
Chapter 55

Walking out of the flower room, Nada asked, "It's not good for you to leave him in the flower room like that, is it?"


 David froze for a moment, wrinkled his eyebrows, suddenly realized, "Yes, after all, some of the flowers in the flower room are still very valuable, if he breaks them, will I find him to pay for it?"


 Nada: "..."


 David said, "Have Auntie bring him some food later and keep an eye on him doing it."


 Nada: "... You're so smart."


 Being complimented, David coughed softly and said humbly, "Okay, okay, low profile."


 In the back of his mind was the thought that Nada really preferred him in his hardscrabble simplicity.


 It's only natural that he should be praised for taking such good care of his property!


 David was smug, his face an unabashedly happy grin.


 Nada looked at his expression, and knew that he hadn't thought of anything else. He lowered his eyes and sniffed at the delicate roses, and the scent of the flowers calmed his mind.


 Shi Yan Yu walked behind them, heard their conversation, paused in his steps, and said, "As a guest at the door, you don't invite me to sit at the door?"


 David heard his voice, turned his head to look, and said, "Why aren't you gone yet."


 The smile on Shi Yan Yu's face slightly tightened as he sighed and said, ''I didn't do anything to wrong you, did I? Why can't you talk to me properly? I remember you weren't like this before, right?"


 The combo went down, and David froze.


 Shi Yan Yu said, "I know you've heard a lot of rumors, but if I'm not bad for you, I'm a good person, right? Why are you treating me like this?"


 David responded, justifiably, "You're the gentleman on the outside, the villain behind the scenes."


 Shi Yan Yu: "Villain, me? You think I'm a villain?"


 David nodded gravely, "You are the villain!"


 Shi Yan Yu laughed coldly, "If I am a villain, which of those foxes and dogs around you are not?"


 Without waiting for David to speak, Shi Yan Yu continued, "You've been a poor judge of character since you were a child, I'd like to see what you'll end up with."


 David raged, "How dare you curse me!"


 Shi Yan Yu cold face, his own eyebrow bone eye sockets staggered, appear very deep, nose and high, jaw line sharp, the whole is very cold and detached bone phase, but he is able to rely on the smile will be this strong sense of indifference and detachment dispersed, more points of affinity and infectious, but also because of such a contrast, so that he himself is very personal charm.


 He said coldly, "I'm not cursing you, it's the truth."


 And again, "Since you don't welcome me, I'll just go."


 When he finished, he didn't even need David to say anything else, he turned around and walked away.


 David muttered, "Hurry up, I'm afraid I'll inhale air polluted by you if you stay a few more seconds!"


 Shi Yan Yu's footsteps didn't stop and he quickly moved away from both of them.


 David said indignantly to Nada, "You see, he has a bad heart, he just can't see me as good! And he curses me!"


 Nada: "... is not really a curse on you, you are now how good ah, and do not go with those friends of yours to drink and bubble bar, it is he took the vision of the past dynasty to see the present you, he was very wrong, have eyes not recognize the mountain."


 Upon hearing this, David's emotions immediately calmed and he shocked, "Yes, it's his vision that's wrong!"


 Nada asked with some curiosity, "Were you guys close as kids?"


 David thought for a moment and said: "It's not bad, it's all in a circle, the Shi family does the electronics industry, is also considered the industry leader, my father and his father relationship is not bad, that is, he is a bastard this thing did not break out when we also take him to play with, but this thing came out, but also two years ago, he and a woman and Shi Sishen that is, his father a piece of shopping, called the woman called mom, the world has no wall of penetration, everyone knows Shi Yan Yu is a bastard, the whole adoption this strange disgusting. Called that woman called mom, the world has no impermeable wall, everyone knows Shi Yan Yu is illegitimate, the whole adoption this out of the strange disgusting, to the present his aunt still do not know he is a bastard, but also to take him as a son to love, their own children are thrown to the back of the mind."


 Nada said, "Did no one go and tell the main house?"


 David said glumly, "I don't know, I wanted to sue at the time, but Alex told me to stay out of it, saying that if his big mom knew the truth and still continued to recognize Shi Yan Yu as her son, then I'd be in the wrong."


 "I think it's right, you don't know how much his big mom loves him, an adopted child, and she even came to the school to deliver tonic soup to him in person at the time of the exams, neither of her other two children got this treatment, if she knew the truth, she would be devastated, wouldn't she?"


 Nada thought for a moment and said, "If you don't know the truth, you'll be lied to for the rest of your life."


 David scratched his head and said, "But that would be happier, right? I've heard that Shi Yan Yu is okay with his big mom too."


