
Four Out of Nine


As Naruto, Ino, and Shikamaru made their way to their favorite Barbeque Restaurant, they noticed some odd behaviors coming from the villagers as they passed by them. The trio knew they would usually glare at the blonde Uzumaki every time he crossed their path...but not this time. Some of the villagers were actually 'smiling' at him and looked at him with respect and admiration in their eyes.

Word must have gone out about Naruto's heroics in both Land of Tea and Waves. Some of the rumors were slightly exaggerated, but the constant topic of their conversation was that Naruto was reported to be a great Hero by both countries. There were some who denied this claim, of course, and declared that the 'Demon Brat' was lying, so he could steal the rightful glory from the 'Great Uchiha-sama.'

While the lack of hostility was a great sense of relief for the blonde Uzumaki, Ino and Shikamaru were simply disgusted by this. It was not too long ago that these 'people' tormented Naruto, and NOW just because he did the village an excellent service by establishing trade partnerships with two other countries, they FINALLY see him as a Hero now???!!!

'Bastards! Every last one of them' Ino thought with hate in her eyes.

'These people should consider themselves lucky that Naruto is not the vengeful type,' Shikamaru thought with narrowed eyes. But apparently, Naruto can sense their negative emotions.

"Guys, calm down. You know I can literally feel your anger, right?" Naruto asked with a calm tone.

"No way, Whiskers! It took you to risk your life for these people to finally acknowledge you. I recognize some of those smiling bastards. They were the same people who often call you the 'D-Word' every time they see you." Ino said, with venom in her voice.

"She's right, Naruto." Shikamaru agreed."I'm not disagreeing with you guys. A part of me wants to slap those fake, forced smiles off their faces, as well. But there's no point dwelling on the past. We must look to the future. And if the villagers will finally get off my back, my life will be much easier." Naruto said with a soft smile.

"How could you be so calm?! Who's to say they won't turn on you if you make a mistake?!" Ino pointed out.

"Then I won't make a mistake," Naruto joked. "I'M SERIOUS, NARUTO-KUN! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO THROUGH ALL THAT HELL AGAIN!" Ino yelled out with great concern in her voice.

"What do you want me to do, Ino-chan?! Call them ALL out for being ignorant bastards, and beat their hateful asses to a pulp?!" Naruto asked.

"YES! AND I'LL HELP!" Ino declared, with fire in her eyes.

"While I'm not completely on board with the whole mass-ass-kicking thing, but I do see what Ino is trying to say. The villagers are finally starting to see you in a new light, Naruto. And it only takes one mistake for it to disappear." Shikamaru pointed it out.

Hearing things from his girlfriend and his lazy best friend was enough to make him think for a moment."Mmmmm, I guess you're right. Then I know what I must do if I reach the final stage of the Chunin Exams." Naruto said. "And that will be?" Shikamaru asked.

"Probably something dramatic. But why spoil it know," Naruto said with a smirk. "Hmph, troublesome blonde," Shikamaru said with a tired sigh and a lazy smile.

"I still take offense to that, by that way. But whatever plan you're thinking, Naruto-kun.....you know I'm always with you." Ino said with a warm smile as she held on to Naruto's hand. "Thank you, Ino-chan," Naruto said with a smile before he kissed Ino on her cheek, causing her to blush a bit. She absolutely loves it when he does that. As the Genin trio continued their walk, Naruto sighed in annoyance when he felt three small chakra signatures behind them. "Am I the only one who noticed that we're being followed?" Naruto asked his two teammates.

Apparently, The trio were being followed by a 'Square Rock?' "Nope. That 'rock' has been following us for almost five minutes now." Shikamaru said. "Why didn't you say anything then?" Ino whispered with a tick-mark on her forehead. "Too troublesome," Shikamaru answered lazily. They let the 'rock' follow them for another minute until Ino couldn't take it anymore.


"Sigh.....Konohamaru, please come out of there; you look ridiculous." Naruto said as he could sense the little Sarutobi's chakra. "...Just what you'd expect from the Boss himself!" The Box said with his squeaky voice.

BOOM! The box then suddenly exploded, releasing a lot of smoke and confetti. And when the smoke clears, three children appeared, coughing their lungs out."

