
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

MA_Writecraft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Leaping Into The Darkness

Unlike before I was confident, it's already been a week, my skill with the blade improved atleast as much, as self teaching can teach.

All I need now, is experience so I can sharpen my skills even further, I looked at my friends Mask maker's non-moving body but breathing and left. . .

" Thud "

* A resounding heavy thud, can be heard inside a dark underground tunnel.

getting the attention of an ant and shrimp like hybrid, creature with a silver carapace, with a loud screech it charge at the new entity.

" Time a for a fight. . ."

I moved charging at the creature, its way larger than me. . . 5 meters . . . 3 . . 2 . 1

I aimed a thrust at the creatures head. . . "tskeed"

" ugh. . . that hurt atleast its dead. . .

With my spear like sword, I thrusted it deep inside the creatures head, while white blood came out of it, leaking down my blade and into my arms. . .

right now it still twitching but after a second it stopped . . . and then using both my arms I shifted the creature off, of me.

" huph haa hah. . . " I was panting, already tired after killing a creature . . . and as I thought I felt actually bad . . . If I wasn't so weak, I could have avoided killing this beast.

" haaa( sigh ).... rest in piece " I said while giving a short prayer, then I started to butcher the creatures corpse, planning on taking with me the best parts of it, before u moved forward.

But when I started, something strange happened, glowing white mist, came out of the corpse, at first it startled me but after a few seconds nothing happened.

Then out of curiosity I tried touching it. . .but against what I expected it felt warm and untouchable, I already thought it might be regular steam, which was weird, but I already guess that this is world is fairly different from mine, so I didn't worry.

but then the white steam glowing steam, suddenly moved towards my hand, and then it vanished, it seemed like I'm absorbing it like a sponge.

but unlike before, I didn't withdrew my hand immediately, it felt both amazing and refreshing, It felt like my tiredness was fading and I felt a new strength emerging within me, but It seem that I'm enable to access it . . . so for now I ignored.

after a minute of this, the steam stopped, and I, with renewed vigour started the butchering, but when I did, I noticed that that creatures blood turned grey . . . and when I make contact with the substance, it immediately turns to ash.

with this reaction I immediately thought that what I did, might have effected this creatures corpse, the Weavers might know if I asked them.

with that thought, I moved forward, sacking the blood drained meat and started to slowly traverse this cavernous cave system.

while I wonder, my mind started to became riddled with thoughts, like why was all the creatures I encounter, so far where always bigger than me? but then I thought. . . and remembered, how Mask maker called me before naming me White. . . Young one . . .

So does that means I'm young? but then how young? MM did say once that his an ancient creature, atleast compare to the ones he feeds me. . .

But then, was I like him, or like the creatures he hunts. . . but then again he did say once that I was rare, a creature that might be higher being. . . .

Now with all does questions, I thirst for answers so now I started, to get even more excited with meeting the Weavers.

those are some of my thoughts, while I climbed, and Sneaked through groups of those creatures using the chunks of meat to bait them away from me.

Or if possible, I used the shadows to sneak pass them, and then, I practiced my spear like blade, with creature's separated from there groups.

With that practice, my blade sharpens, while my strength grows, and my energy refilled, with every kill and fight won. . . my Mentality breaks pitying the creatures I kill.

The prayers help but still. . . with every kill I feel worst, and after the 5th one I stopped, and started to completely avoid the creatures.

Then I heard a cry, not one from this instinct driven creatures, but from something sentient something that carries wisdom, but also youth. . .

by this point, I lost track of the time I spent moving through this never ending tunnels, but that cry woken me from my thoughts and subconscious movement. . .

I rushed with a run towards that noise the cry sounded desperate and weak. . . I can't stop my self I moved.

and when I found the source of the sound I was shocked, it sounded youthful yes but didn't thought it would be a child. . .

but that wasn't the problem, the problem was. . . that she's surrounded with those creatures.

White : " Five of them!. . .one I could deal with, maybe two. . .but not five! I would die if I tried saving her. . .

??? : " so is that it? you're giving up? the almighty Daniel Gears quieting just like that?

White : " Shut up! how the F*ck are you to criticize me!

??? : " ha ha ha. . . haaa our mother wouldn't be proud, you breaking our promise too her. . .

White : " . . . . .

* With that mind struggle over, for the first time, since being reborn into this world, White's mind was quiet.

Then without hesitation, he moved faster than lightning, both his skin and blade glowing a faint hue of white light.

Then with that charged at the Five creatures, after his second of mental struggle, he fought, doing a savage swing at the first bug.

Drawing the rest of the group's attention, then he killed the second then the third and then the fourth. . . the last one stood infront of him, its eyes focused at the being how mercilessly killed his brother's.

while completely both, ignoring the whimpering child behind he's opponent, nor that he's opponent, was cover with wounds and white blood and he's armor crack or severely damaged. . .

But with a shakey hand the White entity, put forth his blade, calling a challenge towards the bigger creature.

The silver creature accepted, and charge at the smaller White Entity, and with a change of stance, the White entity held his blade with two hands, and waited for the charge to come.

Seven meters. . . . five . . . three . . two . . .

" thskkk " a fluid swing met the silver bugs charge, without much resistance, the Blade went straight through bugs mandibles, and then it's head, and then its carapace.

slicing it in two. . . blood puddled all over the White Entity's feet, while white steam erupted from it, and then the steam went directly into the white Entity's body. . .and he collapsed.

To everyones surprise, he was being observe, by a being that's similar to the crying child, but older, and with that the being picked up both the crying child and the unconscious White warrior.


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