

Adventurers. People who explored the Dungeons and earned fame and fortune through exploration and the killing of Monsters. The Dungeon is a complex labyrinth divided into many Floors. Each Floor contained Monsters and more powerful Monsters began to appear the more an Adventurer goes down a Floor. Of course, this isn't always the case.

Currently, the lower world is known to consist of a continent and islands such the Far East. Most of the areas explored are mainly around Orario due to the story taking place there.

As they are the only place with a dungeon, Orario is the strongest city in the world with a large number of first class adventurers, however a select few cities and countries across the world have a few adventurers that are Level 3 and above, such as Telskyura or the Empire.

It is known as the center of the world and is located at the western corner of the continent. It is considered to be one of the three great unexplored regions of the world

In that very city of Orario, many people were excited about what was about to happen the next next few days, a war game between Hestia Familia and Apolo Familia. Many of the adventurers and civilians were betting among themselves, that Which Familia would be the one that would win This entire ordeal. Only one of the two Families could win But people were betting on the Apollo familia cause of their reputation and their numbers that they have in here for a long time that have won many war games and their reputation at succeeds them.

Shreme Old Castle Ruins :

A citadel located in the middle of the plains southeast of Orario. The citadel was built in ancient times and was used as a point to stop monsters before Babel was created. It is currently in ruins but was once used by Rakia as a strategic point and so most of the functions are still operational. Bandits were living there until they were defeated in order to prepare the place for the War Game between the Hestia Familia and the Apollo Familia


A town located near the Shreme Old Castle Ruins

On the other hand looks the hestia familia who has started a few months ago and they have very short members two against 100 members very poor goddess at that but they did burn her church down well odds are not making out.

The gods were very interested, curious, and excited, in This entire event when most of them came down here to see who will be the victor who will take everything or some of them are here to laugh at the others god's misfortune and as most of the gods came down from Tenkai to Gekai so they could entertain themselves with mortals and They're affairs alike war games on very few commons. So many of these gods had high expectations about the spectacle that was about to be served before them again.

But the excitement of all the Orario gods quickly dissipated as they felt a great power, this power had an overwhelming divinity that made all the Gekai gods turn pale with fear and anxiety. Although most of them were more incredulous and curious about the sudden events.

Alf's Royal Forest :

A forest known for possessing high magic power even among Elves.The forest the High Elves like Riveria are from. They don't allow outsiders to enter except those they've allowed and will attack any and all intruders


Then All of a sudden a great power came from the East side of the Forest of Elves near the Western Forest, in this city all the inhabitants were looking at the herizon with astonishment, but mostly with disbelief, and fear, because on the river that connected with the Forest of elves , There Great Tree That has existed more than a thousand years for the very foundations of their very kingdom sign that once that all the elvin forests for once connected and approved of their people's very existence of their realm alpheim but now the tree has reappeared so suddenly and abruptly.

The tree was gigantic, much bigger than anything they had seen, the only thing that could be compared in height was the tower of Babel But still the tower was small in height compare to it The tree was very tall it's was tallest in the world. The tree, besides being big, had beautiful green, purple, and yellow leaves that resembled clouds And it's surroundings.

The gigantic tree did not appear alone, under the tree a large cliff was formed surrounded by palm trees of regular size. The river surrounded the cliff making it look like a small island in the middle of the forest. Then from the cliff, as if by magic has come, a small spiral-shaped natural path began to form, to later form a large amount of sand that connected perfectly with the river.

And to create even more beauty, a waterfall was created, which began to fall from the highest point of the cliff to the river. The creation of the island with the gigantic tree was in a matter of seconds and nothing on the island that was suddenly created seems artificial. It all looked so natural, that if the inhabitants had not seen it with their own eyes, they would have thought that the giant tree has been there for years.

After the beautiful show that the Tree of Ever After gave to the people of Elvin Forest and It's surrounding habitants then The roots of the tree began to connect with the earth of the world, causing the entire world of Gekai to begin to shake a little.

A tremor, so strong and so abrupt that it began to damage buildings with less support, which were old or are in middle of constructed in a matter of minutes So Everyone in Gekai felt the tremor. Orario, Rakia, The Empire, Alf Royal Forest, Altenia, Telskyura even the Dungeon. No inhabitant of the world could be saved from this phenomenon of nature.

Fortunately, the quake only lasted 45 seconds, enough time for everyone to panic and disarray as there world was coming to an end for them.

Once the quake ended, the winds around the world became erratic and unnatural.

Orario :

In the city of Orario, specifically under the Guild. A god stood up from his throne to look up from a very long time, and even though people looked like this god was looking at the roof or the first floor of the Guild building. It was the complete opposite one another. This god was the most oldest and powerful being In the lower world who was using his divinity to help everyone by to prevent the monsters in the dungeon from leaving The dungeon itself.

This god was Ouranos, who was one of the first gods to come down from Heaven and the first to give a falna.

A few seconds after Ouranos stood up with a look of disbelief, his servant Fels entered the Room of Prayer below the Guild. No features of Fels can be seen, as it wears a black robe that covers its face and body.

"Master, do you know the meaning of what just happened a few minutes ago?" Although Fels' gestures cannot be appreciated, from their tone of voice it can be concluded that it was nervous about recent events.

