
The Chronicles of sin's domination

this is fantasy story about a teenager named Rune who wakes up in Hell after dying in a tragic accident. He is given a chance to be reincarnated by Satan, but only if he can survive the trials in the seven circles of hell. Rune signs a contract with blood and is transported to a dark space where he discovers his status window, which shows his stats and abilities. would he be able to get reincarnated?

Darkness_Blade · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Trial of wrath(1)

Following the small figure known as the sin of wrath through the dense blue forest, Wrath sped up gradually, trying to shake off Rune as a test but was shortly caught up using elven grace. Soon arriving at a tree easily having a circumference of 400 meters and so tall that it reaches the sky.

"You'll be staying here, make yourselves at home. There's a door on the other side of the great tree, wait there tomorrow got it? If you're late, you're dead!" pointing her battle axe at Rune, before disappearing.

"Do all powerful people just like disappearing into thin air these days???" Rune questioned herself. Looking around, Rune could see a few things like huts or wooden houses. if lust's domain were a city… than wrath's domain is like a forest tribe.

Walking around, Rune and Runaan finally found an empty spot near the forest with relative shade and soft soil that'd be comfortable to sleep on in the tent, and while Runaan setted up the camp like usual, Rune went exploring trying to find the layout of the tribe.

Venturing away from the great tree, she came across various wooden structures scattered throughout the area. The structures seemed to blend harmoniously with the natural surroundings, constructed from sturdy tree trunks and adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of battle and fury.

The tribe's layout was unlike anything Rune had seen before. The structures were arranged in a circular pattern, surrounding a central clearing. The clearing itself was expansive, serving as a gathering space for the tribe. Rune could see a bonfire pit at the center, with logs arranged around it for seating. The flames danced and crackled, casting flickering shadows on the surrounding trees.

Before coming back to the great tree shortly, met with a grand door at least 10 meters tall. 'This is probably the door Wrath told me about'. Having a rough understanding of the tribe's layout, Rune walked back to her camp. Along the way she sees multiple people she'd seen before, the trainees.

There were some laying on the ground, while some had a terribly built camp incomparable to Runaan's work of art. Shortly returning back to her own camp, which was beautifully built, study tents, with a campfire well built for fast cooking. At the center of it, was Runaan kneeling with both her hands up in the sky like a criminal admitting they did something wrong.

"I'm sorry master! I don't know what I did but please go easy on me!" biting her lips from sadness and pain she's about to endure from her master. This put Rune at a tough spot with some trainee's eyes from afar looking at them with curious eyes, and the fact that Runaan was a saving grace for herself as she never went camping before…

"Ha… forget it let's just rest-" not being able to finish her sentence Runaan jumped at the opportunity like a beast but with tears "thank youuuuu~" tears slowly rolled down her face "what am i going to do with you…"


Morning came so early the sun hadn't even risen… even though there's no sun despite having a day and night cycle. With the usual Runaan waking her sleepy master up, sloth's slight stat increases and having a wonderful meal of blood.

Before long came the time where all the trainees were meeting up in front of the grand door. Standing in organized rows learning the hard way… the grand door that looks impenetrable was slammed open like a normal thin door, revealing the loli wrath.

"Ha… i seriously fucking hate mornings!" rubbing her eyes she cleared her throat, "ahem* Now some of you might already know… maybe not, people like me have classes which are tailored to their stats and skills, and be grateful as i! Wrath will help you get it today."

"Unlike that old slut! I personally train my retainers with my own hands, I shall do the same with you!" with determined eyes, "now one by one walk in the door and get a class before sun down i don't fucking got all day… Go! What are you doing???" with that everyone rushed in but in an orderly fashion like Wrath order.

"Master!!! You forgot this!" Runaan reached into her pocket dimension taking out the bucket of flesh she'd collected which was starting to rot with a foil smell.. "Thanks…" taking the bucket, Rune went in the door.

Blinking a few times, the scenery changed. The tribe was nowhere to be seen, deja vu. The room was empty with no light, and can only see slightly with a radius of 1 meter.


Scanning User: Rune, Scanning skills, Scanning....

Skills: 17 skills relatable for class

Generate class?

Accept / Reject


'Hm? 17 I have more skills than… I guess not all of them can be used in battle…' looking down at the bucket of flesh starting to rot… preparing mentally, turning on indomitable will(lvl2), Dwarven Resilience(lvl2) and Mental Resistance(lvl2) to the max, before grabbing a handful and one by one devoured it…

Rune's stomach started to hurt like someone's beating on it as she devoured the rotting flesh one handful at a time. The taste was putrid, and she could feel her body rejecting the foul substance. However, she persisted. Consuming the last piece of flesh, a surge of energy coursed through Rune's body.


Skill absorbed: Shadowmeld(lvl1), Elven Archery(lvl1), Nature Attunement(lvl1), Shadow Manipulation(lvl1), Precognition(lvl1), Flexibility(lvl1), acrobats(lvl1)

Failed to absorb:.......


The amount of skills absorbed was an unimaginably high amount, like huh? 8 skills were absorbed by Rune, which was never done before… normally only 5-6 skills at max would be absorbed out of a full bucket…

'Well i'm not complaining!' forgetting she just ate rotten flesh…


Scanning User: Rune, Scanning skills, Scanning....

Skills: 23 skills relatable for class

Generate class?

Accept / Reject


Sitting on the ground crossed legged 'i'm never lucky at these…' Rune as a teen played a lot of games including gacha and while she never used money in game and saved for months for one character, she always hit hard pity before getting the character she wanted.

But with nothing to lose…


Generating.... Loading.... Complete.


Abnormally like a game the loading was complete shortly, Rune was expecting either pain or a surge of energy but… nothing came and after a while… still nothing?? Rune began to grow concerned then started to panic 'Status!'


"Status Window

Name : Rune

Race: half-vampire

Title: Royal tyrant, Silver Night Flasher

Class: Solstice Shadowdancer

State: Contracted, Lust's protection(1use)

Unique: adaption(lvl1), half mystic eye(lvl1), Sloth(lvl2), Lust(lvl3), synchronize(lvl1), Screams of Banshee(lvl2), Harmonic fusion(lvl1)

Trait: keen sense(lvl3), super strength(lvl1), telekinesis(lvl2), Mental Resistance(lvl2), Elven Grace(lvl2), Dwarven Resilience(lvl2), Vampiric Regeneration(lvl2), Halfling Luck(lvl1), cooking(lvl1), Intimidation(lvl1), Elegance(lvl1), indomitable will(lvl2), Sound of death(lvl2), Sword Dance(lvl1), assassination(lvl1), Focus(lvl1), Shadowmeld(lvl1), Elven Archery(lvl1), Nature Attunement(lvl1), Shadow Manipulation(lvl1), Precognition(lvl1), Flexibility(lvl1), acrobats(lvl1)

Weaknesses: weak to fire(lvl5), weak to water(lvl5)

equipment: Abyssal embrace

Strength: 40

Agility: 45

Stamina: 31

Energy: 25

Perception: 38"


Class Name: Solstice Shadowdancer

This name encapsulates the essence of an archer, assassin, musician, swordsman, dancer, mage and gymnast, while also incorporating the themes of light and shadow. "Solstice" represents the balance, versatility and adaptability of the class. "Shadowdancer" emphasizes the agility, grace, and skillful movements of the class, as they seamlessly blend combat and performance arts. Together, "Solstice Shadowdancer" evokes a sense of elegance, dexterity, and an enigmatic nature.

Class ability: Perfect performance

Description: multiplying user, each with separate consciousness. +100 on all stats for one strike.

Cooldown: 24hours
