
The CEO Is the Daddy to Triplets

Li An'An was labeled a murderer's daughter as a child, abused and tormented endlessly in the family of her adopted parents. Four years later, she made a grand return with three daughters. Top car models, gourmet bloggers, and CEO daughters were all blinded by her magnificence. Still, the worst was the CEO of an empire of commerce who could bewitch any woman was constantly tagging along wherever she went!

Xing Bi · Urbano
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493 Chs


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Li An'an sat in the car and took a selfie for Jùnjùn.

Outside the car, Chu Yichen strode over. He was not alone, but with a group of people. These people followed behind him. They looked like people from the entertainment industry. Liang Qian and Chu Yichen walked side by side. When they came up to Chu Yichen's black luxury sports car, Liang Qian stopped.

She thought for a moment and said, "CEO Chu, is your car a new model? I've never seen it before."

Chu Yichen nodded. "Yes, the company's latest sports car. There's only one in the world."

Excitement flashed across Liang Qian's face. She looked at the sports car with a burning gaze. No wonder the make was so exquisite. There was only one in the world. Chu Yichen was indeed a man who stood at the top of the wealth pyramid.

Liang Qian studied the car carefully, but the window was rolled up, so she could not see the inside of the car. She could only see Chu Yichen and her reflection on the glass.