
The Chronicles of Illis - Book 1

The story is set in the fictional/ fantasy world of ILLIS and follows the journey of a boy named Kai and the many people he comes across. THE STORY IS A WORK OF FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND ANY PERSON, CAST, CREED OR RELIGION DIRECTLY

Rediah · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


Zasha rode out of her keep, her knights with her, and a column of cavalry to boot, expecting an organized resistance.

While Iliea with only a hand full of knights but numerous bands of infantry manned the defenses.

The plan was simple, Iliea would hold the fort while Zasha would rout the enemy forces from the front and then proceed to sweep the area and provide support to Iliea if need be.

The plan itself sounded sound and it would have been so if the enemy fought conventionally but alas, as the horde of horses rode out, they were greeted only by snow, there weren't even signs of a catapult to hurl stones.

Cautious Zasha slowed down, lifting her fist to indicate her troops to hold position, her action was repeated by Allister, who rode at her side.

Zasha, due to her smaller height was not visible to the troops at the back, so often was the case that one of her knights would convey the order, Zasha choose not to notice this, and everyone thought better than to bring it up, height was a sensitive issue with her.

The forces of the Crimson blade halted just ahead of the draw bridge, the path ahead was a clearing that lead up to a pass which in turn was cut thorough the mountain. With a ridge on either side, it was excellent for defense against any approaching army yet in the current situation it seemed to work against Zasha.

With a handful of knights, she slowly advanced, leaving the main force behind, carefully observing every detail. Something was wrong.

As the Crimson blade ventured through the pass she could not see anything unusual, save for a few hurried tracks that led further on.

Baited she followed, as soon as there was decent distance between her and her main force, the mountain shook with two consecutive loud explosions.


Quickly turning around Zasha raced back to her men or would have had the path not been sealed. Archers rose from underneath the snow and began a volley,

their arrows enchanted, falling like rain, forcing Zasha and her knights to keep back from the main force, which too was engaged. The second explosion had brought down the drawbridge, with no way out, the force was ambushed, arrows from a far and warriors from right underneath, caught by surprise as the fighters erupted from the snow the horses panicked as well, a pitched battle had commenced, as a few hearty souls engaged Zasha as well.

The explosions had masked a third one, this on the opposite end, where the mountain ruptured causing a part of the castle to sink down as well, the entire defense built up was buried under cold hard rocks as the flank of the castle was left unprotected. It was beyond Iliea, what could have caused an explosion so big that it would shake the very core of their stronghold. Her answer would have to wait, for as the snow settled, she could see a small army assembled on the platform that had formed. Gathering whatever men she could, Iliea descended the rubble, while the opposing army stood patiently.

Looking at the smoke in the distance, Zasha realized what was happening, but other than the drawbridge the only way to reach the opposite end was to cross the entire mountain.

Crossing the entire mountain would take time and her own force was engaged in pitched combat. She was forced to leave Iliea alone to deal with whatever she had in store, and Iliea herself was in no way, incapable. She fought with heart, but it seemed that even nature was against her. The vision impairing blizzard blew against her so loud that even her shouts barely reached her comrades beside her. Her enemies it seemed had already coordinated what was to be done. Zasha had to admit, whoever this was had caught them completely off guard. Even if she had had been on assignments back to back for many months, lack of vigilance was inexcusable. And so Zasha cut across her enemies who choose to hide in the snow again and again.

Along the smoking keep, and settling rocks, Iliea, with a handful of knights assembled before the enemy as best as they could, while the opponents observed without advancing, their general had his eyes locked on Iliea.


Ken and Kai had crossed the drawbridge, while the column of horses passed over head, hanging on with raw strength, it was indeed a test of their fitness.

Gazing at the riding knights, who would murder them at sight, their armors and steed glistening, their trot shook the bridge.

The blizzard, striking hard and cold, did not help. It was after what seemed like forever that they managed to cross over and barely in time for the next step of the plan.

The explosion that had brought down the bridge shook the entire keep, Kai had never felt such a strong force. The blast had served its purpose, not only did it cut off the escape or retreat of Zasha's forces. It also provided them, Ken and Kai breathing space.

The guards were quickly leaving their positions. It seemed the third explosion demanded their immediate attention. Wasting little time, Ken and Kai quickly sought to look for the prisoners, but their search was cut short, seeing as Cyer himself made his way towards them, fully equipped and ready to escape.

"See, he would have gotten out on his own anyway," Kenviar remarked at Kai who overtaken by his sudden emotion hugged his friend, Cyer awkwardly patted his back replying to the demon.

"I couldn't have possibly escaped had it not been for your diversions." He smiled.

"We have to look for Caius" Kai began as he got a hold of himself.

"No, we do not" Kenviar sounded adamant this time. "We should get out of here while we still can"

"I for one agree with him on this one Kai," Cyer added, "Besides I am sure Caius will be alright, we parted ways a little while ago."

"Will he make it, if we leave him be?" Kai inquired, his opinion being swayed.

"Most certainly" Cyer smiled warmly, "he is quite a remarkable man."

"Well, then ... what's the plan?" Kai asked Kenviar, who nodded in approval.

"It's simple" the answer was quick, Kenviar spread his great black wings holding both the boys in each arm.

"We fly out"

With that and a fell swoop, they were in the air. The battlefield was chaos, the keep smoking at one end, fires lit, at the other clashing warriors. It was a sight Kai would not forget any time soon.

As they darted across the sky, Allister caught sight, grinning a monstrous grin he aimed his lance.


Kenviar lifted above the storm clouds the view was divine, the rising sun and the pure white skies. It was heavenly.


The lance surging with lightening raced towards its target, piercing the heavens.


Kenviar turned to look in a swift motion, bringing forth his wing to cover, the lance struck, a massive blow. His wing burst in flames, as the trio spiraled down to earth falling uncontrollably.

The lance had grazed Cyer's leg, burning through a portion and damaged the demon's wing beyond recognition.

With a thud they crashed into the deep snow.

Observing this, Zasha commanded Lauren to take command while she and her knights raced towards the crash site, a murderous glare in her eyes.

Iliea, stepped forward to face the enemy leader, behind her the smoldering mess of rocks and beams.

Anesia prayed for success, while in the veiled darkness, Lilith dangled her legs in the air like a child, The goddess herself lay on her front gazing at an image of the battlefield, indeed this would be most interesting to watch.