
Chapter 54

Nada and David went out together for the weekend.


 In fact, the two of them have been to most of the beautiful places in Kyoto, but the same place, the same people, the mood is different every time they visit.


 David was tall and handsome, Nada wasn't too bad either, and he always got a few peeks when he walked down the street.


 Nada had been by David's side the whole time, and he'd seen clearly that David had never been approached by a girl, and that his cell phone had really managed to stay clean.


 This place is very different from A city, just like now at this time, there is a beautiful and exquisite looking boy in fashionable clothes, encouraged by his companions, took the initiative to come over to talk to him, his face slightly flushed, a little shy, "That, can I ask for a contact information from you?"


 He naturally asked David, Nada although good-looking, but the appearance is also too pretty showy, also looks very quiet look, not as good as David looks handsome and sunny, so and David when standing together, he will always be ignored.


 David is picking out a cell phone charm at the booth, and is still a little confused when he hears the boy ask, "Are you talking to me?"


 The boy nodded nervously and David said, "No."


 The boy was about to say something, but David had already been experienced enough to take Hua Rong's business card out of his pocket and hand it to the boy, then spoke to Nada as if nothing had happened, "Do you like this little penguin pendant? It's so chubby and cute."


 The boy was a bit embarrassed, but still pinched the business card and left, not a moment later, turned back, pointed to a not too far behind a fairly handsome man, said to Nada: "He wants to ask you for contact information, is it convenient for you?"


 Lowering his voice again, he snuck in, "He's big, he can make you feel good."


 Nada: "..."


 The boy tried to keep his voice down but David still heard some of the words and he snapped his face down and pushed him, shaking his fist, "I'm going to hit you if you say another dirty word!"


 The boy was taken aback by him and muttered, "If you don't give it, don't give it, what are you so angry about, really."


 With that, he turned around and ran.


 David looked over at Nada and said, "That's bad luck, I'll clean your ears."


 With that, he grabbed one of Nada's ears and blew air into it.


 Nada's ears are very sensitive, usually when David lowers his voice and talks in his ear, it makes his ears flushed with a thin layer of red, now that he's so blatantly blowing in his ears, it makes Nada that much more annoyed, he pushes David away and says, "No need to blow, I didn't hear you."


 Scratching his head, David pulled his headphones out of his pocket, plugged in his cell phone, and shoved the headphones into Nada's ears.


 When Nada listens, it's a piano song.


 David said seriously, "Purify your mind."


 "My mind has been defiled by you a thousand times." Nada said with a grimace.


 David exclaimed, "How can that be! Where have I dishonored you?"


 Nada said with a grimace, "Don't move to come out naked and naked from the shower and ask me if I'm big. My eyes got dirty from you a long time ago."


 David was about to say something back when a voice called out to him from behind him and he turned his head to see that it was Alex and the others.


 David greeted them with a smile and asked, "What are you doing?"


 Alex said, "Going to Sam's new nightclub to support him."


 After a pause, in a joking tone, he said, "You've been a busy man these past two months, you can't get through on the phone, and you're ignoring people when they look for you on px."


 David said sincerely, "I've been too busy, really, and didn't mean to be perfunctory."


 Alex laughed, "I know, my family knows all about what you've been up to lately." None of it was good, of course, and a lot of people were waiting to see the jokes, but there was no need for Alex to talk to him about these things, "... So are you coming or not?"


 "Come what?"


 "Still playing dumb with me, come to the club with us." Alex said.


 Although he had a big trouble with Jack, David and Alex were still on good terms, it was not good to refuse, but he still had to accompany Nada to shop, only weighing a few seconds, David hesitantly spoke, "Forget it, I'm not going, I'm going to accompany Star to the snack street."


 As soon as Nada heard about nightclubs, her eyes went off, and internally she didn't want him to go to nightclubs, so she didn't pretend to be generous enough to open her mouth and tell him to leave him alone.


 Alex looked at David, then at Nada, and said, "No point, never mind, we're going then."


 David said seriously, "Make it up to you next time."


 Alex waved his hand and walked away with the others, waiting until David and Nada were out of sight before someone said, "David is totally leaving us behind for a guy."


