

I woke up feeling overly excited because the day I had been waiting for all my life is finally here, this is the day I become the yuksek rahibe(high priestess) of the zakora witch coven, I personally prefer to call it the witch tribe rather than coven because people tend to think our coven is a spooky and creepy place but it's nothing like that, our tribe is actually a beautiful place full of life and the power of nature.we are witches but we live like any other people, enjoying the little things in life, we had unity among us and we believe in nature which is exactly why our tribe uses only what nature provides, the trees, the animals, the stunning blue sea, and the thatch we use to build our houses, it has the natural feel and everything one could ever ask for.

Well a little introduction first,

I am Karla, the grand daughter of the rahibe and the next in line to be rahibe of the zakora witch coven.

Actually, my mom was supposed to be the next rahibe but unfortunately she died giving birth to me so here i am, taking up the mantle of leadership from my grandma, grandma risha and am super excited about it.

Today i am turning 20 and my birthday party would be my coronation and being the rahibe is my free ticket towards learning the greatest spell of all spells. It is called the boundspell and only the rahibe's are entitled to learn and cast the it. Knowing the boundspell gives the rahibe power and supremacy to rule over all other witches and now after my coronation, the former rahibe which is my grandmother, Grandma risha will be teaching me how to cast the boundspell.

The boundspell protects the tribe from all external forces, although we built walls round the zakora coven, it was not enough to protect us so we use the bound to seal our tribe off from the outside world so there is no penetration.

After I become the rahibe, grandma risha will be taking down her own boundspell and I as the new rahibe will cast a new spellbound which can only be taken down by me and no one else.

Ah, I can hear grandma risha calling for me

I better brace myself for some scolding

Mahn, this old witch scolds a lot