with one arm while her other grabbed wrapped around Parc's waist. "Better hold on tight," she laughed, not even giving him a chance to respond before she launched herself off the ground with a surprisingly calm Parc besides her.

'This is going to be a trip,' Parc snorted to himself. Eyes glowing a crimson sheen as he read over the screen before him.

[Kill the King.]

[Main Objective/s: Kill/Conquer Esdeath. Kill Honest. Kill the Emperor.]

[Current Objective: Join Nightraid.]

[Rewards: Blood of the Conqueror.]

Oh, how this was going to be a trip.

"That should do it," Parc let out a deep sigh as he wiped his hands of Maya's blood after having spent the last two, maybe three hours stitching up every wound on her and Eris's bodies while also cleaning them with a veritable horde of wet towels, dying them a deep crimson when he was done.

He had just left the small room—if it could even be called that as it was just a dug out hole in a cave wall with a sheet covering the entrance for the least amount of separation possible.

Leone hadn't brought him directly back to Nightraids home base as he'd been hoping. Instead having brought him and the girl to some hideout in a mountain range he was guessing was close by to the base as she had informed him that some guests would be arriving to ensure his loyalties, and if they were in the right place, she MIGHT, let him survive the night.

Which he found mildly comical considering he'd practically kidnapped and now he was being told be loyal to a cause or die for it.

Stepping into the slightly large 'cavern' just outside the medical room. Parc saw Leone sitting atop a stone bed with a thin futon mattress atop it to give a bit of comfort, a Cheshire grin on her face with one leg hanging over the edge while the other crossed atop it. Her hin resting atop one of her hands.

The room wasn't particularly large due to its likely use being as a hideaway for just one or two members to rest at before getting back to their Homebase. "So," she sung, "made sure my girls are still pure?" she asked with a teasing tone, drawing a raised brow from Parc.

"Their as pure as they want to be." He sighed, collapsing into a chair nearby the entry way to the girls room. "But, yes. They should be fine, still need proper medical help, though."

Leone hopped off the bed and slowly walked up to him with an attractive sway to her hɨps. "Aw, gotta have a bit more confidence. Never going to be a pleaser with such a downy mood," she leaned forward, hands on the chairs armrest while giving Parc the perfect view of her large brėȧsts hanging before his eyes.

One of her hands grabbing his head and pulling his face into her bosom while twisting her body left and right. Barely giving him time to process what she was doing or even why, though he was not going to complain.

After nearly a minute of speedboating him, Leone pulled away, a hint of pride on her as she saw his flushed face and the rising tent in his pants, "someone's happy to see these babies," she winked while raising her hands to grope her own tɨts with eyes of a beast hunting its prey glaring down at Parc.

Parc swallowed the saliva that had accumulated in his mouth, looking up to Leone as she gave him a sly wink, "that was quite rude." He said.

Leone chuckled, "Really? I thought it was quite fun," she looked to the tent in his pants, "and I'm not the only one."

Course she wasn't, no way any sane man wouldn't get like this after that exquisite experience. Parc, looked into Leone's eyes, her locking with his for a moment, "quite the frisky cat, aren't you?" he asked not expecting an actual honest answer from Leone's increasingly ŀustful gaze as her eyes fell to slits as her nostrils flared, taking in a strange sweet scent she could tell was coming from Parc.

She almost immediately knew what it was, ŀust. An overpowering one at that, and something that no sane kitty would ever want to refuse from just how… delectable it tasted to her. "Guessing that's your teigu?" she asked, taking in a deep breath while her body shivered uncontrollably as Parc's scent ȧssaulted her very nerves. Already bringing a moistness to her loins and bringing her nɨppŀės to a firmness that peaked even through her crop top. "Quite malicious aren't you? Getting a girl all hot and bothered without her consent."