 "But I don't think the two of them are getting it on, the boy looks like he's never been buggered, he's so green."


 "The schoolteacher's a tough bone to crack, and David hasn't gotten his meat on yet, so I guess he's serious."


 "It's useless to be serious, it's been almost half a year and you still haven't gotten someone into bed, how old are you and you're still playing this game, you can't really be in love with someone, can you?"


 "What's the point of a man, it's not fun, it's all hard, and he has pretty unique tastes."


 Even though Alex hadn't told them about Nada's relationship with David, the men saw Nada's looks and pressed on to think the best.


 Although they were both still 17 or 18 years old, they were already too old when it came to sex, and the vocabulary they used to talk about it was getting dirtier and dirtier.


 Alex spoke up to stop it, "That's enough, stop it."


 His stopping didn't stop the others from talking, even a teenager with dyed red hair licked his lips and leapt to his feet saying, "Eh I say Alex you're close to David, next time you try it out, if it works I want to give it a shot."


 Alex craned her head to look at him, "Try what?"


 The teenager said, "Just try a man, ah, if David is not so serious and chasing casually, you'll form a group and let me taste that schoolboy too."


 Alex raised his cell phone, "I recorded it and will send it to David later."


 Junior: "..."


 Alex retrieved his cell phone and said, "Cut the crap, David's not like us."


 He thought of David's pride in his virginity, which was incredible to this day.


 Alex is used to play, around in addition to David are also like him love to play the same people, their circle is like this, play, play also messy, pure hedonism, to David that kind of pure ideas can not be understood.


 To this day, he still can't understand it, and he wants David to know the joys of the flowery world, now enamored of a man for nothing more than the novelty of the first time.


 This shallow freshness couldn't stand the wear and tear of time, and he figured it would only be a year or two at most before David lost interest.


 After all, that's what men do.


 What is in Alex's mind, the teenager does not know, only to Alex wanted to tell off the behavior is very upset, but still closed his mouth, but in the heart of the mind is thinking, where is the difference, are men, always eat a dish, there will always be tired of the mouth of the time.


 Thinking of Nada's face again, some of his heart itched, although he wasn't good at the whole man thing, beauty was common, it would be extremely interesting to crush such a cold-faced pretty boy underneath him, and watch him struggle angrily.


 But right now David was watching closely, he had to wait until he got bored with his mouth, and there was no rush, the food was worth the wait.




 David took Nada back to his house, where Adolf was rarely at home, and Nada was familiarizing herself with the feeling of being in Adolf's house and getting more comfortable.


 He was able to feel Adolf's thoughtful attentiveness to him, something the two of them were rather the same as father and son.


 All carefully tending to his ego.


 Nada didn't feel like the type of person who would have very high self-esteem when it came to her family or anything else, but of course, that only existed in a purely friendly relationship.


 Once you think otherwise, it feels like you will indeed bow down before David.


 So he wasn't in a hurry for David to say anything intelligible to him, and that state of affairs was just fine.


 He doesn't bother throwing David bait, and is comfortable kicking away from David's bait on him and not continuing to pick it up.


 The mind backfires.


 He took a sip of honey grapefruit tea, which was handmade by David's aunt at home, the original flavor, much better than the taste of the ones bought outside, and he liked it so much that David would bring it to his dormitory from home, and he unconsciously drank it for almost a summer.


 David shows him his planner, looking at Nada with anticipation in his eyes.


 Nada went through it carefully and made a few suggestions of his own, David's eyes lit up and he gave him a thumbs up, "You're really an old capitalist, and you're too skillful at cutting leeks!"


 No one would fail to react when they were affirmed and complimented, and neither did Nada, who curled his lips into a slight smile.


 Although David looks naive, the arrangements in his planner are so ingenious that Nada can't help but change her mind about David and ask, "Did you write all this yourself?"


 David says, "I wrote the vast majority of it myself, and my dad gave some advice and helped me change it."


 Nada said, "It's good, it's perfected, it's just waiting for funding."


 David's two eyes burned as he said, "If my dad doesn't give it, I'll ... get down on my knees and beg him!"


