
The Champion's Wine System

“You know we don’t have to battle” A woman with dark color eyes a fair skin said . Her skin was covered in full suit of armor and her weapon a beautiful crafted Azure spear. Meredith in her pure blue and white hoop sleeved robes. Nod while say “I know” her voice uncaring about her soon to be opponent. "Then why make it difficult for me” the woman sighed she was so close now she has to face this devil of a woman. “ Its not my fault you decided to go against the worlds Will”. “Your presence here isn't even alined with Fath , you took an unassuming path “. ‘Pitty’ merdith shook her head as she spoke inernally. "Futhermore Your presence here threaten the last soul existence, leave or I’ll have to kill you . " “Make a choice, do it quickly.” A bit impatient about the matter. “I have Wine’s to make!”merdith futher exclaimed making it seem as if she woman exitence was not worth her taking time off from her refining. Seeing her opponent gritted her teeth , she knew the out come of her question. Just as she was ready to summon her weapon. A voice in her head. ‘Let me have the fool, you gotten soft since coming here!. ' Chuckling “I just focus more on making wines nowadays “ Meredith replied. ‘Yeah , yeah , yeah just make sure I get my blood wine’. ‘I already have it’ 'Bloody Hell you been hold out on your home girl!.' 'Time have changed Remi lamented. When had she ever suffers such.' ‘You know why Remi, you been drink beyond cultivation, having trouble at home ‘ ‘Shut it!’ ‘I’ll take that as a yes. Chuckling’ While bickering 5 seconds have passed . 'I’ll let you have just don’t burn my stamina too much I got work it do after .' ‘Tsk , looks like see won’t be able to use the '.Empyean Blood Art! .’ Meredith demeanor change after Remi too over previous she was clam and general uncaring. Now not only dress in Blood red Battle armor , but had her favorite weapons summoned. Crimson Queen you never had the change to taste the blood of an immortal yet have you . ‘No master’Her halberd glowed in response. “Then let's get you a drink!!” said a undulating excitement ....... Meredith Walker former Federation general and know by those in the shadows are Madam Widow her presence and her organization was feared Having died at 86 she was sent to a world were spiritual Energy was possible to cultivate. Watch her climb realms and destroy them , along with her slightly crazier half Remi. All her journey at the end fight for the chance to be come a God all while taking a swig of Wine!. Come Read the Champions Wine System ! Read her Journey to God Hood!.

Dark_Alpha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Waking Up, Impurities

While Meredith was unconscious Remi took watch over her body, getting the change to watch the subtle changes Meredith body was undergoing after being paced in deep sleep.

Meredith body was slowing breaking down, she wasn't sure of how long such process would take for anyone's else, but she could see Meredith skin tightening.

Meredith muscles fibers, were contracting and relaxing, thinning out while new ones grew in place.

The blood underwent the most visible change, at one-point Meredith body stared burning up, if she was awake the smell of her own blood.

The it was leaving her body in vapors, then after the burning process it would thicken with the energy, glowing for a second, before stopping again, her core organs were strengthening, heart lungs, liver and kidney were strengthen, the blood flowing though the heart was thicker but flowed easy , pumping hard but quietly .

When the energy reached the bones, not much change could be seen.

Remi was unsure if Meredith would be being in pain if she was conscious for all of this perhaps it why they are going into slumber, for this slight metamorphosis process.

Remi could feel the slight increase in strength although unsure of just grow much.

Astonished that just some remnant energy could cause such changes in the body, achieving such things of earth though normal mean of increasing strength was impossible. while egger to test Remi decided to wait.

While the process was getting slower over time Meredith showed no sign of awaking during the process.

They would see the changes of their hard work over the pass few months in order to get here.

Remi kept a watch after seen the changes slowing down even further, she was unaware how long this process had been going on she forget to count at beginning.

Look out into darkness of the cave Remi relaxed against the wall trying not to move the body too much as she was unaware if such actions would cause complications later.

The darkness was silent she felt comfortable here she knew Meredith was too it kept the mind sharp as it naturally forces the body to be on high alert , but been in the darkness for most of her life is not all of it its had been on a part of it she fit in naturally away from all the chaos if the world.

While in though she felt the energy seem don't most of its work and was pushing something out of her skin, with not light she could not check but the scent was awful to say the least , shutting of the receptor connect that part she held out until Meredith awaken.

… … …

Sometime later Remi was forced back while Meredith resumed consciousness,

'Wakey wake, you ass is very flakey, no hands can save me'

'Morning Remi'.

while Meredith was still groggy, she heard Remi surprisingly cheerful voice.

Its was then the smell hit, instantly wondered what died.

Wondered what remit killed while she was out, she knew she was in a cave the air flow was pretty much nonexistent.

"Smells like sh*t here" meredith could not help but exclaim.