*Cough*Cough*.....Darn it, Udon! That's too much exploding powder!" Konohamaru called out to one of the other kids next to him while still coughing. The trio of kids then turned their heads upwards and saw Team 10 staring at them with confusion in their eyes. And the confusion only intensified when the kids started posing in a very dramatic fashion, as colorful backgrounds appeared behind them.

"I'm Moegi! The sexiest girl in class at the Kunoichi Preschool! Check me out!" The Female of the trio declared while making her 'sassy' pose. "I love math! Call me Udon!" The boy with glasses declared with a 'nerdy' pose.

"I am the most brilliant ninja in the village! Konohamaru!" Konohamaru declared proudly as he made his 'tough guy pose. "The three of us together are the Konohamaru Ninja Squad! Here we are!" The Trio said in unison and made their final team pose. Team 10 was so shocked and confused that they did not know what to say. 'Did that little girl said that she was sexy?' Ino thought with a raised eyebrow.

'Did that boy said he loved math?' Shikamaru thought.

All Naruto could do was chuckle at the children's enthusiasm. "Hahaha, hello again, Konohamaru-kun. Quite a...' flashy' entrance you got there." Naruto said with a warm smile, happy to see his goofy little brother figure again.

He then noticed the identical Red Clothes they were all wearing on their heads. "Ummm, why are you guys wearing those Red Clothes around your heads?" Naruto pointed to the red headbands they were all wearing that had the Uzumaki clan symbol at the center.

"Hihihi because your jacket is red, and we want to be just like you! We even sewn the Uzumaki Clan Symbol on it! We want to make sure everyone knows how awesome you are!" Konohamaru said with a proud grin, wanting to be just like a big brother figure. But this only made Ino and Shikamaru raise an eyebrow. "Ummm, Naruto-kun....did they just form a 'cult' in your name?" Ino asked Naruto with a deadpan look.

".....Did you?" Naruto asked the trio with a raised eyebrow. "N-No! We just want to show everyone how awesome you are! Besides, everyone is starting to say that you are a hero now," Konohamaru said with a childish grin."I see...well, I'm very flattered," Naruto said with a warm smile as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. Hearing that Naruto approves was enough to make the trio of kids smile brightly.

"Tee-hee, See! I told you guys, he was cool!" Konohamaru said. "And very handsome too," Moegi added while batting her eyelashes for the blonde Uzumaki."Ummm, thank you?" Naruto responded awkwardly. "So Naruto-sama! Do you have some free time now?" Moegi cheerfully asked Naruto as she reaches for his hand. "Well, my team and I were actually going to get some lunch after a long day of training," Naruto answered.

"What?! But you said you'd play ninja with us today!" Konohamaru reminded disappointedly. "Oh?....is that right? S-Sorry, I actually forgot," Naruto admitted while rubbing his hair embarrassingly. Ino wanted to point out that it was kind of odd for Naruto to play ninja when he is already one. But she then realized that the trio of children just wanted to play with him because they absolutely worship him. All she could do was giggle at how cute it was. "Tee-hee, it's kinda cute that a ninja would play ninja," Ino said with a warm smile and an adorable giggle. "Hahaha yeah, I guess that's the irony."

Naruto said, smiling back at her. Konohamaru then noticed the pretty platinum blonde Yamanaka and wanted to ask. "Who is she, Boss?" Konohamaru asked. "Oh, this is Ino. And the guy next to her is Shikamaru." Naruto introduced his team. "Hi, there," Ino greeted with a pretty smile. "What's up" Shikamaru greeted lazily, with his hands in his pocket. When Konohamaru looked at Naruto, and then to Ino, and then back to Naruto, and then back to Ino, all the little Sarutobi could do, was smirk teasingly at the blonde Uzumaki.

"Ohhhh, you been busier than I thought, Boss," Konohamaru said teasingly. "Huh?" Naruto didn't know what he meant. "Is she your giiiirlfriend?" Konohamaru asked while holding his pinkie up and grinning childishly. "Yes, Ino-chan is my girlfriend. We've been together for four years now." Naruto said casually like it was no big deal. But what he said shocked the young trio as their eyes widened and their jaws were hanging open.

"You had a girlfriend....." Konohamaru started. "....Since you were ten?" Udon finished with the same disbelief tone. "Ummmm, yes?" Naruto answered awkwardly. What happened next surprised the Genin Trio, as Konohamaru and Udon dropped down to their knees and started to bow before Naruto while crying their eyes out dramatically.