 Nada felt irrepressibly pleasant just being around David, he curved his eyes slightly, tamping down the gleam in his eyes, "What time have you asked him for it that he hasn't given it to you, it's not as bad as getting down on your knees, is it?"


 David said with a deep look on his face, "I'm just saying, my dad still loves me and hasn't put any pressure on me since I was a kid. But I used to just think that he knew everything and was as reliable as a mountain, so I relied on him as a matter of course, but now I'm thinking, he's tired too, he's going to get old too, and if I don't stand up for myself, he'll have to be ridiculed by others for being a tiger's father and a dog's son when he's old, and I don't want to let him be awesome for the rest of his life, and then in the end, be ridiculed by others for not having a good son."


 Adolf walked to the door just in time to hear the words, and with some incredulity, he looked over to confirm that it was really his son who had spoken them, and couldn't help but feel his eyes burning as his nose turned sour.


 Nada listened and was also very moved by the fact that David had not changed in the usual way.


 Soon, however, he watched as David said with a bright face, "He loves me so much, I'll ask him for five hundred million dollars later, it shouldn't come to the part where I get down on my knees and beg him, right?"


 Nada: "..."


 Adolf: "..."



David ended up not being able to get the money from Adolf.


 David was disappointed, "Dad, you don't love me anymore, do you have another son out there?"


 Adolf sneered, and said, "I wish."


 Although David is only seventeen years old, but also has more than one meter eight big man, with Adolf pampering actually is not very contrary, "Dad you do not get angry, angry to the body is not good, Dad we are a family, you have to have a little faith in me ah, the stars are all the whole family as a vote for me, you as a father how can you lose ah?"


 Adolf said, "You want too much, I can't afford it."


 David looked at Nada with a look of determination in his eyes that said, "It looks like I'm going to have to get on my knees."


 Adolf suddenly loosened his tongue at this time, "Although our family is rich, but the money you want can't be obtained in a short time, you do it first, and I'll give you money again if you have any results, so it's okay, isn't it?"


 David jumped up in surprise, hugged Adolf and kissed him hard on the cheek, "Dad I really super love you!"


 Adolf pushes him away in disgust, "Such a big man, still kissing me in the face, get lost."


 David and Nada left the living room and David said to Nada with a hefty grin, "You see, my dad still loves me."


 Nada nodded, Adolf was indeed spoiling David with no boundaries.


 David scratched his head, and said, "Even though I was thinking about taking money from my dad, I meant what I said."


 Nada looked at him with obvious doubt in her eyes, and David said, "My dad does have a hard time, he's just one person and has so many decisions to make, I think it's better for me to share a little bit of it with him if I can."


 Nada was watching David grow from mindless to the thinking man he was now, and suddenly he really understood the point of how reliable a man could be when he grew up.


 David thought for a moment and added, "I don't know how to manage a company, even if I learn, and I still shouldn't be able to inherit the family business in the future, but when the time comes, we can hire the most reliable and powerful professional manager to help take care of the company so that both of us can be idle."


 Nada blinked at his "we" and tried not to take it personally, but a wave rippled through her.


 David fell back to smiling heartlessly at Nada at this point, a mouthful of white teeth shining, "You shouldn't work too hard either, you've got dark circles under your eyes."


 Nada: "Does ... have it?"


 David said, "Yes."


 He reached out and gently rubbed his warm fingers over the skin under his eyes, "Here, just this one, it's still light, it'll go away nicely, but you'd better get some sleep or it won't look good."


 Nada returned to her room and walked over to her dresser mirror to take a closer look, she did have some dark circles under her eyes, but they were also from having to take exams recently.


 Touching his face again, it felt a little dry, he thought about it and boarded a shopping app and bought a few skincare products from it.


 The following day, David and he were outside in the flower room pruning flowers when a maid ran in and said someone was looking for them.


 David walks out to see that it's actually Shi Yan Yu, and he's accompanied by a boy who looks somewhat familiar.


 Shi Yan Yu smiled when he saw him, "I came back from Y City and happened to pass by your house, so I came over to see you."


 David boarded up his face and grunted, "You're not welcome."


 Shi Yan Yu said, "We're all old friends, why be so contentious, it's not like I have any bad intentions towards you."