Ouranos stopped looking at the ceiling in a pensive manner and looked at his follower. "I never thought this was possible, but I do believe what it is. The situation in the world would depend on the invading subject and their motives."

"Invading subjects? Are you referring to Evilus They have been many sightings of them recently, Master?" Fels asked though it was very dubious about the question it posed.

"No. It's something that could do a lot of good and create something in this world or cause a lot of chaos and destruction. We won't know for sure until we know who these invaders are."

"Why are the invaders Even evading our very continent or world and who are them to referring to themselves?"

"There was a dimensional rupture again. One that should never have happened Not like last time, but since it would be impossible to cause one, especially in this world anyways."

And as if the words of Ouranos were true like white beards beard is white or has one piece even exists.

Unknown location

The sky of the world was broken into fragments, and although this rupture was much more in Melen City, and the cities and towns that were near Melen, almost all people could observe it.

A great yellow light circled over the City of Melen, this light was very similar to a shooting star, and its size was similar to a Canon ball.

Only 37 seconds passed when the sky broke into fragments again, this time the great shooting star-like light was peachy-pink.

The third time the sky of the world was broken, two shooting stars appeared at the same time, one was red and the other was black.

The sky broke again for the fourth time and each time they made the citizens of Melen and Orario more and more nervous, this time the great light and then was white as snow.

The five great lights looked like they were going to descend and crash near the sea or forests of Melen or elves and near the new great tree that appeared in the world.

The sky was broken into fragments for the last time, when a great light that shone much more strongly than the other lights appeared in the sky, this shooting star was a golden-white color that captivated several people in the world and behind it another star team it was black with the yellow tint in it this star frightened everyone a bit It reminded them of the cursive monster the black dragon.

It didn't take long before the shooting stars one by one crashed onto different locations .

Gekai now has Eight Remnant invaders What will the world do now Will they retaliate or will they help their new outsiders.

Jaune Arc pov

He felt weightless, floating through an endless void that surrounding him in pitch blackness. Somewhere deep within his being he knew that this must have been the place where some higher power decided where he would go to spend eternity after death.

The last thing he had been expecting was to die, it was quick, that much he knew for sure, but the memory of how and why it had happened had become foggy to him after such a short time He remembers when he was falling down into the void.

So he continued to wait, hours, days, weeks, he couldn't tell how much had passed. Here, time meant nothing. After floating through the darkness for another spell of time he felt himself slip into a kind of meditative trans, bluring the line between awake and asleep even though he couldn't achieve either one in his current state of existence.

Then he felt it.

It was subtle at first, a pulse of warmth that echoed through his being. Giving him the feeling of being in a body again. But it slowly faded away as quickly as it came.

A few moments passed then he felt another pulse, this one stronger, filling him much more quickly than the last and lasted longer before it faded away.

Before he could think on the anomaly any more a third pulse hit him, so strong that he felt as though the wind was knocked out of him. A bright, white light pierced the darkness, blinding him as he was pulled harshly from it-

When Jaune's consciousness returned, the first thing he saw was dark sky keep going up front where he landed and started to check around his surroundings She just found nothing but forests and a river he wanted to know where was he What was he doing last thing he remember that he was on the bridge and Penny oh God Penny then he could not make it to the gate and he failed the void he felt bad he couldn't do anything Then he remembered his other friends fell too Maybe they're here as well He needs to find them.

before he got up he noticed that his sword is broken He was sad that he had no choice to do what he had to do now he has to make things right.

Jaune got off from Landed landed dusted himself then he started to move explore the forests a bit when she went to the forest he saw a giant trees roots for blocking his way but on the roots there was something a weird clock fruit something that it confused him He went just to pick it up when he just picked it up everything started to spin around the clock kept on ticking and ticking and a sound All of a sudden everything started to move backwards this frightened him He tried to stop it but he couldn't He screamed at it Then he had no choice to take his shield and bash it and then he saw nothing but darkness is surroundings changed and then he heard a giant crow coming towards him and picking him up He thought he was dead then all of a sudden he was dropped off in a prison few minutes later a few people came and knocked him out from that day he thought he was dead but he was wrong a fire worser fate was for him to bear.







"...Oh, you... You're no Hollow, eh?"

"Well, what do we have here? You must be a new arrival. Let me guess. Fate of the Undead, right? Well, you're not the first."

"You! Yes, you! Here, over here! Please, you must help me!"

"You are Undead, as well? Then we've no time to fraternize. I have my mission, and you no doubt have yours. We must not let this curse overcome us."

"Is it not so that thou art new? Thou fared well to find me. But cometh thee not for the grave of Sir Artorias? My advice true, forget this! The legend of Artorias art none but a fabrication. ...Traversing the dark? 'Tis but a fairy tale. Have thine own respect, go not yonder knocking for nothing, I say!"

"Why not join me, as a warrior of the Sun? Righteous knights, guardians of all that is good, in the name of the Lord of Sunlight! ...Only if it would please you, of course. Well?

"...Oh dear...What have we here? Are you a new servant?"

"Quelaag? Please, sister, do not cry. I am happy, truly. I have you...don't I?"

