
The Cold Protocol (A Star Wars/RWBY/MHA/DXD Story)

During the Clone Wars, Separatist Admiral Harper Linkovich led his droid's against the Republic and become a big problem for the Republic. The Separatist Honored the Admiral's achievements with high regard. but when the Shut Down order was given, Harper denied it and told his forces to retreat to the Unknown Regions. he and his men encounter a strange world filled with many obstacles. Fearful of the Galactic Empire finding him he initiates, The Cold Protocol.

KingRenetti · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Planet Earth

A single Separatist shuttle descended from the clouds. Inside the shuttle were Commando Droid's and Harper going to investigate the destroyed village. Another Team was already on the ground searching for survivors. The shuttle lands next to the other Shuttle. Harper and his Commando Droid's disembark from the craft and walk into the devastated village. As they walked into the village, Harper looked at the ruined buildings and crushed streets. Some destroyed vehicles scattered about.

It looked like a Warzone. He walks into the village and three Commando Droids from the first Squad approach him.

"Report." he orders.

"We've scanned the entire area and found little evidence of survivors." he reports grimly

Harper gestured it his right hand for the Commando's he came with to spread out and search the area.

"Have you thoroughly investigated the area for the cause?" he asks.

"yes sir. We found some evidence of Blast Residue signaling some type of Artillery bombardment. We've also discovered what appears to be bullet holes supposedly created by slug throwers as well as a multitude of burned buildings and corpses." he reports.

"Burned corpses?" he repeats. "So, whoever attacked wanted to cover their tracks. Did it poorly since this place is still standing." he mumbles to himself in thought. "Any evidence of an Army?"

The Droid shook his head. Harper hums to himself questioningly. Even from that small amount of evidence provided, he can easily rule out an Army attacking this place. But what Army? The Empire? No it can't be, they're in the Unknown Regions. This place was practically off limits from everyone. As he tried to come up with an explanation. One of the Commando Droid's walked past an alley way. He stopped and looked into the alley way. His bright white eyes piercing into the alley.

He was about to walk past but heard something fall over so he snaped his gaze back at it. He raised his blaster and slowly walked into the alley. As he got deeper, he noticed something on the ground. He walked over to it and picked it up. It was a stuffed animal by the looks of it. It looked burnt but intact. He inspects it before noticing a sealed door to his left. He looked at it before putting his metal digit up to the side of his head.

"Sir, I request your presence." a Commando Droid reports.

Harper heard this. He and a few Commando's head over to the alley way and join the Droid.

"What is it?" he asks.

The droid gestures to the door. He looked at it. He walks over to it and gently brushes his hand up against it. He was using the Force and could sense life forms inside. He also knew the door was locked. He sensed their fear. He backed up and motioned with his head for a droid to deal with the door. One of them walks over and rips open the control panel. He began to hotwire it while the others had their blasters ready. Harper just stood there.

The other Commando's were still looking around and investigating the damage. The door then opened and two of the Commando Droid's rushed in and raised their blasters incase someone was to attack. Harper heard many gasps. Some panicked and terrified. Harper and the three Commando's walked into the room. Harper looked at the people inside.

They all looked bloody terrified of his presence. He and his Droid's of course. He lightly pushes the blaster of one of the droids down and the rest obliged. He then looked at the crowd of civilians. They looked dirty, shaken and malnourished. Some of them looked like they were trying to be brave but they're shaking physique made it clear they were scared.

"Who amongst you is in charge?" he asks.

No one answers.

"Are there any other survivors?" he asks.

Still, nothing. But thankfully, a much older fella stands up and cautiously walks over. The Droid's back away so he can come closer.

"I am in charge." the elder said.

"is.... there anyone else?" he asks, looking around.

"Unfortunately.... We are all that's left of this village." the elder said, sadly.

Harper looked at the crowd and counted at least 62 People. 31 Men, 22 Women and 9 Children. Families hugging each other for safety. A familiar sight of fear in their eyes, a sight he's always seen during the Clone Wars from Republic Citizens when his forces marched into their villages. It always pained him to see it.

"What happened here?" the Admiral asks.

This confused the old man.

"You.... don't know?" he asks confusedly. "Aren't you from the Union?"

"uh, no. I don't even know what the Union is." he said, honestly.

This got some people to look on shocked and a little hopeful.

"I am Admiral Harper Linkovich of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Well, used to be considering the CIS is dissolved." he said. "But my Rank still stands."

"are these.... robots yours?" the old man asks.

"Yes. These Droid's are my soldiers. I have Hundreds more setting up a base of operations on this Planet." he said.


"I'm not from this Planet. My home world is lightyears away." Harper said. "Speaking of which, what is this planet's name?" he asks.

The old man and the crowd looked at him almost in astonishment. An actual Alien is standing in front of them. The Droid's are Alien technology and clearly show no animosity toward them. If they were evil, the civilians would've been dead by now. They were glad it wasn't Union's Army.

"We call our Planet, Earth." he said.

