
Chapter 241 blood dyed her world red

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So painful...

That was the first thing Lan Keqin felt.

So dizzy...

That was the second thing Lan Keqin felt.

Right now, her face was in pain, her head was dizzy, and she was still very woozy. However, before she could do anything about it, Count Nick gave her another slap.


"B*tch! I say, you better stop struggling some time today. Otherwise, the one who will suffer will be you."

After Count Nick finished hitting Lan Keqin, he said ferociously again. Every word he said made Lan Keqin feel uneasy.

"Even if I die, I won't let you touch me."

After receiving two slaps, Lan Keqin's face was in more pain and her head felt even dizzier. However, she did not lose her mind. When she felt Count Nick untie her pants again, she still resisted fiercely.

However, because of the dizziness, she lost her sight again bit-by-bit until she fell into endless darkness.

"Even if you die, I will rape you."

One had to admit that Count Nick was really a pervert. He could even say such words. When he decided to rape Lan Keqin, he had already made a decision the moment he decided to send the video to Di Junlin.

"Do you know why I called Arthur? I did it on purpose. I deliberately exposed that you are not the real Di Junlin. Moreover, I have a tracker on my phone. They will be here soon. Are you sure you want to rape me here?"

Lan Keqin could not see anything now. She suppressed the fear and unease in her heart and tried to make her brain smarter.

She had no choice but to say that her phone had a tracker. She knew that after she said this, she might not be able to wait for help anymore.

However, compared to the pain of losing her body, she felt that she could not bear it.

As expected, when Count Nick heard this, his actions suddenly stopped. He had really underestimated the little woman under him.

"Ha! Do you think that I will let you off just like that? At most, I will just change the location."

When Count Nick said this, he took the phone that Lan Keqin was desperately protecting and threw it out without hesitation.


Lan Keqin knew that Count Nick had thrown her phone away, and her heart throbbed again. Perhaps this was also her life. The difference between her and Di Junlin was too big, and even the heavens did not allow her to be with him.

After Count Nick had lost Lan Keqin's phone, he returned to the driver's seat, slammed on the accelerator, and took Lan Keqin away.

However, he had only driven for a short while before he turned a corner. Lan Keqin touched his hand and shook it violently again.

"You want to take me away? I have to see if you have the ability first."

Lan Keqin said in an extremely domineering manner. Even though her eyes had become dark and colorless, her expression and domineering manner also stunned Count Nick for a moment.

Since she was going to die anyway, why should she let this person take her away and then torture her before she died? Instead of doing that, it would be better for her to take her own life.

But the baby in her stomach...

'Baby! I'm sorry! Mommy still can't protect you but mommy will accompany you when you go. Junlin! Live well, you must live happily.'

Lan Keqin muttered in her heart in pain. Then, she used her feelings to open her mouth and bite on Count Nick's hand. Both of her hands continued to shake his hand.

Either she wanted him to stop the car or the lives of them both would be decided by the heavens.

Once the car was further away from the place where the phone was discarded, she really would not have the only hope of being saved.

"Crazy woman, you asked for it."

Count Nick roared. He stepped on the emergency brake again. If he had a gun in his hand now, he really wanted to shoot her.

After saying this, he stepped on the brake and slashed at Lan Keqin's neck. He wanted to knock her out. Otherwise, he really would not be able to take away this "shrewd" woman.

"Hiss! It hurts."

Lan Keqin wasn't knocked out like Count Nick had expected when he struck her neck. It only hurt her.

'Is this woman made of iron?'

Seeing that Lan Keqin didn't pass out, Count Nick sincerely admired her. An ordinary person, even an ***** man, would definitely pass out after being hit by him. She, a weak woman, actually only cried out in pain.

Lan Keqin couldn't see. She shook her dizzy head. If it wasn't for her strong willpower, she would have passed out long ago.

"The car stopped?"

This was the first sentence Lan Keqin said after she came back to her senses.

Count Nick: "..."


Count Nick slapped the car with his hands in anger. It was because of his unintentional action that the car door was unlocked.

Lan Keqin had sat in the private car for a long time. Of course, she knew that it was the sound of the car door being unlocked. Therefore, without saying anything, she opened the car door and ran out.


"Lingying! Let's go back to City A."

Di Junlin and Situ Lingying had just entered the base camp of Blood Eagle when he suddenly said this.

"What? " Situ Lingying's voice rose a little but it was still very low. He looked at him in surprise. "Junlin! You can't just say that. We have already infiltrated the Blood Eagle's base camp. Are you kidding me when you say we're going back to City A at this time?"

"I'm very sure. I have a feeling that something has happened to Qin'er."

Di Junlin's expression was a little ugly. Just now, he had felt his heart throbbing violently. Moreover, he also felt a sense of panic in his heart. This kind of inexplicable panic was unprecedented and had never appeared before.

"How do you know?"

Situ Lingying asked subconsciously, then he said, "the danger in the Seaview Building has been eliminated. Keqin will not be in danger. Moreover, Yi Xuan and Bai Lan are both in the Seaview Building."

"I don't know. I believe in the strength of Yi Xuan and Bai Lan. However, I just feel that something has happened to Qin'er. She must be in danger."

Di Junlin could not sit still any longer. If he could not turn his phone on now, he would definitely call Yi Xuan directly.

This was the headquarters of Blood Eagle. All the experts were inside. Once they were discovered, even if they had three heads and six arms, they would not be able to escape unscathed.

"Tell me, how can you be so sure?"

Situ Lingying saw that Di Junlin's face was getting paler and paler. He could see the panic in his eyes. He knew that Di Junlin was not joking.

Moreover, when he was doing things, Di Junlin was more serious than anyone else. He would never give up halfway for no reason. Even if he wanted to leave halfway, he would settle the matter in the shortest amount of time.

"I'm panicking. I'm just panicking for no reason. Keqin was panicking last night too. At first, I thought she was having a pregnancy reaction. Now, I think it's more like a prophecy."

Di Junlin spoke out his feelings and thoughts.