
The children of Anubis:

Twenty- two years ago Samantha and Deanna Summer's lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic force. In the years after, their father, Joshua Summer's taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and the back roads of America... and taught them how to kill it... Samantha and Deanna travel to Indiana, to investigate a murderer that could be the work of a werewolf. But they soon discover that werewolves aren't the only things going bump in the night. The town is also the home to a pack of jakkals who worship the god Anubis- carrion eating scavengers who hate werewolves. With the help of their friend Jacob, the sisters must stop the werewolf- jakkal turf war before it engulfs the town- and before the god Anubis is awakened.

Natalie_Blake28 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

(Enjoying a slice of cake.)

Chapter two:

Dude, I still can't believe I killed Dracula! Said Deanna Summer's. Samantha took a quick look around the small diner to see if anyone had overheard Deanna. There were six other people present, a mother and her two children, a couple in their seventies, and a brown uniformed delivery driver, but only the mother glanced in their direction. Samantha gave a small sheepish smile and shrugged. She frowned then turned away. Inside voice, Samantha said to her sister, but Deanna only grinned, still hyped from the case they just finished. Or maybe she was excited about the slice of cake sitting on the table before her. It was something called Razzelberry Delight, a multi layered fruit filled, cream topped desert that looked like a diabetics worse nightmare. The other customers were all eating a slice of pie too, from traditional favorites like cheesecake and strawberry cake. A little slice of heaven supposedly served the best pies for a thousand miles at least, that's what their slogan claimed. Samantha opted for a safer choice chocolate, and she had to admit it was damn good. Maybe the best she'd ever had. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their desert's, especially Deanna, who was already on her second piece of what Samantha thought of as death in a pie tin.

After dealing with the Thule in Columbus, Deanna had insisted they celebrate their victory over the vampire necromancer's by visiting Little slice of heaven, and while Samantha had been reluctant to come here at first, she was glad that they had, if for no other reason than it was nice to do something normal after their last case. They continued eating in silence for a time. Deanna put the last forkful of Razzelberry Delight into her mouth, closing her eyes and sighing. So what's the verdict? Samantha asked. A few more bites of cake were still left, but she wasn't sure if she could finish them. If she couldn't get them down, Deanna would. Without opening her eyes, Deanna held up a finger. She finished chewing, swallowed, then opened her eyes and smiled.

Best cake ever. Said Deanna Summer's. Better than Biggerson's? Samantha asked her sister. Deanna's smile fell away and her expression became reflective. That's a rough one. She thought for a moment, and then said. A little slice of heaven is better. Deanna glanced down at the remaining chocolate cake on Samantha's plate. Without asking, she began eating. Samantha smiled. Their lives were often chaotic, if not often insane and it was little things like Deanna's love of cake that helped counter some of the craziness. It was such a small, normal thing, but that was what made it so comforting, especially after a case like the last one. It was important that they paused to appreciate everyday pleasures, like a good slice of cake. You know what would go good after the cake? Deanna asked.

More cake ? Samantha asked. Deanna grinned, you aren't wrong, but I was thinking about a cup of coffee. There's a little diner about thirty miles from here called Josephine's, which is supposed to have the best coffee in the state. Maybe we could swing by and. Said Deanna Summer's. Samantha's phone buzzed, cutting Deanna off. She had an email alert. Samantha had set up search engines to alert her whenever a news item fitting the right parameters was posted somewhere. The message was one such alert. Deanna's expression became serious. Time to get back to work. Said Samantha. What is it? Another case? Deanna asked her. Maybe, Samantha said. It's a news story from Bridge Valley, Indiana. Replied Samantha. Samantha went on to tell Deanna about how several days ago a truck driver came across the scene of a multilation murder involving three people who acted like animals and who'd taken their victims heart. The local sheriff said he suspects it might be the work of some kind of cult, Samantha said.

The sheriff's an idiot, Deanna said. If you're talking about animal people who steal hearts, you're talking about werewolves. And it sounds like it might be a pack. Deanna said. Sure does, Samantha said. She slipped her phone into her pocket of her jeans. Looks like the coffee will have to wait. Samantha said. How far away is Bridge Valley? Deanna asked her. I don't know. A few hours, I guess, Samantha said. Deanna stood up. Well, if we're hitting the road. I'm getting more cake to go. Deanna said.
