
The clever stag (Game of thrones)

It is about a person who is reborn as Lyonel Baratheon the trueborn son of Robert and how he is trying to survive in Westeros, and try to make things better. My first fanfiction, English isn't my first language. I do not own Asoiaf. Support me at https://www.patreon.com/Iron_wolf852 (Abandoned)

Ironwolf852 · Livros e literatura
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24 Chs

Red comet

A.N. For those, who don't know, in the books the character Alerras is Serrela the daughter of Oberyn, who comes to the citadel to study and pretends to be a boy, so she would not be thrown away. Of course, is not comfirmed, but it is heavily implied.

Joffrey POV

Cold, it was so cold, a week spent on the Wall and all I got was cold, it was not only the Wall that was cold, it was people too. Ser Allister Thorne master=at=arms was an asshole, he would let the bigger men beat me on the training field at least once a day. Those men are happy to do it, I felt like I am alone in here. Only Samwell Tarly, would check if I was fine and help bandage some more serious wounds on me.

Now standing at top of the Wall overlooking the Haunted Forest, I again start to think that it was what Lyonel wanted, for me to suffer. Maybe I should just jump down here, it would be a long fall, but at least it would be fast death.

"Don't even think about it." The bastard of the Winterfell tells me.

"Why not? Everyone hates me here." I answer my companion.

"Why do you think they hate you?" He asks.

"Isn't obvious, it is because I better than them," I tell him.

"You better than no one, you think you only one who doesn't want to be here?" He asks me.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"Those men, they don't have anywhere else to go." He starts telling me. "They come from shittiest places in all Westeros, but you, you were a prince, living in your castle, eating with golden spoons, while they barely got any scraps for days and you threw it away and for what, to be a king?"

"Yes, I did threw it away," I answer him with anger. "You're right I wanted more, I believed in sweet lies that I deserve more, I thought it was my right."

"That why nobody likes you, because you believe that it is your right to have everything, but in here that is false, here you get what you earned." He explains to me and now I understand I never earned anything.

"Why are you telling me this?" I couldn't understand him, I insult him, but he's helping me.

"Because, I could have been like you, thinking that I better than everybody else in here, but someone told me that is not true, so now I just want to repay the favor it forward." With those words, he leaves me.

Hah, what have I become, I should be a golden lion, but now I act like a beaten kitten, if I need to earn respect from these men, I will earn it, no matter how many beatings it will take. Breaking me won't so easy, I will not fail.

Margaery POV

Queen, that what I always wanted to be, waking up close to my handsome husband, my king, it always was my dream. Now, he barely talks to me, it feels that I just a woman to fuck with and then leave. That why I come to my grandmother if anyone would know what do to it would be her, she always was a smart and witty woman.

"Don't worry, it only been a week, since your wedding, with time he will open up." She tells me without concern.

"If you say so." It is the only thing I could say.

"Tell me, how your nights are with him?" She asks instead.

"Grandmother!" I yell at her, how could, she ask such a thing.

"Ah, I am just an old woman, I need to know if I will have any great-grandchildren." She again says without any shame or concern.

"It is good, we do it every night," I answer, not looking at her.

"Good, I hear he is still injured, so it is good he manages to satisfy you." I am starting to regret coming to her.

"Is not only the injury, he barely sleeps, if nightmares don't wake him, but it would also be the pain," I tell her. "I ask him to speak to me, but he just dismisses me."

"He is a young king, and already there were two attempts at his life, of course, it would be hard for him to just trust you with what going in his head." She has answers for everything it seems.

It was another morning, with him waking up first, getting slowly of the bed, clutching his right shoulder.

"Do you need any help?" I ask getting up myself.

"No, I will be fine, you should go back to sleep." He says and getting dressed.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask and force him to look back at me. "Why you don't even talk to me."

"Hah, no it is not your fault, I just have too much work and with the tourney coming soon, I need to talk to lord and ladies of various households." He explains with a tired sigh.

"Why don't you leave it to me," I say and got up from the bed. "Leave those pompous lords and knights for me to handle."

"Ha, would you leave them alive?" At his words, I just stare at his eyes. "Fine, but remember we need allies."

"Of course, don't worry yourself with this," I tell him with a smile.

Tyrion POV

Another day, another job to take care of, with the tax increase there was disagreement among other lords, especially from Crownland lords, they come to the King to complain almost every day. With the fiasco at the Dragonstone, there more and more lords that start complaining behind the Kings back. Of course, they would not dare say anything in front of Lyonel, the great stag, as people started calling him, how could those lords stand against him, who won a battle against an enemy with more than three times more men than his.

"Ha, you should have seen the faces, when the King said, that it was the fault for being late to a family reunion." Ser Bronn of the Blackwater bay tells me with a laugh.

"With the tourney, they will be satisfied for a while," I answer him. "How is going on with the new order, that my nephew commanded for you to create."

"As good as you could imagine, most the third=born agreed to join, but getting someone from higher up is impossible." He says. "We have couple dozens of hedge knights, with a promise for weapons and armor being provided."

"Well, it is still a start, now it would let me, I need to prepare for a small meeting," I tell him.

"You no fun anymore, becoming the Hand of the King made you too serious." He says and leaves me.

