
The Cold Protocol (A Star Wars/RWBY/MHA/DXD Story)

During the Clone Wars, Separatist Admiral Harper Linkovich led his droid's against the Republic and become a big problem for the Republic. The Separatist Honored the Admiral's achievements with high regard. but when the Shut Down order was given, Harper denied it and told his forces to retreat to the Unknown Regions. he and his men encounter a strange world filled with many obstacles. Fearful of the Galactic Empire finding him he initiates, The Cold Protocol.

KingRenetti · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

End of the Clone Wars

During the Clone Wars, the Separatist Admiral Harper led his Droid's against the Republic with honor and distinction. He was praised by those in the Confederacy of Independent Systems for his Military Achievements and was as big of a threat as Admiral Trench. He was also known as the Embodiment of the Confederacy for a short period of time.

But he was commonly called Darth Seraph due to him being raised and trained by Count Dooku. Harper originally lived on an Outer Rim World for most of his childhood. He had a loving family that he cherished. But they were taken from him. A pair of Jedi sent by the Republic had attacked a group of thugs that had taken refuge on the planet. This battle had caused the death of his family and the destruction of his home.

After the thugs were dealt with, the Jedi simply left having followed their orders. Many people pleaded with the Republic to send humanitarian aid to the town that was ravaged by the battle. But in response, the Senator of the Planet just drained the town for its resources and money. Effectively declaring the town, a lost cause and abandoning it. The Republic also didn't listen and did nothing, believing that they helped the thugs.

This mistreatment would eventually spark a massive attack led by survivors of the village. The Survivors who rebelled against their Senator were all either gunned down or arrested for treason. The Jedi did nothing. The Republic turned a blind eye as well. Harper wasn't even in the battle but was arrested for being in the village and was tortured by the Senator himself alongside others.

This torture wouldn't last long as Count Dooku would venture to the planet and personally killed the Senator. Dooku helped the people of the planet and freed Harper. But Dooku felt the force was strong with him, so he took the boy under his wing and trained him up to be a deadly Sith. His potential caught the attention of Darth Sidious who even bestowed him a Darth title. Darth Seraph. But Harper would be more loyal to Dooku since he saved his life and gave him new purpose.

When the Clone Wars started, he was only 17 Years Old but already showed great hatred for the Republic. They'd taken everything from him. But surprisingly, he knew revenge wasn't the right thing to do. So, he would let this War bring their downfall. Something that surprised Dooku. Harper's self-control was a very promising thing to both Dooku and Palpatine. During the War, Harper helped laid waste to Republic Forces.

He's killed Clones, Jedi and even killed a couple Senator's to help the War. He's the one who killed the Umbara Senator causing the Battle of Umbara. Thanks to these actions, the Jedi knew they had to kill him or arrest him at least. Anything to get him out of the war. This caused Harper to fight both Anakin and Obi Wan. They battled many times that they've grown a rivalry.

Harper and Anakin are evenly matched. But against Obi Wan and Anakin, he could go toe to toe since he specialized in fighting multiple opponents at once. He was trained by Dooku and Sidious after all and could control his emotions perfectly. Despite this, Harper did show respect for Anakin as well as sympathy when he learned about his past.

He did this by looking into Anakin's mind when Dooku had captured him on Naboo. This also helped Anakin gain respect for him as well. They respected each other equally. No spite or malice towards one another. As the War went on, Harper continued to grow as a target for the Republic and a hero in the Separatist.

He was almost arrested by Republic Forces that ambushed him, but Harper had Grievous with him and the two were a dangerous duo. They oddly worked together well despite being ideologically different. As the War continued, Harper grew warry of Sidious's real plans. He hadn't been told anything about the Clone Wars' real purpose.

But he had a suspicion that he was being lied to about its purpose. So, he created The Cold Protocol. Contingency Order Lie Determined or Cold for short, was a Protocol that would allow the Separatist to remain even though the War would end. It was made because Harper knew something was up. His fears would come true as one day, he would hear that Dooku was killed and soon after Grievous was as well.

He figured the War wouldn't end because he was still around. But he caught wind of the Shut Down order and Order 66. He had cursed himself as he saw this coming. So, he quickly overrides the Shut Down order and activated the Cold Protocol. He and his droid's fled to the Unknown regions for the Protocol to fully work. During their quick escape, Harper did his best to come to terms with what had happened.

While he was doing it, Sidious was curious as to where he went but then found out about his Cold Protocol. He thought it was clever and was honestly impressed that Harper lied to him for so long. But he knew he couldn't let a powerful Sith like him go. He wanted him in the Empire by his side as well as Darth Vader. So, he had tasked some Imperial Officials to track him down. The Galaxy knew he was still Alive and around as he notified all Separatist Senator's that he would be back for them, He would come back and retake the galaxy for them, He would free them, this he promised.

So, the Separatist Senator's and Governers held onto hope that he would return. But first, Harper had to rebuild the Droid Army and have a new Capital for the Separatist. Easier said than done. When he and his forces escaped, they just traveled aimlessly through the Unknown regions.

Harper had a Fleet of 20 Munificent Star Frigates, 6 Providence Cruiser/Destroyer's, 3 Recusant Light Destroyers and 1 Lucrehulk Battleship. This Fleet of 30 Ships was all that was left of the Confederacy. That and Thousands upon Thousands of Droids. Almost a Million. Almost. His Fleet had earned a name instead of being numbered.

The Fleet of Absolute Resilience.

This Fleet was feared by most Republic Naval Commanders. Currently, The Fleet was still going through open space. Just aimlessly floating in the vastness of space within the Unknown Regions. The Fleet kept a tight formation in case of an Ambush. Harper was on the bridge with his helmet off and on the holotable in front of him. He was trying to find out what was going on since they fled. His Super Tactical Droid walks over to him.


