
Chapter 32

"In that case, you do dream faster," Nada said, not so gently.

David was not aware of Nada's silence. He listened to Nada's words and said with a bright face, "I have had this dream, don't say, it was quite nice."

Nada: "..."

He was going to kill himself before he said David was smart.

He was a little weak, but soon he rallied, "In that case, I will tutor you."

David's eyes light up, so he can ask Nada the same question as Ekin?

His heart is very willing, but his mouth says: "How can this be shameless?" It won't affect your studies, will it? If it's because of me that you didn't get into Harvard, then I'm really sorry."

Nada said, "No."

He said seriously, "Since you said you were going to Harvard, go with you."

David looked at his earnest expression and inexplicably had a bad feeling.

Then I heard Nada say, "I'm going to ask my teacher for a sleepover. I'm going to stay at your house."

"I will give you a full study plan, as long as you strictly follow, I believe that even if only one month, you can improve two hundred points."

"Of course, I'll supervise you."

David: "..."

He swallowed and said, "Why not? I'm worried about your grades, and I've already hired a tutor. He is very experienced and has taught several Tsinghua students. I believe that if I follow him, I can also be admitted to Harvard."

Nada said seriously: "Can't forget it, the tutor is paid to teach you, do not dare to push you too hard, but I will not, I will push you to death."

David: "..."

He had seen enough of what it was like to be disciplined by Nada for five years, and he knew all too well how callous Nada could be when it came to managing a person.

Wasn't the purpose of his rebirth to escape a future under Nada's control? Why did you go around and back?

David's Adam's apple slides a few times, and his fearless expression, which was still bright, suddenly becomes cowardly, "I think..."

Before he finished speaking, Nada looked at him and said, "Don't you believe me? Don't think I can teach you?"

David's excuse, which he was trying to compose, was caught in his mouth, and his tone softened as he hit Nada's beautiful eyes. "... I do, of course I do, and you are so good that you can take me."

Nada nodded with satisfaction and said, "If it is convenient for me to live in your place for two months, I will apply to the teacher for a night out now."

David's eyes straightened and he said dryly, "... Of course, of course it's convenient, it's not convenient, hehe."

Nada said, "By the way, give me the number of your tutor and I'll contact him. Since you've hired him, let's do both."

David: "..."

Congratulations, he finally found himself a mother again.

David was depressed all day. His classmates asked him to play basketball. He wanted to refuse, but after a moment's thought, he had a premonition that this was the last indulgence.

As he was walking out of the classroom, Yoyo ran up and shouted "Brother" in an embarrassed manner.

David stared at him and said, "... Who are you again?"

Yoyo looks shocked and hurt, "Brother! You don't recognize me? I thought if we fought side by side, we could be more or less comrades in arms?"

Of course David remembers him. He was just teasing him. "Yoyo, I remember you."

Yoyo nodded wildly, "It's me! It's me! You have a good memory!!"

David held the basketball and asked him, "Do you want to play basketball?"

Yoyo hesitated and said, "OK!"

"You're a sports student," Denqi urged. "You have to give us some water."

Yoyo exclaimed, "Sure, do you see that sea?" That's all the water I put on my brother!"

Denqi laughed. "I can see it. The sea is in your head."

Several of the boys laughed.

Several people hugged each other to the basketball court, played basketball for a while, David's depression in the heart also vented a few points.

He came off the field in the middle, and a girl gave him mineral water, but before the water was shoved into his hand, a boy knocked off the girl and said loudly: "Buy my water!" I don't want change!"

David: "..."

He looked up and saw that many people were holding mineral water and wanted to send it to him.

David said, "I don't have any money with me today."

The girl who handed him water at the beginning still put mineral water into his hand, blushed and said: "No money, I give you to drink."

David returned the mineral water to the girl, a face of sunshine, "sorry, I don't drink free water."

Girl: "..."

The girl summoned up courage and asked, "Can I ask you for a contact information?"

David refused without thinking, "I'm sorry, the phone does not allow strangers."

At this time, Yoyo ran over, wiped his sweat, and said, "Brother, go sit down at the canteen?"

David nodded his head, not noticing that the girl was so embarrassed that he was about to cry, and followed Yoyo to the cafeteria.

Yoyo kindly precedes David by going to the grocery store to buy mineral water and popsicles and beckons David to sit down.

When David sits down, Yoyo offers water and in an embarrassed manner says, "Dude, I don't know if I should talk about this."

