
Chapter 82

Nada gets a delivery, he unwraps the box, opens it, and inside lies a graduation picture.


 Nada froze for a moment, picked up the graduation photo and scrutinized it, seeing his face in it.


 Nada's eyes moistened involuntarily.


 It was obviously p'd up, but because of that, it poked at the softest corner of his heart.


 His expression was calm as he flipped over the graduation photo, and on the back was a line that read, "Teacher doesn't know how you are now, but teacher wants you to be happy. --Mignon"


 Nada had recently gotten in touch with Mignon, whose number he'd always remembered, and thankfully she hadn't changed it.


 Mignon wonders where he's been all these years, after all, Ivy was so adamant about him stealing that she stood up for him, went straight to the principal, and he was getting good grades, so that didn't go away, but in the end, Nada dropped out of school at the end of his exams.


 Not only did he drop out, he didn't even continue his studies.


 Mignon asks him, but Nada doesn't say anything.


 By now, Nada would have accepted his fate.


 He was in the mire, and even if he climbed higher, he was still covered in filth.


 Nada puts down the photo, sits for half a second, but fishes out her cell phone and makes a call.


 Soon, the call was answered and Nada didn't really say anything, but the man on the other side smiled a gentle smile and said to him, "You figured it out?"


 Nada let out a soft 'hmm'.


 He understood very well that this was his only chance to escape this place.


 Soon afterward, the sound of sirens rang out downstairs, and one of the boys in his dorm room squinted as he climbed to his feet and said, "The cops are coming to get us?"


 Instead, Nada told him, "Go to sleep, it's okay."


 The boy listened and lay down again, and after a while the sound of the siren whistled past and disappeared.


 The boy breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Brother Heavy Star, is that clubhouse really full of rich people?"


 Nada softly "hmm", the boy said enviously, "Then Uncle Ni really thinks highly of you ah, you did not work for five years, have been sitting on the bench, the first time you came up to give you such a big job."


 Nada was a bit distracted, the floor they lived on wasn't far from the men, and although he couldn't hear the voices, he felt that he was afraid that tonight would be the night to end it all.


 The boy still had one more conversation to make, and when Nada didn't answer, he closed his mouth somewhat resentfully, sleepiness catching up to him once more and he closed his eyes.


 The boy woke up again quickly, however, as several police officers broke into the dormitory and took them away.


 Nada, however, is not in this category.


 He watched as each of these people who had tormented him for five years were shoved into the police car in a bit of a trance and complexity; he hadn't expected the nightmare that had plagued him for five years to be solved so easily.


 That's the power of power.


 And the one who had that power was a man he met at the health club.


 He looks all elegant, but he is very easy-going, with the normal worries of ordinary people, worrying about his hair loss, worrying about his son, so he is really very different from those other rich people who are polite on the surface, but their eyes always show arrogance and superiority without realizing it.


 Nada also used this to hang out with him as a friend.


 He knew his last name was Chin, so he called him Adolf.


 Adolf most often talk to him, is his son, but also very sure to say to him: "he did not come back to the country before my hair is in good condition, he came back, I began to lose hair, swish, swish fall, hey, I'm still young, I'm only forty-three years old ah, I have no one in the family hair loss, just me to lose, that's not his problem I really don't believe it. "


 All this talk suddenly led to a question about whether Nada was seeing anyone.


 Nada replied, "No."


 Adolf clapped his hands, "In that case, that's a good sentiment, I think you're a good match for my eyes, why don't you and my son meet, and if you see eye to eye, you two will get married."


 Nada: "..."


 Nada hadn't thought he'd say something like that, and he even wondered if he wasn't being a little too inconsiderate.


 He's a man, how can he marry a man? Even if the state allows it, he's a straight man and he can't accept this.


 Nada thought it was a joke so she didn't move to change the subject, however Adolf seemed to actually have the idea.


 When I saw him again, I threw a stack of information in front of him and said with a complicated look on my face, "You're so miserable, aren't you?"


 Nada: "..."


 He took the information and looked at it, but it was a clear investigation of his experiences from childhood to adulthood, even the five years he had spent in a fraudulent company.


 By this time, he was convinced that rich people really did have special access to information.


 In just three short days, he had investigated it all.


