
The Chronicles of Illis - Book 1

The story is set in the fictional/ fantasy world of ILLIS and follows the journey of a boy named Kai and the many people he comes across. THE STORY IS A WORK OF FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND ANY PERSON, CAST, CREED OR RELIGION DIRECTLY

Rediah · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


In the oldest of records, we find of the balance before. When the age of Gods had barely begun, and the strife of demons held no hold.

Before the Dragons roamed the realm and before the Angels had their plight. We find of the land Illis, void of darkness and light.

Eons ago, lost to time and memory. Perhaps before even the age of man or the fabled age of machine. When the clans had not emerged nor the criterion of creation set, what was it that existed before? Where it all began? The mind, the thought... Beyond time and what it wrought.

The brothers three. The eyes that see. The jewels that held and the gates without key.

It was a stormy night with the heavy rain trying to wash away the proceedings. Violent gusts of wind raged ominously as the thick of the forest appeared completely darkened, the branches cowered amongst themselves. And above it all, the ring of thunder reigned, deafening the rest. A narrow path ran through the woods barely visible leading towards what appeared to be an opening.

Two figures appeared; their movements limped. One of them was carrying a cradle, and in a flash of lightning, it became clear that it hosted a small child.

Another flash of lightning illuminated their faces. One of them was wearing a calm expression that thinly veiled anxiety, while the other looked thoroughly troubled. It was clear from their faces that they had already endured an ordeal.

The worried man was the first to speak.

"My Lord, what do we do now? We have come this far and still! the Wolf chases us!"

His master looked at him in the dim light, with a voice deep he replied with a smile.

"There isn't much we can do. Although I do believe we have arrived" He gestured towards the opening which appeared to be the entrance to a ruined temple.

"My lord are you sure, the wolves are one thing, but you are sealing the fate of the boy if you do this"

This time his master gazed into the distance as he spoke in the same quiet manner.

"I admit that you have a point..." he paused, "but this might be our only hope. The future of Illis may as well depend on us succeeding."

The other man seemed to lose any argument he had within him.

"I … shall make the preparations"

The two made their way towards the temple as in another flash of bright light, a group of figures approaching became illuminated.

The master sighed, his eyes following the figures drawing ever closer. The rain had started to peter out. He looked at the other man, his back straightening, his expression harsh.

"I suppose this is it."

"What would you have me do, my Lord?"

"Pray." The man answered, now at what appeared to be an altar, placing the cradle he took a deep breath.

"As you wish." The servant swallowed. As he raised his own arms, black wings sprouting from his back, "It has been an honor, my Lord."

The clouds started to clear, as if the skies had cried themselves out. Across the trees, along the clearing, the sounds of a violent battle could be heard. There was a flash of dry lightning, and close on its heels, a roar of thunder, louder than those before.

The Man looked at his demonic servant and with another smile cut his own palm over the alter, as the demon closed his eyes and clenched the fabric of space itself. His being burning out as he opened a portal.

And then there was silence as the forest held its breath.

The child woke screaming, covered in blood and ash, his cries pierced through the calm that had taken hold, ringing and echoing through the trees.