David is also not welcome, took the mineral water, twisted his neck up and drank a big mouth, "you tell me."

Yoyo said, "Actually, I was wondering if your family is still short of drivers."

David: "Huh?"

Yoyo blushed and whispered: "My father lost his job some time ago and has been unable to find a job. He worked as a driver for 20 years before, no matter whether it was passenger cars, buses, buses, oil transportation, there was no incident, but he is now old and his lumbar disc protrusion is very serious, and he can no longer do this job. I thought, brother, do you have this need? My father is fully competent."

David said, "I've had a chauffeur in my family for three years, so the chauffeur job is gone.

Yoyo was embarrassed and said, "Well, that's okay. I'm just asking. Don't take it to heart."

David said, "But my little uncle owns a company here. The company is run by my uncle's brother-in-law Qiyu. I'll call him to see if he needs a driver."

He was still very quick, immediately gave Qiyu a phone call, after asking, with Yoyo said: "Just ah, he fired a driver, your father is twenty years old driver, the treatment is very good, five insurance and one fund have, every holiday welfare also have, the monthly salary after tax ten thousand, a day of work time is Qiyu from home to the company two trips back and forth time." But Qiyu is very picky. Your father must try the car and drive it as steadily as possible. Here is the phone number.

Yoyo was incredulous. "Brother, you're helping me?"

David said, "What's wrong? Didn't you ask me to help you?"

Yoyo said, "I didn't expect you to be so forthcoming..."

He was very embarrassed, and his classmates asked for this job for his father. Not a disgrace. Well, maybe a disgrace.

David said, "If your father doesn't have the skills, then come to me and ask for a job, I may have to think about it, after all, I don't want to cause trouble for Qiyu, but your father has the skills, then there is no problem."

He patted Yoyo very understanding, said: "Don't think too much, I will not give you back door, this job still have to your father to fight for himself, if he is not satisfied with Qiyu, then I have no choice."

Yoyo was moved to say: "Brother really thank you, my father will definitely grasp this opportunity, he is 20 years old driver, driving very stable, even if not selected, it is not his luck, thank you!"

David remembered something and suddenly asked, "You bullied Nada before..."

Yoyo immediately a face of shame: "I will help Ivy before, just because I want to ask him to give my father a job opportunity, but he said to consider it, but I really do not like Ivy those behaviors, do his accomplices, in fact, my conscience is also condemned, fortunately, brother you appeared, hit me hard!" Let me know that conscience can not be bought by money, personality can not be trampled by rights, justice will be absent but not late, so I immediately switched sides to you!"

"Brother you are my spiritual mentor, the beacon of life!" I love you!!"

David: "..."

Is he that great?

Be praised to the mood instantly happy up, back when the face is with a smile.

Nada saw him and said, "After talking with your tutor, I have made a very reasonable schedule. Take a look."

David suddenly broke down and said, "..."

Nada watched his expression change and frowned slightly. "What's wrong? Don't you want to get into Harvard?"

David tried hard to smile. "Of course I do."

His face is "sincere" authentic: "I especially want to enter Harvard, even if it is hard and tired I am not afraid!"

With that, he took the schedule handed over by Nada, only looking at the first line, his eyes turned black, "get up at 4:30??"

Nada said: "The brain is most active in the morning, and memory is better than in the afternoon, so learning efficiency is best at this time..."

"..." David's eyes were straight.

He took a quick look at the schedule and saw that the first part of the schedule was so precise that he had to pee within half a minute.

David put on a mask of pain. "You're right. I'll dream my way into Harvard."

Nada stopped talking and just stared at David.

David couldn't stand being stared at and asked, "What's wrong? Are you angry?"

Nada then replied, "No, I can't be mad at you. I'm just sad. I thought you meant Harvard, and I'm glad that we can be together in college."

He lowered his eyes, his face was sad, "It seems that I think too much, we are doomed to separate."

Nada looked out the window and gave David a pretty white side face. "I wish I could go to the same college as you, but I'm sorry," he murmured softly.

David: "..."

His fingers trembled, his lips trembled, and his voice faltered. "Can you get up at five? Can you give me at least half an hour?"

Nada said softly, "Is ten minutes OK? High school students can't last that long, can they?"

David said vaguely, "I'll give you two shots."

Nada: "Too much hurt, no spirit to study, five minutes."

David: "..."