
The Chronicles of Illis - Book 1

The story is set in the fictional/ fantasy world of ILLIS and follows the journey of a boy named Kai and the many people he comes across. THE STORY IS A WORK OF FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND ANY PERSON, CAST, CREED OR RELIGION DIRECTLY

Rediah · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


A week later...

Two armies amassed on and around the mountains faced each other, the white flags of the Nerayans stationed along the fortifications built along the steep face of the mountain waved in the brewing blizzard, five hundred cavalrymen along with a one thousand lancers and an equal number of Archers were the first line of defense that the Nerayans had put up under the command of the mighty general Iron Head, Ruzaik. And against them was a force of nine thousand, estimated at a division of two thousand Horsemen, two thousand archers and four thousand Foot soldiers, plus a thousand Tigerans.

The Tigerans were a race of beings that shared the appearance and characteristics of the great tigers in some ways, some gifted with the ability to transform others born with features like Tigers, they tamed and herd large wild cats, the size of horses or larger.

The Tigerans were a fierce force to be reckoned with. They were swift and agile, deadly to deal with. Scaling mountains was as easy as treading the plains for them and as such Ruzaik was exceptionally keen with regards to them.

The Tigerans were not a nation, they had several tribes that lived all across Illis, and the enemy it seemed had allied itself with a particularly strong tribe. The Enemy general observed the defenses of the Nerayans, mounted on a great black panther. The mountain was carved out so as to make almost all other means of scaling it nearly impossible, other than the paths that were created specifically. The general tempted to test this, had sent out scouts to attempt it. They had returned with casualties; it might have been possible to scale the mountains if the patrols that the Nerayans ran did not interfere.

The General understanding the situation, gave up on that option, fortifying his own encampment while making plans to lay siege to the strong hold. Meanwhile the General Ruzaik conferred with his own men upon their course of action.

"Brothers, how do you propose we deal with this enemy...?" He ensued the start of the conference with this comment, they were in a large hall, made especially for this purpose.

"My lord, sure the enemy is large in numbers, but I doubt they have a chance at victory. Our camp is impregnable."

A senior officer commented dressed in a gray furry cloak over his metal armor, Ruzaik himself wore a similar cloak but his armor was heavier and held the seal of the king, a mark of his authority. He had guarded the mountain for as long as he could remember, having fought countless battles. He had once gotten himself surrounded by the enemy unarmed and had apparently head butted most of his opponents to death. Having defended the first line of defense he had gotten the title of Iron head. He choose his own soldiers as well, knowing each by name. His unit found strength in their unity and had won against armies many times their size as well.

Ruzaik stroking his beard, looked at the map that lay before them, observing the markers that indicated the enemy and his own forces.

"If anything, these Tigerans pose the greatest threat." He remarked. "It's been a while since we have faced such a large army as well... but I guess we can hold em off."

"M-my lord..." A young officer began, "mind I suggest we call in reinforcements just in case ... better safe than sorry, as you say," He ended his small frame standing strong but the lack of confidence in his voice plain to see.

"Your lack of self-trust is troubling."

"Are you sure you aren't just afraid."

"tis okay if ya wan ta go 'ome"

The other officers began, Ruzaik himself though nodded.

"I guess no harm in asking for a lil help now and then," He commented.

"My lord, we don't need help, we are under the command of the Iron head after all," An officer finished laughing.

"Nay, send fast horsemen too get some reinforcements. I won't risk the entire line of defense for the sake of some foolish pride." Ruzaik continued, "You," he pointed at the young officer, "Take your men and increase the patrols, station em on all positions." He finished addressing the rest of them, "The rest of ya, make ready. It's gonna be a blazing blizzard."

The opposing general after some deliberation and small skirmishes testing the defenses of the Nerayans decided that an all-out attack was perhaps the only option with more chances for victory. Signaling for the Tigerans to lead the charge he attacked, with his forces, as many as could started scaling the mountain pass. The Tigerans with their foot soldiers and beasts shredding the path before them followed by the legion of cavalry and infantry that followed.

Ruzaik, took note of the enemy's movements and brought to play the traps that they already had in store. Pitfalls across the mountains covered by thin ice and snow hidden lay in the path of the aggressors. The pitfalls greeted their guests with spikes and spears that pierced through all that they met, The Tigerans were dropping all over, followed by the horsemen and the soldiers who had little idea. The blizzard on top of it all was making things harder to see.