 Adolf said to him, "You are a good boy, I also can't bear to see you continue to degenerate in this kind of hellhole, I still say that, my son is also a talented person, he hasn't had a girlfriend or a boyfriend, except for that mouth can't speak human words, I think he is still very good, if you are willing to do so, I'll let the two of you get married straight away, and I'll help you to solve this matter. "


 He continued, "The amount of money involved in these people is up to tens of millions of dollars, and it's not negotiable to sit directly on the bottom of the jail, and I'm afraid that if you don't pull out now, you're going to have to eat jail in the future as well."


 Nada himself has collected a lot of evidence of this company's crimes, but has been afraid to act rashly due to the fact that he can't fight against Jacod's men alone, but with the help of someone else, especially Adolf, who has a lot of energy, there's no way he can really get away with it.


 But, the other party's condition was to marry his son.


 Nada was tempted to ask him if he knew he was a man, or was he so handsome and pretty that he thought he was a cross-dresser?


 It was not a good thing to ask this out, before it seemed that he was not steady enough.


 Nada remains cautious.


 It wasn't until now, when he received a delivery from Mignon, that he finally got a little taut.


 He finally agreed to Adolf.


 When Jacod's gang member saw Nada standing next to him, he couldn't help but understand that he was the one who called the police, and he cursed at Nada, "Nada, you son of a bitch, Uncle Ni thinks you're smart and understanding, and has treated you like a son all these years, and that's how you've treated him? You son of a bitch!"


 He cursed and everyone looked towards Nada, but he did nothing.


 Nada himself is not too clean, he is not involved in scamming people but he has made a place for the scamming company by advising them.


 But he had not received a penny from this company in the last five years, there was no direct interest in it, and the evidence of the information he had given had contributed to it, so the police criticized and educated him verbally all morning and let Adolf lead him away.


 It was also around this time that Nada learned Adolf's full name as Adolf.


 Adolf couldn't wait to take him to meet his son.


 Nada never forgot the meeting in the days that followed; the sun was shining brightly when he first met David, and he followed the tall Adolf as he got his first glimpse of the home of a top tycoon.


 The more he looked, the smaller he felt, like a speck of dust; even the grass under his feet was perhaps nobler than he.


 How could such a family pull a random person and just tell him, "You marry my son."


 But it doesn't really matter if Adolf is playing him or not, what matters is that he's free now.


 When Nada met David, he was carrying pots of yellow chrysanthemums outside the flower room, he looked tall and fit even when he was bent over, his hair was a little short, his skin was pale, and he wore a black tank top that made his exposed muscles look extraordinarily beautiful.


 Although she hadn't seen the face yet, Nada subconsciously thought that he wasn't bad looking--after all, Adolf was handsome when he was long.


 Adolf's scalp tightens at the sight of him, and he says to Nada, "I remembered that I have something to do, so you can go over there first." With that, he turned to leave.


 The hasty back was very much a gesture of hasty flight.


 Nada frowned subconsciously, he didn't want to go over there, he resisted with all his being.


 He also now understands that whole man-to-man thing, and if Adolf isn't kidding, then he's really going to marry David.


 Marrying a man so tall and having to be done that way by him ...


 Yet resistance is resistance, and it's a fact that Adolf helped him.


 Adolf is his benefactor.


 Nada slowly walked over to him.


 David, sensing the shadows around him, craned his head to see Nada, those clear eyes blinking as he gave him a bright, sunny smile.


 Nada then saw David's face, very much to his surprise, David was very handsome, his features were very deep, his nose was high and straight, his eyebrow bones and eye sockets were superior, making him exude a lively vitality even when he didn't smile, not to mention his bright smile like this, revealing a strong sense of harmlessness and sincerity.


 Nada was shocked by his smile and it took a while for her to find her voice, "What are you doing?"


 His voice was on the cold side, and there was always such an air of questioning about him saying it that it made Nada's throat a little hard.


 David collected his smile and said with a deep face, "My father has recently faced a baldness crisis, I planted a flower house of yellow, chrysanthemums and flowers for him, pure natural with zero additives, and when the time comes to sun-dry and make tea for him to drink."


 Nada lowered her eyes to his staged face and said slowly, "Your father must have been very touched then."