Parc snorted and shook his head, "don't exactly have a choice. Damn thing won't turn off. Though, you'll be happy to know that I haven't done anything with anyone… just yet." For a very good reason, no way in hell was he wasting the spots this world offered him for his 'concubines' as his system so graciously called them. He wanted to at least get some of the more… interesting, girls here. And one of them just so happened to be growing increasingly aroused before him. Albeit, she seemed to be holding herself back with surprising ease.

"Ooh, sounds like fun," she said, grabbing his collar and forcing him to his feet, throwing him behind her towards the bed. Parc colliding with the wall with a gasp as the air from his lungs was forced out as he fell onto the surprising soft futon.

"This is going to hurt, ain't it?" he patted his ċhėst as Leone stalked her way towards him, hastily grabbing the bottom of her crop top and pulling itover her head. Her amble brėȧst dropping once free from the velvety confines revealing the two tosy pink nubs that were just asking for attention.

"Depends on how fast you can satisfy this kitten," she sung. Crawling on all fours towards him, the scent of her own musk filled ŀust filling Parc's nose as his ċȯċk grew harder. "And this kitten. She's very, very hungry."

Leone lunged forward, hand striking the wall wither sides his head while forcing her lips onto his. Tongue forcing its way into his mouth and immediately twirling. Exploring every inch of his mouth while not giving him a chance to even reciprocate the feeling.

But even if he couldn't explore the insides of her mouth, he could explore her body. Lifting his hands up, Parc's hands trailed up to her sides. Feeling the tough, but flexible muscles that laced every inch of her belly and back. One hand travelling up her belly, scratching at the increasingly flushing Leone's body while the other soon found itself pulling her closer to give him better access to her soft and supple buŧŧ that seemed to melt in his hands, even though her pȧntɨės were still in the way.

Squeezing her brėȧst and buŧŧ, Leone let out a mewling noise as she broke free from his lips. A strand of saliva still connecting them. Her eyes now glowing a beautiful gold while still holding the look of a lion in them.

"As much as I like foreplay," she brought her lips close to his ear, tongue lightly trailing over his ear for a moment, "I'd much rather get to the good part." She bit his earlobe once again, lightly beginning to suck on it like a suckling cat.

Pfzh jfl qmzu ovfr fezuufgiu om euo zaevo om ao. Ruiphofroiw npiiare val vfrtl dzmq vuz gmtw, Pfzh guefr om prtzull, npiiare val nfrol tmjr urmpev lm ovfo val zmt hmpit lofrt ar fii aol eimzw.

Leone seeming to sense its presence lowered her hɨps till she felt the shaft rub against her crotch, the feeling of which sent an excite shiver through her body. At least, until Parc's hands once again found themselves on her taught buŧŧ, digging beneath her pȧntɨės, squeezing the firm flesh while also pulling it to the sides.

Finally letting him feel the soppy mess of her pussƴ that was ready to feed its hunger. With one hand, Leone grabbed his rod, moving its tip to the entrance of her loins, trembling as she felt it separate her lips and slid into her slick insides, inch by agonizing inch. A part of her knowing that the moment it was all in she would lose it and go berserk from just how good it was already feeling with only the tip inside.

"Got quite the member…" she mȯȧnėd as a jolt of electricity ȧssaulted her. The scent exuding from Parc having only grown more potent since the reveal of his member. "Ohhh…" she seemed to want to say more, but her body refused. It wanted more, it needed its deepest parts to be fed. "Ah… fuċk it…"

Leone suċkėd in a breath, lifting her hɨps ever so slightly, letting her get into a better position. Parc and her locking eyes as her Cheshire grin sharpened. Her hɨps falling down in seconds, taking every inch of his shaft into her, "Haaa!" she mewled, her back arching as she felt him in her deepest places. His shaft switching and stroking her sėnsɨtɨvė areas even as she remained unmoving.

Though that itself lasted only a moment as she began to roll her hɨps back and forth. Slowly, gently. Savouring his flavour. Her mind beginning to float away to an area she experienced with only the most perfect of mates.

