
Chapter 5 I'll Pay You!

This is a disease that can't be cured even with money!

But the present Wang Yang not only quickly cured, and even in the degree of guaranteed cure can also do so quickly cure him, which is not only a strong drug effect.

It's a combination of medicine and medicine.

Sun Qianyu looked at Wang Yang's eyes had completely changed, as if he was the only hope to survive after looking at his grandfather, and his eyes were constantly flashing with fine aeng.

"Excuse me... Can you help me..."

"Excuse me, excuse me." Wang Yang is not interested in staying here anymore, his face is finished, the herbs have been bought by a small rich woman, and there is nothing he wants here.

Around the circle, it is only this plant with the stone vine flowers covered the edge of the snake grass worth some money. There's nothing left for him to cling to.

Sun Qianyu was scared by Wang Yang's words, and even directly froze on the spot.

What kind of attitude is that? You just ignore yourself?

She did not understand, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, is this person going to give up so?

No, in fact, Wang Yang knew better than anyone the advantages of making good friends with Sun Qianyu, but he only knew that if he took advantage of this opportunity to get acquainted with Sun Qianyu now, it was absolutely impossible to say that he did not have any special goals. So we can't do anything now, so we might as well just go back.

Even though it's hard to go back...

Wang Yang sighed and finally left only a shadow.

"Can you at least tell me your name?" Sun Qianyu some helpless turned his head and asked.

Wang Yang." After saying that, there was no nonsense at all, and he left the scene directly, leaving a face of blank onlookers and Sun Qianyu who felt that he seemed to be "insulted.

Who is she?

The richest man in Changning City is the apple of the eye, the richest rich girl in the city, and even known as the first beautiful woman in Changning City.

So many titles on his head, and he's so young and he's not making a move? !

That's not even scientific, is it? Sun Qianyu vowed that she had lived for more than ten years in this life and all the grievances and incomprehension were not as much as today.

Sun Qianyu froze for a moment, but the daughter of the richest man is not a pure vase, her brain quickly turned up, and soon determined where Wang Yang's purpose is.

From his disappointed expression after his arrival and his current attitude, it is easy to guess that all this man wants is money. "This time I hire you to help me treat my grandfather, the cost I will make you satisfied!" Sun thousand words let Cao Feng originally decided to take the step back, he hesitated.

Is he short of money now?

Lack, now Wang Yang is more short of money than any time, he can not always be a woman who can only follow the woman who even looks down on his so-called "wife", so now he needs money, but also urgently!

But if you promised Sun Qianyu so, will it lead to the development of things to their own unexpected place?

The mind made a struggle of thought, and finally decided to agree to the words of Sun Qianyu.

No way, even if how to disrupt their own plans, no matter how to anticipate the development after, they also need money, a lot of money, to prove to the hateful woman: they are not waste, they can make money!

"Tell me about your grandfather's illness in as much detail as possible." Wang Yang turned around and walked to Sun Qianyu, looking like this, he had accepted her opinion.

Sun Qianyu brightened up at the moment, then nodded excitedly and made a gesture to let Wang Yang get on the car with her.We'll talk more on the way, Sir." Sun Qianyu's car soon left the medicine market, but the shock that these people brought to people in the place took several days to slow down, whether it was the snake grass or Wang Yang's miraculous medical skill, it was enough to do several days of conversation after dinner.

"Tell me, what symptoms did your grandfather have?"

Sitting in the car, Wang Yang did not appear to be very inhibited, but was extremely casual to the side, staring at the outside, it seems that he does not want to let himself unconsciously see things that should not be seen, and it seems that the scenery outside is indeed enough to attract him.

"Grandpa's pneumonia in recent years has become more and more severe, and even accompanied by a variety of concurrent symptoms that can't be checked out, so..." Sun Qianyu did not say it clearly, but Wang Yang knew that it meant that she also knew that her grandfather would not live for long.

This kind of viscera injury is really difficult to treat, especially when it involves inflammation, and with those complications, the likelihood of cure is almost zero.

This is why, as the richest man in Changning, he has always been unable to find the right treatment.

This disease, it's really hard to cure.

Wang Yang frowns slightly, although this disease is not easy to cure, but according to what he learned about the "Herbal classics" recorded, this is not a difficult disease, in Wang Yang focused on the "herbal Classics" almost isolated time, he more than once felt that with the development of science and technology, this simple step of inflammation should also be very good treatment.

But now...

Could it be that Changning is not a first-tier city?

Also wrong, Changning can not lose to China Sea, Beijing such a big city, not to mention as Changning's richest man, can not even the doctor of the big city please come over?

Then there is only one answer to the matter: the current medical skills cannot solve the simple symptoms recorded in the Herbal Classics! ?

Really? Did you practice a fake medical skill, or did you travel back decades when you came out?

In short, Wang Yang almost in just ten minutes to sort out how to treat the disease of Sun grandpa, even after the end of the course of maintenance measures are planned, while the car also stopped in front of the Sun family manor.

The two people didn't communicate much along the way, but Sun Qianyu increasingly felt that the young doctor's medical skills were superb, she felt very accurate from a young age, at least on this way, she felt that her grandfather's disease may really be stable.

"Come on, I'll take you to see my grandfather." Sun Qianyu opened the door, very polite to Wang Yang opened the door, which can let Wang Yang some small floating, but soon put their emotions stabilized, with Sun Qianyu into the Sun family manor.

"Sun Qianyu? I thought you were looking for medicine. Why... Brought a man back? " Coming toward a middle-aged man with a bad face, the latter will look at Wang Yang and look up and down before saying to Sun Qianyu.

"Uncle, this is the doctor I invited, his medical skill is very high, maybe can cure grandpa!" Sun Qianyu said excitedly, no matter how the relative in front of her, but grandpa is really very very good to her, and now grandpa will be saved, the little girl can not be happy?

"Are you sure, just him? !