
The Chronicles of Imogen and the Dragons

In this era, Dragons that live in the ends of the earth, invade the cities and towns of human dwellings, consuming every shred of life form, exhaling fire, pouring dark fumes from their body and hauling humans up in their talons till blood was the sole remains. But unbeknownst to man, there are far greater secrets buried deep beneath the carnivorous and menacing exterior of these Bestial Forages. Imogen, a young damsel from the Kingdom of Tristendyre, had always lived a blyth and peaceful life as the sole apprentice of the Royal Physician at the Imperial Castle, destined to inherit the mantle. However, the Destinies have other courses decided for her life to take: in a story of discovering her true Past and the calling predestined for her Future: a Warrior chosen by an ancient Prophecy to fight the Dragons. Not only is her present life stolen from her, but in this journey, Imogen brushes shoulders with the treachery of Governments, Fugitivity, love and Death. There are also other warriors born in her time, elected by divine Fate to war against the Dragons that breathe threats to the survival of mankind. ~ It was a fair evening in the Kingdom of Tristendyre and the people were about their lives. Just as one would admire the skies of eventide, there was a sudden shot of torrid fire that pierced its way across the heavens. Clouds scampered to make way. The whole scene was rending to favour the advent of large, menacing Rengaulian Dragons. The flames they had breathed began feverishly consuming the contents of the cities, while people fled for their lives. The chaos was unbearable, screams and fright making a mastery of the airs. One of the large beasts rested his perch on the Crown of St. Erdengaur that was the heart of the Kingdom. He roared till even the stars and planets abroad could have heard his battle cry. Tristendyre was in great disarray whilst the savages did slither around the cities and draw out various humans in their talons, consuming them. Various people wilted in the fires while others were intoxicated by the fumes that were expelled from beneath the scales of some dragons. But the Chief Dragon that led the brutal massacre was oddly most fervent in hauling the peak, as though it was unearthing the land thereof for mining treasures. Whilst terror and Death did spread their mantles over the Kingdom, a single throbbing eye could look up into the heavens, through the fire and debris, and see the moon veil her face in blue. Every soul was torn between saving their loved ones or their own breath; status, hatred, love, none of them bore the worth of even a wasted candle at the face of such dire situation of looming Death. Many voices were bloodcurdling screams of pain and fear. Just then, there was a mighty and blaring sound of a Dragon’s bellow erupting and the grounds of St. Erdengaur was spilt, making way for the rise of the most frightful and treacherous looking Beast one had seen in all their lives. The Dragon that had been tilling the Summit of St. Erdengaur had descended to the bowels of the earth and had transformed into a more hellish version of its erstwhile figure. The very omen of Death being its face, talons and wings and lava and scales; if the darkest and most murderous night of the Earth’s centuries could bear the shape of a body, it would be that very Creature that spread his roguish self across a large part of the humbled Kingdom. And at that sight, there was absolute hopelessness for man-kind’s survival ~ Will the warriors of men survive the claws of their governments that they are victims to and finally break free to face the Dragons in mutiny? Will they find the various dark secrets of the Dragons’ legacy and Origin and win against the beasts to save their kind? Join Imogen and her friends as they journey through the wild story to unravel the mystery of the Dragons ~

Niki_Christianne_7108 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
257 Chs

Chapter 68

"But those beryl moons in her eyes; they are traitors, for they could lie; transparent reflections and portals to the warring soul."


Princess' Residential Chambers,

Crowning and Imperial Castle,

Kingdom of Tristendyre,

The first Phrinight of the Second month,

XXI Year of Regency

The vision Imogen had dreamt beneath the slumbering eye had left a great impact of tension on her waking heart, for the kin of such delusions under the cloaks of delirium had oft seen truth and reality in the happenings of events.

As the damsel tried to relieve her mind of the horrors, there was the sound of an urgent knock at the door.

The pressure of her heart's hammering began at rise as she disconcertedly looked around. The rap repeated yet again, before the door of the wardrobe was thrown open and Jaycob Oreius stepped into the room, dishevelled.

He was heaving irregularly and seemed overcome by fatigue and worry.