The stratagem of the Nerayans did heavy losses on the enemy but not nearly enough to stop their advance. Ruzaik signaled for their second tactic.

The mountain that the enemy was scaling along the path, started to shake as they paused to look. They could see a sea of ice descending, an avalanche to bury the entire Army in snow. As the waves hit, the enemy ranks tattered, and they retreated for the day rescuing all that they could from the ice. The battle was won by the Nerayans without a casualty on their side while several hundreds of the enemy perished.

Ruzaik sat in his camps with his subordinates, accessing the situation.

"The enemy deciding on advancing on a large scale is a setback. Even with all our traps and preparations we cannot avoid hand to hand combat for long," One of his officers commented.

"Olifur, my friend what you say is true... but we won't know till we try, we cannot let the enemy pass." Commented another casting aside doubt.

"Mawak, do you think we can win this battle?" yet another of the council asked the officer who had commented earlier.

"The enemy general is either very smart, or very stupid."

"He doesn't seem like he values his men."

"A leader like that further enhances our chances of victory don't you think?" The commanders began.

"Do not underestimate your opponent." Ruzaik called out as the others paused.

"Lord Ruzaik is right. Had the enemy not attacked like he did, we would not have resorted to our greater tactics. He forced it on us to show our hand, though he did suffer casualties, but he has more than enough troops to make up for it." Olifur added analyzing the situation.

"Yes. Had he proceeded by norm he would have suffered more casualties still and would have been kept unaware of our stratagems. His maneuver was that off a skilled tactician," Mawak voiced his opinion, As Ruzaik sighed.

"Gather the troop, I wish to address em" The Iron Head General instructed as he got up followed by all the officers issuing orders to gather to gather.

The Soldiers sat around a fire in a vast semicircle gazing at the platform in front of them, where stood their mighty commanders. The night sky and the snowy clouds bore witness to the gathering as Ruzaik stepped forward.

"My Friends, you have been my companions for a long time. We have faced down countless opponents and lived through many a battle, we have lost many of our brethren, but we have upheld our oath always, for the people that we protect, our families and our friends."

Ruzaik looked all over his audience, he knew almost all of them by name they were all loyal companions that had risked their lives for him time and again as he had for them.

He then continued, "Our oath to defend this sacred mountain as our fathers have done before us, our Oath to the white ones, to our king." Ruzaik sighed, "Men I shall be honest with you, the enemy we face may not be the strongest we have faced but as luck will have it, he may be the last for many of us. Tomorrow when they attack, chances of our victory are very less, we will be over run at some point, to which I ask of you this, the royal army is making way, and we have to stall the enemy as much as possible, fight till your last. We must delay their advance," Ruzaik continued. "Those of you who wish to leave are allowed. I do not ask of you to throw away your lives." Ruzaik finished as he saw a few soldiers stand up, he expected them to leave but they replied,

"My Lord, what greater honor is there than to die by your side in your service"

"For our king, for our people, we shall fight, we shall fight like the dragons themselves and let know our opponents who they face."

"Our lives would be thrown away if we leave here, let us fight by your side till the end."

The soldiers answered the calls and yelling and feasting they boosted their spirits for the next day.

The next day, at dusk.

What could be heard were the clanging of weapons, the screams of men and beasts alike. As flesh and blood splattered everywhere the beasts gnawed at their prey and the prey fended off against them.

Swords and spears.

Arrows and fire.

Claws and tears.

As the flames grew higher.

It was chaos as the Nerayans fought their hardest to protect their lands as the invaders with all their might charged. The Nerayans having used their advantages, their fortifications and traps were now engaged in pitched battle. The enemy, having overcome all the hurdles now, pushed on, having suffered a great many losses but exhausting the opponent's stratagems. The two armies fought on the first terrace of the mountain. The Tigerans being put to use forced Ruzaik to see that the chances of him losing this battle were higher than ever. As the Iron head general with his men, took down man after man beast after beast they saw their own numbers falling as well. The howling of the blizzard tried to suppress the strife of men, as they waged their wars.

The general of the opposing army gazed at his adversary, the iron head, even against impossible odds he had held fast, and had damaged his massive army quite a lot, no doubt he had excellent tactics. If they were given an equal footing, it was most likely that Ruzaik would have won, but it seemed fate had not favored him. Ruzaik, as he slashed through a beast caught the sight of the enemy general, they both looked at each other with feelings of neither hatred nor fear, and the two gave each other a slight nod of acknowledgement.