Parc's hands firmly grasped her buŧŧ, only slightly ȧssisting in her increasingly swift rolls. His actions seeming to go unnoticed by Leone as her hɨps began to raise, slamming down with enough force that Parc could only grunt at.

He wouldn't have to do anything, he knew that. Leone was more than content with taking control of the situation and fuċkɨnġ him senseless. But his title as wannabe conqueror wouldn't let him.

Pushing himself forward, Parc forced his lips onto Leone's. Her tongue once again going to invade his, but this time he was more than prepared as he spun her around and pushed her back onto the bed in a surprising bout of strength and dexterity she hadn't expected, well, wouldn't have expected were she not so enthralled with having sėx with him.

The moment she impacted the bed, something in her changed. From dominating him she let him move on his own. Letting him take control with how fast and hard he pounded her. His hands firmly grasping her brėȧsts, pinching her rosy nɨppŀės.

Minutes passed as they continued to fuċk like animals. Rolling around atop the bed swapping positions one after the other, neither wanting it to end. But even in the thrall of ŀust, and end must come.

Pulling back, Leone could feel his shaft bulging within her, ready to fill her with her sought after meal. Excitement filling her as she locked her arms and legs behind him. And with one final push, Parc buried himself within her, releasing spurts of ċum into her. Parc collapsing into her ċhėst once he had released his final spurt.

Leone's arms and legs released him. Falling to her sides as she panted in utter satisfaction. Her inner walls still twitching, feeling Parc's rod still hard inside them, as if even in its tiredness it was content in letting it pŀėȧsurė her.

"You're mine," she mȯȧnėd pushing him up and flipping him onto his back. Still straddling him. "you are so mine." She grabbed his arms, locking them above his head as he looked up at her with a twitch in his cheek. "but I'm still hungry," he laughed. About to start raising her hɨps again for a second round but flinching when she noticed a new scent blending in with the overbearing musk that filled the room.

"Oh shit," she muttered, a cold sweat forming over her body.

"Oh shit indeed." A cold, mȧturė voice alerted Leone and Parc of someone new.



Big thanks to Blackjade for finding a copy of this chapter. I previously accidently deleted it and didn't have a copy saved on my hard drive and found a copy somewhere online.

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I read the first arc - Akama ga kill and finished 115ish Well based on initial comments section browse, I was not really encouraged to continue on, but I did and I am not disappointed. I personally Hate Beta MCs, but contrary to the comments saying he was one, it was not true. The MC is not OP but definitely not a Beta passive MC. The MC's character is one that you would expect of harem seeking protagonist. (actually seeking them and not waiting for them show up.) - The plot is not something completely new with different missions but a revised version of them making them different enough to be enjoyable. The plot is a big positive. (However, the ending was rushed, authors seemed excited to get to next thing, it is still good just lower quality compared to the previous chapters) - A major problem with most fanfic is that the Hero (Plus other characters) of the main story is worshipped by the ff authors and everything they touched, powers (also women), the fanfic hero leaves them be and considers it immoral to change. Fortunately, you don't see much of that. Tatsumi does not get to join them, making the story interesting. (Authors still gives him the leftover (not liked) girl and good ending, as a sort of compensation, but meh, it was not a loss for MC so IDC, similarly Wave is compensated) -( *venting - I do not understand fanfics which author changes everything but scared to break up a couple. (doming the world ok but not taking someone's woman) yet they go for (R-18, harem seeking MC)) Good thing the author used his right (power) to make harem targets not end up with cannon partners and actually used his 'author-powers' to not make them be together in the first place. (It is understandable that authors avoid stealing other's women, but how it was done here is a perfect loophole that should be utilized much more, if MC is harem-seeking, and getting best FLs) My only issue was towards the end the plot was sacrificed and some areas concentrated on R-18 variation affecting the plot. (Chelsea's Yuri action was forced, while it would have been better if MC actually build a better relationship with her during the chapters of her 'lust'. Chelsea's lust was not executed right. Why was she even there as a maid? Cat Form is a better disguise.) All I can say is that for Akama ga Kill FF this really good, there is a plot close enough to make you part of the same world and different enough to not make you bored. Lots of R-18 content. I will also put my review of the next word in the reply section after reading it.