 He just looked kind of coldly handsome, froze anyone who saw his face would never think he would smile like that to speak to David.


 The boy next to him had obviously never seen him in this form either, and thus his eyes widened in some shock.


 Nada inexplicably felt a bit uncomfortable, he was fairly accurate in reading people, he saw that although Shi Yan Yu was in a casual stance, there was a certain seriousness in his eyes.


 Shi Yan Yu is a person that can't be read.


 David, however, did not notice this, and he frequently went to look at the boy next to Shi Yan Yu, his brows furrowing slightly.


 Shi Yan Yu glanced at the boy and introduced, "His name is Qi Yaoming."


 David said, "Who cares what his name is, anyone who plays nice with you is not a nice person anyway."


 Shi Yan Yu laughed bitterly, "Hey, it's not so bad, what exactly have I done to hurt the world that you would think I'm a bad person?"


 David thought about it without saying anything too hurtful.


 Shi Yan Yu hadn't actually done anything more serious in his last life besides mocking and smearing him, it was just that he hadn't seen anyone who would be so persistent in going against himself, and who caught every opportunity to mock him.


 In his last life, when he married Nada, Shi Yan Yu had disdained him more than once in public, and had maliciously speculated that he was the one below, and had spoken harshly.


 But not knowing that there is no impermeable wall in this world, he can all know what Shi Yan Yu said about him behind his back.


 Shi Yan Yu is a villain!


 But in the end, he didn't say anything, although he was a villain, he couldn't speak ill of him, it wouldn't be good.


 David thought away, so his eyes that fell on Chi Yiu Ming never received a return.


 Nada grimaces and elbows him in the face.


 He used so much force that he stabbed David directly with an "Ow" of aggravation, "Stars! It hurts!!!"


 Nada's tone was cold, "What are you fuming about?"


 David said accusingly, "I was thinking about things."


 Nada said, "Thinking about things, I think you're mesmerized by looking at beautiful boys."


 His tone was unruffled, "You're such a horny, devil."


 David: "????"


 David exclaimed, "What colorful demon, star you don't slander me!"


 Nada looked at him and didn't say anything.


 David subconsciously began to explain, "I just looked at him and he looked familiar, and I thought how could he look familiar, and after thinking about it for a long, long time, I suddenly knew how he could feel familiar."


 Nada: "?"


 David said, "He seems to look a little like you."


 Nada froze and looked at Chi Yaoming.


 Chi Yaoming was a little nervous and gave him a smile with some pleasing implications.


 Nada frowned slightly, he didn't really think Chi Yaoming was like him in any way, but when David said that, he realized that it seemed like there was some resemblance.


 And the more you look at it, the more it seems to resemble.


 David whispered, "Right? It's a lot like that, isn't it?"


 Nada nodded, "Kind of."


 Shi Yan Yu looked at the atmosphere of the two of them that was as if no one else was there and frowned lightly, glancing at Qi Yaoming with some disgust.


 Qi Yaoming, however, did not notice Shi Yan Yu's eyes as he struggled to interject himself into the conversation, "Brother Zhong Yue, are you working? I can help you."


 He said as he gave David an almost milky-sweet smile.


 Although he bears a slight resemblance to Nada, he is more on the side of that soft, showy, harmless as a bunny rabbit, as opposed to Nada's cold and pretty.


 David replied, "No, we're in the middle of something, you guys hurry up and delay my work."


 In the time it took him to say this, Qi Yaoming had already boldly walked over to the flower rack outside the flower room and picked up the work apron hanging on it, to tie it around his waist, "Brother, don't look at me like this, I'm very capable, so just let me help you."


 His self-conscious behavior surprised and amused David a little, "Okay then, you help."


 Nada: "..."


 David walked into the large glass flower room, his family's flower room is as large as four hundred square feet, like a botanical garden, although it is almost the beginning of the fall season, but the flower room is still full of countless flowers, once you walk in, as if you are in the spring, the nose is a variety of flowers intertwined with the fragrance of the fragrance, so that a person slightly intoxicated.


 David doesn't care about Shi Yan Yu and doesn't give Shi Yan Yu a wink, but Shi Yan Yu cheekily follows him.


