
the cloud of knife's

naturel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

cloud of knife

On Friday, at half-past two in the afternoon, Antonella had just returned from her job as a dentist at a private clinic. She was preparing lunch to meet her children, John and his sister Lina, who were about to arrive from school. While listening to music and cooking, she suddenly heard the screams of children, youth, and elderly people filled with panic and fear.

Antonella, wearing her coat, rushed out of the back door to see the reason behind the commotion. To her surprise, among the frightened crowd were her own children, John and Lina. She went to reassure them, but in a moment of silence and panic, she too began to scream, "What is this?" A dark cloud was approaching.

Within seconds, everyone had entered their homes, closing doors and windows. Antonella, after ensuring the safety of her children, started to calm down from the panic. However, darkness had already fallen, and rain began. "What is it in your eyes? Winter, snow?" she asked.

"They are knives. Yes, knives." Panic struck Antonella and her children as they witnessed knives falling from the sky.

(To be continued...)


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