

"WHO SO EVER SHALL READ THIS BOOK AND MENTION THE PHRASE" BLOODY MARTA" SHALL EXPERIENCE A CURSE OF MARTA INVITING HER TO YOUR HOME AND SHALL SURELY DIE. “WHO SO EVER SHALL STAND IN MARTA'S WAY TO PREVENT THE CURSE SHALL SURELY DIE Assuming you just finished reading a popular novel and that novel came to life killing ten million readers in one night and this night is your night to join the dead what will you do?. If you stumble into an entity that gives you the ability to kill anyone with the stroke of a pen on a note. What will you do. ? ....... That was the case of a 15 year old kurosaki Ejiro, intertwine in a conspiracy and betrayal orchestrated by his mother brothers and husband.. Eji's mother was deceived into early marriage only for her to find out her husband married her steal her wealth. His mother was killed by her villains, Eji betrayed and suffers male violence from his step mum . In distraught and despair, when all hope was lost, he stumble into a devilish ghost named bloody Marta raised from the dead who offers to help him fulfill his revenge but on two conditions. 1. He must never fall in love, no girl friends. 2.He must create scenario and a script to kill with his sketchbook of death once every two weeks. In fulfilling his cruel revenge against governor Boston the main villain along side Eji's father who killed his mother . , Eji killed 3000 souls in a disastrous mastermind , A girl comes into the picture named Bella Anderson who was madly in love with Eji, swears to win his heart. Bella stalking eji discovers eji"s secret and eji hands is forced by marta to kill the girl he has falling in love with however she refuse to die. In finding out why Bella couldn't be killed by the devilish ghost powers, he learns of a bitter betrayal as her case turns out to be similar to him. In finding out a method to kill bella Eji falls in love. however his ghostly powers betrayed, becomes his worst nightmare as marta the ghost devil strives to killed eji ,bella and her twin sister Christabel killing 10million people worldwide through a graphic novel. In trying to stop the source of Marta's power, Eji transfer to a school. his first day at school turns out to be a nightmare as he dream t of a student who dies in a horrific manner in the hands of a famous legendary urban ghost of the school. His dream soon turn into reality as the death of Tracy in his dream had happened exactly how he dream t. More dreams of students in his class 3b dies in mysterious manner after he saw their death in his dreams. The case become more serious when christabel is drawn into the death plague. In solving the mystery of the marta and famous urban ghost of king crest high school. Eji discovers his true reincarnation purpose of demon and gods. Will Ejiro be able to save the sisters from the devilish ghost. Find out in this romance action filled story. BLOODY WEBTOON -the classroom of death chronicles. note- there sketches, art scene for viewer enjoyment.

Smart_Asosa_7470 · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

4. Scenario mastermind 1

4. Scenario mastermind 1

The angle of the sun hung in the sky like huge hot fire ball with estimated time, past hour of noon.

Dispatch police officers, each armed and armored to the teeth. Each equipped with assault rifles, and a bullet proof vest and helmet covering their body rammed a suspect into a room.


The door of steel slam behind him with a resounding sound into the hall. They snorted in fury at him. "

"We will be back in hour to take you to the court"

"Pathetic scum, you will pay for what you did, this going to be your new home" another guard on black said to him..

His eyes were dull and perplexed, hardly had the energy to move, he looked around in disbelief, light shone in his eye as he recollect himself, he splutters in surprise. "What is happening? His faded eyes began to have life, sinking in his heart, finally grasps the situation he was in. He began to scream aloud as he holds unto the steel bars in front of him.

" I did not do it, did what ?what am I doing? Why am I here? Yes, I am a lawyer, I am a lawyer, I defend people, let me oooout of here! Let me ooout!

" Oh, will you just shut uuuup, of course we know who you are, lawyer Noah Raymond " you are famous ,you all over the news". A Murderer" a female detective glared her dark eyes in disgust at him. She swept her brown hair to her shoulders, dark skin.

News? He questioned "what are you talking about? I did not murder anybody"

"Is this guy high on drug or something, you murdered your wife, shot a police forensic doctor through is God dam skull, bomb the central hospital to rumbles and you claim you don't know" she stood up from her sit and walked toward him. Fellow officers tried to stop her.

"No, wait, guys let me just give him one lottery punch to his nose' for Christ sake Mike was a good lad, why did you kill him?

Ray ' s eyes wide open "No, no ,nooo, this can't be right, my wife and kids, he promised to spare them, not to kill them"

" What are you talking about? Who promise who? A dark officer in black questioned, short black hair, dark eyes.

Yes, the hectic day faded at the hours of 8, I walked into my house and shut the door behind me, I was about to drop my keys when I felt a presence in front of me in the dark, sited, I switched on the light but it won't work, a monstrous image began to emerge ,his clawed hands stretched to the far end of the walls as if I have painted the room with some kind of animistic wall painting, a sudden voice called out from the dark "Raymond", I looked, I saw the most scariest thing I ever seen sitting in the dark. A crimson blood-lust eyes gleaming red right at me like some demon.

I reached for the door but it was shut. He stood up; he was tall like 17 feet merging with the dark monstrous image. He walked a few feet towards me.

I sat frozen shuddering. He asked me for the identity of Boston, it's as if he didn't have knowledge of who Boston was, he told me to call four persons, Sam, Timi, ola and Abraham .