 With a bright smile on his face, David said to Chi Yiu Ming, "Why don't you move that planter over there."


 said, pointing his finger at a large planter not far away where ironwood trees were planted almost half a man high.


 Chi Yiu Ming: "..."


 Chi Yao Ming: "????"


 Qi Yaoming said with some aggravation, "Will it be too big for me to move."


 David said, "No, you're a boy, it doesn't make sense that you can't move such a flower pot... Are you suffering from yang deficiency? Yang deficiency does cause physical weakness." He was a little disappointed, "Forget it then, you can't help, you go, I'll do it myself."


 Chi Yiu Ming: "..."


 Isn't it obvious that he's not a man?


 Shi Yan Yu and Nada didn't hold back their laughter.


 Seeing Nada smile, Chi Yaoming's face changed slightly and said with an aggrieved face, "Why doesn't this brother move? He should be stronger than me, right?"


 David was astonished, "Are you kidding, how can he do this kind of rough work, his hands will be rough ok, he just needs to trim off the necrotic flower branches and spray them."


 Chi Yiu Ming: "..."


 David: "Are you going to help or not? If you're not going to help, get out of here and don't make a mess."


 Chi Yaoming bit his lip and said in an aggravated manner, "I'll do whatever my brother tells me to do."


 Said the man, and actually went to move the big flowerpot.


 David said, "Hold it up, it's easy to pick up, hey, you really kind of can't do it, aren't boys this age the strongest? How come you can't even hold up a flowerpot?"


 Chi Yiu Ming: "..."


 He had exerted all his strength, but he still couldn't hold the flowerpot.


 David just couldn't look at it anymore and pushed right through him, picking up the planter in one swift motion and moving it to the suet area not far away.


 Qi Yaoming looked pitiful and said, "I'm sorry brother, I didn't help brother."


 David put down the potted plant, patted the ash on his hands, and said to Qi Yaoming in a serious tone, "At your age you have such a little strength, it's really a little bit unreasonable, go and enroll in a gym, at least train your muscles ah."


 Shi Yan Yu turned his back and kept his shoulders shrugged, David noticed and huffed, "Shi Yan Yu what are you doing here?"


 Shi Yan Yu turned back, a smile on his face, the corners of his eyes moist, "Sorry, after so many years, you're still so interesting."


 David: "!!!"


 Don't think he doesn't know that he's taunting him!


 David, a little annoyed inside, collapsed his batch face and said, "Why don't you leave?"


 Shi Yan Yu smiled and said, "And you didn't kick me out."


 David said, "Then I'm kicking you out now, so hurry up."


 Shi Yan Yu put on his Bluetooth headphones, "I can't hear you."


 Grass! A man's got no shame!


 David calms his anger, he doesn't talk to this person! He walked to Nada's side, and his tone was instantly gentle, "Star, let's go over there."


 When she finished, Nada stifled a laugh and said calmly, "Good."


 Qi Yaoming's face went white and red, red and white, he didn't expect David to be able to be so cold and merciless, but he still followed behind David and shouted pitifully, "Brother, order me again, I will definitely do it for you this time."


 David thought for a moment, "Go spray then, the medicine is already formulated, you spray this whole flower room, don't leave any corner untouched."


 This is simple, Chi Yaoming pulled himself together and hurriedly listened to David's instructions and got a half-meter high sprinkler from the doorway.


 It was pretty heavy too, but within his reach, yet as he dawdled around not far from David spraying, he saw David cutting a large bouquet of roses and delivering them to Nada, his voice vibrant with the same sunny crispness as his own, "Stars, this bouquet is for you!"


 Nada reached out to take the bouquet of red roses that blazed and shone like fire, smiled up slightly and said, "Take it back to the vase."


 David said, "Come on then, let's go back."


 Qi Yaoming saw that after they finished speaking, they really turned around to go, so he couldn't help but be anxious, "Brother, are you guys just going to leave? What about me then?"


 David said, rightfully so, "I thought you said you wanted to help. Then it's a pain in the ass to spray."


 When he finished, he smiled a mouthful of white teeth at him, "Hard work."


 Qi Yaoming was dumbfounded, he was here to seduce David ah, how did he become doing hard labor?