"Chosen Undead. Your fate...is to succeed the Great Lord Gwyn. Chosen Undead, who has rung the Bell of Awakening. I wish to elucidate your fate. Do you seek such enlightenment?"

"I can guide thee, and illuminate the truth. Undead Warrior, conqueror of the Four Kings, is this not your wish? To know the truth of men, and the Undead?"

"Thou art strong, human...Surely thine kind are more than pure dark. I beg of thee, the spread of the Abyss...must be stopped."

"Hmm... A mere Undead, yet you can see me? Fascinating... I am Quelana of Izalith. I am not often revealed to walkers of flesh. You have a gift. Are you, too, one who seeks my pyromancy?"

"Ah, hello! You don't look Hollow, far from it! I am Solaire of Astora, an adherent of the Lord of Sunlight."

"I am Laurentius, of the Great Swamp. I will not forget my debt to you."

"Forgive me. I was absorbed in thought. I am Siegmeyer of Catarina.""Mm, you seem quite lucid! A rare thing in these times. I am Logan."

"Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Oscar of Astora."

"In case you have not heard, I am Reah of Thorolund."

"I'm Alvina of the Darkroot Wood. I command a clan of hunters who track down defilers of the forest graves. What dost thou say? Wilt thou not join us?"

"Your ambitions have sealed your fate. But, who'd have thought I'd be the traitor? Sometimes you never know, do you... Keh heh heh heh!"

"My father...all Hollow now...has been subdued. He will cause no more trouble."

"...Who are you...Stay clear...stay clear of my work...Curses upon you!... How dare you disturb me!"

"...Finally, I have found it, I have!... ...My very own sun... I...am the sun!... ...I've done it...I have... ...Yes, I did it...I did!"

"I ask just one thing. If I do go Hollow, then finish me off. I beg of you."

"I have waited for thee... Foolish slave of the Gods, and pawn of Frampt... I will kill you... And become the true Dark Lord..."




"The First Flame quickly fades. Darkness will shortly settle. But one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness. Like embers, linked by lords past."

"Ashen One, hearest thou my voice, still?"

When Jaune's consciousness returned, the first thing he saw was darkness again.

His pair of blue eyes snapped open. A mouth

opened to gasp for air even though the lungs of the person have long since rotted. Instead of sitting up or trying to stand, the body rolled to the side before quickly getting up to the knees as hands reached for a weapon, a sword due to how the hands moved to the side, only the hands grasped empty air when they reached the person's waist.

"Huh?" Confused while also letting out the first noise it had since waking up, a pair of blue eyes looked down in confusion as to why there wasn't a sword his side. He then quickly remembered that he wasn't using a Straight Sword at the moment but a Greatsword and reached for his back only to grasp empty air once again. He reached behind him with both hands but much to his dismay, there was no sword or shield on his back, only a decent sized backpack. That alone was cause for concern for him

Before the knight could freak out, he took a deep breath in before letting it out, calming his nerves. "Calm down, Jaune. Don't panic and access the situation." The now named Jaune Arc ,first checked himself and to both his confusion and horror, he was not wearing his armor and was instead dressed in unfamiliar clothing.

He wore a hoodie with a small black patch on the right side and left side above his chest along with a long sleeved white shirt underneath. He also wore black pants, a beige belt with a silver buckle, and black shin-high boots. A small chest plate armor covered his chest You had shoulder pads on him and even his legs had armor on it covering his kneecap till his shoes He started to scan his body more so he was wearing gloves and while a decent sized backpack was slung over his back, as mentioned before. Finally, hanging from the back of his waist was a dagger.

"These clothes..." jaune said to himself as he finally stood up on his feet, looking at himself and blinking to make sure he was not seeing things. "These clothes...I haven't worn or seen these in ages I thought I give them away to one of my friends but how ?" Bell clearly remembered these clothes He got them from few days before the fall of Atlas He had them in his bag but there being torn and withered by time and He saw There was someone who needed something to wear so he give it them away in favor of wearing the Knight Armor of the corpse that had been literally dropped in his cell All those decades ago. It certainly provided more protection than his clothes ever did.

He looked at the armor and equipment on him and had only two words to say.

"This ducks." jaune could feel his face form an expression of disappointment as he looked at himself. The only piece of armor on him was the chest plate. He did have any gauntlets, greaves but They were cheap build, or but nothing anything else that could protect his body. Hell, he didn't even have a helmet on him now. The chest plate was of low quality and he doubted it could stand three attacks against the Hollowed and Demon monsters or a Grimm he faced in Lordran or remnant. Hell, he bet if he showed this to Andre the old blacksmith would have thrown it in the trash. And don't even get him started with the dagger. It too was of low quality and would instantly break if used against an armored opponent or someone with tough skin entirely. That he was sure of. And he was pretty sure he would abandoned the use of any backpacks in favor of multiple pouches that would hang on his belt. They were less likely to get grabbed by an opponent and even if they were to be grabbed, his arms were close enough to prevent it.

"What was my younger-self thinking coming towards that fruit or even beacon and end up like this now ?" jaune said as he spoke a familiar word that he hasn't said in...forever.

Beacon academy and Now that's a word he hasn't hear himself speak in so long. No matter how many years have passed, he still remembered his time in the beacon with his friend's....and how naive he was.