 A generation ago when he was that age, that poor aunt seemed to still not know Shi Yan Yu was illegitimate, Shi Yan Yu was also good to her, just that his two brothers and one sister were all suppressed by him without any half excellence.


 All of them were born in wedlock and had a natural rejection of illegitimate children, not to mention that Shi Yan Yu knew the truth, which made it even more uncomfortable.


 It was also based on this that David went with the flow and kicked Shi Yan Yu out of their circle.


 He ended up hating Shi Yan Yu, but also because he fought with him, and that mouth had nothing good to say when he saw him.


 Nada didn't say much on the topic of Shi Yan Yu as he inserted the large bouquet of roses into a vase that was already filled with water.


 The cozy dining room seems to have become extremely present because of the rich red color.


 David suddenly had a jolt and said loudly, "I'm going to get my aunt to go over and watch him spray, but don't spray my dad's orchids to death, they cost millions of dollars a plant!"


 Turning on his heel, he went to find his aunt, and Nada couldn't even call out to him in time to see David run off like the wind.




 Qi Yaoming dragged himself home, and it was already almost evening.


 As soon as I entered the door, I saw a woman sitting in the living room's sofa in a daze, her face was so pale that she didn't have the slightest bit of blood, her wrists were wrapped in heavy gauze, and even then, there was still red blood seeping out of the gauze.


 Chi Yaoming didn't give the woman more than a glance, he quickly noticed the gift box on the table, he surprised himself by taking a few steps over to it and called out, "Wasn't it dad who came over?"


 The maid hurriedly explained, "This is a tonic sent over by your mom's friend, Auntie Li."


 Qi Yaoming's surprised expression immediately faded, revealing a very annoyed expression.


 He walked up to the woman and said in a bad tone, "Hey, can you stop this dead face all the time, you may be old but you have a nice face and a nice body, if you clean up and dress up, can dad not come home?"


 The woman ignored him, and Qi Yaoming raised his voice, "Did you hear that? Do you know that Dad transferred Qi Jin Yu and the others to my school? What use do you think you are, you can't help me fight for anything!"


 The more he talked, the angrier he got, and smashed a glass in front of the woman, who did nothing.


 Qi Yaoming was annoyed to the core and cursed in a low voice, "Idiot."


 Without looking at the woman, he turned and went back to his room.


 Even though he did half a day's work for David today, it was good to be in touch, and if his mom couldn't give him a boost, he'd have to fight for himself!


 He pulled out a picture with David's face on it, he took a breath, he was going to make David like him!


 What's so good about that one called Nada, cold and icy at a glance, he won't put down his body, but he's different, he's experienced, he can please and pamper, but anyone who's gay, no one will dislike him for this one, today David reacted coldly to him, it must be because of Nada's presence.


 Chi Yiu Ming clutched the photo, he must catch David.


 In their circle, even if there are gay people, they don't blatantly put it out in the open to be in a relationship, but in favor of David being open and honest.


 Unlike those random douchebags, David was serious, and if he could take David, even if he would end up breaking up, he wouldn't be disappointed with what he could get in the meantime.


 Chi Yaoming looked at the photo with an ambitious smile on his face.


 A sudden soreness in his lower back twisted his expression for a moment, and this David was really willing to let him carry that heavy of a sprinkler!


 Not only that, but he even sent his aunt to supervise his work!


 Qi Yaoming gritted his teeth, when he became David's boyfriend, he was going to settle today's account properly!




 That day Nada got out of class, and a classmate at the door called out to him, "Nada, someone's here to see you."


 Nada heard the lively chatter outside, assumed it was David, and didn't think much of it as she walked right out.


 But he didn't want it to be not David, but Shi Yan Yu, who was wearing a silver gray suit, standing in place with a cold face, and when he saw Nada come out, a smile gently appeared on that face of his.


 Nada frowned softly, "?"


 He walked to Shi Yan Yu's side and asked in a calm tone, "Are you looking for David?"


 Shi Yan Yu said, "No, I'm looking for you."


 Shi Yan Yu lowered his voice and asked, "How about going on a date with me?"


 Nada slowly typed a "?" .


 He frowned slightly, "What do you mean by that?"


 Shi Yan Yu said bluntly, "I want to poach David."


 Nada: "..."


 Shi Yan Yu looked at him and curved the corners of his lips, revealing a more affable and charismatic smile at Nada, "As long as the hoe is wielded well, there's no wall that can't be dug down, don't you think so?"


 Nada: "..."


 How is this drawing a bit like David.



Adolf attends a family party, this time still on his own.


 Because of his son's admission to a prestigious university, he has also made a big splash in front of his relatives, but because of his son's recent reckless investment, he has also suffered some anger.


