
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

MA_Writecraft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Awaken Child

? ? ? : " ugh my he. . . "

What stood infront of me was a vast, hilly white grassy expanse, it was dazed by it's breathtaking beauty, with a white moving landscape, that brushes upon the Oceanic blue sky of this world. . .

? ? ? : " Enjoying the view? kid. "

When that voice called out next to me, that's when I only noticed, that I was sitting on a couch, on top a smooth large wooden platform, with a brown coloration, and when I looked at one of it's edge, it that's when I noticed that, the platform was roughly rounded.

? ? ? : " Hm? It's only been one reincarnation, and you already forgot you're own world? haa(sigh). . . it can't be helped. "

After the second time the voice spoke, was the only time That I noticed it, it sounded very friendly, and welcoming, with it's silky tone, with every word uttered. . .

And as a respond, I turned around to look at them, while not yet, sure of there gender, so not too seem rude.

What I saw was frighteningly different from my expectations, I originally thought that it was supposed to be a God like entity, because I was sure that I died again. . .

After trying to save that. . .child? I was not sure. . .

I saw him, he looked vaguely familiar, like I was always been able, to see his Piercing blue eyes, but now for some reason I can't?

And now I'm wondering how, or what, is this creature infront of me, he seems like his a variant Human.

With his pointed ears, and sharply handsome Facial features, and long wavy white hair he seems young for a tall human, barely an adult maybe twenty. . .

While I kept gazing at the familiar creature infront of me, he only responded with keeping his carefree appearance, and soft smile. . .

? ? ? : " Isn't it weird too look at you're self Daniel? or should I call you White? "

I gasped, when his words sunked into my chaotic unfocused mind. . .

White : " You're. . .You're my past self? how is this possible. . . "

? ? ? : " You're right, in a sense I am, you're past self, and yes it's suppose to be impossible, that's why I'm only but a memory, unfortunate isn't it?( He fainted a sad dramatic expression, with his mouth frowning, and his eyes near to tears, but fortunately his antics was short lived, and he immediately smiled again and continued his words. )

Yes a memory you, left to assist you in case this of this situation. . . ( he waved his arm towards me, motioning at the whole me. ) "

Memory : " I'm here to give you back those memories you saved. . . think of me as a backup, so blame you're past self for what I'm gonna do. . . "

Then the young human kissed me. . . . . . he then slowly dissipated, turning into visible steam, that floated into the ocean sky, assimilating with it's calm beauty.

White : " . . . .I'm ha ha ha ha ha. . . it?. . . it didn't change me?. . .I feel no different. . .did my past self failed? or . . . I didn't need it. "

I was now on that soft red comfortable couch alone, with only my Chaotic, clearer thoughts to accompany me. . .

A few Days later. . .

It's been a few days, since I woke up in my Dream Scape, a term I coined this world of mine, that's suspiciously Similar to a 21st century, cartoon that I watched once.

What was it again? Stevonia Galaxy. ( Author : a shameless Reference too Steven universe a show that my 14 year old self connected too, and currently still a fan of Rebecca's music. )

Well it's not that important anyways, I spent my two days restoring my memories, and the rest at focusing it, a process that sounded easier said, than done.

It was both a slow, and hard process, I did the meditation that Master Slow's thought me.

After the First two days. . .

White : " ha ha ha " I let out a muffled chuckles

White : " ( Sigh ). . . yeah, you we're right master. . .I shouldn't have doubted you. . .It finally happened, the nightmare that you said would make my life hell. . .

( sigh ). . .even so, I really don't want to admit you where right. . .but you are, it's too bad, that you're not here to preach about peace, love, and business, like you usually do. . .

While ( sigh ). . .Well it happened again, so let me barrow you're wisdom master. . . "

With does parting words, my chaotic, Noisy and overloading mind suddenly became silent, While I focused my mind. . .

Creating a Total white space. . .with nothing within it but me . . .but while I do this process dark thunder storms manifested it self, in this space. .

Bringing With it the never ending chaos, that without Order would break my mind and develop a competing will . . .

And that. . .would be bad. . . I relaxed, acting as a mountain being blown on by a storm. . .I was now meditating in the middle of this chaos. . .enduring it's piercing winds, and shattering lightning. . .

Through this I endured, not even flinching at the an imaginable pain, that would drive anyone insane. . . my flesh burned, my skin frozen and peeled, and my bones shattered. . .

with only one thought in mind. . . " It's not real. . . The pain was real, but everything else was not, they where only the manifestation of my Chaotic an focused mind, trying to subdue me the representation of Order. . .

This was a battle of will. . .the meditation my master thought me and the one I'm doing now, was entirely different.

I still remembered, it taking a half a year just to completely erased a dozen repressed memories. . .when I studied under him.

I just don't have the time, I already know that I'm unconscious in the Awaken world. . .Alive I think?

So I don't need my memories dazing my mind, I need too finished this before I wakeup. . .

White : " Ha ha ha ha... .. .Would you forgive me Master? I. . .broke my promise. . "

The Tent day. . .

