
The Chronicles of a Vampire

Rael was a boy born with a rare disease that prevented him from living a normal life, forcing him to shuttle between the operating room and his home. Despite this, he didn't surrender to death and achieved outstanding feats for his age. However, in the face of death, all his efforts seemed futile. In his last moments of life, he confronted death silently and without fear. But to his surprise, after he died, he woke up in the body of a young boy, the same age and with the same name as him, facing a man with a terrifying aura.

sword_katana · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs


After the passage of five months,

Alex entered the room, his gaze fixed upon the subject of his intricate experiment, who had stirred to consciousness mere moments ago.

It had been several months since he had managed to secure a sample capable of integrating with his enemy blood.

Perhaps it was his expertise or the talent of the kid that allowed this unusual success.

Under Alex's careful watch, Rael had been undergoing an accelerated assimilation with the vampire blood, a progression that even managed to astonish him

It should be noted that Alex was at peak the of master magus tier, a realm only under great magus which he was aiming at to culminate in a condensation of his magical core.

This journey toward greatness marked him as an exceptional talent among his peers.

However, it was the boy before him, Rael, who had become an exemplar of resilience and latent potential.

Contrary to expectations derived from prior experiments, Rael had defied projections, stretching the limits of endurance to a surprising five months.

But even as he appeared resilient, Rael's constitution showed signs of faltering two weeks ago.

Today, as he observed Rael's vacant expression, devoid of emotion, Alex understood that the youth's tenure in this state was fast approaching its end .

In less than a month, Rael's resolve would crumble irreparably. Thus, Alex made the decision to temper the intensity of his trials, recognizing the limited time remaining for Rael to serve his purpose. killing him now would be wasteful


Moments ago, Rael had stirred to awareness, his surroundings gradually resolving into focus.

Five months had elapsed since his transit into this world, yet each day had been marked by mere minutes of respite before the cycle of experimentation resumed.

he noticed many physical and emotional changes. His visage bore the paleness of a specter, surpassing even his hospital-bound days in pallor.

His fangs had lengthened slightly, and an unsettling hunger gnawing at him when he glimpsed tubes of blood.

Profound changes had transpired within his mind. His emotions had gradually waned, their vibrancy fading. Escape's allure had eroded, replaced by a resigned inclination toward inertia.

Complex sentiments had withered, leaving only the searing agony of the experiments to remind him of the fact that he is alive.

These toxic emotions had not gone unnoticed; Rael's struggle to suppress them had been an ongoing battle.

he knew that surrendering was not an option or else he will tirn into lost soul .

Despite his unwillingness, the past five months had shown him the difficulty of his goal. As being in an endless cycle of pain with death looming on the horizon wasn't very helpful.

The organic needs of sustenance and slumber had become redundant, the emerald glow from the table sufficing to heal and nourish his body. Yet, he had also noticed the augmentation in his body's regenerative abilities.

Amidst Rael's thoughts , Alex strode into the chamber, the chilling gaze that had never wavered in these past five months fixed upon him.

As Rael returned the gaze with emotionless eyes, Alex's demeanor remained as frigid and unyielding as before.

Though Rael had deduced that Alex had not ascended to the realm of a great magus—his trembling hand before losing consciousness hinted at his exhausted spirit —it did little to assuage his fear .

The limits of Alex's power remained imposing, his threat undeniable. realizing that his preordained fate would remain inescapable his mind was filled with With thoughts of giving up


A tumultuous sound of explosions heralded Rael's return to consciousness, his eyes fluttering open to a cacophony of explosive resonances.

Gritting his teeth against the agony, he attempted to lift his body, only to be assailed by searing pain as wounds tore anew. Even the ministrations of his regenerative powers, coupled with the magic of the table, couldn't fully heal the severity of the injuries.

Rael's gaze wandered, tracing the source of the commotion. Explosions rent the air, vibrations shaking the chamber.

Another detonation echoed, yet in his debilitated state, despair eclipsed any semblance of curiosity.

Alex was engaged in battle, the ferocity of the conflict evidenced by the very tremors that assaulted Rael's senses. But what difference would it make if Alex were to perish?

The newcomer, this enigma who contested him, might take Rael for to be his own slave . The cycle of torment could perpetuate, an unending spiral of suffering.

The tremors escalated, the frequency of detonations intensified. Even if Alex were to triumph, the implications were dire.

Unseen hands cradled Rael's body, the throbbing of his wounds intermingling with the rumblings of the conflict. As his consciousness dimmed, a haunting thought echoed .

the impending death due to his own injuries.

The tremors seemed to pronounce his fate as the ceiling above quivered, threatening to crumble upon him.

"Am I going to die in this pathetic way? ?" Rael pondered, gazing upwards, the quaking above him intensifying. "Perhaps the battle nears its conclusion," he speculated, struggling to discern the outcome from the escalating crescendo of explosions. Blood loss had clouded his vision, his thoughts hazed.

As his awareness teetered on the precipice, a shrill cry pierced the air, a sound that seemed to shatter the confines of the room.

Alex's voice, tinged with anguish and despair, rent the air, leaving Rael to ponder the implications. Had Alex been killed ? Yet, the arrival of an unfamiliar presence was no guarantee of salvation. Whether captor or savior, the cycle would persist.

In the dwindling moments before consciousness released its hold, a presence loomed. A pair of crimson eyes met Rael's own, a gaze that penetrated the haze of his fading awareness. In this ephemeral connection, Rael mused with his last vestiges of thought, "What a captivating eyes ."