"YOU ARE A GOD, NARUTO-SAMA/NIISAN! WE ARE NOT WORTHY! WE ARE NOT WORTHY!" All Naruto, Ino, and Shikamaru could do was sweat-dropped at the scene before them. "Okay, this just got a lot weirder," Shikamaru said with a raised eyebrow. "Boys, please don't do that; the floor is dirty," Ino said with concern in her voice while trying to mask her growing laughter. "AND SHE'S A GODDESS! AND SHE'S VERY NICE TOO!" Konohamaru and Udon cried out in unison. "Ummmm, thank you, hihihi" Ino accepted the compliment embarrassingly.

Moegi, on the other hand, could not contain her jealousy for the Blonde Yamanaka. Naruto is a handsome boy and her idol, and she has already developed a school-girl crush on him. And she absolutely didn't like the idea of other girls being with him. "Hmph...she's not that pretty. She's a little 'top heavy' if you ask me." Moegi said while crossing her arms and pouting.

But apparently, after what she 'boldly' said out loud, everything became dead silent, as an aura of death was radiating from Ino. The blonde Yamanaka had developed her 'assets' quite early over the years. Her breasts are significantly bigger than most girls her age. Apparently, training her body almost every day to become a strong kunoichi has made her physique appear very athletic yet maturely feminine at the same time.

"What did you say, Gaki?" Ino asked Moegi dangerously. Moegi was trembling in fear and sweating bullets when she saw the aura of death around Ino.".....Run, Moegi, run," Naruto said nervously, which made the little girl sprint in the opposite direction, but Ino was right behind her tail. As the Yamanaka chases down the jealous little girl, she was so blinded by her rage that she didn't see where she was going and accidentally bumps into someone, sending both of them to the ground.

"Owwww," Ino groaned while she held her head in pain. But she still hasn't realized that she was still on top of someone. As Naruto, Shikamaru, Konohamaru, and Udon had finally arrived at the scene, the four boys couldn't help but feel slightly 'aroused' at the sight before them, as the person that was under Ino was a pretty young girl. 'Wait!?' Naruto thought, surprised.

The girl had caramel-tan skin, short mint-green hair, and bright orange eyes. She appears to be a ninja, as her outfit consisted of a short sleeveless white midriff shirt with fishnet armor underneath, long white armlets, and fishnet shorts with a short white apron skirt over it. Her forehead protector was worn on her right arm.

"Umm, Ino-chan?" Naruto said, blushing his cheeks out, and pointed to the pretty girl beneath Ino. Ino turned her head to Naruto when he called her and was confused when she saw him blushing. And when she turned her head to where his finger was pointing at, she was surprised to see a smiling girl beneath her that she knew very well; she jumped up, leaving the smiling girl on the ground.

"AAHH" Ino yelled out when she got back on her feet. But the girl was still smiling, as her back was still on the ground.

"Fuu-chan," Naruto called her, surprised; the pretty girl's eyes found Naruto the moment she saw him, jumping right at his arm before crushing him with a big hug, rubbing her cheek against his, much to his embarrassment.

"Naruto-kun! it has been so long," she said excitedly, with a cute smile across her face.

"Is good to see you, Fuu-chan; how have you been?" Naruto asked, returning the hug, much to the girl's delight.

Ino rolled her eyes at them; by now, she knew her boyfriend was a girl magnet, and she couldn't really blame them; Naruto was handsome, strong, funny, charming, and knew how to use his fingers, she thought the last part with a massive flush on her face, a week ago, after a date, Ino invited Naruto to her home, sadly her parents were at home, her father almost wanted to kick Naruto out for dating his 'little innocent princess,' thankfully her mother calmed him down a bit.

That night, Ino and Naruto had ended up in her bed, making out; the blonde Uzumaki had used a seal to block out any kind of sound to reach outside the room; that night, Naruto had given her the first orgasm, making her scream his name, they hadn't gone further because of her father charging inside to check if everything terrible was happening to Ino. The blonde girl escaped her naughty thoughts when Shikamaru nudged her shoulder.

"And this is Konohamaru and his friends, Udon and Moegi." Naruto then introduced the trio of children behind him. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Fū said with a bright smile.