'Seriously, going into the beacon academy just so I could become a hero like my grand father and his ancestors before him ? What was I thinking? I don't care if it was for my great grandfather, the desire alone is just stupid.' jaune thought to himself. The plan was simple. Go into a huntsman academy and get stronger fighting monsters off darkness. If he continued to do so, there was a chance a girl might find herself in trouble or in need and he would save her and help her financially. From there, the girl would no doubt fall in love and grand adventures would ensue You would have done his knightly duties. jaune sighed as he thought about how stupid he was. This was a remnant, a nest of Monsters off darkness coming towards us everyday to kill and to destroy humanity once and for all and we are the pillars that keeps them from destroying us The only people that dared to come here were huntsman and Huntresses who are basically true heroes. There was little to no chance of there being a damsel-in-distress in a place like them only seeing that is always there is death. The fantasy his younger self dreamed of was a work of fiction. A hero's tale. And he was no hero.

Jaune quickly shook his head to bring himself back to reality before he brooded any further. He tended to do that a lot from time to time When when time passed on. It was a bad habit he formed whenever he would find himself alone which was nearly all the time during his journey through That place called Lordran. So yeah, he brooded a lot. And if people knew what he's been through, they wouldn't blame him. Now then, time to see where he was and wonder how many times he'll die this time.

He appeared to be in a cave-like area as the said area was quite spacious allowing maximum movement. To his surprise, green glowing lights lined the walls, illuminating the place and allowing him to see in this place which would have no doubt been dark without the lights. The lights seemed natural and not man made which confused him but he didn't question it in favor of checking his surroundings for any enemies that wanted his head. Strangely enough, as he looked around, he couldn't help but think the place was oddly unfamiliar to himself.

'This place looks like the cave, with the forest floor to be exact.' Bell thought as he couldn't help but feel mocked. It wouldn't be the first time. He clearly remembered this place despite his many years as an Undead. The forest entry is where he disappear All those years ago, struck back in time by a clock fruit as his helpless younger self could only scream for help. It never came and the next thing he knew, he was in the Undead Asylum and later learned that he was an Undead, a corpse brought back to life. It was quite vexing that he couldn't remember what had killed him. He remembered seeing a crow but that was about it. And with how many times he's died in his journey, he was not about to keep track of how exactly he disappeared only if it benefited him such as learning an enemy's attack pattern.

Unconsciously, Bell reached for the thing that proved and reminded him of his Undead Status. The Dark Sign, located on the right side of his neck near his jugular vein. It was warm to touch as if to signify that he was 'alive' right now. It should have been the only spot to be warm as the rest of his body was cold as a corpse which wasn't surprising considering what he really looked like under the illusion cast over him by using Humanity to reverse Hollowing for the time being. But as he felt around his body, he was surprised at the faint feeling of body heat from under his clothes. It was like there was a faint fire burning right underneath his skin, providing warmth. But how was that possible Really ?

jaune was soon brought out of his thoughts at the sound of a roar. Quickly, he turns to his left and sees the sight of a Bull-like monster charging straight towards him. The battle instincts that have been ingrained into him kicked in instantly and he jumped back to avoid the charging monster as it crashed into a wall. As the Monster took a moment to pick itself back up, jaune took this chance to see what was attacking him.

As said before, it was a Bull-like monster. Its body was that of a man whose muscles gave the impression of a bodybuilder. Other than that, the legs and head were that of a bull with fur covering the legs and shoulders as powerful looking horns were situated from the sides of the skull. In all honesty, it looked like a mini Taurus Demon. Man, had that been a long time ago.

Red glowing eyes stared right at jaune but he didn't freeze up. Rather he was struck with a sense of déjà vu.

'Why do I feel like I know this thing from somewhere have eaten His cousin before ?' jaune thought but pushed the thought aside in favor of making battle plans as he drew the only weapon he had on him. 'Okay, let's see. Shield: Don't have it. Armor: Don't have that either. Weapons: A dagger that would possibly do no damage to the foe in front of him. Once again, jaune cursed his younger self at his lack of proper equipment whoever has stolen his stuff but didn't panic. He's been in worse situations before.The monster before him soon recovered and roared at him. jaune didn't even flinch as he sent a cold, hard gaze back at the monster as said monster actually flinched back. That's never happened before, jaune noted. But the monster recovered quickly and roared again as it charged towards him. As it charged, jaune looked at the monster's body from top to bottom. The skin of the monster was no doubt tough so he doubted his dagger would do any sufficient damage. If anything, it would probably break upon contact. So since he couldn't attack the beast directly, he'll search for weak points and last he checked, the eyes were always a good spot to attack.

To any other person not a high-class huntsman or huntress, the Monster before jaune would have appeared fast. But to the Undead himself, the Monster was as fast as an Armored Boar or girmm boar like He fought on mantle.

