
The Chronicles of Rhaxtyx

The God of Magic, Rhaxtyx was just chilling in his domain, performing numerous experiments on mortals, just to quench his curiosity. But one time, a mysterious crimson magical circle appeared out of nowhere. Lost to his curiosity once more, Rhaxtyx goes to it and starts to investigate until it shines and takes him to another world. In this different world, he does not feel any laws of magic and cannot control his own mana! Welcomed by a beautiful girl that is calling him her servant, Rhaxtyx decides to explore this different world with a different set of rules. ----------------------------------------- If you like my work you can support me on patreon. You can read chapters ahead there if you'd like. Patreon Link : https://www.patreon.com/alametrider ----------------------------------------- Note : I do not own the cover image. Original creator can text me if something happens.

AlametRider · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

Atone For Your Sins

Losing his patience, Rhaxtyx charged at Terry. His sword was not as hot now but it was still somewhat soft from the heat. The last clash with Sir Terry made a big dent on it and he thought this strike would be its last.

Sir Terry got ready to receive Rhaxtyx's attack by raising his sword and mumbling something under his breath. The distance between them was not big to begin with, something like 10 or so meters so Rhaxtyx was easily able to close that distance with a single step with his enhanced legs.


Rhaxtyx swung his blade and Sir Terry raised his to parry. A big clang sounded out and their blades were locked into each other, Sir Terry's cutting into Rhaxtyx's. And after several seconds, Rhaxtyx's sword broke into two with a loud clang. Rhaxtyx jumped backwards and looked at the remaining half in his hand. Sir Terry laughed and without saying anything charged at him, not giving him any breathing space.

He knew Rhaxtyx was also able to cast spells so he was trying to keep Rhaxtyx from chanting properly. His strikes were refined, on point and fast. Faster than Rhaxtyx could see so he got hit by the majority of attacks. The one he dodged were purely out of luck.

They moved really fast around the battlefield, both of them being enhanced by either items or spells. Rhaxtyx still held the broken sword and tried to block Sir Terry's attacks with it. He was able to block one or two and with every block a loud bang sounded out, making the onlookers scared.

"Hahaha! How is it? Still have hopes of winning? You can't focus enough to chant now and you also don't have a sword so how are you going to fight back huh?"

Sir Terry's voice was loud and clear. He wanted to provoke Rhaxtyx, make him angrier to make him lose focus, ultimately killing him. But Rhaxtyx didn't answer, his eyes were focused on Sir Terry's and never wavered. Even though his body got cut severely, they healed right back.

"So you heal fast. What about it?"

Rhaxtyx didn't answer. He was focused on dodging and blocking. He was also thinking of how to beat this guy.

'Even though I heal I have to find a way to deal with him. Even if I don't have to focus on my regeneration, it makes it faster. What to do?'

He was actually pretty calm about the situation. He tried his opponent numerous times in that short amount of time, trying to fake attacks, dodges and block. Sir Terry never took those baits and relentlessly attacked him. He then remembered what Antaler did and tried that but delayed casting needed too much concentration, something he couldn't really spare at that time.

'I can only go ahead and try-'


While they were exchanging blows, Rhaxtyx took a wrong step and this resulted in him tripping on a piece of debris.

'How did I not-'

He would've normally be able to sense the place he would set his foot but not this time. Has something gone wrong? Was there a gap in his mana perception because of his fight? When he looked he saw one of the knights Terry brought with him was smirking while watching. It seemed like he kicked the piece of plank under his feet. He was not so sneaky about it though as the stopped fight between Antaler and the knights started again.


"This is the end for you!"


Sir Terry didn't this opening though. He lifted his sword and with a swift motion impaled Rhaxtyx in the abdomen. Rhaxtyx immediately fell to the floor where he was and spat a mouthful of blood. His eyes opened wide from the pain and blood kept coming out both from his mouth and his abdomen. Sir Terry laughed heartily and twisted the sword slowly.

"I wonder if you can regenerate from this? Finish off that mage fast! I want to go home early today."

For a second, Sir Terry's focus shifted. That was what Rhaxtyx needed; just a second. He quickly got up, making the sword stab into him deeper and come out from his back.

"What the hell?!"

Rhaxtyx, while vomiting blood everywhere, grabbed Terry's sword arm firmly and smiled. His angry smile was normally scary but this time was more so because of all the blood. He purposefully spat some on Terry's face.

"Now ain't that looks good on you. Now you also have some blood on your face!"

"Wha-What are you?! How are you still alive and can still talk?!"

"Let me tell you this, asshole! I am your doom! I am your nightmare. Not the worst one but still pretty scary. I! Will be the one that will make you fall on your knees!"

"W-w-what are you talking about?!"

"I! Am Rax! The Adventurer! And that woman you hurt, is my friend!"

His grip got more stronger as he talked and blood splattered across Terry's face with every word. He was enhancing his whole body out of his anger and some creaking sounds started coming out of Terry's wrist.

The knights who saw this were enraged and started dashing towards them. Although Antaler tried to stop them, he was only able to hold one. The remaining three made their way towards Rhaxtyx with swords and shields in their hands.

Rhaxtyx saw this and widened his smile. He then turned his head to Terry and started chanting.

{Go fast, at the speed of sound, Sonic Boom!

