
Chapter 56

David had already stepped forward, so Shi Yan Yu stopped talking and just gave Nada a sharp look.


 David jogged over, his face was a bit red, but his physique was good, he didn't gasp for breath, he glared at Shi Yan Yu as soon as he approached, "How can you not be able to stop your soul, you still want to poach me, you don't take a look at yourself in the mirror, are you as handsome as I am?"


 Shi Yan Yu said indifferently, "Whether you are handsome or not is not for you to say, when I was in middle school, I had more love letters in my desk than you, and I was still the school bully."


 David said, "That's the ticket you bought with your money! Shame on you!"


 Shi Yan Yu was stunned, "Who said that? I bought the ticket with money? I have a lot of money to burn?"


 David said, "Don't hide it, everyone knows what's going on, you're the vain one!"


 Shi Yan Yu also said, "You're the one who's vain. When you go out to drink and eat with those people, you always rush to pay the bill, isn't it just showing off that you're rich? You're just showing off that you're rich, aren't you? It's not like you earned the money yourself, you're just a second generation who relies on your father!"


 David jumped to his feet, "You're the second generation, being the general manager is great, you have the ability to kick your father to become a director yourself!"


 Shi Yan Yu said, "Oh, then my next plan is this, you will not be able to, the Qin family handed over to you, in less than three years will be bankrupt."


 David exclaimed, "You're broke, your whole family's broke! My family is not broke! You're dreaming!"


 Shi Yan Yu looked at him and suddenly said, "Why don't you call me a bastard?"


 Without hesitation, David said, "What's wrong with you, do you want to hear people call you a bastard that badly?"


 Shi Yan Yu laughed, "No, I don't want to hear it."


 David saw that he had just been cold and now he was smiling, it felt a bit off, he stopped, turned his head to Nada and said, "Star, let's go, ignore him, he's sick."


 Shi Yan Yu called out to Nada, "You haven't answered me yet."


 Nada: "What does ... answer you?"


 Shi Yan Yu looked at him and said, "Add a friend."


 Shi Yan Yu said, "I'm much richer than him, it's all the money I earned myself, while he will only use his father's money, and I heard that he recently went around to buy some barren land, I'm afraid that he's not going to lose his bottom, you're hanging on by a thread now, it's not too late."


 He thought for a moment and added with a cold face, "And my other principal is bigger than him."


 Nada: "..."


 David raged, "Bullshit! I didn't show it to you! How do you know it's bigger than me?"


 Shi Yan Yu said, "My nose is higher than yours."


 David froze, "What does it have to do with the bridge of the nose?"


 Shi Yan Yu extended his hand, "The middle finger is also half a centimeter longer than you."


 David: "????"


 Nada spoke up, "There is no scientific basis for looking at the length from this aspect."


 David got the message, "Shit, you still secretly speculate about comparisons??"


 Shi Yan Yu looked down at Nada and said, "If you don't believe me, you can go to a hotel room with me and take a look."


 After a moment's thought, he added, "I'm only willing to show it to you."


 Nada thought it was really hard for him to say something like that, "... No thanks, I'm not curious so I don't want to see it."


 Shi Yan Yu grabbed the cell phone in his hand without saying a word, quickly recorded the phone number, and then changed the note to "Brother Yan Yu".


 This series of actions were completed in one go, not exceeding twenty seconds, and one had to marvel at Shi Yan Yu's hand speed.


 When David reacts and goes to grab Nada's cell phone, he is preceded by Shi Yan Yu who uses Nada's cell phone to call his own number.


 With his purpose accomplished, Shi Yan Yu returned Nada's cell phone to David, and with a gentler tone, he smiled and said to Nada, "It's inconvenient to have a light bulb interrupting today, let's make another appointment next time."


 After saying that, he turned around and walked away.David gasped, "You're the light bulb!"


 He deleted Shi Yan Yu's phone number from Nada's cell phone, and then he was really angry and said to Nada, "This cell phone is dirty, I'll buy you a new one."


 Nada said, "No, I'm so used to this phone that I don't want to change it."


 David heard him say that and stubbornly said, "Then change your cell phone number."


 Suddenly feeling a little funny, Nada deliberately antagonized him, "I don't want to change."


 David wondered, and was a little more scared and nervous than he could tell, "Why? You don't really think he's handsome, do you?"


 Nada pondered for a moment and said, "He does look good."


 David: "..."


 Nada looked at David again and said, "Sure, you're handsome too, but it feels like he'll be more attractive."


 Because Shi Yan Yu still looks different from David when he's properly dressed.


 David almost performed a public boar growl for him, but he held it down and tried his best to discredit Shi Yan Yu, "What kind of charisma can he have, don't you know, he loves to badmouth people behind their backs!"