* on top of a large grassy hill, stood the remains of a great tree, and on top of that a Red velveted couch stood housing a child meditating crossing his legs. . .

While both of his eyes was closed, while dried sweat crusted, and covered his one's, pristine Pale white skin, That his hair emulates.

He's eyes opened both opened, showing a pare of enchanting golden lazuly eyes. *

White : " It's done. . . " He's voice was clear and sounded like the flow of the Nile.

White : " yuck. . . "

I then started too undress, and throw away the set of filthy clothes that I was wearing. . .

They smelled, like I didn't shower for a whole week. . .that's probably what happened, I did went and done a deep meditation.

Without anyone throwing me into a bio vat to sustain my body. . .

White : " That was fun. . . I am not doing that again. .

Now what should I do? it's not like I have a bathroom in this world. . . "

As I finish those words, a bathtub appeared infront of me, replacing the sofa, it was filled with medicated yellow hot water, that has a shower that continually fill the tub, even after it was filled, and now it's overflowing. . .

I didn't question it and dunked my naked self into that hot spring. . .

It felt amazing, feeling like its removing every uncomfortable part of my body and replacing it with utter bliss. . .

Last time I felt this good, was when I participated that orgy, while completely high with thirteen different kinds of drugs. . .

Now that was a fun experience never new Bounie was that wild when she F*cks good times, good time's. . .

While I remembered those fond memories of mine, The hot water did it's work melting away every crusted sweat, my body possesed until the only thing you can see was my pale skin. . .

I dunked my head deeper into the hot water, until finally becoming submerge, losing my sense of time. . .


Location ( Weaver's Den. )

I woke up, in a white unfamiliar trampoline? is this suppose to be a bed? I laid on a suspended trampoline, under a white silk blanket.

I looked down, holding onto the unstable bed's edge, and when I did. . . I instantly regretted it.

I was over a dozen meters away from the ground. . . " Haaaa...( muffled girlish yell! )

After that shock, I quickly ignored my fear of heights, and while still holding onto the hammock's edge I looked around, focusing on every detail the room has to offer. . .

To my surprise it offered a lot, but there was only two objects that captured my attention, first was the other beds, that was similar to my own, suspended by a system of White threads that possesed varying degrees of thickness.

And a white blanket like mine, and the other one was that it seams that mine was the highest of all the beds I'm not sure why? though.

Then I sat up, and started to inspect my body, While remembering that, while I was fighting those creatures, they managed too wound Me enough that I thought I'll die after the fight.

But now I seem fine, and apparently well dress, originally I was only wearing nothing but and old set of light armor, and A dark green cloak.

But now it's seems like I'm wearing a cotton like long sleeved shirt and pants, they where designed to look like they where made from spider silk, atleast I thing so?. . .

Then after admiring the well tailored clothes craftsmanship for a few minutes, I pulled up my shirt too see what's underneath.

And to my surprise nothing much changed, atleast from last time I checked it when I was still at MM's Cavernous home.

My current body's Entirely different, than that of my past human self, unlike before where I posses skin and underneath it flesh and bones.

Now I had an exoskeleton that kinda mirrors skin, if you considered the appearance, but unlike my past mammalian skin how's hair was visible.

but in my current appearance, appeared to be hairless, but when I touched my arm, I can still feel sensitive hairs, it felt like I had a new heighten sensory organ compare to my human body. . .

I guessed that those hairs where connected to a touch base sensory organ, like a nervous system organ, that's some how beneath my exoskeleton or within it. . .

It was just a theory though, I'm not sure just yet, now why do I keep calling it an exoskeleton, because of it's structure and how it mirrored that of a carapace, than a tough hide.

Every joint I posess has this opening, and inside of I saw a black like pear, that I guess helps me to be agile in my movements like the collagen in bones when I was human.

And that it's tough really tough, and its not hollow either I think I posses some kind of blood but I'm not sure if I'm breathing or not I don't notice it and I don't know if I have a nose either. . .I have so many question for this world.

Atleast I still have my familiar white hair, even though its longer, and that I'm not even sure if it's hair anymore, it doesn't really feel like normal hair. . .

But now back to my wounds that I don't have, my whole torso was rapped by silk or cotton bandages, I'm not really sure but I didn't think too much about it and ripped it of to see nothing still just my new paleish grey exoskeleton. . .

it was weird. . .

? ? ? : " Yeah, it weirded us out too. " A feminine voice rang out it sounded soft yet wild. . .

My confuse face immediately turned around and saw her, a masked six armed humanoid with short Crimson red hair, that slightly resembles me and MM, I jumped at the sight. . .literally.

I was falling head first but before I started to think of away to not die, a hand grabbed my shirt and then pulled me up. . . I'm internally Freaking out. . .

" What do I do what I do! Gods! she's big Damn I ... I. . I

But before my mind went into more chaos, she spoke her voice soft and soothing, while she gracefully placed me down on the suspended hammock, that she relaxedly sat down on, comfortably. . .

Ember : " Great to finally meet you my names Ember, a weaver. . .