
The Chaos Chronicles

This is The first book in The Chaos Chronicles Saga. This book introduces The Simulacra. The first of The Three Siblings. I hope your ready for a great journey as a group of kids fight for the existence of The World This Story is no longer Updated.

A_Masked_Writer · Fantasia
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46 Chs


Brandon stared at kaiya. He snapped his fingers and teleported to cleburne. He looked around and saw desolate cars, desolate buildings, dead zombies, and then he saw himself in the window of a store. He saw what he has become. "What have I become",said Brandon looking at his hands. The glove on the right hand started glowing a bright blue glow. Then the voice came back "You and I are now one". Brandon listened more. "With your power of oxios and my power combined. We are unstoppable. You replaced The Simulacra. What is your name". Brandon's eyes glowed blue then said, "My name is Arkos".