
The Chronicles of sin's domination

this is fantasy story about a teenager named Rune who wakes up in Hell after dying in a tragic accident. He is given a chance to be reincarnated by Satan, but only if he can survive the trials in the seven circles of hell. Rune signs a contract with blood and is transported to a dark space where he discovers his status window, which shows his stats and abilities. would he be able to get reincarnated?

Darkness_Blade · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Trial of wrath(4)

Rune listened attentively to the Wendigo's explanation, trying to process the information despite her weakened state. She understood that her dark attribute mana and lack of proper mana circulation had made the process of creating the Yinflow system more difficult and painful for her.

The wendigo pointed at Rune's dantian with its skinny finger with black flesh, its ghostly voice followed by his ice cold breath "yinflow… is an unnatural energy, created to destroy and corrupt…" disappearing and reappearing but this time holding a flower "everything with life has 3 forms of energy… mana, yin and yang. These energies must coexist to survive, however…"

The skinny fingers holding the flower emitted a cold, dark aura engulfing it "if any one side of the energy tips…" finishing its sentence, the flower with a gust of wind turned to dust. "Yinflow aims to achieve the impossible, forcing yang energy to dissipate would normally cause unbearable pain…"

"But if successful, mana and yin energy would coexist within the body, mana circuit and yinflow… that's what's circulating in your body right now…" Rune placed her hand on her abdomen where her dantian resides, closing her eyes, reminding herself of the cold energy that caused her pain.

Feeling the stagnant mana within her body like what the wendigo proclaimed, and the cold energy in a form of a vertex in her dantian."yinflow… is when yin engulfs the yang, consuming it, making it whole, however… it cannot be increased, only destroyed, as it's a life force unlike mana…" the wendigo commented.

"You've gained what you wanted… now leave, before i regret it…" the wendigo turned its back, on fours like a beast walked away. Rune who's still on the floor, lifted herself up, clenching her hand feeling the yin energy, she circulated her mana throughout her body.

"Thank you…" bowed lightly, the eyes of Rune glowed a sinister light, like a tiger who found its prey. Feeling the yinflow and mana as well as activating elven grace, lunged herself towards her prey, the wendigo. Catching it off guard, Rune managed to rip the skin off the rotten body of the wendigo.

"What's the meaning of this…" the wendigo's aura changed, the cold yin energy emerged in the form of a skull. "don't worry about it~" swallowing the wendigo's skin, which was part of her plan, received a notice.


Skill: adaption(lvl1) has leveled up.

Skill absorbed: Glacial Nova(lvl1)


Skill: Glacial Nova(lvl1)

Rank: Epic

Active ability: freezes everything in the facility

Cooldown: 30 minutes

able to evolve.


A smile appeared on Rune's face, the abyssal embrace's tentacle smashed into the ground, flinging Rune into the air. Using Glacial nova, Rune froze everything, the ground, the chamber of wendigos as well as the wendigo caging it.

Rune still midair used perfect performance for the first time, a perfect copy of rune was created. Feeling the surge of power of stat increase, she ran out of the chamber leaving the perfect clone behind.

With the synergy of the abyssal embrace's tentacle swung a sharp sound wave using the sound of death at the top of the mountain creating an avalanche, covering the chamber whole. Taking this chance Rune ran down the mountain.

In the closed off chamber, the wendigo broke out from its frozen ice screaming a deathly sound, the clone of Rune rushed in attacking the wendigo, but was immediately shut down. The wendigo with a swing of its hand, the clone of Rune's head got decapitated.

Screaming again, a tornado of yin energy erupted destroying the chamber, the black goo flooded the ground, hundreds of thousands of wendigo made of the goo got released, the main body looking at wrath's tribe released an order "wipe it off the map…" the thousands of wendigos rushed towards the tribe receiving their order.


Descending from the mountain at lighting speed, quickly approaching the lush blue forest. Using her skills Flexibility, acrobats she swung from branch to branch at incredible speed and impossible movement, shortly returned to wrath's tribe.

Hitting the brakes, she fell to the ground exhausted, from running non-stop at speeds no normal humans could achieve at least twice as fast as Usain bolt on a straight track; however, Rune had to travel through a forest with irregular patterns making her feats more incredible.

Catching her breath, whipping the sweat from her face, feeling endorphins coursing through her body. "Hm…? You've seem to have achieved yinflow." Wrath setting on one of the rooftops as always. "Haha… well i'll go rest hahaa…" avoiding eye contact, Rune awkwardly walked away.

'Hm… what a weird kid-' wrath's thoughts were interrupted, her battle senses were ringing telling her that a fight was about to approach. With a swing of her axe, an area was cleared out for the battle that's to come.

Thousands if not millions of black entities soon emerged from the forest, amongst the black entities were the wendigo walking forward.'tsk! That's why that kid was so awkward when she saw me…' the wendigo's eyes soon met with wrath's, the two stared at each other, soon the wendigo spoke up.

"Ha… give me that child and I'll let the tribe go-" interrupting the beast, wrath stood proudly "huh?! The fuck you just say? Me fucking surrender? You gotta be shitting me." as time went on the two glared menacingly at each other, staring into both of each other's souls.