 Nada pressed down the smile at the corner of her mouth and said seriously, "... But he said it to your face too."


 David feels like he is disliked by Nada, obviously he was listening to whatever he said before, but now within half a day, he's falling back towards Shi Yan Yu?


 David clenched his fists tightly, angry as an angry boar arching over green grass, but as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he became resigned, "I can't believe you're defending him!"


 Nada said, "I'm just telling the truth."


 David wouldn't hear of it, accusing, "You're just defending him! You actually do think he's better looking than me!"


 Nada: "??"


 David nearly burst into tears when he looked at him and didn't say anything, "I can't believe you didn't retort! I didn't realize you could read faces so superficially!"


 After saying that, turned around and ran, also because of running in a hurry, almost slipped and fell, holding a bit of the wall to stabilize the body, since I feel that again in front of Nada lost face, even more do not dare to turn back, and soon ran out of shadow.


 Nada: "..."


 He couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips in a smile.


 David didn't return to his dorm room that night, and Nada didn't panic.


 He Tyler steadily doing his own thing, Shi Yan Yu called him and opened his mouth to ask for his bank card after he gave him money.


 Nada said, "If you want to make friends with him, just approach him properly, why bother."


 Shi Yan Yu does not smile, the tone is also cold, "What do you know, every time I good face relative, he fell to me more and more bad, think I will harm him, at least before the relationship is good, now actually so speculate me."


 Adding, "Don't give me a no, if you do, I'll let Chi Yaoming seduce him and then I'll backtrack and say he seduced my boyfriend, but I'll forgive him and he'll become friends with me out of guilt."


 Nada: "????"


 Nada's face was expressionless, "So that's what you were thinking when you brought that Chi Yaoming here?"


 Shi Yan Yu said, "Otherwise, do you think I would have gotten involved with that guy Qi Yaoming?"


 Nada quoted the card number, "Call this card and I will help you."


 Shi Yan Yu said with satisfaction, "You're quite on the ball, when I become his best friend and he wants to break up with you, I'll put in a good word for you."


 Nada smiled slightly, "... That won't be necessary."


 Shi Yan Yu said, "Yes, it's a matter of courtesy, making this deal with me, you'll only have benefits, no harm."


 Another warning, "The deal between the two of us is not to be revealed to David."


 Hanging up, Nada exhaled and sent David a message, "When are you planning on coming back? The hosts are going to be checking the dorms and you'll get demerits."


 David didn't get back to him.


 Nada didn't ask again.


 David is not so bad as to be on the street, he asked for a luxury presidential suite, took a shower and sat on the bed reflecting that he actually shouldn't have flung his face at Nada, and that Shi Yan Yu was too good at attracting butterflies to be blamed.


 At that time in school it was like this, Shi Yan Yu when he was a child studying late, three years older than him, but only one grade higher than him, but up to the teacher, down to the schoolgirls and even the elementary school section of the schoolgirls are very fond of him, love letters are indeed more than their circle of people to receive more.


 David is so puzzled that he walks to the bathroom and looks in the mirror, and to be fair, he does think he looks better than Shi Yan Yu.


 And he doesn't think anyone is better looking than Nada, and Nada actually finds others more attractive than him!


 Anger! I can't believe he's not the most handsome in Nada's heart!


 David posted a somber note to his friends, "The clown turned out to be myself."


 And sneakily blocking Nada.


 He was one of those who rarely posted friends, and as soon as this one was posted, he received a lot of likes and comments.


 Alex asked him, "Did you have a fight with your lover? Don't be sad, there are plenty of schoolboys out there. Want to come out for a drink? I'll introduce you to a boy, he's also a bully, he's not bad, come and get to know him?"


 Hua Rong commented on him, "Want to chat with me? I'll calculate a cheaper rate for you, just 300 an hour, count it as a discount for introducing clients to me."


 Adolf sent him a string of "..."




 David dropped his phone and heard the message beep again, he picked it up and saw that it was a message from Nada.


 Don't even try to coax him! Let him off the hook!


 David dropped his cell phone; he was going to hang Nada out to dry!


 After just a long wait and not seeing Nada continue to look for him, David pressed on, picked up his cell phone again, thought long and hard, and typed out, "I'LL BE BACK TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


 The addition of two exclamation points gave vent to his disgruntled anger, as Nada must have been able to see.


 David smugly shaking his leg, waiting for Nada to return the message, time passed, David shook his thighs almost cramped, really unbearable when Nada returned to him, "Oh."


 David: "..."


 Grass, so...so cold!


 David collapsed his batch face and typed indignantly as if Nada was right in front of him, "I won't be back for a few days!!!"


 Nada spaced out for another ten minutes before replying, "Oh, I see."