Some distance away, disconnected from the field of war on the tall trees that stood strong were three figures. They were hooded in white, one of them, laid on top of a thick branch resting, her figure female, her back on the trunk her hands cushioning her head.

She was wearing a balaclava so that only her blue eyes could be seen. Resting one of her legs on top of the other she observed the battle as if it were a play, oohing at times, enjoying herself.

The second figure also a female sat with her legs suspended, her hands gripping the branch keeping her straight, as she too watched the unfolding events.

Dark skin, orange eyes, red hair, this other girl had an eager expression on her face, unconsciously licking her lips,

"say ... Aria, when do I get to kill?" The red head asked the other, as the one called Aria shook her head.

"Aww, I am afraid we can't kill just yet my love." Aria answered, "we have to wait a bit more. Same goes for you Hotshot," She added moving her gaze at another branch where a blonde male lay hung upside down on a branch observing the field as well, his legs interlocked with the branch.

"Even I know that much. It's just that I can't wait to show off in front of such beautiful women."

Back in the field of battle, the enemy general ascertained his victory and after a brief round of the area, observing the various pockets of resistance that the Nerayans were putting up. The general looked at the opposing army. Even though he had taken the first base, even though he was at the verge of victory over his current adversary.

Defeat was eminent, for he saw hundreds of banners and thousands of men amassed on the second base. Ruzaik had successfully bought time for the royal army's advance squad to reach the battlefield. If he did not retreat now than he would lose his entire force. He gazed at Ruzaik, who along with what few men he had left still fought wounded yet still no less ferocious. Ruzaik the iron head had successfully defended his kingdom even against such terrifying odds. The general looked at him again with slight admiration and called to halt his troop. The relentless attacks on Ruzaik' s squad stopped as they formed a closed formation surrounded on every side, breathing heavily, Ruzaik among them.

"Mighty Ruzaik, stop!" he began, signaling his own men to pause as well.

Ruzaik and his men rallied together, as the fighting came to a standstill, everyone with their eyes on the two commanders.

"I am Aikoh, subject to the goddess of chaos. I kill and destroy where I deem fit, but I am not a man without regard, as is my Goddess no alien to it. I invaded these lands because I was told that one could not ascertain victory. I was merely instigated to ascertain that for myself. And having had the honor to fight against you, I have to admit Neraya is in safe hands. I may have won this battle but it's painfully obvious to see that one cannot win here without divine intervention. And as such to end this battle I challenge you to the warrior's rite."

Ruzaik looked at the man in front of him, he seemed like an average man riding a panther. He looked at himself, his wounds bleeding, his energy lost, surely the enemy had this in mind as well, but it was perhaps with this alternative he could protect the lives of his men.

"I accept the rite, what are your conditions?" Ruzaik answered in a low voice as his own men protested, looking at their wounded general,

"The conditions are simple, If I win, my victory shall be accepted and a monument shall be erected here that I, Aikoh had conquered this land, I shall in turn leave without further bloodshed and if you win, my army shall leave all the same." Aikoh answered.

Ruzaik simply looked at him and nodded.

"Let us have our duel at dawn then." His opponent said looking at the wounded Ruzaik. Both armies disengaged and set up parameters, stationed on the terrace.

"My lord, you need not fight this, we have bought enough time, by dawn, the royal army will have arrived, and we can emerge victorious." Mawak spoke with eagerness as two nurses tended to Ruzaik' s wounds, his entire torso bandaged,

"Surely my lord understands that the villain made this offer after judging the wounds my lord has received," Olifur added.

"We have succeeded my brothers, but I am a man of my words, we shall have our duel tomorrow and he shall be permitted to leave even if the royal army has arrived, see to it."

The commanders protested but in vain, the blizzard died down as morning came, the dawn of the sun brought with it more flags atop the second terrace as an army of forty thousand strong made its way down.

Aikoh' s army did not engage and Ruzaik' s forces too only watched, the second prince had arrived and after being told about the happenings, he was honor bound to spectate the duel as well.

The morning was still, everything buried in snow, the wind was silent, a lingering hesitation in the air, three armies stood behind three generals, Ruzaik the iron head faced Aikoh the victor as the second prince of the kingdom stood at a third side.