Hiding far away, Rune was hiding in a bush looking at both the impossibly strong beings that are about to fight. The two weren't moving, only looking at each other, trying to figure out the other's strength.

The air crackled with tension as the wendigo and Wrath continued to size each other up, their gazes locked in a battle of wills. The surrounding black entities remained motionless, awaiting the outcome of this clash between two powerful beings.

The forest groaned with an ominous presence as Wrath stood at the edge of a clearing, facing an army of wendigo soldiers stretching as far as the eye could see. Their frigid breaths formed misty clouds in the air, and their glowing blue eyes fixated on their target: Wrath, the formidable loli sin.

Unfazed by the overwhelming odds, Wrath tightened her grip on her giant battle axe, determination burning in her eyes. She knew she had to face this legion of wendigo soldiers alone, and her wrath would be her only ally.

With a defiant roar, Wrath charged forward, her axe swinging in wide arcs. The wendigo soldiers surged forward, their claws and icy weapons ready to tear her apart. But Wrath moved with unparalleled agility, evading the onslaught, and striking back with calculated precision.

With each swing of her axe, wendigo soldiers fell, their icy bodies shattered into fragments. But for every soldier she defeated, it seemed two more took its place. The relentless army pressed on, their numbers seemingly endless.

As the battle raged on, Wrath's fury burned brighter. Her own skill, Wrath, a skill she created and mastered, along with her other skills like berserker in games made her stronger and stronger, faster, more agile, more precise, more ferocious.

She tapped into her inner reserves of chi , infusing her attacks with a pulsating aura that intensified the power and reach of her swings. The ground trembled beneath her as she unleashed devastating shockwaves, sending waves of wendigo soldiers hurtling backward.

But the wendigo soldiers were relentless, their chilling presence unyielding. They clawed at her, attempting to overpower her with sheer numbers. Wrath fought back with unwavering resolve, her axe becoming a blur as she deflected blows, parried attacks, and struck with lethal precision.

The main wendigo, the main body was looking at wrath far away, seeing her struggle against an impossible number, the beast became more hungry. The wendigo using its instantaneous speed surpassing light appeared behind Wrath, with its deep claws struck down at her small back.

"I was waiting for this dipshit!" Wrath threw away her axe, turning around, she took out a sword with a single downward slash, the spaced seem to warped. with the mass of a planet behind that slash. The wendigo had no choice but to back off, dodging the slash from wrath.

"tsk!" Wrath's eyes began to glow red from anger and from her skill, her blood started to evaporate into the air in a bloody aura. Wrath who was fighting with godly precision is now fighting like a beast, however more powerful and fast, incomparable to her fight with lust as they weren't fighting to kill, but this time, wrath's inner demon woke up.

Her speeds soon seem to match the wendigo's, The clash between Wrath and the wendigo took on a new level of intensity as Wrath tapped into her inner demon. Her eyes blazed with a crimson fury, and her movements became a blur as she matched the wendigo's speed, blow for blow.

Their battle shifted from a mere exchange of attacks to a violent dance of primal power. Losing her sanity, she threw away her sword and her bare fists became lethal weapons, striking with the force of a raging tempest. Each blow she landed sent shockwaves through the wendigo soldiers, shattering their icy bodies into countless fragments.

As Wrath fought, her aura of blood evaporation grew stronger, enveloping her in a cyclone of crimson mist. It twisted and writhed around her, amplifying her strength and transforming her strikes into unstoppable forces of destruction.

The wendigo, sensing the growing power emanating from Wrath, unleashed its own array of deadly abilities. It conjured blizzards and ice storms, attempting to freeze Wrath in her tracks. But she defied the elements, her fiery determination melting the ice and pushing through the biting cold.

With every passing moment, Wrath's inner demon grew stronger, fueling her rage and augmenting her abilities, Her evaperated blood soon took the form of a claw matching her animal ears.

Strikes became more frenzied, each punch and kick tearing through multiple wendigo soldiers in a single motion. The sheer force of her attacks sent shockwaves of destruction, obliterating the frozen army with each strike.

The main wendigo, witnessing the onslaught, realized the dire situation and launched a final, desperate attack. It unleashed a devastating blast of freezing energy, aiming to engulf Wrath and extinguish her fiery wrath. But Wrath, unyielding and unstoppable, channeled her inner demon's power into a last-ditch counterattack.

In a flash of crimson light, Wrath's claws collided with the freezing blast, shattering it into a million icy shards. The shockwave from her impact rippled outward, disintegrating the main wendigo's body and scattering its essence into the wind.

Silence fell upon the battlefield as the last remnants of the wendigo army crumbled into nothingness. The forest stood witness to Wrath's triumph, her inner demon's power fading as she regained control of herself. The air was still, the only sound the fading echoes of the battle that had transpired.

Wrath's breath ragged and her body covered in wounds. But she stood tall, her eyes no longer glowing with the crimson fury of her inner demon. She had faced insurmountable odds and emerged victorious.

In a far away bush, Rune was again extremely fascinated by wrath's strength, letting out a scream of excitement. However she wasn't paying attention, as Wrath looked at Rune from behind. "...hey dipshit, you want to die huh?"