
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

MA_Writecraft · Fantasia
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23 Chs

My Past Before My Future

It's been another few days, since I left the comfort of Mask maker's Den....

I've been busy since then, having fun with the fallen warriors blade, and remembering more and more of myself, reflecting and planning my next move...

I remembered mush...to the point of nearly going insane, when I realized how f*cked up of a situation I'm in...

" Why? did that being. . .Celestial even say, that I'll be born in a world that she, said treated her kindly . . .

her... ...I'm not...No! I can't give up.... "

With does thoughts, I practiced.

Training my body to be able to use that blade, to atleast an extent of some, competency...so I could protect my self, when I'm force to face those creatures again....

But in reality, I should do my best too avoid any creature...that might try killing me...

the blade I.....procured was interesting, it seemed like it's entirely different from the swords, that I practiced with back in my....

original world. . . ...it's hard and solid. . . yes, swords are suppose to be hard but, it also should be able to bend so to not shatter when strike by other weapons. . .It supposed to bend and spread the damage throughout the sword.

But no...it seems like the weapons, and the universal rules our different here...

That's. . .kinda horrible and amazing in the same time, the adventurous scholar in me, ha ha ha. . .where yelling, telling me to go forth, and explore and study this world, to acquire knowledge and greater Experience...

That would be fun, since even in the past I was nothing more than a young man, that always starved for more, doing anything to kill my boredom.

ha ha ha. . .boredom. . .not sure why such a concept, would be the down fall of such a modern society. . .

I remembered we as humanity. . . evolve from primitives, lived through millennia, exploiting and bending nature to are will. . .we were at the peak of our world, but in my era, just after the age of technology.

when we as humanity finally finished, that assh*le of a project. . .finally fully controlling our own star.

And then creating another star, from a gaseous giant, to supplement are systems need for one. . .in this era I lived, and in this time only the specialist and elites.

had the power to do what they wanted, anyone else where secondary, in that time, I was born in a family, of an engineering specialist father and a social elite mother.

they took care of me, well enough, until I was 16, and where I moved out, and sent into multiple Learning programs, and in each one people always said I was a genius, and even some a prodigy.

but for me it always felt like every praise, and thank you where empty, even though I know that some weren't and where honest or grateful for the help I've done for them.

But then realized, it wasn't just empty praise, because at the age of 14 I learn the concept that most people use, to determine quality. . . it was comparison. . .

This concept was used on me countless times, even when I was very young. . . my parents, the reason they sent me to learn from such a young age, was because they realized how different I was from other children.

They knew I was gifted, starting just from the way I behaved and conducted myself and especially in the way I learned. . .now in hindsight I didn't know at the time, that I was so especial, I just thought every other kid was just like me, and I was just being lovingly praise by my parents but boy, I was wrong. . .

In the age of a few months I can already talk and surprisingly well, atleast that's how my father described it, he said that I easily learn things by copying him and mother. . .

And it wasn't just plain mimicry, they said I can weirdly understand them, when they either explained it fully or just pointing at something like an apple and then saying its name would be enough.

When he found this out my father immediately insisted, to put me through a specialist learner classes, but luckily my mom didn't let him, so he didn't and my father waited for my maturity.

And with that I had both a boring, and extremely peaceful childhood, where I did many thing's like learn about swords, and the science behind them, and a lot of other things like the design, forging, history, martial arts. . .

I always found it enjoyable learning so much, so as I enjoyed playing with the many widely aged childhood friends, I made especially does, how I can share a kiss with without being told off as being gay.

And those I fight with constantly, using both the mind by telling stories, speaking our knowledge and playing video games.

And with the body, fighting childish blood dripping brawls, competing in sports and or older kids that I had my fun with, participating in there lecherous activities, I didn't know that even the young would be that perverted.

those where very enjoyable times, but still I hunger for more, even in my youngest youth, I can't remember not doing anything if I did, it actually makes me go insane. . .

especially because of the weird way my mind and memory worked, my head always filled with idea's, thoughts, and many more always occupied with something, this always made it hard too focus on one thing, at a time atleast when its not fun. . .

while my memory ha ha ha. . .its quite funny actually, right now it's working fine, and I'm gaining back atleast most of it but before it was always static.

When I learned something I never forget, how to do it, thats why it was always so easy, and worth it, to learn every know or popular language at the time, it made things easy when talking to people, and learning about them.

And it wasn't just language, every skill I learned I never forgot, maybe I'll get rusty but that's it, at most when I learn something I would only improve and nothing else. . .

Those two things made me an odd child, a kid who always want to do everything, and would join anyone, and would do both good and bad but always would do it for the Fun and Experience.

Naturally I was curious, of anything that would peak my interest, that's why people would always rarely find me, hanging with the same groups in a row, when I was growing up, and because of that I picked up so many interest and a diverse set of skills.

And then it was over, my carefree and peacefully staleing childhood was finished.

my father told me that I'll attend a boarding school like academy, which will teach everything that I'll need for my future, and like always I was excited, to experience something new, and not just that, I actually thirst for it.

so why not, I already grown bored of my city, so why wouldn't I leave, and Experience something new.

Yes it was kinda painful leaving my friends behind, but why not, we could always get in touch anytime we where near to each other.

so I said my good byes to all of them, played my last games with the nerdy companions, fought my last gang war with my gangster buddies, competed at a tournament with my athletic dude's and dudet's, and then relaxed with my older friends while in an orgy, while I invited the other ones how wants to join me in my other groups, it was a good weekend of carnal pleasure, and festivities. . .

Then on the next day I left for anew chapter. . .

ha ha ha but enough of that, I already practiced enough. . .Enough of the past, it's time for the future. . .