I am currently at Chapter 119, finishing the first arc of this novel. I like this novel very much but it has some problems. I expected everything that I would want in a fanfic smut novel but then some plot happens. The beginning of this novel is quite nonsensical, without any idea who the MC is aside from what is read in the synopsis. Wasn't much of a problem since it is a smut novel, then the MC started talking about himself and his sad backstory straight out of basic revenge fap novels. Not good, but I can live with it. Other than the fact that he rehashes the same thing to other people to earn sympathy but hey, it's a smut novel. And then more background story for the MC. He is a hybrid half-demon, half-angel, pretty cool but then he has knowledge of AgK so modern fantasy? But the world still has "nobles" that look down on others because culture. The country MC lives in is clearly barbaric with a custom of "dewing" someone, which actually isn't needed since MC's mother got her wings torn off by someone with their bare hands. From how MC's mother's family is presented, they are a strong warrior race but can easily be put down by commoners, his mother anyways. Aside from that, the country he lives in got invaded and conquered, even thought MC said all countries have nukes, I mean what? His mother gets turned to a slave(modern world, much wow) when they fled to another country but his aunts did not. Stacking bad stuff happening to MC doesn't really make me sympathize with him and the original world MC lives in seems to be much more shitty compared to AgK. A small note that everyone in his old country hates him because he is a bad omen, but has been adopted by his old neighbors that wasn't there at the beginning, like what? Also, him being a hybrid makes him weak when genetics and evolution would beg to differ. If author wants to keep this weird backstory, he should make a small prologue arc. Flesh out MC's homeworld more to make sense of whatever small tidbits he wanted to explain cause it seems to me he just smacked together 2 worlds. And then we come the our MC, Parc Evans. Author said you can skip the first arc since you would not miss anything important and with all the weird backstory MC has, AkG arc being close to a copypasted story changing Tatsumi to Parc, it is better to skip some parts. MC is completely Beta in this first arc. He is not a "Conqueror" by any means and is closer to an Incubus or a Lust Demon. His smell does most of the Conquering for him, while his actions shows a variety of Beta spinelessness. Now, I do like reading the various hijinks that this led to, but it is not in line with both the synopsis and title of this novel. Author noted that MC is suppose to be a tamer but is always shown to be fighting rather than letting his women do the work for him. Author said he should improve in this point in the next arc so we shall see. Finally, the smuts scenes are great, but have fallen in quality in the last couple of chapters nearing the end of the arc. Anything after the reunion with Night Raid was quite meh. In general, the length of the smut scenes have around 70-90% foreplay before the actual act itself. I hope author gives more time to the actual act. All in all, a good smut novel that can be improve more. We shall see what the future of this one holds. tl;dr A very good smut novel with a weird and inconsistent backstory for the MC that author says is Alpha but acts like a Beta. Also, lots of foreplay and BJ scenes and less of actual ***.


