
The Charmed Ones

Kaya Soydere a high school college graduate returns home to find his mother and younger brother brutally murdered. With his school fees not up to date and his father going to prison for the death of his mother and sibling, a crime he has not commit Kaya has no choice but to make peace with the fact that his life is full of badluck. But then he meets an old man, who gives him new luck...~ Charmed is my very own system, fantasy and adventure story staring main character Kaya who lives in a world with several and questionable phenomenons. When his mother and sibling gets murdered and his father goes to prison for it, he takes it upon himself to avenge his family and find the true culprit. He eventually meets Mr Knight a sorcerer from a secret orginization called the Argon Agency. An elite Force specializing in the exorcising of badluck, which according to Mr Knight, was what killed Kaya's mother and brother. Mr Knight trains Kaya and teaches him how to convert badluck into a special power called divine art and with it, Kaya tries to find his mother's killer.

Erotic_God · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter One

I sprinting, going as fast as I possibly could go. My heart raising, legs pumping and my eyes locked only on one thing. My target.

"Agent Soydere, I would suggest you keep you distance first. For now we have to formulate a plan, do not engage!"

"Sorry, Tris. As much as I would love to hear what plan you have in mind, I can't wait. I am chasing after a knightmare and unless I kill it, it will reach the town then things will get a lot more complicated than they already are!"

"Oh come on, Kaya! Work with me here. This isn't something you can take on your own—"

"Oops! It looks like your line is cutting, it must be weak signal..."

"That doesn't make any sense...Kaya don't you dare!"

"Bye!" I pulled the earpiece off and crushed it.

I was running across the snow picking up more speed. Gathering all luck and focusing that energy to boost my speed and I was closing in on the Knightmare. It looked back and that hideous face saw me getting closer.

Knightmares. Nobody knows the true origin behind, but all I know is that they are ugly monsters that feed on humans and are simply created by pure bad luck. Five years ago, one of these brutally murdered my mother and younger brother, and my father had to take the blame for it. So whenever I had an encounter with these things, I always took it personal.

"That's right, it's just you and me now." I clenched my hands into fists and leaped into the air, throwing two ninja stars at it that exploded on contact and knocked it off balance.

The knightmare rolled in the snow before colliding with a tree, that much that the tree tumbled over. This one was a large one, second grade at best.

It had the form a ten feet tall Minotaur. Unlike in those Greek folklore this one has actual sharp teeth meant to tear into the flesh of its prey. It even had claws and wasn't very happy after the hit that I landed on it.

It got up off the ground and growled at me. It's red glowing eyes looking at me and it had only one thing in mind. To take my life. I wondered if that was what the one that attacked my family thought of them.

"Good. I have your attention."

I got in a stance. Knightmares were predators, and in its eyes I was only just a prey. It not knowing I was the actual predator, gave me the advantage. I could use the element of surprise because it's eyes, I didn't look capable of ending its life. But luck was on my side now.

It growled before it vanished, leaving only a trail of dusty snow. But it didn't vanish as it reappeared right infront me, charging it's horns at my torso.

Luckily I was about to react on time, quickly dropping to my knees, grabbing onto the horns so I could boost himself and slide underneath it. I then came from behind and came from behind clenching my fists and unleashing a power punch against its back.

I still remembered the first day I got trained by Mr Knight. He taught me things that made me see the whole world differently. In life there was always fate and there was luck. Something that changed your fate against all odds. If this luck was convertible to energy then bad luck itself was a very potent power source.

My bad luck and past trauma gave me the power to increase the air pressure around my fists allowing the output unleashed by a single punch to be manified by a hundred. A punch like that could blow a hole through a wall and this case, not even bull could could tank such a blow. It sent the bull flying into the snow. But that wasn't enough to kill it.

It came at me again and this time I was ready for it. At first glance I already figured out how it would attack. Knightmares always act on killed instinct, therefore they never think strategically and only attack with one single move. This bull was only charging at me again.

The technique I used with my luck was called the destructive death technique. It didn't just make my punches harder, but made me faster too.

I easily slid myself to the side and just as it missed again, I delivered a kick into its ribs and then I kept going at it. Giving more right hooks and left jabs aimed at its torso. I was shorter and quicker, meaning there was more open weak spots for me to reach.

The bull growled and tried to grab me, but I jumped it missed. I then grabbed one of its horns and continuously smashed my fist into its face. Anger was all I felt and my rage was what gave me fuel for a fight. I wanted to make it suffer for all the lives it already too. But that wasn't how things were done in the Argon Agency. I needed to exorcise it, the only way a knightmare could be defeated.

Suddenly I felt this sharp pain in my side. When I looked down I saw bone shard piercing my side, going in deeper and looking as if it came from the bulls forehead.

"Gch!" I quickly used my elbow enhanced by my destructive death technique to snap the bone shard, but while I was in midair stunned by the surprise attack, the bull smacked me with the back its hand and the next second I was hitting the bottom of a tree.

Argon sorcerers were strong and all, but we still human. The bone didn't pierce any viral organs, but I just decreased my chances of winning because I was stupid to not even look for any sign of blood works. Blood works is what call them. Some knightmares have a unique magic power of their own, something we call bloodwork, which made it even more difficult to exorcise them.

A wound like this wasn't going to keep my down though, but it wasn't long before it unleashed its next attack.

The whole snowy field around me got pierced by boneshards after the bull drilled its fists into the ground. The earth beneath me trembling and all the bounce were sharp as they came right at me. The attack covered too much ground, there was no way I could dodge any of that.

I suspected this minotaur only had short range attacks, not long range.

I was going to die and in that moment, my life flashed before my eyes...