
The Chaos of Space

Nyclong86 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


The feeling of being betrayed is probably the worst feeling in the world.

I couldn't believe what Iwas seeing. My girlfriend, Liz, whom I loved and trusted with all my heart, was sitting in a cozy café across from another man. They were laughing and touching each other's hands, a sight that made my stomach churn with jealousy and betrayal.

I had suspected something was off with Liz lately, she had been distant and evasive whenever I asked her about her whereabouts. But this was a whole new level of deceit. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces as I watched them lean in for a kiss.

Without thinking, I stormed into the café, drawing the attention of the other patrons. Liz's eyes widened in shock as she saw me approaching, her hand flying to her mouth in guilt.

"What the hell is going on here, Liz? Who is this guy?" I demanded, my voice laced with anger and hurt.

Liz stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse, but I couldn't bear to hear it. I turned on my heel and stormed out of the café, my heart heavy with the weight of betrayal.

As I walked through the busy streets, tears welled up in my eyes. I had never felt so betrayed and heartbroken in my life. Liz had been my rock, my partner in crime, and now she had betrayed me in the worst possible way.

I knew I had to confront Liz, to hear the truth from her own lips. But I also knew that my heart may never fully recover from the betrayal I had just witnessed.

2 months have passed since I witnessed the scene that left me devastated. A week after I was betrayed I found out that I was also diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and didn't have much time left. That's where I currently am, laying in a hospital bed, listening to the machines beeping around me.

Reflecting back on my life I find it very laughable how much I didn't get to accomplish. I was an orphan from a young age and vowed that I would make something of myself and start my own family. Well we can see how much of that worked out huh. Dying in a hospital with no friends or family around, just slowly feeling more and more pain. I was never really religious but I find myself questioning god in the last few minutes of my life. Questioning why my life ended up like this, why me of all people, what did I ever do to deserve this.

Those were my thoughts as I slowly got really tired, so very tired. I stare up at the lights in my hospital room as my eyes slowly start to close and I can feel the pain subsiding. That was the last thing I remember before dying a sad and lonely guy from earth.

This is the journey that I hope will amazing for us all. It will be my first book so please be patient and understanding! So sit back and enjoy and let’s all have some fun!

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