I'm going to be blunt and say that since I'm a man of culture one of the main reasons I'm liking this story so much is because the s.mut is quite s.exy and differentiated and that the plot isn't idi.otic like in many of the other stories of this genre but really engaging. This novel is amazing and a must read and I'm enjoying even the pacing of the story. The author himself is starting to wonder if the s.ex scenes are too numerous but in my opinion the problem isn't the number because if you think about it how many scenes did each girl get? Not that many and often enough in the scene there are multiple girl; no, the problem is the number of the girls and I'm scared that the more this story goes on the more is gonna resemble a sort of Pokémon with people. Let me try to explain my point talking about the girls of the first world: Esdeath and kurome are the best girls with more plot and screen time than everybody else, leone and najenda fit nicely in the story because leone is the perfect first girl being more animalistic in nature and is also perfect for starting an harem since that is the way of a lion pride while najenda is the perfect last girl since she is so driven to complete her objective that she put her emotions and everything else in second place. Akane and Chelsea are simply needed in the story because the chapters when kurome try to talk them into becoming one of her master's pets are a masterpiece that must be transformed into a holy book so that we can indoctrin ...Cough... Teach other people of false faith. All the others girls aren't especially needed in the harem in my opinion and I know this is gonna sound crazy but in an harem story is possibile to have females characters and not have them join the harem, REVOLUTIONARY! You have sniper girl and scissor girl that don't bring anything exceptional to the table apart for being a tsundere and an airhead respectively, I'm personally fed up with the first type in general while the chapters wasted on the second character talking about and healing from a trauma born from a 1 cm scar on the cheek in a world where humans are treated worse than cattle is so mor.onic that I think those chapters are the only ones that completely broke my immersion in the story. The wounded sisters and sayo are good characters (do we really need 3 copies of the same character? Isn't sayo enough?) because they allow the story to show that the MC isn't a psychopath but somebody that is fighting to overcome his childhood trauma and that he is ready to help others in a similar situation to at least start their own recovery but then becoming a harem member isn't a necessity, she could go back home to her village, maybe even togheter with her childhood friend if their friendship can survive their misadventures or even help the angel boy from esdeath's group to set up a less corrupt government since being a pleb that suffered heavily at the hands of the old nobility and a "member" of night raid she should easily become the voice of the people or even something else. Since we are talking about it I think you could have written a good couple of chapters about Parc having a nightmare after seeing someone else experiencing something similar to his trauma and then having najenda take care of him like he has done for the girls. I'm not a writer but maybe having the MC shows some big vulnerability at least once would make him more relatable to the readers and then with the help of najenda parc would strengthen his resolve to overcome every obstacles in his way just like the general. Anyway back to the girls and ahhh, If only there were some useless characters with relative s.ex scenes that are so irrelevant to the story that we could reincarnate them in another story and this novel will not suffer one bit... Oh wait there are the 2 rashaka girls. Joking aside these 2 don't add anything meaningful to the story and apart from the scene where they were stuck under the table while Esdeath and parc talked which was really funny their absence wouldn't be felt. Obviously those are my personal opinions on them but I think that at this point they are already starting to be numerous considering that it is only the first world and then the second world starts and the problem is going to grow even bigger since in this one there are going to be a lot of new members, like 30 or something . Don't take me wrong summer seems like a great character and you are doing an amazing work in writing the evolution of her relationship with parc but you must understand that we readers (maybe I'm the only one but I'm pretty confident that I can speak for a lot of people) are already attached to some of the previous characters and you are asking us to forget them because they are currently frozen in some magic evocation system and instead read about 50 new girls and start caring about them. I'm hoping to be proven wrong but if this keep going by the last world I see this ending with a lot of hollow characters that have been in the story for only 3 chapters each and an MC that will have to act like an asshole since he can't spend time with everybody .... And let's just pretend that the parc who said all those things about being a responsabile father and the parc who is currently kepping the woman pregnant with his child frozen so that she could not deliver him/her child to the world are two different MCs ok? Last thing, instead of skipping terrarium you should have written about it, some adventure with the girls from the first world, maybe fight to clear a piece of land from the monsters and build an house so that when he moves to the second world instead of having the girls being frozen in a pokeball you could have said that the girls are living there in your private world. P.S. I know that I have written mostly about things I don't like in the story but that's because I'm really enjoying it and I want to see it improve. English is not my first language, (you probably already know from all my mistakes) and I spent most of my lunchbreak typing on a century old phone with the autocorrector set in another language this shi.tty wall of text that maybe the author is never gonna read, this is just to make you understand how much I'm interested in this story