
The Chef's Secret Romance

After losing her husband, Isla Gabrielle Gomez, at 38 thought she'd never love again. But when she meets Angelo Razonable, a charming young man 17 years her junior, she feels a spark she can't ignore. The only problem? Angelo is her daughter's best friend. Isla knows their age gap and the potential for family drama is a recipe for disaster, but she can't help her feelings. As they cross their forbidden love, Isla and Angelo battled societal norms, judgmental society, and their own doubts. Isla, a former beauty queen and successful chef, has always been in control, but Angelo's youthful energy and passion for life challenge her in ways she never expected. Can they overcome the obstacles and fight for their love, or will they be forced to give up? Set in the picturesque town of Moalboal, Cebu this May-December romance explores the complexities of love, grief, and second chances. Will Isla and Angelo's love story have a happy ending, or will their age difference and past mistakes tear them apart?

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9 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: His First Night Job

In response to my promise, we immediately discussed the reshuffling of our staff's schedule the next day.

"Amy, you're not cut out for working the night shift," I said while looking at her, observing her reaction.

She hesitated but nodded. "I understand, Chef." I also noticed her slight annoyance towards her boyfriend. They probably had a fight.

I swallowed and cleared my throat. "However, if you insist, you can give it a week. I understand how your body functions. You can only handle until ten-thirty."

She smiled cutely and nodded. "You're like a mom to me, Chef. You know everything about me. Alright, I'll still give it a try."

Having been with them for a long time, I observed their attitudes, routines, and hobbies. I knew who among them was talkative, who was quiet, what they did after work, and who still partied even late at night.

"Do you have any additional questions?"

They all shook their heads, visibly satisfied with the upcoming reshuffling. They went back to work while the night shift workers returned to their respective rooms.

The two girls stayed behind in the living hall.

"How old is the newcomer again?" Avril asked.

"Who? Skye's friend?"

I saw one of them nod.

"He's 21, I think. His birthday is on March 19, 2001."

They both laughed. "Damn, he's the youngest among us. I even had a crush on him," she said while playfully slapping her mouth.

"Not just you! That's why some of us transferred to the night shift, so we could be with that young man."

I grabbed a glass of water and pretended to sit on the rattan swinging chair. It had a white foam cushion, and I comfortably leaned back while swaying lightly. I caught a glimpse of my friend entering from outside. She also had a cup of cold water with her.

"He appears to be mature for his age," one of them commented again.

I noticed the other girl nodding. "That's how it is when you're tough from work and the hardships of life."

"They say he's a fisherman. Maybe he's good at diving."

They both laughed, but my brow furrowed, and I couldn't help but speak. "Why? What's wrong with diving? Fishermen do that whenever they want to catch lobsters and king crabs."

The two of them looked at me with surprise on their faces. My friend in the kitchen burst into laughter.

"They're talking about a different kind of diving, Gab!" she exclaimed, laughing so hard tears streamed down her face.

I was confused. "Why? Diving is diving, right?" I shifted my gaze among the three of them while the two girls continued to laugh.

Jen groaned, and I could see the pity in her cute face. "You have a virgin mind for a 38-year-old widow. Corruption is not allowed."

"What's that?" I got even more curious.

"Oh, never mind. Just rest there," she said, grinning.

I shrugged and closed my eyes for a nap.

After about twenty minutes, I returned to the kitchen. It was only three o'clock. At this time, there were only a few customers coming in. Jen, on the other hand, was now on the second floor, taking care of the newly arrived hard liquors and wines.

"Are you waiting for a delivery, Chef?" Kier, our resident chef for the day shift, asked. He was currently making a spicy shrimp burrito.

"No, nothing," I quickly replied. I leaned against the counter and couldn't help but glance at the angel clock hanging above the open kitchen door.

"You've been looking at the clock," he said.


"I've noticed you've been checking the clock. Are you waiting for something?"

I quickly shook my head, but I was taken aback. Oh, boy! What is this young man doing to me? Why am I eagerly anticipating his first night working here? In that moment, I decided to stay away from him, fearing that I might betray myself.

It's crazy! I've only just seen him, and my body surrenders to his gaze. I feel like he has enchanted me with his scent.

I continued to cook, and gradually, he faded from my mind, putting me at ease.

As I rang the bell for someone to come pick up the food I had just cooked, that guy from my thoughts appeared, and my chocolate brown eyes immediately focused on him.

His muscles bulged in his tight white button-down shirt, black vest, and black pants, and I couldn't help but wonder what else was well-defined on his body.

Oh, boy! My mind gets so flirty when I see him! This is ridiculous!

"Hello, Chef!" He smiled and showed me his pearly whites. He had a small name plate on his shirt that said "Angelo" and his job title as "waiter," which I noticed.