 Just like this time, Qin Dejiang smiled and toasted to him, pulling Mat and saying to him, "Third brother, Wenxuan has grown so big now, see if you can give him a hand."


 Adolf said slowly, "What do I have to offer, he's got a good father too, he shouldn't need me, right?"


 Qin Dejiang face slightly condensed, the entire Qin family only Adolf can constantly come up with money, others only rely on Adolf's a shell company to get dividends, he does not have Adolf this ability, can come up with tens of millions of hundreds of millions of dollars for his son to fool around.


 The liquidity in his hand is only twenty million dollars.


 But investing in something like this was also extremely risky, and he couldn't understand why Adolf would condone David, who knew nothing about it.


 Qin Dejiang asked with fake concern: "I heard that Zhong Yue recently bought a piece of barren land? Why don't you, as a father, give us some advice? X City is an 18th-tier city, so what kind of profit can you make from buying a piece of land, even if you're playing, you can't play so blindly, can you? If you really can't, take Wenxuan with you, he knows everything about this and can help you."


 Adolf wouldn't be Adolf if he couldn't see his tricks. Whenever there's bad news about David, these people bring their own sons to them, thinking that if David can't do it, they can?


 Adolf played Tai Chi as usual, casually stabbed Qin Dejiang a few sentences, later even Qin Yuanmian heard about this matter, called Adolf to the front, said to him: "forward ah, the more the more so play, how do you also indulge ah, our family even if rich, but also can not be allowed to let him so defeat ah, you don't give him any more money, there is a heart, you give Wenxuan a company to manage, and the MinMin ..."


 Qin Yuanmian shouted out the names of all his grandchildren in one breath.


 Adolf face expressionless, he has long been accustomed to Qin Yuanmian's "a bowl of water leveling", but to take his things to level other people's shortages, he can not accept.


 Adolf then said, "The more the merrier has his own opinion, I trust him."


 Qin Yuanmian slapped the table, "Why are you so disobedient! What's wrong with you? Yue Yue is good in school, but not in business, if you continue like this, the Qin family business will be ruined by you."


 Adolf said steadily, "If he loses, I'll make it back, and it won't hurt."


 After saying that, he picked up his cell phone, and in front of Qin Yuanmian and a group of younger siblings, he called David another fifty million dollars, with a confident face, shocking voice: "A tiger's father is not a dog's son, I believe in my son!"


 All Relatives: "..."


 Qin Yuanmian was so angry that he was shaking, "You loser! Piss me off!"


 How did he give birth to such a confused son!


 Adolf said with concern, "Dad don't be angry, you're not in good health, too much anger makes you prone to cerebral thrombosis heart attack stroke, these are fatal, you have to pay attention to your emotions and mind your own business."


 Qin Yuanmei: "... Are you cursing me!?"


 Adolf expression surprised and rich: "Dad, I am concerned about you ah, to this age, you have to pay attention to rest ah, the more the more things you don't care, he is my son, I have the money to let him lose, other people are not my son, I can not control."


 Qin Yuanmei: "..."


 Too angry to speak, and with no way to hit Adolf because he's in a wheelchair, he has to have a nanny wheel him into his room, out of sight, out of mind.


 The family feast is still continuing, but Qin Yuanmian can not eat, he found an excuse to disappear.


 Walking out of the old mansion, he received a message from his son, "Dad, why did you suddenly give me fifty million dollars? How embarrassing this is! Then I'll accept it without ceremony!!!"


 Adolf messaged back, "Wrong number, you turn it back around for me."


 David: "..."


 Adolf urges, "Hurry up!"


 David turned back in resignation.


 This back and forth has removed more than ten thousand dollars in fees and Nada would be heartbroken if she knew. thought David.


 Adolf re-transfers him the account and David looks at it and it's another fifty million dollars, "???"


 What's wrong with his dad?


 Adolf called him, "Good boy, no mistake in sending it this time."


 David: "..."


 Adolf: "If you lose everything, I'll recognize Nada as my godson."


 David was shocked, "That won't do!"


 Adolf: "?"


 David said, "I'm taking Nada as my wife the year after next."


 Adolf: "????"


 Adolf was incredulous, yet it felt as if it made sense, "... So you guys are in a relationship now?"


 David: "Huh? In a relationship? No."


 "..." Adolf: "So you're talking about taking Nada as a wife?"


 David commiserated, "Yeah, but Nada's still straight now."


 Adolf: "..."


 Adolf: "????"


 Allow him to have a cigarette to calm down.


 After half a cigarette, Adolf asked, "So how are you going to marry him as a wife when he's straight?"


 David says somberly, "If you work hard enough, you can grind an iron bar into a needle!"


