
The clock and the wizard

I supposedly died. and I met with God and he sent me to another world. The rest is history. {None of the Ben 10 characters belong to me other than my own and I'm writing for fun so don't expect anything grand or fancy}

Curebo · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

The snap

December 31th. new year's eve

In a modest house there was a person sitting on a sofa in a room devoid of any light other than a 32-inch television.

This person was called Noah Felix, a big fan of cartoons, movies and comics and now he was watching Avengers: Infinity War.

"Damn, I always get emotional at that part." On TV there was a scene of Iron Man about to use the Infinity Stones to defeat Thanos and his entire army.

along with the movements of the hero's hand as he positioned his hand to give the infinity snap. The 16-year-old boy also exactly imitated the Tin Man's action and finally reached the conclusion of one of the most memorable scenes in all of Hollywood.

"And I... am... Iron Man."

*snap 2x*

And with that iconic phrase, our hero's journey came to an end.

But the end for some is the beginning for others.

A flash of light emitted from the electronic device illuminated most of the room. But something unexpected happened.

No one else was seen in the place as if no person had been there forever.

[Somewhere beyond the earth]

A humanoid-shaped light was seen sitting in a kind of limbo or void that was now revealed to be our protagonist, Noah.

Noah, who now woke up from his sleep, was confused by the sight of infinite darkness, and wondered how he got there.

"I was watching Avengers and when Tony snapped and everything became clear... I woke up here."

Starting to despair, he began to blame the tin man, as he always has someone to blame for everything that goes wrong, or simply despair took over.

"Damn, Tony, you had a job and it was just killing Thanos and his subordinates without breaking the barrier of reality and banishing me to this end of the world!"

After a while Noah resigned himself and he then began his small but long routine of just existing. And to the happiness of the little light, the place was perfect to concentrate and remember anything since he was the only thing in the void. He started to remember all the drawings, films and series such as:

Adventure Time, The Amazing World of Gumball, Steven Universe, Regular Show, Avatar, Twilight (unfortunately for you) and last but not least, Ben 10. This last one in particular was the one that had the most impact on our little boy since Ben 10 made your childhood and adolescence the satisfaction of feeling that you are growing and evolving together with Ben Tennyson, it was a very satisfying experience

unfortunately the franchise did not have the end it deserved; since they created some rubbish that bore his name and that consisted of belching, unfunny jokes and various other stupid things.

And so the time of our little light passed. Remembering good and bad, funny and shameful things. And he finally accepted his fate of eternal exile.

But for our protagonist's hope, he wouldn't have time to spend an eternity in madness and daydreams or fantasies. But what exactly indicated this? And the answer is that a little far from the fragmented promise, a portal opened and Robert Downey Jr. himself or someone with his body came out of it.


He noticed the presence of the mysterious individual without turning towards her, Noah already accepting his fate and just sighed. "Don't tell me you will accompany me in my eternal penance?" finally turning around to see his future 'cell' mate

and seeing who it was. The gears in his head began to malfunction.

"..." Noah simply stood there stunned at the sight of the biggest suspect who confined him even though he had no proof.

Not giving Noah time to make any reaction, Rob began to speak.

"Hello Noah Felix, first I would like to express my sincere apologies for my slight delay." Noah had no sense of time since he didn't feel anything. Hunger, sleep, pain, the only thing he felt was his emotions, which would probably be his ruin if he lacked a little lucidity and nothing else.

"Good, now let's get to the most important part. I'm almost sure you're already very familiar with this introduction: I am god and you can choose some universe, some desires, etc." Having said that, the divinity remained silent and waited for the small light to speak.

Finally, Noah having understood that he won the lottery twice, one being his supposed death being very peaceful and the second being self-explanatory and he finally spoke. "Wow, that was shocking but how many desires do I have, and are there any restrictions on how and which world I want to transmigrate to?"

After a slight pause the deity spoke

"You have 3 desires and no restrictions on how and which world you want to go to"

Having been happy after so long, Noah now had a 'gleam' in his eyes.

"Could you summon a table and give me a pencil and pen please?"



Rob, with a simple gesture of snapping his fingers, summoned everything Noah asked for and the latter acquired the trauma of such a gesture as it was the cause of his misfortune. He was stunned for a moment and asked thank you and began to write down his demands.

Finishing writing everything Noah handed the paper to Rob and the god began to recite the requests "You will be reborn in the Ben 10 universe as the protagonist and your omnitrix will be the fanfic version called chaquetrix." Rob hesitated for a moment since being omniscient has its disadvantages and knowing everything also means knowing the meaning of this request but that didn't affect him much, he's seen much worse things

"Now your orders." Rob adjusted himself a little after the slight discomfort and I continued to recite the requests "The first desire is to have a perfect body that does not suffer any changes or side effects from any substances but I only got its benefits"

Noah who was in front of Rob mentally thanked the other transmigrated named Lex as he would be a great guide for Noah on how to do some things.

"The second is to be blessed with mana, power manipulates perfectly and have a huge storage of it." Since Noah won't be the alien himself, he needs something to protect himself and help his future teammates and a good team has to have good support.

"The third wish is 50× faster learning in any subject" once again Noah thanked Lex for the request. Noah wasn't very demanding with the level of learning because it could be more interesting to study and practice what was studied since he didn't ask to have the intelligence of Reed Richards since for him it wasn't very necessary since he isn't very Proud to not need to cooperate with anyone in any regard, camaraderie was something Noah wanted as he was quite alone during his short life and socialization was very welcome.

Rob really liked the requests, nothing too weak or too powerful, as there were some who wanted something weak to prove their worth out of pure pride or some lazy people who chose something very strong just to not have to make an effort "In terms of wishes, everyone can be granted without having to change anything in your universe." Noah was very happy and satisfied and didn't have to change anything.

"And for my part as an apology I will give you a bonus to suit your situation since I kept you waiting for 10 months." The moment Rob said that Noah was surprised and then exclaimed. "That's all, I thought I had stayed here for a few millennia since it was VERY boring but I guess that justifies me not going crazy." Noah was already used to not having contact with outside people, so loneliness has been his only companion for a long time.

Noah was not an orphan. he had parents and a family but it was as if it was just a role to play since his family didn't show sincerity in the things they did or said. Noah once even wondered if he was on The Truman Show but dismissed the idea since he managed to travel by plane

Rob extending his hand to greet Noah and he exclaimed "As we've already resolved everything we had to resolve, it's time to say goodbye"

Noah also extending his hand for a shake said "Thank you for this chance Rob." Rob, having given a slight smile, waves his hand and the small light disappears from the infinite void.

Rob, having also left the void, returned to his duties and wished our hero luck.

The end...


{Hello everyone, this is the author, and this is my first story, I would like to thank you for reading this far and I would also like to let you know that English is not my native language and I am using the wonderful Google translator and I am taking an English course so over time the grammar may improve. The other transmigrated mentioned is from another fanfic and is called 'alexander benjamin tennyson' that's all and bye}