 David: "..."


 Still no response? So cold?


 Grass, careless, he's quite the clown.



David begins to reflect on himself, first of all he must agree that Shi Yan Yu does have a nice face.


 Isn't it too petty for him to be angry over this? That way the stars will think he's the narrow-minded man.


 No ... not right, he is not because he is jealous of Shi Yan Yu handsome ah, he is because ... because ----


 Because Nada says Shi Yan Yu is more handsome than him! More charming!


 He's angry about that, and he's having a particularly hard time with it.


 Just the thought of Nada saying it made him feel bad.


 He can't tolerate Nada having eyes for men more handsome and attractive than him!


 David started shaking his legs again, he thought for a long time and bravely sent a message to Nada saying, "Why don't you even ask me why I didn't come back to my dormitory, do you know that staying out at night will result in demerits and disciplinary action? You don't care about me at all."


 This time Nada was quick to reply, "I think you're such a big man, you should have your own ideas, I'm just your friend, I can't control you too much."


 David looks at him, and feels uncomfortable again, how can Nada not care about him! He doesn't care about him at all!


 David suddenly froze, eh? Since when did he think Nada cared about him?


 David messages Nada again, but in a much softer tone, with some very understated hints, "You could have minded me more, it's not like I care about that."


 Nada didn't return this time.


 David pressed on, continuing to type, "How many points did I get for not going back to bed?"


 Nada slowly replied, "I got your homeroom teacher to write a note of excuse and you didn't get a demerit."


 David: "..."


 He asked weakly, "Did you know I wouldn't go back to my dorm room?"


 Nada said, "Be prepared, don't want you to get demerits."


 David's heart perked up and he jumped down on his own, "I don't want to get demerits, I'll go back tomorrow."


 Nada: "Oh."


 David lay in bed looking at the dialog box with Nada with some unspoken sweet joy in his heart.


 David couldn't help but send Nada what looked like a complaint but was really more of a pout, "I'm pissed off and you don't even have anything to say?"


 Nada seconds back, "What? Are you angry?"


 David: "??"


 Nada asked, "Why are you angry?"


 David sent a string of "...'s" and after a moment, squirmed before saying, "I got mad because you said he was more attractive than me."


 Nada asked, "Just because of that? You can't be that small-minded, can you?"


 David fumed, "It's not a matter of being small-minded, I just never thought anyone would be better looking than you!!!"


 The more David thought about it, the angrier he got, and angrily typed down a long sentence and sent it out, "In my heart, you look the best! With you in front of me, I won't even look at anyone else! Nor will I think anyone else is better looking or more attractive than you! No one can compare to you!!!"


 As Nada watched, a thin red slowly welled up in her cheeks, a red that slowly deepened into a rich red.


 Red to the roots of his ears, red to his neck, so red that his roommate couldn't help but look at him and exclaim, "Nada, are you running a fever?"


 Nada said in a fake calm voice, "No, it's just too hot." He spoke before realizing his voice was hoarse.


 The roommate scratched his head, "Then I'll turn down the air conditioning?" Eight zero electronic book w w w . t x t 8 0 .CoM 


 Nada answered, but turned and walked to the bathroom.


 By now his fingers were hot, a little sweaty and a little sticky.


 Nada washed her hands, cupped the water to splash her burning cheeks, and waited until the heat on her face had dropped a bit before she messaged David back, "How many people have you said that to?"


 He said such things on purpose, of course, and he was pretty sure David supposed he hadn't said them to anyone else.


 David raged back, "Of course it's only for you! I don't even look at anyone else, okay!"


 Nada looked at the words and thought to herself that David was rather good at love talk.


 He was undeniably delighted by David's words, and his whole heart felt as soft and light as if it were about to blossom.


 Nada pressed a smile to the corner of her mouth and tried to say calmly, "Well, so do I."


 David: "... what you too?"


 Nada said, "So do I. You're the one in my heart."


 David mourned, "Isn't it too late for you to change your mind."


 Nada said, "It's not a change of words, it's the truth, it's just that you know, reason and emotion are two different things, from the analysis of the public's psychology, Shi Yan Yu, this kind of cold noble gentleman model, is indeed more popular with girls because of the sense of mystery. But from my personal psychology, you are the most attractive."


 David: "... Really? You're not lying to me, are you?"


 Nada: "Well, no kidding."


 David was very coaxing, he perked up all of a sudden, "So am I the most handsome in your mind?"


 Nada said, "Yeah, you're the best looking."


 And again, falsely, "I'm afraid that anyone who stays with you in the future will worry from time to time that you'll be seduced by someone else."


 David said, "Then you underestimate me, I'm not that kind of guy! As long as I'm married, I can't get a hard-on even if someone else is naked in my bed!"