He dodged the thing quite easily before he reached his hand out and grabbed one of the Monster's horns and swung himself onto the Monster. He then raised his dagger and stabbed it into the Monster's right eye with no hesitation. The Monster's screams of pain echoed through the area as it tried to buck jaune off of it. But the Undead held on tight as he tried to pull the dagger out but it seems he underestimated his strength as he found the dagger stuck, probably lodged in the Monster's skull. Trying again with one last pull, jaune managed to free the dagger...or rather its hilt that is. The blade had broken off as the said blade was still in the Monster's eye. jaune once again cursed his younger self's choice of equipment and a bastard steal his gear before being forced to jump off the Monster as it attempted to shake him off by slamming it's back against a wall. jaune jumped off before it could do it as the Undead landed safely before throwing the dagger hilt away. It was useless to him now as was any weapon that broke. Should he resort to his bare fists? He was pretty strong with how many souls he spent in order to use the Greatshield of Artorias and to use weapons such as Greatswords and Greataxes. But then again, he preferred if he had a weapon on him like him grandparents sword and shield but noooo f*** you destiny.

Deciding to abandon the bare fist idea, he decided to use a different plan. It was one of his oldest ones but its effectiveness has always shown itself during his most dire times. With that plan in mind, he began the process. First, he needed to find a cliff. He didn't know if there were any in this place but he'll search. Turning around, he ran and the bull monster followed after him.

'Good.' jaune thought. He needed the monster to follow him. This was the plan. Once he found a cliff, he would lead the monster close to it and use the Miracle, Force, or kick that thing off so to knock the Monster down to its death. It was a simple battle tactic but one he greatly loved. It certainly showed its worth against those Silver Knight archers at Anor Londo, fucking bastards. Now once he found a cliff, all he needed to do was use his Talisman and-

jaune's eyes greatly widen in pure horror. He patted the right side of his belt...but there was no Talisman.

"No..." jaune mutters in horror as he comes to a stop and looks. Still no Talisman. Along with him not having his preferred shield, sword, and armor, he didn't have his Talisman. And if he didn't have his Talisman then...jaune reached for his back and concentrated. But no matter how much he willed it, the familiar feeling of wood never came into his hand. He did not have his Catalyst either. At this point, jaune felt like hyperventilating which should have been impossible as he was Undead meaning he was probably just copying the action to show off his panic.

"Hey, calm down! No panicking during a fight!"

A voice in his head snapped jaune back to reality. He just made a huge blunder. Never ever panic during a fight. It'll cost you your life. If he didn't have access to his Miracles and Sorceries then...what about his Pyromancy?

jaune raised his right hand up to his face and concentrated while also begging for the familiar flame to appear. To his relief and delight, a flame was produced, one he was fairly familiar with. After all, the flame was a part of himself and was given to him by a precious friend.

"A pyromancer's flame is a part of his own body. The flame develops right along with his skill. ... When I gave you that flame, I gave you a part of myself. Please take good care of it."

'Laurentius...' The flame in his hand brought both joy and sadness to jaune. No matter how many times he died, he still remembered the day the Pyromancer of the Great Swamp gave him his flame. It had started out small, but now, the flame before him was strong, clearly showing the accumulation of his teachings with Laurentius, Quelana, his service to the Fair Lady, and of course, his experience.

'Thank the sun that I still have this.' jaune thought to himself before turning towards the direction the bull-like monster would no doubt come from. Since he had no access to either his Miracles or Sorceries and since he had no weapons, his Pyromancy is right now his strongest weapon against this monster.

'A few fire orbs should do the trick.' jaune thought as he set the pyromancy spell in his mind. Now all he needed to do was wait for the monster and when it appeared, it would be greeted with fire to the face.








"I don't think it's coming." he Said to his himself in his head.

jaune raised an eyebrow in confusion but did not dare deactivate the flame in his hand. Had he outrun the monster ? He doesn't remember being that fast again but then again, his friends had always commented on how fast and strong he was even when wearing full set of armor. And since he was wearing light clothing, his speed had increased. He certainly didn't notice.

After waiting about another minute or so, jaune finally relaxed seeing that he had indeed outrun that monster, but he did not dare deactivate his flame. He still had no idea where he was right now and it was always better to have a weapon drawn out and ready to be used in a split second. But first, he had another matter to attend to. Such as...

'Who are you?' Bell thought, addressing the voice that was in his head. Last time he checked, his head was voice free. It didn't help that this mysterious voice sounded a lot like him.

"Who am I? I'm you of course."

'Don't play games with me. Who are you and why are you inside my head?' Bell raised his flame to his head as if to threaten whatever the voice was.

"You're not seriously thinking of frying your brain, right?" A moment of silence. "By Larfal Ljos Alf the sixth beard, are you insane!?"

'That's currently up for debate since I have a voice in my head And I have an itch I want to scratch You take your pic.'

"I'm telling you, I'm you!"

'If you're me then tell me, what's the last thing I did before I woke up?' jaune thought/asked. Truth be told, he can't remember what he had been doing before he woke up. He remembers that he had been wearing armor based on the very armor of Artorias the Abysswalker along with wielding the Abyss Greatsword and Greatshield of said Abysswalker. But why he was equipped in that set, he can't recall.

"You don't remember? You defeated the Hollowed Lord of Cinder, Gwyn, and linked the First Flame."At that did it all come rushing back to jaune. With armor providing the best fire defense, with a shield that provided great stability, and a sword he had grown to be quite proficient with, jaune had fought against the former Lord of Sunlight and triumphed over the Hollowed Lord. Soon after he stood before the First Flame and planned to use his very self to strengthen it, preserving the Age of Gods for a bit longer. But before he could even extend his hand towards the flame...