"Who are this people? The female detective questioned

"They are the governor's family of this state, governor Boston".

"Governor Boston? They shouted with a surprise look on their faces

"Interesting! The officer spoke, please continues".

"He told me to arrange a meeting that someone has evidence of Valentina murders. If they don't want to go to jail, they are to meet up and collect the evidence at the location he will text them through my phone".

"I questioned who he was, he said his name was the hero of justice and he was going to kill all of us for Valentina murder".

"Hold on" the female detective raised her hand, let me get what you are saying valentina was murder, I thought she died due to heart attack, Mike confirm it."

"I don't know how Valentina died but all I know is that her wealth was stolen by governor Boston and his brothers"

"Let me guess, you too were part of the money heist right" female officer looked at him distastefully.

" Yes" what should I have done, I have serve my country but noting to show for it, my law firm was at the verge of crumbling and my wife had enough, she was going to divorce me due to financial circumstances and the governor gave an opportunity to turned a blind eye just one time, beside he is powerful and could kill me, what should i have done, I took the money. I beg this entity for mercy. He gave me a devilish smile and he said he has a role for me in his plan, he was going to make me famous".

"Hahahaha the detective laughed, he made you famous quite alright, and your face is all over the news".

He said he will spare my family if I revealed the evidence, so I promised to reveal the evidence".

"So you saying, Boston killed his younger sister and stole her wealth. Let's say if we were to believe your little tale. Where is the evidence you gave him?"

"A copy is locked in my drawer, in my private room" he swiftly swings a key to them.

"Go check for yourself. He told me that the only to save myself, I have to turn in the evidence as if he knew that I was going to be Locked up"

"OK, then before you are taken to court, let me ask you one last question, how do you explain the murders you committed a week's ago "the female detective questioned"

I don't know anything about that, I swear, that monstrous demon touch my neck and I blanked out and next thing am here"

The detective notice Black Hand imprint across his neck.

"OK "Let me refresh your memory ray" she explained, multiple witnesses and CCTV footage caught you on camera. You pick a withdrawn gun from Mike and you shot your wife and two kids and then next footage of you. we saw you and Mike walk into the hospital; you aim the gun to his head and shut him. His blood splatters to the ground, a confirm cold blooded kill, if that was not enough, you held the hospital clients for about an hour, when you finally grab the entire police attention, you came out of the hospital and then you pressed a remote control. Bombed the central hospital to rumbles. Bravo, she clapped her hands; I never knew you were Tommy cruise.

What? I did that", his eyes wide open

"I killed my wife".

I find it odd that Mike gave him his gun, robbed the police bomb Amory, steal some c4 explosives and he just stood there watching you killing people. He even set up c4 explosives from the video footage with you ray, the male officer stares at him. It just doesn't make sense. Because of Mike, the entire police force was thrown of balance by the commissioner of police, he is not taking it lightly, and let's go to his house detective Pamela and check for hints to his mysterious assailant.

Shortly, the amour guards escorted Raymond with chains clustered to his hands, he walks out of the police station with all manner of camera flickering flash light asking several questions, some cursed at him.


Ray arrived in court as the judge hammered his mallet "order order". Everyone kept quiet at the brandishing of his mallet. Then the judge rearranges his squared glasses around his nose as he questioned ray.

"Raymond Noah" you are being charge with more than 100 count of 1st- degree murder. How do you plead?

"Not guilty your honor" the family of the victim's began to curse in frenzy in court.


An hour later, the judge arrived to give is verdict

Here is my verdict


An hour ago before the verdict , a suited man, blonde hair, straight face, pale skin walking in the airport, pedestrian shocked as they salute him, " good afternoon governor Boston" he raised is hand

Somewhere surprise pointing at him, were are his body guard. Several minutes later, he was boarded in a plane, then he stood up suddenly then he began to walk towards the pilot's cockpit,

"Your Excellency sir, please how can I be off service' The flight attendants eyes began to fade.

"Take me to the pilot", he robotic ally commanded

"Yes your Excellency".

The duo knocks at the cockpit and the pilot opened up. They Looked perplexed as they stare at the governor, and then the governor touch their shoulder cap and light began to fade from their eyes.

"Take me to the court" Boston ordered

"Yes, your Excellency", the plane travels to the court and then, the pilots vertically arranged and angled the nose of the air plane directly facing to the court structure descending , the pilot increased the speed falling in velocity.

"Here is my verdict, I find the accuse Raymond Noah not guilty and he is to be held in a mental hospital for a year. That's all" the judge rammed is mallet. A frenzy erupts in the court in disagreement to the judge when suddenly the ground began to shake and the rumbling made every one paused for a while wondering what was happening, as they listen , they began to hear a loud sound of an airplane . The sound grows louder and louder and everyone looks up likewise ray as they witness swiftly a descending Plane, Crash through the ceiling erupting in flames from the roof. Ray shouts as his hand covers his face


The court structure bomb boom in dark smoke and fire, pedestrians and police guards, children and even citizens open their car doors from their various vehicles and began to run from the area, sighting a descending plane as the plane violently explodes in the court room, affected towered structure began to descend on other buildings causing a huge rumble with dark smoke enveloping the clouds and surrounding areas.


Two months Earlier

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