
Chapter 13:

The next day Ela woke up early because they have early lecture on Math 111. She woke Sofia up and asked her to go and take her bath.

Good morning seniors they great Sandra and Cynthia.

When they rich their lecture venue it was still 7: 25am.

Their lecture start by 7:00am so they were five minutes early.

Prof. Jeo is known for his punctuality and strict once he entered the lecture hall he will lock not only that but he also take attendant every time so it is better being safe than sorry.

Although they came five minutes earlier the hall is almost full but luckily to them their friend, Tonia find space for them.

The lecture lasted for two hours. Prof. Jeo took attendant and left.

When they came downstairs they saw Henry and his friends waiting for them.

Sofia already know that this bully rascal won't stop pestering then she was annoyed when she saw them.

I heard you gave my clothes to your boyfriend yesterday. Henry said to Ela.

How did you know Ela asked.

Did you tore his clothes when you guys were making love inside bush. puff, He left a small chuckle, poor you I have been begging you to date me but you refused and chose that dirty man, your taste is really rediculous Henry mocked Ela. But unfortunately my guys were unable to get him otherwise I would have beat him up. I also heard that the Den gang was looking for him, are you really dating a criminal Ela.

I will stop mocking you and go straight to my point which is that I can't possibly wear clothes that that dummy wore so you have to buy new one and from the information I get about your family, your family can't be considered poor or rich so there is no way you will get 150,000USD now so you have only one option which is to date me.

You know I love you that's why am giving you this option if not your option would have been to sleep with me for two months. Henry said and smiled.

Sofia was already furious that immediately he stop she said to him are you crazy, what made you think that she will date you, and what bush love making are you talking about. listen I have warned you stay out of our way.

It was your stupid girlfriend that pushed her and the coffee poured on your clothes.

Few days ago I went to Nice restaurant with Sofia to have some coffee. we finished collecting our coffee because people used to line up there because their coffee taste great. When we came to our chair it was already occupied with Henry, his gang and his girlfriends.

.We were about to live when some tripped me although I did not fall but my coffee fell and poured on Henry clothes, if is other person he would have let it slide after that person apologize but having been rejected in public by me he will no let it slide so he asked me to Wash it and bring it back to him and then apologize he said and told me to wait that he will come back with the clothes. Not having strength to waste on him I waited for him till he returned that was how it all happened.

Who are you calling stupid Jane asked.

where is this one coming from I saw Jane raising her hand to slap Sofia,

I hold her hand and coldly glared at her. Did she call your name or are you stupid to know that your the one she is referring to. I asked Jane. I dropped her hand and she went and hold Henry hand.

I see you came prepared. I will pay you your money send me your account number or do you want it in cash. I asked Henry.

Henry was shocked to see that cold look of me.

Ela don't normally talk too much with people except her friends and she fell like talking to, she is a black belt in Taekwando but she looks and behaves like a weak girl.

Because she looks weak Henry wanted to take advantage of her more when he found out everything about her and after mistaken Nelson as poor man and her boyfriend.

Henry refused to stop and continued to mock her.

I thought your different from other girls but you all are still the same and the worst part of it that you dating a poor man instead of the rich man like other pretty girls like you, but I still love you so you should be happy that you will be dating a big boy like me. what is so good about him, is he more handsome than me or is it because he give to you everywhere even in Bush. Henry laughed with his friends after he finish saying that.

Pak, pak that slap was hot to bring back his memory everybody was stunned except because she already know that he get that slap if he don't stop but he didn't stop and got what he deserved.