"I should have left you to rot in the Undead Asylum! My dream! My purpose! You took everything from me jaune !"

jaune instinctively slammed his eyes shut as the memory appeared in his head. He remembered now. The event that took place before he could link the fire. The event that broke his very beliefs.

"Do you believe me now?" The voice asked.

"no..." jaune spoke as he let out a sigh, or perhaps he was mimicking one. Undead don't need air so the act of sighing was nothing more than a false act.

"So that's how it is."

"How what is?"

In an overdramatic fashion, jaune fell to his knees and let out a long, dramatic sigh. "I've finally lost my mind and now I need to kill myself ."

"...what !!! ?"

"After all the death's I've experienced, and all my failures I have committed after all I've been through, my mind has finally been broken. I've finally gone insane. I'm surprised it took this long but it was bound to happen eventually. Dying multiple times is not good for the mind. And I've been dying for years. Perhaps the final straw was when I willingly set myself on fire. Yes, that must be it."

"Hey! Get a hold of yourself! You're panicking!

"I'm not panicking," jaune said as he calms down again. While he was surprised at the new voice in his head, he didn't bother with it as he had priorities to deal with. The first being...

'Finding the one who took my equipment and burn them to death.' jaune thought while holding up his flaming hand."Yeah-wait, what? Shouldn't your first concern be finding a way out of this place or You know thank the ones who brought you here I mean it !!!?"

'That can wait but First I must get back my armor, my weapons, my items, and especially my catalyst and talisman and pyhrra stash!' Especially those last two items. He'd sooner face the Four Knights of Gwyn all at the same time then lose those two precious items. He would even go as far as to say that they were, to him, and more important than his own life and her stash That's all that's left of her love for him That's how important they were to him.

"okay okay I'll talk I'm not in your head I was just playing around I want to see what type of person you were that's all This is actually the first time I have ever seen a human up close so curiosity got the better of me"

jaune narrowed his eyes even further was preparing to burn himself to death The intruder was panicking even further She started explain him who is she and what does she want.

As we can see a Little fairy person came out of his backpack She was technically like a girl but a beautiful one of that She had two legs two arms He was more like a human or elf hybrid but with long ears and a little wings but she was basically a big one of his hands Maybe 3 to 5 feet but when she came outside and she sat down on the open grass field beside him and she changed her own appearance now she looked like a 20-year-old girl wet blue hair And she's wearing a sundress, She was playing with her hands nervously She was thinking that he was going to punish her or he is going to do something bad but he didn't She Heard him sign a bit so she prepared to introduce herself by coughing in her hand.

"My name is Aurora I am just a normal spirit who lives in these wood I've been living in these woods for more than 500 years and this is the first time I have see a human I saw your body lying down on that other side of the The dark Forest You work pretty much near that big tree it just showed up all of a sudden if few weeks ago I was investigating the tree And it's nearby inhabitants and when I came across you and conscience You were but you had no armor or equipment so I decided to drag you around and bring you to this nearby cave I know and provide you with some of medicine I'll figure out what the hell is going on So I went back the other bodies I found dead bodies and they were pretty much skeleton They had some of their armor on them so I brought their armors and whatever stuff they had on them but no weapons strange so I brought them here clean them up and I put them on you, This is how I found you and I will repeat again You had no armor on you or anything So later I checked How are you doing And you had no pulse."

"I thought you were dead so I was actually planning on bury you now So I wanted to make sure that you have a properly one. "

"Then all of a sudden you just came back to life That actually was relieve and the same time scary How could a dead person come back from the dead It had me scared and curious I wanted to check if you were evil spirit or something so that I can put you out of your misery but you don't have any dark mana or anything that kind of a sort and you are human basically I can tell from your mana."

"That's all the story I was actually I was trying to help you but you scared and I'm sorry I played tricks with you I wanted to see what type of person you are. " When she told him she started to tear up a bit She never meant to harm anyone's She just wanted to help Jaune can tell that bye her figure of speech So he wasn't planning on killing himself standby for now. But what he wants to know is that where is he What is this cave and what in the world is this tree and what is a spirit doing here He has many questions at least he has someone to answer them and then started to conversate with each other telling their life story as he told them that he's from another world called remnant monsters of darkness That bent on destroying your kingdom Then told him how he fell through the void and then he came here All of sudden clock fruit and then he was transported to another time and he was then called a chosen undead knight of place called kingdom of Lordran.

When she heard the name she was quite shocked but she didn't say anything It's like she knewed her place but she had a question of face "How Just How is that possible "

As he asked her a question some of those questions She started explain to him the timeline and the history of this new world He is in and her people's origin story.

Ancient Times (3000-2000 Years Ago)

Nidhogg, a dragon comparable to the three great quests was released from the dungeon. A gods sent down six great spirits who chanted a powerful magic together to kill Nidhogg. The magic destroyed Nidhogg, the 6 spirits, and any mortals that could have seen them.

" Prometheus may canonically have been around as a hero i think "

Age of Heroes (2000-1000 Years Ago)

The Knights of Fianna, an order of Pallum knights, existed. They were active as heroes before Argonaut.