May your force be heard…

Your echo will leave an everlasting impression.}


With a roar, he pushed back the knights and the wall next to Rhaxtyx received some damage; mainly cracks. Blood was coming out from Terry's and the knights' ears. Rhaxtyx also released Terry's hand before he roared so he was also launched backwards, rolling on the ground for 5 meters.

Rhaxtyx, in the meanwhile, puked a bit more blood and wiped his mouth. He straightened and grunted for a second before grabbing the sword. He grimaced and started pulling the sword. It was painful to pull the sword but because it started healing after getting stabbed, even if a little, it healed around the sword and made it much more painful than normal. That was the downside of having a powerful regeneration.

After pulling the sword, he didn't immediately throw it on the ground. While he was panting and healing his wound, he checked it out. Because his last one broke, and because he started using the sword, he needed a new one and the sword of a military officer was bound to me something of good quality.

"Heh. *Cough cough* Damn some of them didn't get out. *Cough cough*"

After having a small coughing fit, he looked at Terry and smiled while waving his own sword at him.

"Thank you for the sword man. I needed one and you were humble enough to give me yours."

"J-j-just- Just what are you?!"

"I already told you. Seriously you bad guys have to widen your vocabulary. Always the same lines, do you not get sick of it? I sure as hell am sick of hearing the same thing over and over again."

"What are you talking about?!"

"And you don't just say the same things over and over as well. All of you, like you share some universal thought process or something, have to find trouble with innocent people, for no reason at all!"

Rhaxtyx started pacing around. The other knights which were affected by his roar earlier, were lying on the ground, either unconscious o rolling on the ground holding their heads. Antaler was also quick in killing the last knight. When against a single opponent he was quick in making quick work of his opponent. He was quite skilled as a mage.

Rhaxtyx nodded when he saw Antaler make the last hit and continued speaking. He started doing a monologue. Frankly he was truly sick of people finding trouble with him over and over again out of nowhere and when he defeats them, they all say things along the same line.

"Like I said I'm sick of it. So, I'm doing something different to break this cycle, hopefully. I will talk as well. Oh but before that."

Rhaxtyx lifted his hand and fired off two {Firebolt} spells at Terry's legs to keep him from fighting. He was still on the ground, trying to get his bearings after getting thrown away by such a forceful spell. After he lost his legs though, he had no problem about anything left. Except, well, his legs. His screams echoed from the walls and reached to every onlooker's ears. His screams were heart wrenching and a normal person would be nauseous just because of this pain filled scream, feeling the pain themselves.

"Great. Now I know you will listen. I suggest you listen. You guys are always the same. You never change! Whenever I run into someone like you, they say the same thing and act in a similar way. And the worst is, you never learn."

Terry was trying to hold his screams in and listen to what Rhaxtyx was saying. His bleeding already stopped thanks to a magical item he was carrying but his legs would never comeback. They didn't blow off like Rhaxtyx intended to because of his armor but they were still broken because of the force of the spell and were burnt. He couldn't really chant a spell because of the pain he couldn't really focus so he could only wait.

"I showed you mercy the first time by killing the bastard fast. Then a second one came. I thought, maybe killing was the wrong choice. Why don't I try to leave this one go this time huh? Then, look at what happens. Here we are, talking to each other. Well I'm done. I'm done showing any mercy to persistent idiots like you."

After that he stopped while pointing his new sword at Terry. After looking at his expression for a while he smiled.

"Not gonna say anything? No? I thought so. So here's the deal. I want to do this flashily. I want to do something different. Oh I know. I want to do an experiment!"

His eyes shined and he started chanting.

"I hope you are happy to give me this idea!"

{Flames! Twirl, rotate!

Show your scorching dance to everyone

Take your shape and burn down the world!}

After he chanted, his body became hotter and glowed a tinge of red. His hair was dancing without the wind. He let go of his sword and started walking towards Terry. Scorching heat was radiated around him. What he cast was {Firestorm} he recently learned but instead of releasing it outside, he kept it inside. Something he could do back in Grelia. What he did was essentially enchanting himself with the spell.

He never tried something like this with active damaging spells like {Firestorm} but he knew it was possible in a sense. And he was happy that this concept was still possible in Thyra.

"Haha! Well you can congratulate me I suppose! It is the first time I try this with actively damaging spells. Oh Antaler! Thanks for teaching me {Firestorm} man. It came in handy!"

Whenever he took a step, his feet would burn the dirt road. When he waved his hand to Antaler he made flame paths like a torch would do. His shoulders were emitting flames and his overall appearance was a true Demon.

He approached Terry and crouched next to him. This made Terry very scared and he tried to crawl back but was held by the chin by Rhaxtyx. He just smiled and turned his head to make Terry face him and lock gazes.

"Now. I want you to look into my eyes and think about what you have done wrong with your life to end up here. I hope the pain of your sins burns you. No. I will make sure they will."

As he said this, he made his eyes look their original color and only his eyes. To make Terry scared. While doing this, he released the spell through his hand holding Terry's chin. Flames came out of his palm and started burning Sir Terry's face. The reflection of flames from his eyes made them look especially red.

Sir Terry's screams sounded out for ten minutes before they died out. He died a horribly slow death. As he died, his eyes never looked away from the crimson eyes of the 'demon' in front of him.