The small council started with six of us in the room, there was no replacement for Varys and Lord Renly still was in the Storms End.

"So, what is today's topic?" The king asks.

"We should consider who will replace lord Varys as the Master of the Whispers." I start with

"Any nominees?" Everyone looks at the King. "What? I don't have an answer for everything."

"My grandmother has spies in almost all regions, she would do fine as a master of whispers." Willas Tyrell says.

"Ha, do you think I will give your family more power?" The King asks and Willas doesn't answer. "We need someone with connections to Essos, to criminal side and he should be loyal."

"Is there such a person?" Lord Wyman Manderly asks.

"Hmm, there is, someone from flea bottom, with a criminal past and loyal to my house." Again the King starts giving his recommendation.

"Your grace, enough of your games, just tell us who you have chosen," I say to my nephew.

"Ha, you no fun uncle, very well, send a letter to Storms End and summon ser Davos back to the capital." He orders me.

"Ser Davos? Didn't he serve your uncle, who conspired to usurp you?" Master of coin asks.

"Yes, but he was one who has warned me of my uncle's betrayal, and without his warning, we would have lost the battle." The King answers. "He was not rewarded for this, so giving him a position in the small council, should be fine."

"Very well, your grace, I will invite him to join us," I tell my nephew, knowing that there will be no stopping him.

"Good, on the topic of Storms End, I have decided to marry Shireen to Tommen and Tommen will rule Dragonstone with my great uncle Kevin Lannister as his regent." He tells us with a voice that won't compromise. "And tell Lord Renly to come back too, I have work for him."

"Yes, your grace, it will be done," I answer him.

"Lord Manderly, how the royal fleet is coming along?" He then turns to the master of ships and asks him.

"The rebuilding just started, your grace, if you want fast results, you will need to invest more gold in it." The fat lord answers.

"We can't invest more gold, your grace, it is only a question to when the Iron bank will come to demand the debt be repaid." Lord Willas interjects before my nephew agrees with investing more gold into his fleet.

"Hah, fine, for now, I will not spend more gold on the fleet." The King agrees reluctantly. "Have there been any news of the Vale?"

"It seems that some lords are in disagreement with Lady Lysa and there were some skirmishes with the tribes of the mountains." Maester Marvyn answers this time.

"Let me guess, mountain tribes started attacking towns and villages and Lady Lysa is not doing anything about it, so other lords are angry at her ruling, I am right?" The King grasps the situation quickly.

"It would seem so, your grace." Maester Marvyn confirms the King's suspicions.

"Send a letter to all lords, that I appoint Lord Yohn Royce as a regent to young Robin and make him the Warden of the East." He orders. "Now that would be all for today, we need to prepare for the tourney."

With those words, the King leaves the room and other members of counsel start leaving too until only me is left. Sigh, another day, another job to do.

Eddard POV

Being back home should bring me some peace of mind, but it didn't, my son did a good job as lord of Winterfell if only the Bolton bastard had not shown to be more capable. Ramsay Snow and his companions had been hiding in the Wolfswood and Lord Bolton won't even compensate the families his bastard had ruined, denying from knowing it.

"Father, there was a letter from the Wall, it said that Lord Commander Jeor Mormont will take half a thousand men with him, to investigate what the Wildlings are up to." My son Robb comes to my solar with a letter and informs me.

First, it was that deserter talking about white walkers, then my brother Benjen goes missing. Something is happening beyond the wall, at these moments I am glad that, the prince, now the King started to support the Wall when he did.

"What else Lord commander Mormont writes about?" I ask.

"It says that he will take Jon with him too and ask for more supplies." Robb answers.

"Send a letter to other lords and ask for their contribution, tell them that south cares more about the north than we do, that should hurt their pride enough to do something," I tell, even if is not honorable, it won't hurt anyone.

"Yes, father." He answers. "There is a letter from uncle Edmure, it seems grandfather's condition is getting worse."

Sigh, bad news doesn't travel alone, first the news of Stannis attacking his nephew for the crown, then Lysa doing a poor job as regent in the Vale, letting the mountain Tribes do as they want. Iron islanders acting suspicious and Lord Bolton being difficult. It feels ominous.

"Grandfather ask to see us before it is too late." Robb continues.

"Fine, tell your mother that she can take the children to the Riverrun to see Lord Hoster, but you will stay here," I tell, and seeing him leave, I go back to do my work.

After checking all reports for the second time and see that there no more light coming from the window, I stand up and prepare to leave, when a red light from the sky catches my eye. Looking at the skies I see a red comet flying, indeed ominous times are coming.

Lyonel POV

Looking at the sky and seeing a red comet flying through the skies, I understand that the dragons are born. I wish I could just send men and kill them, but I am too afraid, what if the dragons are the only thing that could stop White walkers? I can't risk it, still, I will prepare for them, if diplomacy doesn't work with Daenerys.

"What is it?" Asks Margaery.

"It is a red comet, it is said it will bring magic back to the world," I answer her.

"Magic? Do you believe in it?" She asks me.

"It doesn't matter what I believe in, magic doesn't rule the seven kingdoms. What rules them is decisions, my decisions." I answer her and take her to the bed. "I heard you did great with all these lords and ladies, I think there you deserve a reward."

The rest of the night was truly enjoyable.

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