"uh, definitely not the most creative of names." Harper mumbles. "Isn't that dirt?"

People hear and some giggle at it. Even the Old man.

"I can understand your questions. I'd imagine worlds beyond ours have more complicated names." the elder suspects.

"You have no idea." mutters the admiral.

He was thinking about some worlds like the Wookie Homeworld and Geonosis. Oh boy are those names sometimes hard to pronounce.

"Why was this place attacked? Who attacked you guys?" Harper asks.

The depressed aura returned.

"our world nowadays is run by the ruthless Union Academy. They feed off the poor. They were once a Heroic division focused on protecting us. The Countries of the globe gave Union more and more power as the years went on to defend us. But that power eventually corrupted them and gave wake to a horrifying new threat. Though a large majority of the public believes Union to be good. Those are the ones inside the big cities where Union's manipulation and propaganda works. It even spread to our village. But we refused to accept the harsh conditions Union was putting onto us. We protested the unfairness as villages such as ours are being mistreated and drained of their resources. They've enslaved countless people, murdered, tortured and plundered all for their own agenda. The rise of Villains didn't help either. When we refused to accept the tax increase, they gave us. They sent an Army." the elder explained.

"How did this even happen?" he asks surprised that such a thing could happen.

"Union was the world's first Hero organization; the world praised them. All that praise must've gone to their head, and they decided to rule over those who didn't have their powers. Powerless people like us were looked down upon. Union also tried to make The League of Villains look bad, but they're just as evil. Our world has become nothing but a land of Pain, Suffering, Lies and Manipulation." he said, depressed.

Harper looked at the old man. He clenches his fists tightly in anger. But he manages to calm down slightly. He grabs his helmet and removes it so everyone can see his face.

"Who knew we were against corruption. Both of us." he said.

They looked confused.

"The Galactic Republic preached peace and order, but all I ever saw was bloodshed and chaos. Union preaches Heroics, but all that they show is evil. The way I see it, if they want a War. Then I'll give them War." he said, adopting a venomous tone when he ended his sentence.

"How will you fight a Nation that controls most of our planet? A nation that forces people to become Soldiers or Slaves? The powers they have?" he asks.

"Though I'm not sure what kind of powers you're referring to. That doesn't change my mind in the slightest. From what you've told me, Union's gotta go." he said. "But first, what are these powers you keep talking about?"

"Quirks, Semblances, Magic, Imperial Arms you name it." he said, sadly.

Harper just looked on.

"Well, that won't deter me. I joined the Confederacy because I wanted to fight against the injustice of the Republic. But now, I think I'm willing to fight against the injustices of Union and its hypocritical allies." he said.

"Are you preaching War?" the elder asks.

"No, I'm preaching Revolution." he said. "But, if I'm going to spark a revolution on this planet, me and my droid's need followers. We need factories to build more Droid's. Do you know of any place that is not loyal to Union?" he asks.

"Small number of them. But if you need an ally Australia or other nations around that area is your best bet. But convincing them might be hard considering how paranoid the Separatist States has become" the old man said.

"I'll take that challenge." Harper said. "I'll have my Droid's protect you all while I'm away trying to gain allies to build more droids for this Revolution." he said.

"But how will you speak with them? Union surely will notice." he said, worriedly.

"Trust me. I'm good at keeping a low profile." Harper said. "Oh, I never got your name by the way."

"Oh, I am greatly sorry. My name is Markus." he introduces.

"Good to meet you, Markus." Admiral Linkovich greeted. "Now, everyone get what you have around. You will be brought to the Fleet of Absolute Resilience for your safety until we solidify a settlement for ourselves." he announces to the crowd. "Your safe. As long as the Droid's are around. I promise." he said, assuring them that everything will be okay.

Once he sees the civilians moving around to gather what they had left, he turns to a Commando droid and whispers an order to him. The droid nods and leaves the room. Harper grabbed his holographic projector and held it in his hand. A hologram of Altus showed up.


"Altus, I want you to seize operations with the base. I have a new plan." he said.


"also, ready our Lucrehulk for Civilian occupants, we found survivors in the village and are bringing them aboard for their safety. Most of them need medical and we should have enough medical supplies." he said.

"Very well. I share prepare the medical bays along with the Medical Droid's to prepare sick bay. I will also notify some other droids to prepare a space for the Civilians." Altus responded.

"Good. See you with the Fleet Altus." he said.

"You as well sir." he said before his hologram vanished.

"Who was that?" Markus asks.

"Altus. My Second in Command and Right hand. If it comes from him, it comes from me." he states.

"I can't thank you enough for what you are doing for us." the elder said, thankful

"It's nothing. You and I are more alike than you think. Both of us lost our home, our village to an oppressive regime." he said, some hint of malice in the word regime.

Markus identified the malice but thought nothing of it. Harper then leaves the room as his Droids remained to guard the civilians. Harper gets outside of the building and walks out into the street. He looked up at the sky. He was silently hoping someone else from the Confederacy made it out. He could really use some backup and someone who has experience in Politics for this