 Proudly, he sent over the words, "I'm only hard on my wife!"


 Nada captures the point precisely, "... Can you get hard when someone else gets naked in your bed before you get married?"


 David said, "I can't say for sure about that one, haven't tried it, but I'm not a casual person, I won't have sex with anyone else until I'm married or I'll be sorry for my future wife."


 Nada: "Oh."


 Another precise capture from Nada: "... Speaking as if you have the experience of being married and someone else getting naked in your bed and you can't get a hard-on."


 David was just about to say that he had experienced this, when he suddenly reacted and quietly deleted it, racking his brain for a way to gloss over it.


 Nada watched the "Opponent is typing ..." on his head for about half a minute, and subconsciously furrowed his brows.


 Half a minute passed before David messaged, "Hahahahaha no, I was just giving an example."


 Nada tapped her finger on the smooth cell phone screen and slowly exited the chat page to go to the web and search - "how to verify a man is a virgin"


 Before the page even came out, he turned it off with a red face, he was totally carried away by David.


 But then he couldn't figure out the faint sense of dissonance David gave him.


 It might not be so bad to say David lied to him, but there might be something he's not telling him.


 As for what it was about, Nada wondered for a moment.


 David was coaxed by Nada, but it was a quick demoralization.


 As soon as he went back, Nada told him, "If Shi Yan Yu appears in front of you again, just ignore him."


 David said, "I didn't want to pay attention to him in the first place, he's the one always hanging out in front of me."


 Nada said, "I mean, if he provokes you, you just don't hear him, pretend he doesn't exist, ignore him completely, and as long as you keep it up, I'll grant you a request."


 David got energized when he heard that he could make requests, "Any requests?"


 Nada nodded, "Whatever you want."


 David said shyly, "Is it okay to be horny?"


 Nada's eyelids fluttered, "What color?"


 David said, "All men, you know."


 He winked at Nada and hemmed and hawed.


 Nada: "..."


 He slid the knot in his throat a few times, averted his gaze, and said, "Whatever you say anyway, as long as you keep it."


 David stood at attention and gave him a salute, "YES ASIR, PROMISE TO COMPLETE THE MISSION!!!"


 Trying to piss David off, huh? And pimp David out, right?Nada smiled slightly.




 After the exams were over, Nada was slightly less stressed and could stop going to the library so often for a while.


 He was still a big believer in studying in such a way as to combine work and rest, so after an extremely hard day's work, he decided to give himself a few days off.


 David got distracted with something else and the test was less than ideal, but within acceptable limits.


 So it's not really a concern that you'll fail the course.


 These days, Shi Yan Yu seems to know that they have to take the exam, so he didn t look for him, but the money is still playing as usual.


 It's also really calling in at 11,000 a day, and it's also really laying down the cash.


 But Nada wasn't going to make that deal with him in the first place, if he hadn't counted on this David thing being too much for him to bear.


 The way he thinks is wrong enough when he's even counting on friendship.


 If he had been gracious enough to communicate with David and get along with him, he would have thought highly of him.


 He said he holds a grudge.


 After the exams were over, Shi Yan Yu did come to him frequently.


 He spoke to David as if nothing had happened, and both of them ignored Shi Yan Yu.


 Shi Yan Yu looked at Nada and then at David, called out to Nada and showed him his new sports car, "Want to sit in it and try it out? I'm willing to let you ride in my passenger seat."


 Nada looked at this car of his and said to David, "Doesn't your family have a lot of sports cars?"


 David replied, "Yeah, one garage wouldn't fit, and a special oversized garage was built to store it."


 And afraid of Nada think he spread waste, quickly dumped: "But all my father bought, he loves cars and watches, the family only so many cars."


 Nada said, "No wonder you change one a day to drive."


 David says, "Changing one a day isn't because I'm vain, it's because it's important to maintain the car."


 Nada asks, "Who will you give your passenger seat to?"


 David said, "The passenger seat doesn't do it, the front row is all chauffeur driven to, we super rich kids don't drive ourselves."


 Shi Yan Yu: "..."


 Shi Yan Yu had a cold face with blank eyes, "That ..."


 David said, "I just learned a cold point of knowledge."


 Nada asked, "What?"


 David said, "It's the steel door that opens wide when the whale is defecating, and it's going to be in a lot of pain."


 Nada: "It's sad, but that's something hardly anyone knows."


 David says, "And here's a cold fact: Our national treasure in the United States, the panda, has surpassed 1,000 and has gone from endangered species to vulnerable!"


 Nada said, "This is a good thing, it shows that the country attaches great importance to the survival environment of national treasures, and the number of pandas will increase in the future."


 Shi Yan Yu: "..."