 David sighed, "No he doesn't, I feel like he resents me."


 Nada remembered Adolf s many complaints about him, indeed ... so, but it should not be so bad as to pull a random person and let him get married, right?


 Nada tried to soften his voice, but it had been so long since he had interacted with a normal person that his voice remained cold, "Do you have a favorite?"


 David said, "No."


 He said, with a shy face, "I'm still a virgin."


 "..." Nada looked at his sunny and handsome face showing this kind of shy expression actually does not seem to be out of place, also his innocent and pure eyes are too plus points.


 Although not really wanting to know about it, Nada felt the need to find out about David's personal preferences, so she asked again, "Do you like men, or do you like women?"


 With a deep look on his face, David said, "I haven't thought about it yet, and if you must make me choose, I can like men today and women tomorrow."


 Nada: "..."


 As if he was very pleased with his answer, David asked Nada gleefully, "Isn't that cool?"


 Nada: "..."


 Suddenly he understood why Adolf always had the same vicissitudes of family misfortune on his face when he talked about David.

When Nada saw David for the first time, her eyes were lit up by his smile.


 But it was that instant that he sensed David's unreliability.


 Just as he was speechless at David's words, a man in a uniform, probably a butler or something like that, appeared, inviting them into the hall.


 During this time, David also eyed him curiously, and, after a moment's silence, asked, "Are you my father's illegitimate son?"


 Nada: "..."


 David said, "I don't think so, hahahahahahaha my dad wouldn't cheat on me."


 After a pause, he continued, "Oh, and my dad is now single and trackless."


 When he got to Adolf, Adolf pulled Nada over and said to David, "Zhong Yue, this is the wife I found for you, you two will get married in a few days and go abroad for a two-month honeymoon."


 Adolf speaks of a "two-month honeymoon" with the gleam of a new life in his eye.


 Nada: "..."


 Now is pretty sure how much Adolf wants to sidetrack his son.


 But can David really be so casually at his father's mercy?


 Nada's eyes fell on David's face, but he stared straight at her and said shyly, "Dad, isn't it too soon? I'm not ready to get married yet."


 Adolf says in a serious tone, "Where is the time, you are 22 years old, shouldn't you be married? Your father had you when I was 21."


 David nodded, as if convinced by Adolf, "Right, well, then I should get married."


 And again, "No, if I get married now, I'll be laughed at by Alex and the others."


 Adolf said seriously, "If you don't get married in this marriage, the company will be handed over to Mat after I retire, and you won't even be able to think about your pocket money of eight million dollars a month in the future."


 David: "..."


 David said, "I'm tying the knot!"


 Nada: "..."


 Are they all so casual?


 They seemed to be singing in unison, but not as if they were joking.


 Within days, the group began preparing for the wedding.


 Adolf gives him a check for ten million dollars, telling him it's a bride price and promising to put him to work for the company after their honeymoon.


 This is something that was completely unthinkable for Nada before.


 And this wedding was so formal and grand that celebrities from all walks of life were invited to attend this wedding.


 Adolf and David took him through the entire toast and didn't look down on him, slack off, or let anyone belittle him just because he was a man.


 He was given respect that wasn't condescending and looking down with the usual sincerity.


 On their wedding night, Nada and David sat on a red, rose-petal covered wedding bed.


 Nada's body was tense despite his calm face, he was nervous.


 David was a very tall man, he should be over 5'9" tall and fit, if he pressed on, he was afraid that it would be hard for him to resist.


 Nada's fingers trembled slightly as he went to undress, and he said to David, "I'm going to take a shower."


 David responded, and he sauntered into the bathroom.


 He's married to a man who, as of today, is David's wife.


 Nada held back her shame and cleaned herself inside and out, before walking out with only a bathrobe on.


 However David sat on his bed and actually played a handheld game.


 Nada sat up in bed and looked at him, and David noticed his gaze and said, "I'll wash it right away."


 When he was done, he played for a while before putting down the handle and going to the bathroom to take a shower.


 Nada didn't have to wait long until David came out of the bathroom, and his body instantly tightened, closing his eyes and waiting for him to pounce, only to hear the sound of the game's sound effects in his ears again.


 Nada opened her eyes and saw David sitting down again, playing a handheld game.


