
The Chosen Messenger of the Gods

The tiring, boring life of a villager, shackled into farming rice for the rest of his existence, was not for Wei Lee, so leaves home one rainy day. Once deciding to travel the lands and see the world, he is accosted by the God of War, eager to punish Wei Lee for the sins of his dead father. Given protection by the God of Secrets and a new name, Wei Lee embarks on the mission given to him in return, fulfilling the role set to him as a Messenger of the Gods, seeking out the ancient and almost forgotten God of Reincarnation. All the while Heaven's Armies grow once more, as the next Celestial War looms over them all. Demons are rising up and whether Wei Lee will be able to complete his journey or not, becomes uncertain. Especially troubling as the fallen soldiers of Heaven need to rise once more in their new lives if the threat is ever to be quelled.

SnowPenguin · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs

Continuation Notice

This work will now keep on going and will pick up where it has left off.

I have no extra chapters planned out on a scheduled release, because turns out, when you have to pay everything for yourself, you get to eat less food and your body demands more sleep to stave off the exhaustion and hunger enough to provide the energy to turn in work of acceptable quality.

I thank everyone who enjoyed reading this, and your patience has been noted, but going forwards, there are a few changed to the format.

This entire time, one of my other works has been receiving updates of chapters of approximately 500 words long.

This will be the format in this work as well to try and get some stress off my back, and also because most 1000 word long chapters are essentially 600 word chapters with 400 words thrown in to elaborate on otherwise minor details to reach my own arbitrary word count.

I understand if anyone disagrees with what I've done here, and I fully understand if you do not like the new style of writing.

It's fine.

After this notice is published, within the hour, the next chapter will be as well.