"I'm very sorry for running into you, Fuu. It's just that Moegi here has a big mouth." Ino said while glaring daggers at the little girl behind Naruto."Hmph, I stand by my statement. A kunoichi doesn't need that much 'baggage.' It will just be a burden." Moegi pouted and turned her head away while crossing her arms. But this was enough to piss off the Yamanaka once more. No wonder her affinity is Fire.

"WHY, YOU LITTLE! TELL THAT TO LADY TSUNADE!" Ino yelled out as she continued to chase Moegi, who resumed running for her life."Sigh.....here we go again." Shikamaru said as he, Konohamaru, and Udon went after them. Naruto wanted to stay and talk with Fū a little longer. But decided to go after Ino, so she won't accidentally kill the jealous little girl. "Well, it was nice meeting you again, Fuu-chan. But I gotta go now. Take care, Best friend." Naruto said with a smile as he waved goodbye at her and chased after Ino.

Fū then dropped her head down in disappointment, saddened that Team 10 had to go, but then she raised her head up when she remembered what Naruto had just called her. I really hope he sees me as more than just a best friend, Fuu thought with a small blush.


Moegi was still running as fast as she could from the fuming Yamanaka. But when she made a sharp turn, she accidentally crashed into another shinobi that was around the corner. And this one was not at all friendly like the last. Apparently, the person she ran into was a male shinobi from Suna.

He wore a Bunraku puppeteer's costume, a black, baggy, full-body suit with a red and yellow circle on the front. He also wears a black hood which covered his head completely and had cat-like ears and his forehead protector on his forehead. Bunraku puppeteers usually wear black outfits and hoods so as not to distract from their puppets. He also sported a triangular purple face-paint design. "Damn it, brat, that hurt!" the male Suna shinobi said as he picked up Moegi by the collar, getting ready to apply some punishment on the scared little girl.

"N-No, please, I'm sorry," Moegi apologized fearfully, but the boy that was holding her collar didn't care.

"Leave the kid alone, Kankuro! She apologized." said the female Suna kunoichi, that is standing next to the now identified Kankuro, with an annoyed tone. She has teal eyes and sandy blonde hair, which is gathered into four consecutive pigtails. Her outfit consists of a single light purple-colored, off-the-shoulders garment that extended to halfway down her thighs, with a scarlet sash tied around her waist. In addition to incorporating fishnet worn over her shoulders and legs, specifically on her right calf and her left thigh, she also wore her black forehead protector around her neck.

"No, Temari, I've gotta to teach this gaki some respect." The now named Kankuro said with a sadistic smirk. "Fine, but if you get in trouble, I'm not helping." The now identified Temari said with an annoyed sigh. Naruto, Ino, and Shikamaru arrived just in time, with Konohamaru and Udon behind them.

"HEY! PUT HER DOWN, YOU JERK!" Ino yelled out, getting the attention of the Suna Ninja Duo. "Hah, get lost, blondie. Unless you want to be next," Kankuro threatens with a smirk. Naruto never likes threats, especially towards his friends or loved ones, which he would gladly kill anyone who dares to. But when he notices their headbands, he realizes it won't be wise to start an international incident between two allied Hidden Villages. He then decided to defuse the situation before it escalated any further. "Miss, I advise you put the girl down," Naruto asked calmly.

"What are you talking about? I'm not the one holding her," Temari asked, confused, but was lightly blushing when she saw Naruto's handsome face.

"I'm actually talking to her," Naruto points at Kankuro. "The ugly one that is holding Moegi over there," Naruto said with a straight face to Kankuro, who was growling furiously at the blonde Uzumaki.

"WHAT THE HELL! I'M A BOY, YOU IDIOT!" Kankuro yelled out, embarrassed and angered at the same time. "Then why the hell are you wearing a full-body cat-suit and make-up?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow, which causes Temari to giggle. 'Tee-hee, cute AND funny. And the one with the pineapple hair is not bad either. It's like this village is a breeding ground for hot guys," Temari thought with a blush.

"IT'S NOT MAKE-UP! IT'S WAR-PAINT!" Kankuro yelled out, trying to defend his pride. "Your teammate's giggles, say otherwise," Shikamaru stated, which made Kankuro turn his head and saw Temari couldn't contain her giggle. 'TRAITOR!' Kankuro thought.

