
The Chronicles of sin's domination

this is fantasy story about a teenager named Rune who wakes up in Hell after dying in a tragic accident. He is given a chance to be reincarnated by Satan, but only if he can survive the trials in the seven circles of hell. Rune signs a contract with blood and is transported to a dark space where he discovers his status window, which shows his stats and abilities. would he be able to get reincarnated?

Darkness_Blade · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Trial of Lust (1)


12 hours over...

mission complete: [win-win deal]

Due to user having sexual activities with "sin of lust" skill: Lust have leveled up


"oh dear... the timer's already over? but i still have toys i want to try..." signed regretfully from the sin of lust. Shiver in the corner of the room, filled with trauma was Rune muttering to herself.

"oh darling, i can't have you broken minded~ my lord would be livid if one of his toys were damaged" kissing Rune's forehead, mana from the sin of lust started to heal Rune's damaged brain from trauma.




Due to recovering consciousness from mental breakdown

skill: mind resistance has leveled up twice

Due to going though great pain

skill: pain resistance(lvl1) has been granted

skill: pain resistance has leveled up


Eyes slowly opening up, Rune who was laying in the middle of the streets, stood up look around. the streets of the sin of lust was no different from the red light district in her past life but only on a larger, more common scale. succubus, and incubus standing in front of windows advertising their bodies, toys that they can sell, and while there's some 'normal restaurants or hotels' the waiters and waitress could be seen wearing barely anything.

Sitting in the corner of the streets. Rune who has gone though multiple surgeries in her past life from accidents has never felt so much pain yet, felt so good at the same time, she who has a mentality of a male has been broken down by the sin of lust who was the dominate one in bed, has greatly scared Rune's soul with deep wounds.

Holding back her tears from leaking in public she heard a familiar voice. "master! there you are... i came looking for you when 12 hours pasted, where have you-" Runaan stopped herself from talking any further when she saw her master trembling like an abused animal, helping Rune get up, Runaan carried Rune to the inn Runaan was staying in.

giving Rune a hot cup of tea, after a while of comforting, Rune finally returned back to the right state of mind and started complaining. "i order you to sit next to me and be my comfort buddy for the next few hours..." said with teary eyes. Runaan who left her behind sat next to her immediately.

"d-do you know how brutal she was! i didn't even know such a big thing could fit!" once in a while Rune would suck Runaan's blood to comfort herself. "she even took out a device that looks like a tentacle monster and strapped me tightly against the wall than she put another thing in..."

this continued on until Rune finally calm down after 6 hours.

"sorry Runaan..." Rune who was having a mental breakdown has been sucking blood non stopped to than Runaan replied "oh master let it all out, i brought healing potions so i won't past out" drinking another potion. "alright master i have something i need to prepare for tomorrow so please rest up well"

standing up, she was about to leave the room when Rune held her hands with mischievous eyes "i haven't paid you back for leaving me behind yesterday" ripping Runaan's cloths off "ma-master?..." she who has done something wrong couldn't refuse Rune's revenge and could only sit on the ground and let her master do as she will until she's satisficed.

That night the trainee next door couldn't sleep...

Walking towards the training hall, Runaan pouted as she walked along side Rune "come on, Runaan... don't be mad~" trying to cheer her up to which she only replied "hmph!" ignoring her.


Standing among 500ish people, Rune with her keen sense(lvl2) could slight feel everyone's irritation.'i wonder what happened?' she tried to ask some bystanders but was rudely interrupted by the pink flame that appeared right in the sky. "now~ now~ don't be so man i had something to pl- i mean do yesterday..." Rune figuring out the cause stopped her from trying to ask people.

"as compensation, i'll give you all 100 platinum coins~" while it sounded a lot... Rune had no idea what the currency here is compare to when she was alive. "ah... Runaan how much is that?" looking over, she could only she her mouth starting to drool "well one platinum coin is worth 100 gold coins, and 1 gold coin is worth 100 silver coins, and so on which total up to 100million copper" finishes while whipping her drool away.

'The fuck?!?!, 10 copper is enough to have one full meal!!! that's... more than 1billion US dollars!!!!' almost dropping her mouth, not only that she almost pasted out from the sheer ridiculousness of the situation as she's not only compensating one person but 500+ people here!

with a finger click sound coming from lust, every single person was compensated with 10 coins. "i hope this will calm you down a bit~" with unity most if not everyone in the training hall shouted that they were never mad to begin with. "oh you so cute~ than i'll help you guys train for today~" with a cheerful sound "I, the sin of lust will all be teaching you to be able to control sound." pausing for a moment.

"oh~ no need to be so confused, we as succubus or incubus are all proficient in sound arts, to which we could charm, immobilize, or even straight out kill people~" This was the technique the sin of lust used when Rune and Runaan first came to her palace be it extremely weaker to test them.

She than continued on how your supposed to train this "all you cuties have to do, is when you produce a sound infuse mana in it, or simply produce the correct vibration with mana~ while having a mental imagine of what it can do~" making it sound like it's Childs play while it couldn't be more hard to wrap your head around.

"alright, bring them to their separate training rooms~ i can't have them disturbing my beauty sleep with noises~" like before the guards appeared from every trainee's shadow and dragged them in, waking up in a large room enough to fit 50 people easily. on the ground there was a different note for every room. with Rune's being.

'Oh cutie~ i had a wonderful time yesterday, please let me have you some time again~ my servants will release you after 20 hours. p.s. think hard about your wishes~ from the most beautiful flower on the world - Lust'