 Adolf: "..."


 Adolf cautioned him, "The boy has a solid heart, you'd better have a little plan, if you want to take him as your wife go after him in a dignified manner, otherwise if you go straight to the proposal he might say yes to you because of the kindness you've done him."


 David laughed at that, "I thought he'd say yes to me too!"


 Adolf: "??"


 Adolf said, "I mean, he probably won't say yes to you because he likes you, but because he can't bear to part with you."


 David asked rhetorically, "What's the difference? Just say yes, ah, if not ..." He thought for a moment, "Then I'll ask again!"


 "In ancient times, there was Liu Bei's three visits to his hut, and now there's my David's three marriage proposals! I'm so sincere he'll definitely say yes!"


 Adolf: "..."


 Adolf hung up the phone with a numb look on his face while sending a message to David, "Son, Dad please, just leave Nada alone, really."


 David scratched his head and wrote back to Adolf, "Dad, don't recognize him as your son or we'll be brothers messing with x and people will laugh at us."


 Adolf: "..."


 David didn't look at his phone when he saw that Adolf didn't send any more messages over, only not a moment later, his roommate sent him a picture, "Brother, this guy is here to see Nada, do you recognize him?"


 David took a look and jumped, isn't that Shi Yan Yu? Next to him is Nada, the two of them are standing together talking about something!


 David immediately made a phone call to Nada.


 Nada's side answered the phone with a normal tone, "What's up?"


 David huffed, "Who are you with now?"


 Nada sensed the dissatisfaction in his tone, glanced at Shi Yan Yu, and honestly said, "I'm with Shi Yan Yu."


 David questioned, "What are you doing with him? Why don't you listen to me?"


 Nada said, "I listened, but he said he was going to troll you, he seemed to think I was your date."


 David said angrily, "I told you he didn't have good intentions! And digging me up, he didn't even look at who you are! How can you be something he can just dig up!"


 Nada: "..."


 This man, forever grasping at the wrong point.


 Nada sighed and said, "Yeah, he can't dig because you don't have a wall."


 David said, "Where are you now, stand still, I'll be right with you."


 Nada glanced at Shi Yan Yu, who smiled at him and didn't object, so he sent the address to David.


 Hanging up the phone, Nada looked at Shi Yan Yu and asked, "Still dating?"


 Shi Yan Yu said, "About ah, three people is not impossible."


 Nada could kind of see through him, but could sense he meant no harm as he thought about it and asked, "You like David?"


 Shi Yan Yu asked, "Which favorite are you talking about?"


 Nada said, "You know which one I mean."


 Shi Yan Yu said, "The kind of like that won't cut your corners."


 Nada's heart skipped a beat as he looked away and said in a light tone, "I'm not in that kind of relationship with him."


 Shi Yan Yu didn't care about that, in fact he was still a very cold person by nature, even if he could disguise himself as affectionate.


 The two didn't speak again, and after a while, David called Nada to confirm the location, and in this process of him rushing here, Shi Yan Yu suddenly said, "I do like him, he's very sincere and enthusiastic, like the sun, all life tends to the light, and I'm no exception."


 Nada glanced at him, and Shi Yan Yu's eyes flickered slightly, his ears flushed a faint thin red as he whispered, "But it's just that it's a fondness for a dear friend."


 Shi Yan Yu watched David run towards them in stride and said, "I cherish this friendship, but it seems like I'm the only one who cares."


 "So, want to make a deal?"


 Nada: "... What's the deal?"


 Shi Yan Yu: "I'll pretend to woo you and then pay you 5,000 dollars per day."


 Nada: "????"


 He couldn't figure out Shi Yan Yu's brain circuits, "Why are you pursuing me?"


 Shi Yan Yu's cold face revealed a nasty smile, "I want to see his furious expression."


 Nada: "..."


 Shi Yan Yu said, "In the end, I didn't catch up with you, he must have taken pity on me, and in the end, he reached a settlement regardless of the past, and we became friends again."


 Nada: "..."


 Shi Yan Yu had a confident look on his face and said, "This is called fighting poison with poison."


 Nada: "......"


 He finally realizes why Shi Yan Yu resonates with David, emotional brains are not so good.


 Shi Yan Yu saw that he didn't say anything and frowned slightly, "Too little? Then ten thousand a day, don't go overboard, I treat him as a friend, if the two of you break up, I can still blow in your ear, it won't do you any harm. If Alex's group of people, if you two have a bad breakup, they will definitely clap their hands and send women to his bed every other day."


 "... Ten thousand and one thousand, no more, don't be so greedy as a human being." Shi Yan Yu indifferently warned.


 Nada: "..."