
Chapter 12

The next day, Nada came to class, but David took his seat ahead of her.

David is very popular, and now there are some boys crowded next to the seat, and they are chatting excitedly about something.

Nada walked past, and David saw her first. With a stretch of his arm, he patted the boys blocking the aisle. "Make way, let Nada in."

Nada glanced over and saw a handheld game console in his hand.

Nada sat down in her seat and methodically took out her textbooks and an old pencil case.

David handed the video game to one of the boys. "Go ahead and play with it."

The boy gave a shout and said, "Thank you Nada!"

A group of boys huffed and puffed their positions.

David asked, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Nada replied, "Yeah."

David said, "I didn't sleep well. I studied late into the night."

Nada looked at him. "Till late at night?"

David nodded with a steady, reliable look on his face. "I learned to have dark circles under my eyes at two in the morning."

I can't tell. David's still a guy who plays alone and works hard behind his back.

Nada thought so. "Get enough sleep," she said. "You'll be fresh for class."

David said, "But I love studying so much that I can't stop."

Nada asked, "Which university do you want to take the college entrance examination?"

This question stumps David. According to the small test arranged for him by his tutor yesterday, his score is very difficult to get into a university. Naturally, Adolf is willing to throw money at him to go to school, which is not difficult, but he does not love studying, and if the university is strictly controlled, he may not graduate.

Think of the past life suffered if there is no ridicule, especially he has a brilliant academic ability of the enemy, a comparison, he was suddenly seconds into slag.

He can think I can't do it in a previous life, but my wife is amazing, so let my wife take care of you. So he was ridiculed by his enemies, and he went to complain to Nada, and Nada was able to find the court for himself immediately.

Nada robbed the man of tens of millions of orders, or deliberately raised the price on the bidding project, so that the man suffered a lot of losses, and finally can only say that he can only rely on his wife...

At that time, David was still secretly proud, thinking that you want to rely on it, but you can't rely on it, single dog.

... Think of it this way, Nada, in addition to being too bossing him, is really nice to him, and takes it out on him.

But he's also a real loser.

What Nada can do, why can't he do?

Now that he had been given ten years to do it again, he had to become so powerful that Nada adored himself in the first place.

He dropped the dignity of a man at his feet, to be picked up at this time!

David thought of this and exclaimed, "I want to go to Harvard!"

Nada looked at a confident David, her eyes glowing and her voice a little softer. "Me, too."

David had no idea how hard it was to get into Harvard, and he began to brag about it: "I want to get serious, Cambridge and MIT are asking me to let me go!"

Nada said, "Well, you're smart after all."

David couldn't help but look at him, his eyes shining. "... Do you really think so?"

Nada thought for a moment and said, "Only study."

David paused. "What does that mean? Why only study?"

Nada said: "Yesterday the internal examination was organized and I was asked to assassinate a person."

David was quiet for a moment, but after a while, he asked, "... Who is it?" It's not him, is it?

Nada: That's why it's only about learning.

She looked at David with almost pitying eyes.

David swallowed and said with difficulty, "Murder is against the law. Don't be impulsive."

Nada: "..."

He was about to confess when someone called out to him, "Nada!"

Nada looked up and saw Yoyo.

Yoyo stands uncomfortably at the door of the classroom and continues, "Come out here, I want to talk to you."

David has a good memory, and immediately remembered that it was the person who was pulled by Nada at the Golden Jade Hotel.

It didn't look good, and David asked ominously, "Why did she come to you?" Want to pick on you?"

Nada looked at him as if he wanted to stand up for himself, and he was in a trance. Why did he help himself so much in the beginning?

The Golden Jade Hotel was, and still is, Nada looked at him, and despite Yoyo's gentle call and urging at the door, she whispered a question that she had always wanted to ask but had forgotten to ask, "Why did you say you knew me at the Golden Jade Hotel?"

David's fierce expression congeared, and suddenly there was a silly look. He rolled his eyes slightly and said, "If you know each other, is there a reason?"

"I don't think we've met," Nada said.

David thought for a moment and whispered, "I just met you. I didn't even know your name then."

Nada asked, "Why did you help me then?"

"Because I am willing to help others, my father said from a young age to help the people around me, I just listen to my father." This is not a lie. Although Adolf doted on David, he was also very principled. Knowing that David liked to play, did not love to study, and did not want to inherit the family business, his expectation for him changed to be a good boy.