Crozzo the First had saved a spirit's life, but was injured. To heal him, the spirit shared some of their blood. Crozzo and his descendants who received a falna were blessed by the spirit's blood.

Era of heroes, started with the Hero Argonaut. During this era, people didn't have deities available to give them falna. Instead of Falna, Spirits, born from the will of the gods and sent to the lower world to aid humanity in facing monsters, would grant people their blessings. Spirits seemed to have had the power to turn into swords, use spirit magics, and possibly possessed other abilities, as well.

This era is far prior to the current story. The gods first descended to the lower world 1000 years ago, with early descenders being Ouranos and possibly others. Mercenary King Albert Waldstein, the Empress of the Amazonesses Evelda , Queen of the Elves Celdia, and the Spirit Aria all existed during this era, having been allies.

Apparently, Albert was stronger than the others, being the strongest character to have appeared in the story. The group that acted alongside Albert were comparable to Alfia in strength.

Albert fought the One Eyed Black Dragon alone(?), 1,000 years prior to the story. Aria was presumably eaten and absorbed by the One Eyed Black Dragon. Ais is left alone.

Zeus Familia and Hera Familia's Reign

(1000-15 Years Ago)

Zeus and Hera Familia were the leading Familias of Orario.

Nightmare of the 27th Floor

Evilus had been investigated by the Guild. After searching for Evilus executive Vendetta, the Guild successfully attacked various members of Evilus. The Evilus member Olivas Act, had rushed to the 27th floor while gathering aggro from swarms of monsters, incited by his executives. He would then pass parade them into his pursuers, sent from the Guild, causing a massacre of monsters and adventurers alike. He did so with the intent of taking as many lives with him, not to escape. The scene was later described to be a hell scape.

Evilus bases were still caught by the Loki, Freya, and Ganesha Familias due to Finn identifying the plot to use the Nightmare as a means to fake the deaths of the executives of Evilus.

The Dungeon

30 years before the story, the colosseum was first found. It produced monsters until it reached a number capacity within the colosseum. The monsters would kill each other and then new monsters would spawn in place of the fallen one, unless an adventurer arrived, in which case the monsters would attack the adventurer and fight between them begins again.

The dungeon produced the colosseum after the first xenos was born, in an attempt to understand the circumstance of their birth.

9 years before the story, after Ais used her magic Airiel for the first time, the corrupted spirit moved from the deep floors to the floors above in an attempt to find "Aria". It turned several adventurers into creatures and most into lumps of flesh during the nightmare on the 27th floor.

"okay that is everything I know and i have heard from some acquaintance off my own So please do not consider commit suicide !!!!" She told him very concerned for his mental health as she can see that he has been suffering a lot as of a late.

"okay I believe you for what you have told me is the true story" As we can see the spirit had an tick mark on her forehead and she was puffing up some steam like some steam engine "but What now I mean everything you have done is good and all and thank you for everything but I have one good question how do we get out of this forest ?"

as he ask that question she started to sink down a bit She tried explain him that they can't actually she never found a way to escape her forests because the elves won't let her leave even if you wants to She told him how the elves are They basically tree loving pricks a better wording for them but they do have good in them but they're way too prideful to tell sometimes.

As she was going to talk She even told him that they're going to have a deal to make at this mention jaune raised his eyebrows in a questionable way 'What deal' She didn't told them that there was a catch for saving him She wants him to take her to the outside world so that they can adventure together.

jaune arc had to face off a denial He doesn't want anyone to come with him or to get hurt because of him He has lost so many friends already and he doesn't knows where his other friends went in this strange world and how much time has passed Time did affect him or his friends too Maybe they have forgotten about him but I don't think he could try to find some answers He is thankful towards the little spirit for her help but he's also scared that he might even put her intermedial danger of his own stupidity He did lost penny He's not going to lose more He tried to be a hero and he did more harm than good so did his friends Atlas has fallen so are the remaining kingdoms He doesn't understand he could save not after what happened and that Kingdom too for escaping the asylum and then going on a journey on his own and then linking the flame again.

But then he realized he might even need her help So he told her that he will take her deal but they will be rules and regulations She needs to follow for them both of their safety but they don't know what's outside of these forests and how will these elves will react to him.

As the little spirit who's now looming around his backpack in hopes of sneaking her way out start to cheer and happiness that she finally gets to leave her home and see the outside world how grandparents used to tell how Great is the outside world is all of their adventures and friends they made She hopes that she can achieve the same goal that's them or even find a worthy man to call a husband.

As those two shook their hands for their deal The pack their bags She went back to her own hut plack the necessary things she needs for the journey Then she saw that she needs to keep a very close eye on her new friend and she needs a plan to escape this forest when she came back from her hut towords jaune location she was planning on telling him where is the entrance is.