"Atlus." he greets, tiredly.

Altus had a dark grey and dark blue color scheme.

"based on your tone of voice, I highly recommend getting sleep." said the droid, worried for his Commanding officer. Though his voice couldn't show it.

"I'll sleep when we have an actual Planet." he declares.

Altus put his metal hand on the Admiral's shoulder.

"I insist." he said. "I can find a planet during the time you are sleeping. I will have a planet by the time you awaken."

Harper looked at his droid companion. This Droid has been his right hand for a while. He trusted him more than anything. Especially since he never wiped his memory, upgraded him and also given him a name. Altus is the best Super Tactical Droid in the Droid Army and a close friend of Harper. When it comes from Altus, it comes from him. Harper sighs which turned into a yawn. He hadn't gotten sleep in 3 Days.

"alright. I'll hold you to that." he said, jokingly.

"if I fail the mission, I will personally change my paint color to pink as punishment." says Altus.

"That won't be necessary." he said, quickly downplaying the idea.

He would hate to see his close friend in Pink. He would lose his intimidation. How can you be intimidating if you're a Pink Droid?

"Very well."

Harper grabs his helmet and proceeds to walk out of the bridge. Altus takes command of the vessel and Fleet and doubles their efforts to find a Habitable Planet to call home and to build up their forces. Harper gets to his quarters and puts his helmet on the floor before he sits on the bed in the room. He didn't bother changing into proper sleepwear, so he just removed his jacket and slept in what he had on him.

~~~~~~~~~~~Some Time Later~~~~~~~~~~

Altus was going over different world's they've come across on the holotable. Most of them uninhabitable. He was slowly beginning to lose hope. But then a Tactical Droid brought over a data pad. Altus grabs the Data pad and looks at it. On it showed him the image of a planet. He looks at the information provided by the Tactical Droid before looking at the droid and nodding. Silently telling him he's dismissed. The Tact Droid nods back and walks away.

Altus then proceeded to leave the bridge and head for his Admiral's Quarters. It had been an extra 3 Days since Altus took the helm of finding a planet. Harper had been catching up on lost sleep. It doesn't take the droid long but he finds his masters room. He presses a button and the doors shift open. Inside, Harper was putting his lightsaber back together. He looked over his shoulder and saw Altus. He put the last piece on the saber and grabbed it.

"Altus." he said before igniting the blade.

The white blade illuminated the room. Altus looked at it.

"What do you think?" Harper asks.

Altus did his best to give a thumbs up. Harper turned off the saber and clips it to his belt.

"need something?" asks the once honored Admiral.

Altus hands him the data pad. He looked at it curiously as he grabbed it from the droid.

"We've found a planet that could potentially serve as a stable home for us until we are ready to retake the Galaxy." he reports.

"How far?" he asks.

"If we go into Hyperspace. We could reach the planet in under an Hour." Altus states.

"Do we even have a Hyperspace Lane?" he asks.

"I had sent out some Scouts to map out a safe lane for the Fleet to take. They had returned and given the report of the planet. So, we are ready to go upon your order." says Altus

"Good. Get the fleet going. The sooner, the better." he orders, handing the pad back to Altus.

Altus nodded as he grabbed the pad. He turned and left the room. Harper would soon follow him, helmet in hand. As he walked down the hall, he put his helmet on. The Fleet receives the order and coordinates for a Hyperspace jump so they all prepared. Once the fleet when into hyperspace, they all just hoped that this Planet was what they needed.

After about an hour, The Fleet of Absolute Resilience arrives. The fleet exists hyperspace and appears near the Moon. The planet in front of them looked habitable. It had many continents and two large Ice build ups on the North and South. Harper looked at the planet as his Fleet passes the world's Moon. Harper turned to Altus.

"Send a probe Droid to scout out a good landing zone and also check for civilization." he orders.

Altus nods and proceeds to relay the order.

~~~~~~~~~~~Some Time Later~~~~~~~~~~

A Probe droid was hovering around the landscape of the new planet. He looked around before flying off to look around. He had landed in a forest. He made sure to map out his surroundings. It flew through the forest before it found a decently sized town. But the town was left in ruin, smoke stacks rose into the sky but no flames inside. He scanned the environment and reported it back to Altus and Harper.

On the Command Ship, Harper and Altus looked confused.

"What happened here?" he asks, looking at the village.

They were looking at a holograph that showed what the Probe Droid saw.

"Based on the smoke, this town was destroyed recently." he analyzes.

"Yeah, but what destroyed it?" Harper asks. "I don't think the War got out this far."

"It didn't."

Harper stood there. Thinking to himself. They found a new world and found an entire town destroyed. It reminded him of his home. How his own town was ravaged and forgotten about. This slightly made his blood boil but he calmed himself down. He looked at Altus.

"Deploy a couple squads of Commando Droids to investigate." he orders.

"yes sir." nods the droid.

"But tell them I'm coming with." he said.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Altus asks.

"yes. Take what resources we have and build a base of operations on this planet. We'll need a fortress in order to survive. But make sure it's hidden. So build it under ground." he orders.

"It will be done." he said, nodding.

"Good. Meet you on the surface." he said, before walking off.

Altus proceeded to notify a couple squads of Commando Droid's to prepare for their Mission. He also instructs a few Tactical Droid's to prepare a landing party for him with enough resources to build an underground base. Thankfully they have drills and other mining equipment on the Lucrehulk. It's not much, but it'll at least help them build a base. Whatever this world is, they need to trek carefully.