 Nada: "..."


 This is the wedding night, right?


 Nada sat down next to him and watched him fight, David twisted his head over to look at him and smiled a bright smile, "Want to fight together?"


 Nada watched him and remained silent.


 David couldn't help but scratch his head when he saw that he wasn't talking and had a cold face, and said, "Well, I'll fight alone."


 Nada was speechless as she watched him play the game so seriously that he just forgot that tonight was their good night.


 In all his years in society, he'd never seen anyone like David, or did he resent him for being a man?


 Nada had a question in her mind, but when it came to her mouth, it turned into, "Not doing it?"


 David raised his eyes to look at him.


 Nada said, "Come and do it."


 He unzipped his robe and bared his body.


 It had been tense, but by this point, Nada was strangely feeling calm.


 By now, he had accepted the fact that he had become David's wife because of the kindness Adolf had shown him, because of the respect they had shown him, and he could repay them in that way.


 David looked at his wonderful body, subconsciously gulped, and said, "I wouldn't."


 Nada said, "Get in bed."


 He spared no words and was so cold-faced that David subconsciously obeyed.


 They get into bed and Nada teaches him step by step how to fuck himself.


 Although Nada was also inexperienced, he had prepped ahead of time and knew what would happen to him if he married a man.


 David was clumsy, so clumsy that even when he personally showed him the way, he still couldn't get it right, so Nada began to hand-hold.


 It was also because of the hand-holding that David found the right path.


 When she was filled all the way, Nada's eyes reddened, and something seemed to empty out of her heart, but the warm, robust body she grasped in her hand seemed to fill something up again.


 Actually, he also got some happiness in the warmth of these arms.


 David's first time was naturally quick, he was so ashamed he hid under the covers and refused to come out, Nada didn't cajole him, he hadn't done it before and he wasn't used to doing things like cajoling, he just tore the covers away and kissed David on the lips, taking his hands and putting them on top of his own.


 So it came again, and when it was over, David was still grinding, his eyes looking at him wetly, with such obvious thirst that Nada said coldly, "Go on."


 David didn't grow that size for nothing, his desire was so strong that Nada was tired yet still picked up the signals of longing in his eyes.


 He was made four times in one night on his wedding night.


 It was a result of his indulgence, but it was too much.


 The next day Nada could barely get up, but even though it was hard, he still had to get up, it was a little ridiculous that a man couldn't get out of bed for something like that.


 But David wouldn't let him get up and brought his breakfast to his mouth to feed him.


 Nada froze a bit and said coldly, "I have hands, I can eat by myself."


 David said, "No, I should have fed you because you're my wife!"


 Nada looked at him, he still had a sincere face with a hint of shyness, "I can give you my virginity, it's your husband, so I'll be good to you from now on."


 Saying that, he also put down his chopsticks, and fished out a stack of cards from behind his back, and said to Nada, "This is my bank, card, my dad pays me pocket money towards here, eight million a month, the password is six sixes, this is the black, diamond and gold card my dad gave me, the password is six sixes, and this is my mom's card that she gave me . . this is my paycheck card, all of these are for you."


 Nada: "..."


 David said shyly, "All for you, you can spend as much as you like, how much pocket money you send me each month depends on your mood, but let me make it clear, I'm a bit of a fierce spender, you'll have to give me a bit more or I won't have enough to spend."


 Nada look at his cold white skin slightly red, look at his own eyes clear with a slight desire to please, throat "you don't have to do this" but can't spit out.


 When he didn't say anything, David added apprehensively, "Hey, that still depends on your mood, and it's okay if you spend it all."


 Nada took the stack of cards and gave a cold "hmm".


 David cheered up at that, his clear, bright eyes sparkling pleasantly as he called out very slightly sweetly, "Wife! Hey, hey, hey."


 A softness welled up in Nada's heart; maybe marrying him hadn't been a bad decision.


 Just as he was thinking that, he heard David say, "You wanted so much yesterday, I ended up sore from a couple of handfuls."


 Nada: "..."


 Nada: "????"


 David said with a shy look on his face, "Indulgence is very damaging, you need to moderate yourself a bit."


 Nada: "..."


 His high-strung expression nearly collapsed.