"Look, I don't care about your 'confused sexuality.' I won't judge. But please put the girl down, and no one has to get hurt." Naruto stated, his tone turning sharper by the minute.

"I'm teaching her some manners, asshole. And after I'm done with her, I'm going to teach you some too." Kakuro said as he made a fist and prepared to punch Moegi's face. Naruto instantly vanished in a blur of speed. Reappearing behind Kankuro, with a kunai at his throat. Temari was caught off guard by the sudden burst of speed and was about to take out the Large Fan behind her back to defend her brother, but then she felt her body completely paralyzed.

"I don't think so," Shikamaru said, as his shadow was now connected to Temari's. "Now, would you be so kind as to put her down.....gently" Naruto whispered into Kankuro's ear, which sent shivers down his spine as he immediately let go of Moegi. She then ran all the way to Konohamaru and hugged him.

"Konohamaru, take your friends and leave. Now." Naruto ordered with a serious tone.

"R-Right Boss. Let's go, guys," Konohamaru said as he led Udon and Moegi away. Naruto then returns his attention to Kankuro.

"Now, let me remind you that attacking a civilian from an allied village is a crime punishable by death. But I think I'll leave the punishment.....to your not so happy looking teammate." Naruto said as his eyes were locked on the short red-headed Suna shinobi that was hanging upside down on a tree branch.

Everyone heard what Naruto said, and their heads turned to the direction of the red-headed ninja. When Kankuro and Temari saw him, their eyes were widened in fear and panic. The red-haired boy has fair skin, green eyes, and short, auburn messy hair. He lacks distinctive pupils or eyebrows and has a tanuki-like black rings around his eyes. He even has a kanji for "love" on the left side of his forehead. He wears a black body suit with an open neck, t-shirt-like sleeves, and almost full-length leggings. With this, he wears a white cloth over his right shoulder and the left side of his hips. He has a wide leather band from his left shoulder to his right hip with which he carries his Sand Gourd and around which he wraps his forehead protector.

He had a strong aura of death around him. "Kankuro, stand down," the redhead ordered with a monotone voice. "Ga-Gaara," Kankuro said fearfully.


'Careful boy. That's Shukaku's Jinchruki' Kurama warned.

'Another Jinchuriki?'

'Don't get too excited. Shukaku is an asshole.

''Wow, did you just curse?"

''Yeah, so what? You do it all the time. Anyway, you need to really watch your back with that one,"

'What abilities does he have?'

'Shukaku is the One-Tailed Racoon. He has an ability called 'Jiton' or Magnet Release, which enables him and his Jinchuriki to control sand.'

'Wow, that's awesome! How come you don't have any cool powers like that?'


'I guess that is cool....but is that all? For the most powerful Bijuu?'

'Cheeky brat, well, there is the Kyubi Chakra Mode (KCM) and the Baryon Mode.'

'What's the Baryon Mode?'

'That mode is not important! All you need to know is to watch out with this Gaara. I can sense that Shukaku has twisted the boy into becoming his kill-mongering puppet. And also.....he hates me, by the way.'

'What? Why?'

'He didn't like the fact that I pointed out that a Tailed Beast's strength is measured by the number of tails, therefore viewing him as the weakest.'

'Wow, really?'

'Yes, and No. At first, I was just fucking with him cause he's my youngest brother. But over the centuries, that theory was proven to be correct. A Tail represents the amount of Chakra we have. And I have Nine, so that makes me the most powerful.'

'Noted. And thanks for the history lesson.'


Naruto was then snapped back to reality when he heard Gaara was speaking to his teammate. Sometimes even Naruto forgets that an hour-long conversation in his mind was actually three seconds in the real world.

"You're an embarrassment to our village. Have you forgotten the reason why we came all the way here to Konoha?" Gaara said with a dangerous tone to his older brother and teammate.

"P-Please listen to me, Gaara. T-They lashed out first..."

"Shut up! Or I'll kill you." Gaara interrupted him as he shot his killing intent towards Kankuro, which caused the 'war-paint' wearing boy's legs to tremble slightly.

"U-Understood, I was wrong...I-I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Kankuro apologized desperately. Ino and Shikamaru were shocked that he would threaten his own teammates. Gaara then turns his attention to Naruto.

