
The Chronicles of Illis - Book 1

The story is set in the fictional/ fantasy world of ILLIS and follows the journey of a boy named Kai and the many people he comes across. THE STORY IS A WORK OF FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND ANY PERSON, CAST, CREED OR RELIGION DIRECTLY

Rediah · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


Kai was surrounded by the mounted knights, he had managed to enter the domain of Azmia, but the knights hadn't stopped, they had finally managed to catch up and had him and Kenviar surrounded. With no alternatives left, Kai took out the apple sized orb Cyer had given to him, he struck it at the ground in front of him.

Just as it hit, everything froze for a split second, Kenviar realizing what was happening immediately evolved to a complete demon, a form Kai had seen once in a dream, the only difference, his damaged wing. Horns and tail sprouting forth, the demon proceeded to envelop his master with his one wing and his body. Lilith in her lair surprised also instantaneously cast her strongest shield over the boy, but what happened was beyond them.

The apple exploded into a small black vortex.

Allister's eyes were filled with fear as the knights realized death. The vortex sent out a shock wave, faster than sound, and Zasha who had just finished off the assassin felt it pass through her, immediately understanding what had happened she went on her knees planting her sword in front of her, raising her shield as well.

The shock wave passed through the castle and then through Kaiser and Iliea. Kaiser in a surprising move instead of shielding himself spread his wings and tail, covering all those present, be it his forces or those of Iliea's, using the opening without second thought, Iliea struck the dragon in his heart, her blade piercing through and Kaiser smiled.

Finally, the waves reached Anesia, who had just found Caius unconscious, having drifted down a stream. She covered him with her shawl and looked at the sky.


The sound was like thunder, it was like a hundred thousand thunder bolts striking at once. The destruction, immediate, the tiny apple that contained a vortex bomb, decimated not only the sight on which it exploded, the knights and all but also the waves upon waves of destruction and distortion flowed out everywhere the shock wave had reached. Zasha entrenched witnessed, as around her everything was being blown to smithereens, the dead body of the Assassin himself disappearing like dust.

as the destruction reached the castle a number of bombs went off, ensuring that nothing remained, the bombs were probably planted by Cyer before he escaped.

and as the amplified destruction reached Kaiser, he embraced it all, his body facing the intense pressure as it began to crumble away like sand, slowly but surely, protecting all the lives present, Kaiser smiled at Iliea who realized what he was doing, she looked at this giant dragon and felt immense respect.

He was a kind-hearted person, he had devoted his life for what he believed in, and his end stood testament to his convection and so Kaiser breathed his last words, with his fading life.

"Protect my Queen, dragon slayer." and with that the lifeless carcass of the ancient dragon arched over, the waves of destruction humbling and Anesia realized how alone she was, how truly alone she had become.

There was nothing to be seen where the demon and the pure blood had been.


In the darkness a figure smiled. It was done, Zasha's order and her keep, no more, the double pure gone and most importantly Azmia's impregnable shield broken from the inside. It would take quite some time before that could be repaired.



Allen looked at a parchment, it had Cyer's name on it as well as his mission, which was slowly crossed out.


Zasha appeared in what remained of her castle. She realized that more than half of her knights had been killed, and Azmia's domain lay open and vulnerable.


There was a strange silence in the air, no animal no rain no wind, and nothing made a sound.


In a distant land with eternal winter.