

The four assassin still their mask on their face with double Charles.

"My,my~ you guys can take off your mask you know beside no need to hide those beautiful face of you"

Lao said flirting with them.They just quite the atmosphere become heavy silent.

"Anyway let's straight to the point,the Queen and Empress have assign us with some quite heavy mission for us and we need you guys helps.I wonder is someone doesn't know what the point is?"

Liphea asked.Elizabeth,Agni,Soma,Lao,Ran Mao,Mey-Rin,Baldory,Finny,Double Charles and Tanaka raise their hands.

Make the four assassin sigh heavily as disappointment.

"We straight to the point okay,there's have murdered and have spiritual happens in here.That's also appear the dark mage,evil spirit,the evil bending groups lastly the ninja around here but there's someone who helped them...and that's a fallen angel"

When Liphea said,Sebastian,Ciel,Alois,Claude,Hannah,the triplet and fellow reapers feel uneasy and shocked.

"Wait is that even possible?"

Lao asked.

"Remember the four front of you guys not even a human"

Finally,Kaede said while crossing her arms.

They glare at them.

"Ehem,let's split up with group.Each group have one wealthy people,the assassin,maid or butler or other servant and lastly grim reapers"

Liphea went back the business since they will be lead by the assassin so the girls choose.Then they decided to make luck draw.For Kaede she got Ciel,Sebastian,Alois,Claude,and William.Kaede face really disappointed.For Yunho she got Elizabeth,Soma,Agni,Mey-Rin,Thompson and Undertaker.Bian Han got Lao,Ran Mao,Canterbury,Finny,Phipps and Baldory.And lastly,Liphea got Grey,Timber,Grell,and Ronald,Hannah and Pluto.

"Well,ummm it's fine?"

Liphea kinda awkward since Kaede luck not her side.

"So worst"

Kaede mumble to herself and sigh softly while look at other way.

"Well no it's not!Why those chick got all the handsome mans!!"

Grell point her index finger to Kaede.

"Watch out girly,I can make your life disaster and feel no hope at all.Let me said this,I was strict with time,rules,law and I don't want goofy people around me.When work we focus and serious but when joke around just have fun but me I have no joke inside me and I hate people who wasting my time..Understand!?"

Liphea calm her down she already pissed.

"Come on we need to discuss about work"

Ciel smirk and lead her to his study room.As for Lease she already take out the bamboo rattan.She take out the maps and some village maps.

"How the bloody hell you got those?"

Ciel asked,but Kaede point her bamboo rattan to his forehead.

"As assassin you must prepare the maps if you want a good strategy,this is not the chess game little lord.This is difficult task if you still it was easy peasy like you play chess you wrong.You can't catch up the ninjas way or war.So shut the hell up let me explain only one time there's no repeat.The useful question allowed the stupid one will be ignore.Now"

Kaede explain the wanted murdered their skills,the fallen angel the strategy.The weak point.

"I have question?"


She said harshly.

"What will happen if you release the beast inside you?"

Alois smirk which make Ciel and other smirk.

"You guys be my meals even you are demon,grim reapers or human.It will eat like it's main dishes.Let's continue"

After 1 hour,Kaede done her explain to them.

"Now,excuse me I need to meet my fellow friends oh....don't you dare to follow me or eavesdropping or whatever it is.I can sense your smell remember that!"

She stomp off.Ciel sigh.

"What a strict person"

"But don't you guys think she interesting woman?I mean she could be Jennie D' Arc or Cleopatra?"

"You mean,she can be a great ruler?"

Ciel asked and make Alois nods with happily.

"Or more than that"

Sebastian said that make them look or glare at him.

"What do you mean by that?Sebastian"

"Have you guys heard about the brave fairy queen?"

"You mean Titania isn't?"

Claude asked and adjusting his glasses.

"Yes,she was kind,brave and independent fairy among the fairy"

"She also good in strategies,fierce,and strict with rule and law never forget that"

William added he adjusting his glasses with his death scythe.

Then Kaede enters back make them quite once again.She gives them the white envelope.

"The Queen Victoria asked us to move first to capture one of them and asked them so.e specific question.We can go by Thursday,I need some useful strategies and some weapons that might be useful for us.Now,we dismiss"

"Wait,let Sebastian takes you to your room"

"No need I was going back to castle-"

Then the falcon birds fly towards her with message that tied up at it's leg.She open and her eyes widen in shock under her mask.

"Thank you here the treats and go back to Tsunade-sama"

They still shock how the hell the falcon come inside the room and disappear in thin air.

"That's a ninja birds,we trained them to be part one like us in order to spy quietly to terrorist hidden place to take information.This case we can't use them it might dangerous to them.We need to spy on them.Anyway,I'll stay since Tsunade-sama need me to be here after finish this mission"

Sebastian,Claude and William smirk make the ninja girls feel gross toward them.Sebastian take her to room.

"My,my you kinda fiesty aren't you milady?"

Sebastian asked her with his smooth and husky voice to her ears.

"You want me eat your soul?"

She fired to him,make him chuckles and pinned her to walls.She pissed with his smirk fake smile face.She trapped by him,her hands were pinned beside her heads,her legs in between his legs.Sebastian leans to her face.

"Aren't your smell so delightful and tasty.How I wonders why you can fall in love with that Phipps guys while you can fall in love with me milady,I can spoil you,give you attention,make you more pleasure,I can give you what you want kitten~?"

He purrs make the girl uncomfortable and annoying with him.

"I'm not like other girls or cheap woman out there,I have my own honor and priority.I have my own goals,I can do with my own selves.Hello,this is my feeling who are you to decided me to fall in love with.And you said you will do anything right?Let me go you stink demons"

Sebastian shock and laugh.

"Aww,you are adorable kitten aren't you.But remember I will make sure you fall in love with me and only"

He licks her ear make her feel disgusting and push him away.

"This is my room right so excuse me!"

She come in,Sebastian want to said something but you already shut the door.

Then someone come out from bathroom and it's Phipps with towel around his waist.

"Woah,Kaede what are you doing here?"

"I-I-I'm sorry Phipps,I was lost..yeah hehe"

Phipps chuckles and nods,his toned abs and perfect build body make Kaede blushing more.

"I-I-I will leave sorry"

"No biggie"

Kaede come out,Sebastian was smirk looked at her blushing face.

"Your room is beside him,(chuckles) how cute your blushing face is..you love see half naked man kitten~?"

"Stupid demons"

She clench her fist and walk to her rooms.She take off her mask and sigh.She scream in embarrassment and frustration on pillow.It's was her unlucky day.Getting flirt by the crow Demon,team up with Spider demon,spoiled brats,and that strict Grim Reaper.Get wrong rooms and see the half naked her crush come out from toilet.

"Soo unlucky"