"I know you want to get your stuff back, but think about it. You're all alone in some unknown area with little to no armor and your only weapon is your magic. Your flame may be strong but you have a limit to how much magic you can cast." said Aurora

"for starters If we need to get out of this forest together we need to fuse together into one" jaune start to get the wrong message start to get a little tint by the cheeks and went Aurora understood what she said was just started to red up from the embarrassment word she just said she just implied I need to be one and the most intimate way possible He then told him that's not the point to put with any wrong idea She didn't explain to him that they can fuse together as a weapon should become a weapon for him to use for the time being so that they need to be fused together like a bond they need to share each other's blood as she told that jaune started to understand what she was applying without any hesitation Jane took out the knife and he cut his palm hand when she saw that how he did it without even hesitation She was a little shocked but she knows what she needs to do She took the dagger from his hand and she placed it on her own palm She cut it a bit and they both shook their hands on it They made a vowel they will protect each other and they will be together until the end when the pack was done their hands start to glow and she starts transform into a sword a beautiful sword at that It was a big long sword technically a a great sword but a little shorter but he but he can still use it He send it at around and noticed that it had magic in it as it was glowing as he can start to feel his aura for some reasons he was an undead he doesn't have his aura or his semblance when he was touching it he can feel her magic flooring throughout him as they were one as they can speak with each other they started to communicate with each other and checking it was working it was Jaune put the sword on his back found a robe and he put the robe on It will help him to disguise him from the elves People out the forests and they both can set out.

As the two having a conversation with each other about the surroundings and the people and everything We are getting in an argument but they know who what was right.

jaune arc grunted in annoyance but knew that voice in his head now had a point. What he had right now was not ideal and while he was confident he could take down anything that attacked him with his flame, there was a limit to it. And said limit was the reason why he rarely used magic during a fight. His magic was strong, that he was confident of, but his reserves were average at best, maybe a little above average considering his level, which meant he could only cast some of his more powerful arts a few times. Truly, his situation right now was not ideal and it would only be suicide to venture through this area with what he has right now.

jaune arc sighed. As much as it pained him to do, he'll have to prioritize getting out of here than finding his equipment. But he swore that once he was prepared, he'll come back here and look for his stuff. And seeing as he couldn't summon his precious Bottomless Box meaning he didn't have said Box with him, said stuff was ALL his stuff. jaune let out another sigh, this one filled with annoyance before he began to search for an exit out of here.

Along the way, he ran into more monsters. Such mentions were ants the size of a human child, creatures made of literal shadows, frogs with one eye, men with dog heads, and what jaune could tell were literal Goblins. All these monsters gave jaune a huge wave of nostalgia. He knew what these things were but for his Undead life he couldn't explain why he knew. The same went for the area he was in. He had found a set of stairs that went up and seeing as he had nowhere else to go, he went up and as he did the surroundings changed as the monsters in the area were getting weaker and weaker to the point where he could beat most with simply his fists. For some reason, he felt as if he should have dug for something from the monsters he beat to death but he seeing as he had nothing to cut said monsters up, he left them alone. There was no way he was going to rip them apart just to satisfy his curiosity. He wasn't a Darkwraith, may those souls rest in peace and their idiot Kings burn in hell."These things are surprisingly weak If I say so for myself." The voice from spirit who in head commented as the white-haired Undead punched a pouncing Goblin, dislocating its jaw and snapping its neck, killing it.

'Even Hollows wearing no armor could take at least one of my punches.' jaune thought as he couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed at the strength of these monsters before him. But he was able to limit the use of his flames so there was a plus side.

As he walked, each step filled in caution as he never trusted a situation to be as easy as it was right now, he noticed that the appearance of monsters had become less and less. He wasn't complaining but that just made the Undead even more conscious of his surroundings. If there had been a Bonfire nearby, he would have taken this chance to have a small break but seeing as he didn't have his Estus Flask with him, the boon of all Undead, he didn't stop. Eventually, he came upon more stairs and soon went up them. This was the fifth time he's come upon a flight of stairs and he was starting to wonder if he was going the right way. Many times he's taken a wrong direction during his journey through Lordran which ended with him getting lost within the capital of the Gods. Though said missteps have led him to some interesting encounters, some more enjoyable than others.

After some time, as Jaune was finally reached the top and came upon a new sight. A door.

Now a door meant a lot of things, especially if one was found in a place like this. Once he entered through the door, he would either find himself outside, in a room, facing a trap, and/or etc. The list was long and jaune wished he had a shield on him just in case he did come upon a trap.

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? At least it's not a Fog Gate."

jaune silently agreed with the voice in his head, especially about the Fog Gate. Whenever he came upon one, there was a high percent chance that he would face a being much larger than him or much more powerful. It would not be a lie to say that Bell had developed a sense of paranoia towards Fog Gates. But back to the story, jaune Arc went to reach for the doorknob when suddenly, said door opened on its own, causing jaune Arc to jump back and summon his flame in preparation for an enemy. He expected to see a Hollow warrior, another monster, a demon on fire, or some new monster he's never seen before that would attack him on sight.What appeared from the door was, in fact, none of these things. To him utter surprise, what came through the door was, in fact...

"Hm? Oh, hello." It was a elve man. And he could tell it was a elf for it was almost impossible for Undead skin to get as tanned as the man before him unless one used a bunch of Humanity and stayed under the sun's rays for long periods of hours. Most Undead tend to be quite pale under their armor and jaune was no different Just basically he had long pointy ears.

"Back from the city ?" The elve man, wearing a chest plate and shoulder pads while carrying a claymore on his back, said to jaune as two more people appeared by the man's side. A elve woman wearing robes and wielding a staff that identified her as a mage of sorts, and another man, slightly younger than the other two who had a pair of wolf ears on his head.