"I apologize for my brother's actions. It won't happen again," Gaara promised. Naruto nodded and released his kunai from Kankuro's throat, which made Shikamaru releases his shadow from Temari's.

'This guy just screams Jinchuriki. His chakra levels are off the charts. Not to mention that bloodlust in his eyes.' Naruto thought.

'He managed to get behind Kankuro with ease. This one might be.....interesting.' Gaara thought, amused, but then he heard Shukaku's voice in his head.

'Be wary of that one, 'my son.' That goddamn Fox is within him. It would please me if you bring me his blood.' Shukaku warned, enraged when he senses his big brother within the blonde boy.

'Yes, mother,' Gaara happily obliged. Garra then sand-shunshin in front of Naruto as he wanted to get a better look at his next target. Instead of being afraid like what Kankuro and Temari expected, Naruto simply approached Gaara, starring him down without a hint of fear in his eyes. It was an intense stare-down that lasted almost a minute until Naruto's face turned into a smirk, and he decided to greet his fellow Jinchuriki properly.

"It's nice to finally meet you.....One-Tail," Naruto said with a carefree tone, which caused Temari and Kankuro to turn pale, while Ino's and Shikmaru's eyes widened in realization.

".....Likewise....Nine-Tails. Mother says you are strong. I'll prove my existence by killing you." Gaara declared with a sinister smirk. Naruto wanted to joke that Shukaku is a male, but his thoughts were broken when he heard the sounds of a slow clap on his left. He and Gaara turned their heads and saw a Kumo kunoichi approaching them. A kunoichi the blonde hadn't seen for a long time.

She had long, straight, blonde hair bound with taut bandages and dark eyes, and she wore red lipstick. She wore a short-sleeved black and purple blouse and black pants, both of which had a design similar to clouds on them, purple fingerless gloves, and a chain of blue beads wound around her left hand. She also wore the standard Kumogakure forehead protector, sandals, and a kunai holster, which was strapped to her right thigh. She also wore bandages around her arms and legs, as well as a red belt around her waist.

"Bravo, boys. You just proved that even Allied Villages can be a bunch of dicks to each other." The blonde Kumo kunoichi jest with a smirk.

"Who are you?" Gaara asked with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, where are my manners. I'm Yugito Nii. Nice to meet you, losers." The now named Yugito said with a smirk as she approached the Jinchuriki duo.

'Okay, seriously, is there some sort of Reunion that I don't know about?' Kurama asked himself with a frustrated sigh.

'Yeh, I remember Yugito has Matatabi; what are her abilities?'

'Matatabi. The Two-Tailed Cat. She is able to grant her Jinchuriki, her powerful Blue Fire. It burns three times hotter than any regular fire. So you better only use your strongest Suiton Jutsus if you face against her. Your Wood Style might work as well, but it's debatable if Wood can beat Fire. Also, she enables her Jinchuriki to have cat-like traits and abilities, such as enhanced senses, flexibility, agility, and retractable claws.'

'Yikes, is that all?'

'No...this might not be important, but.....Matatabi is.....how do I put this delicately.....always erotically charged.'

'Is that.....fancy talk for Horny?'


Naruto was then snapped back to reality when he saw the blonde Kumo girl stare at him with wonder. He then greeted her with his bright smile. "It's nice to meet you too, Yugito....or I should I call you, Two-Tails," Naruto said with a smirk.

Yugito's eyes widened, finally recognizing the blonde in front of her. "N-Naruto-kun," she said before engulfing him in a tight hug, much to Naruto's embarrassment, who could feel her well-developed breasts against his chest. "Good to see you, Yugi-chan," he greeted her back with a smile.

Yugito pulled back, taking a good look at him; he had grown handsome, especially his whiskers that made him Cute, she was about to ask how he had been the last few years, but apparently, 'someone' was screaming in her head. 'BY THE SAGE OF THE SIX PATHS! NARUTO HAS BECOME TOO WORTHY! CLAIM HIM NOW, KITTY!' Matatabi yelled out, as her voice was filled with lust.'

'S-Shut up, Matatabi!' Yugito shouted back with an embarrassed blush. Her thoughts were broken when she heard Gaara spoke to her.

"Stay out of this, Kumo ninja," Gaara ordered dangerously.