Feeling the itchiness of the skin she wondered what's that was. it felt like she was out in the sun all day and never cleaned, the sweat ended drying and the salt condenses in to crystal and caused the itching and burning.

Its was what she was feeling now, her eyes lids felt like they were weld shut, it reminded her when she got pink eye when she was younger.

Quickly manipulating some water stands she wet her eye her eyes, a wiping away what was there and did this a few times not wanted to get what covered her eye lids in the them.

After getting her eyes open, the dark cave greeted her

Manipulating some Fire Spiritual Energy, she noticed neither the quantity increased, or her control had dropped.

Easily making a few motes of light, they illuminated the cave, the many fist , halberd and arrow impact could be seen.

Taking a look at her hands they were cover in black like solids in patches and the area scratched, she notices the smell was from here.

Seeing that the smell was coming from her, the black crystalized substance to be exact. however, being unfamiliar with it, she knew who to ask.

{Edith what is this back stuff?}

[It's a combinations of dead cells of various organ in the body, it its release ever time the body is improved wither small or major cultivation or some other external energy that improves the body .]

[ This process after rebuilding and destroying and getting rid of weaker cells and replacing with stronger one the black substance called" Impurities" by cultivators here]

[Regardless as long a energy to the body is supplied it will undergo a series of improvement.]

Ok so ill must do this again huh.

Smelling her self again which had broken her though process

{Edith do you have a change of clothes,}

[The robes them self comes with a cleaning rune, injecting spirit Spiritual Energy regardless of elemental attribute, will activate the function.]

[If there is not Spiritual Energy or by any other mean of Spiritual Energy sealed or just empty, placing it in the inventory then removing it will do the same]

Meredith immediately removing clothes and placing them in her inventory.

Right away manipulating her fire and water Spiritual Energy to take a hot shower, hoping to remove as much as this scent as possible.

She would have to take a nice soaked when she can, though it may be a while.

Retrieving her clothes after cleaning up Meredith notices the smell was gone not a trace of the awful odor.

Look at she area where she rested previously, she rinsed it down as well.

Smells and feeling much better Meredith check to changes her body went though, having already noticed that her manipulation hasn't dropped or and increased in Spiritual Energy, she figured she would have to take the leading increase ding elemetial Spiritual Energy drops in her energy seed.

Clenching her fist and flexing her other muscles, she notices the reaction was much less, although the power out put was increased her muscle mass gone down somewhat.

{My muscles. What's up with that with the reduction of muscles mass?}

[Gain and reduction of muscles in this universe follow a universal law, Female species are of the Yin natures, as such they closely follow the aspect of Beauty, Intelligence, Flexibility, Soul, Ice, Darkness and Death.]

Creatures of the Yin nature especially human women would have the Beauty enhance along with the flexibility and soul, as such a much more suited to cultivate

As such are all female secular places you will encounter in the future will follow this law , however they are exception , a woman can be born with a Yang constitution ,resulting in her needed Yin cultivation techniques and Natural or human made treasures of Yin nature to balance the Yan in her body , if not he life could be much shorter than average .

[A woman can have too much Yin. Such circumstances are rare thus this is mostly for mortal woman who don't cultivate. as a woman your self you will see these aspects being increased, also cultivating techniques of these elements will find them easier. Key factor Nothing is absolute in this universe!]

{What about the skeleton system will that bee change under the influence of Yin?}

[Without a bloodline pertaining too it, No]

So, her arm and legs will get a bit slender and skin will get clear, alright doesn't sound too bad.

Checking her status to see if there were any other changes

[ Host Name: Meredith Walker

Age: 86

Gender: Female

Status: Healthy

Cultivation: 2 of the Spiritual Energy Accumulation Realm

Cultivation Technique: Tri-Element Art,

Martial Technique: Fire Fist, Feather Foot. Water Skin.

Weapons Techniques: Imperial Win Art, 7 Kills, Star Meteoroid Art

Bounded Weapons: Blood Yin Halberd, Crystal Brow, Star Needle

Spirit Root: Wind, Fire, Water.

Meridians Opened:

Prime: 5/12

Normal: 60/120

Fine: 6k/12.

Storage: 2/100]

She saw that her weapons no longer take up inventory slots perhaps another one-time thing, always she was grateful for the extra space.

Now she needs to raise her cultivation, then after getting 60-70% mastery she will finial leave the cave by then end of her cultivation here it would have already been 6-7 months.

Finding herself another section of the cave to sit, by this time most of the motes of lights she released have dissipated especially after floatation a certain distance. with no intention of creating more Meredith sat down.

From her inventory she pulls a gourd, she remember Edith had place concentrated drops a non-attributed Spiritual Energy here , if her conjecture this should be like Spirit Crystals here , perhaps even better as this should be easier to absorbed.