When Nada heard the answer, she was shocked. She looked at David again and said earnestly, "You are good."

David also froze for a moment, this sentence he also said to Nada in a previous life, Nada did not respond. His heart was racing and his mouth was parched.

He suddenly realized that eighteen-year-old Nada was much more lively than she had been in her previous life, and that she would speak her mind directly instead of keeping it all bottled up and wondering what she was thinking.

Realizing this, David held back some emotion and whispered, "You really feel good?"

Nada nodded. "Of course, helping others is a valuable quality."

David opened his mouth. "That... Would you like such a person?"

Nada curled her lips slightly and gave a faint smile. "No one can dislike such a person."

Remembering David's behavior, she added, "However, your willingness to help may come back to haunt you if you meet someone who is not right about it."

David almost thought Nada had been reborn.

When he became an adult, he had a month's pocket money of eight million, his father gave, his mother gave, and grandfather there, the money spent every month could not be spent, so he would lend friends to open a company or investment relief, of course, without exception, because of the bankruptcy of the company and other reasons, the money could not be collected back, anyway, he could not spend all his money every month, he also said not to return.

All in all, even if he did not calculate, he knew that there should be tens of millions.

But Nada knew this and didn't let him in for a week so he could get the money back.

But how can he ask for the money back when he says he doesn't have to? And he can't spend it all himself. It's all friends. It's not a big deal.

At that time, this matter really troubled him for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it, and brazenly asked for money - and didn't get much back, but at least he could enter the house, and at that time, his bank card was paid...

David looked into Nada's eyes with horror and asked cautiously, "... Why do you say that?"

Nada stood up, not bothered to ask David to give way, and directly moved the table forward out of a gap, she had long legs, the narrow gap was also able to walk through, and heard David's crepe words, casually said: "I guess."

David chewed the words and breathed a sigh of relief, just fine, Nada wasn't reborn.

If Nada was born again, wouldn't he still have to marry her? ———— five years of husband and wife know oneself know the enemy also embarrassed not to marry ah.

But he doesn't want to live on $100 a day anymore.

Lucky he was the only one who was born again.

When David saw Nada go out, he couldn't sit still, so he got up and followed.

Out of the classroom, as soon as I approached Nada, I heard Yoyo say, "Ivy is coming back, what can you do?"

Before Nada could speak, she heard David's voice behind her, "Who is Ivy?"

When Yoyo saw David coming, Ben didn't pay any attention. However, after seeing his face clearly, she was stunned.

David is so good-looking and has strong personal characteristics that it is hard to forget him at a glance on the street, not to mention that Yoyo is threatened by him!

Yoyo was impressed by this rich kid in a Lamborghini!

He had never been here again, so he did not know what the transfer would be like, and now when he saw him, he shuddered and asked, "Why are you here?"

David saw that she remembered himself and gave Nada a smug look.

Nada didn't know what he was proud of, and she didn't pay any attention. She calmly said to Yoyo, "He just transferred to another school."

Yoyo stammered, "You're the transfer student, it's all over the place these days... We really have a fate."

David asked, "What do you want with her? Trying to bully her again?"

Yoyo quickly said: "How dare, I now consider Nada as a sister, so hurry to inform."

Taking a breath, he answered the question David asked him at the beginning, and said a clean one: "Ivy is Ivy, and Nada is in the same class, the same dormitory, love for her before, that time in the Golden Jade Hotel, Ivy got Nada drunk, let us take her back to school stripped naked and threw her in the women's bathroom, let her lose face..." Of course, you stopped us at that time and didn't let us make a mistake. Now my other friend and I have realized our mistakes and don't want to help them anymore."

And actively said: "The last time Ivy wanted to make Nada famous as a homosexual in the whole school, I also tipped off Ivy did not succeed!"

After saying that, Yoyo looked at David's increasingly ugly face and said quietly with joy, "She is not a thing, I have long been accustomed to her!"

David's face turned red and he said angrily, "That's too much! Is she still human? "

Yoyo keeps nodding, "Yes, yes, yes, too much! She's not even human!"

David is half a head taller than Yoyo and takes her to the side, "You tell me again what is going on with this Ivy, what is the ability, dare to bully people so much!"

Yoyo would love nothing more.

Nada stood there and watched David and Yoyo walk to the side, and as Yoyo said, David's face was full of anger for her. There was something strange in her pretty eyes.

Does he do this to everyone?