"Fat chance! The only other Jinchuriki I know is Bee, and I rather talk to one that doesn't rap every time he talks," Yugito said as she firmly stood her ground. It was now an intense stare-down between the three Jinchurikis. They could literally feel the overwhelming power that was radiating from each other.

But the tension was broken when Fū suddenly appeared in the stare-down, standing next to Naruto, with her wide eyes glued to his face.

"AAHHH" Naruto and Yugito yelled out in surprise at the mint-haired girl's sudden appearance, while Gaara simply glared at her. Naruto was in disbelief that he didn't even sense her presence. For someone who has Biju level Chakra reserves like her, she was able to slip past his sensory ability without him noticing.

"Fū?! W-Where did you come from?" Naruto asked, but Fū interrupted him when she leaned her head closer to his face.

"I have been training with Chomei to master some secret abilities she has," Fuu explained with a cute smile.

"Hahaha, look at this, Four out of Nine already. Oh, and she's Seven-Tails, by the way." Naruto introduced Fū to a confused Yugito and an annoyed Gaara.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Fu said with a bright smile.

"Umm, sure. Sooo....One...." Yugito points at Gaara "....Seven...." She points at Fu "....and Nine." She points at Naruto last, trying to get some clarity of which Jinchurikis the other two were.

'And the Nine is Hot!' Matatabi added in.

'Q-Quiet you!' Yugito yelled out in her thoughts with an embarrassed blush.

"Are these people your friends too, Naruto?" Fū asked her first-ever friend.

"Umm, Yugito-chan is an old friend, but I don't really know Gaara," Naruto stated. "How wonderful! Then they can be our friends too." Fū said as she approached Yugito.

"You are a girl! We can be girlfriends! We can paint our nails, try clothes, and talk about cute boys!" Fū says to Yugito as she happily spins around and stops when she looks at Gaara.

She then turns her attention back to Yugito.

"I found a boy. Shall we talk about how gloomy he looks?" Fū asked with a smile.

This immediately made Yugito sweat dropped, while Kankuro and Temari were having their jaws dropped."Is she really the Seven-Tails?" Yugito asked Naruto.

"Yes," Naruto confirmed. But Gaara had enough of this nonsense.

"Silence, silly girl. Before I kill you too." Gaara threatened Fū. But Fū was oblivious to such threats.

"Thank you for your honesty; I will make sure to remember that," Fū said happily, with a smile never leaving her face.

'Is this really happening?' Kankuro and Temari thought in disbelief that the three foreign Shinobis in front of them were not even afraid of Gaara.

"I assume; you are all here to participate in the Chunin Exams," Naruto stated, hoping that these foreign ninjas are here for a good reason.

"That's right. I am combat ready." Fū said with a childish salute.

"Really? You don't really strike me as ready," Yugito pointed out. But Fū simply smirks at this.

"Appearances can be deceiving. After all, a shinobi's greatest weapon; is deception." Fū said with a smile that sent shivers down Yugito's spine.

Gaara then turns his attention to Naruto. "The silly girl said that your name is Naruto, correct?" Gaara asked.

"Yes, Naruto Uzumaki. And you are Gaara, right?" Naruto asked back.

"Yes. I am Gaara of the Desert. I look forward to meeting you three in the exams...I'll enjoy spilling your blood. Especially yours, silly girl." Gaara said to Fū with a sadistic smirk.

"How exciting! I look forward to spilling your blood as well, Gaara-kun!" Fū said excitedly.

'She DID NOT just say that,' Kankuro thought with wide eyes.

'Does she have a death wish or something?' Temari asked herself in disbelief.

"Hmph..." Gaara said as he turned his head away from the three Jinchurikis.

"...Let's go," Gaara said to his siblings/teammates as he led them away from the scene.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you again, Naruto-kun. But I have to go now too. See you around." Yugito said with a flirtatious tone as she shunshin away to find her teammates.

"Aren't you going to go too, Fū-chan?" Naruto asked the mint-haired girl.

"...YES, I have to go as well. My teammates won't be worried if I'm gone, but I always enjoy disappointing them. Goodbye, Naruto-kun." Fū said with a smile as she happily shunsin away.

Ino and Shikamaru then approached behind Naruto as they watched Fū shunsin away. "This exam just got a whole lot interesting," Naruto stated with a smirk.