Drums pierced the air, continuous thuds like the beating heart, as a space was cleared for the duel, The invading general in his black armor entered as Ruzaik in his silver, Aikoh nodded towards the prince as Ruzaik gave a bow.

The drums ceased as the black armored warrior raised his hand

"Witness my goddess this duel we present, in honor of thee I wander, in search of thy favor," He chanted at the morning sun, "for thee Lady Lilith I fight"

"For my people, for my family, for my land my king and the white ones. I fight for honor, I fight for Neraya" Ruzaik finished his words as well, and with a silent gasp the drums began again.

Ruzaik wielded a broad sword in one hand, slung across his back, and clung to his other arm was a mighty shield, walking towards his opponent he initiated the battle, a giant swing of his equally giant sword. Aikoh armored in black held an iron lance, parrying the initial blow he retaliated with a swift slice, which in turn cut only air as Ruzaik had positioned himself to retaliate to the counter. Using his shield to keep the lance down, Ruzaik raised his sword again, as it blazed through the air towards its mark.

The black armored warrior kicked it away, making his lance a leaver, with great agility, he regained his stance freeing his weapon in the process. Ruzaik and Aikoh exchanged blows both eventually losing their weapons, both skilled in martial arts exchanged strikes, the duel taking its toll on Ruzaik who had not flinched once.

He was considerably larger than his opponent as well, but his opponent was more agile. They fought. One of Ruzaik' s blows broke the black armor Aikoh wore as he was flung all the way back towards the edge of their small arena.

A mighty dent in his chest plates, he winced as he coughed blood, getting up again to resume the duel. Both warriors fought. Ruzaik even with his injury gaining the upper hand as he flung the black knight time and again, denting his armor, cracking it with monstrous physical strength, Aikoh bleeding severely was relentless as well, getting up again and again... Until finally instead of throwing him away Ruzaik threw him into a rock at his feet with so much force that the impact could be felt in the air.

Aikoh fallen to the ground gazed at Ruzaik who swiftly brought his foot to crush his face, as the foot landed, Aikoh smiled before he turned to ash, the foot crushing though stomping the ground, the ash rose and surrounded Ruzaik who after a short interval gasped.

As the ash gathered behind him showing Aikoh standing back to back with him with a black dagger piercing his rib cage from his side. Poison raced fast and ceased the heart of the iron head who stood there gasping. The warrior in black walked away. As the iron head finally fell to his knees and then on his face to the ground. The battle was over as Ruzaik' s entire army rushed towards their fallen commander. Aikoh and his men silently made their way back down the mountain as the royal army simply watched. Among the immediate discord no one noticed three outsiders infiltrating the army and their camp.

The second prince returned home, at the head of a great procession, the funeral of the iron head, the defender of the Neraya, the noble Ruzaik.

It was an oddly calm procession, for one that Ruzaik was a part of. For whenever Ruzaik had entered the capital he was treated as a hero, loved and adored, the people would treat him as a celebrity and the area would become festive but now it was like people did not really understand what had happened.

Their hero no more. Some were crying, many had sad looks on their faces. It was like everyone was shocked. The procession entered the castle, the king, along with the first prince and the Princess stood there and with them, an old woman with her son and daughters.

Ruzaik' s youngest daughter was eight. Whenever Ruzaik would come home he would spend hours with the girl playing her games, treating her to things, bringing her presents. The daughter did not expect her father to come back in a casket. She did not completely understand that her father, her hero, her guardian, her playmate had died but it was dawning upon her.

There was a massive crowed, the eldest daughter of Ruzaik and her mother cried as the princess supported them, tears in her eyes as well. The son stood there with a solemn face. His father had warned him of such a day and told him what he should do, he had to be strong, and he had to make his father proud, so that even in death he does not lose grace.

Among the sobs and cries, the king made his speech, the great general who had defended his home and kept his promise to the white ones was no more. As the night took hold, the corpse of Ruzaik was laid to rest atop a bed of wood and set to flames.

As the stars lit the night sky the general lit the land, burning with brilliance, brilliance that turned to ash and as his flame died, several bonfires were lit up. The relatives of the deceased warriors performed their rites, the sons and daughters of the deceased stood amidst the towering flames surrounded by the fire. They faced the royal family swearing their allegiance just as their guardians had done so.

That night marked the day that darkness began to take hold of Neraya.