I simply nodded but did not return his smile. As he turned his back, his brooding black eyes sunk, and I watched him deliver the food to table twenty-seven. He engaged in conversation with the young people sitting there and showed them the menu again. He took a step back and looked at me as he waited for the girl to give her order. It was too late for me to avert my gaze because he caught me looking at him. He had a wry grin on his face.

I held onto the kitchen counter and pretended to look in a different direction. I couldn't help but sneak another glance at his direction, and bingo! He was still looking at me!

I quickly turned away and tapped my blushing cheeks. He caught me stealing glances at him!

I tried to focus my attention on cooking, and it worked. However, whenever I placed the cooked dishes on the kitchen line, my eyes couldn't help but search for his figure.

I breathed a sigh of relief when it was time to clock out.

And it's amazing that I still have a lot of energy today! It used to be that I could barely crawl back to the staff house due to exhaustion.

"Good night, Chef!" I heard Ador say as I bid them farewell. I walked towards the back door, but my shoulders rose in surprise because Angelo was there! He moved to the side to allow me to pass, and I swear! I could smell his enticing scent again.

"Have you had your dinner, Chef?" He asked in his baritone voice.

I was about to scowl at him, but I couldn't. "I'm just about to eat now," I said softly.

"Can I join you? I have a 30-minute break."

"It's up to you." I swallowed and avoided his gaze as I walked towards the pathway of the staff house.

I was about to eat the food on the dining table that was covered by a food net when he stopped me. "Let's heat it up first, Chef," he said. He didn't wait for my answer but simply took the crispy pork leg sinigang from my hand. He then turned on the stove and heated it in a casserole. He also double-checked the rice cooker.

I just watched his muscular back as he stood with his back turned to me. He had a sexy back, and his well-shaped buttocks were evident in his pants. It seemed rounder than my own butt cheeks!

I secretly smiled and averted my gaze. I didn't want him to catch me again.

I noticed him leaning against the fridge door after I heard him close it. His well-built arms were crossed over his chest, and he was watching me!

I tried to avoid his gaze, but every time I saw that mischievous smile, my whole body heated up, including my cheeks.

"Do you have a crush on me, Chef?" He said playfully.

"W-what?" I couldn't help but shout. This young man! The audacity! But I wanted to scold myself because the answer to his question was a resounding "YES."

"I'm just joking," he said, chuckling. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are, Chef?"

I couldn't answer. I avoided looking at him because I felt my cheeks heating up. Many people had complimented my good looks since I was young, but I always just thanked them or shrugged it off. I was used to being told that, but why am I blushing now that he's admiring my beauty?

"When you and Skye stand together, you look like siblings. And you're even more stunning than she is. In fact, when she reaches your age, she might not be able to match your beauty."

Oh, my God! What is this young man babbling about? I just wanted to leave and get away from him, but I was hungry. We exchanged glances again, and then my stomach growled. He laughed a little, and he looked even more stunningly handsome! He has such appeal when he laughs. I'd rather have him be serious though.

He then locked his gaze on me again.

"Could you please stop staring at me?" I was really getting uncomfortable with his intense stares. The breeze from the open sliding door on the patio in front of the sea was cold, but I felt the warmth in the air because of him.

He took a step towards my seat and leaned against the edge of the table. I was looking up at him because he is now towering over me. He was so close to me that his patchouli scent entered my system right away.

"Isla." Oh, God! When he says my name, it soundsso sweet and alluring. I could feel my heart skip a beat.

"Yes?" I managed to squeak out, my voice barely audible.

"I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I've been drawn to you since the moment I saw you. Your beauty, your grace, everything about you captivates me."

I was taken aback by his confession. My mind was racing, trying to process what he was saying. This was unexpected, to say the least.

"I... I don't know what to say," I stuttered, my cheeks growing warmer by the second.

He reached out and gently brushed his fingers against my cheek. "You don't have to say anything. Just know that I find you incredibly beautiful, and I would love to get to know you better, if you're open to it."

His touch sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't deny the attraction I felt towards him. But I also knew the risks of getting involved with someone I worked with.

"I appreciate your kind words, Angelo," I replied, trying to maintain a level of professionalism. "But we work together, and it might complicate things."

He nodded, his expression filled with understanding. "I understand your concerns, Isla. But sometimes, it's worth taking a chance, especially when the connection between two people is undeniable."

His words struck a chord within me. Could there be something more between us? Was it worth taking a risk?

"I'll think about it," I finally said, my voice barely above a whisper.

He smiled, a mixture of hope and anticipation in his eyes. "That's all I can ask for. Take your time, Isla. I'll be here, waiting."