
The CEO Stole Me From My Ex-Husband

When she was giving birth, she learnt that her husband actually loved her sister. For her sister, he wouldn't hesitate to cast her into hell. Everyone looked down on her. Yet they didn't know, she had already caught the eye and captured the heart of another man, a man of overwhelming power...

Mu Mu · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
150 Chs

Chapter 115: There's Only One Person He Wants to Save

As the atmosphere in the living room grew colder, Yan Jianguo looked around nervously and finally couldn't bear it any longer, slapping his thigh and saying with a worried frown, "Beicheng, this can't go on, let me tell the truth for you!"

Li Beicheng's expression changed, and he rebuked in a low voice, "Shut up."

"If I hadn't just happened to pass by the door, I wouldn't have known about your deep feelings for Shuirou..." Yan Jianguo sighed and wiped away tears, then hesitantly closed his mouth.

He had already decided to place the glory and wealth of his later life on Li Beicheng, and since his daughter Yan Xiaye couldn't tie him down, then replacing her with Yan Shuirou was not a problem. As long as no other woman out there could get ahead of them, it was a great thing.